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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 600x600, arthoe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13175856 No.13175856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get an arthoe egf who has good taste in literature?

>> No.13175871

You will never get one if you have to ask.

>> No.13176123

they're annoying
why do people want to date a clone of them. the thrill of dating is in meeting someone who's different. I'm not evven str*ight but these type of girls are annoying as sin

>> No.13176244

>not evven str*ight
There's your fucking problem: you don't wanna bone 'em

>> No.13176249

focus on other things than her hobbies when you're looking for a gf

>> No.13176261

How do I find them? I just want to bang them and then leave them

>> No.13176262

They don't exist, so you will never get one. And if you do find manage they will just manipulate you and hurt you. Take the sage pill, join us and Schopenhauer.

>> No.13176274

Especially the relationship between her and her father

>> No.13176280
File: 246 KB, 1125x1780, 0C2A58C4-6595-41A0-ABB5-DC81A62E4967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toronto, Ontario, This one, has green panties for you

>> No.13176289

but WHERE?

>> No.13176295

>clone of them
How is getting a gf who reads wanting a clone of yourself?

>> No.13176301

Tfw no arthoe gf in Vancouver who doesnt mind her bf bein fugly

>> No.13176308

Ask her, but I don’t believe she reads, for one she uses Instagram to feel good about herself

>> No.13176318

>arthoe egf who has good taste in literature?
literally no such thing in existence. might aswell wish for a transgender neonazi interested in numismatics or a french scholar of XVIII century bulgarian painting who's also a fortnite youtuber and a dancer.

>> No.13176320

>sage pill
Im intrigued, please tell me more

>> No.13176334

I don't care about her you twat. I just want to find the common place which the result of their mould comes from so I can bang a few

>> No.13176338

what's the deal with that pose?

>> No.13176345

You can find a huge number of literature-interested XVIII century ladies digging in some cemetery tho

>> No.13176397

go to any big city in the world, then find out where the trashiest hipster bars are

>> No.13176412

You are a fucking retard

>> No.13176450

I don't see how that's relevant cunt

>> No.13176451

>having a gf in current year
I dropped out of society sometime around 2006. There's been a ton of depression and suicidal thoughts since then, but you know what? I STILL prefer this over re-integrating with society just to get a gf. Shit's not worth it, society is miserable and will make you miserable with it.

>> No.13176479
File: 1.09 MB, 1125x1608, 86FACE03-B362-4EEE-A0C3-21E5C0D7569D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger seems to like reading, look in the comments, I’m sure a lot of pretentious arthoes are there, imagine going to a niggers profile just to find arthoes, I have found a new low

>> No.13176533

ideal is a cute kind 3rd world gf who doesn't read but values the fact that you do

>> No.13176628

I don't appreciate your tone

>> No.13176642

basically the gamer girls of literature.
they're horrid people. you always want to date someone good looking with a good personality meaning kind, humble, charitable, independent, social and supportive.

lust is not love. if you want to fuck someone buy a whore.

>> No.13176650

My local park has an addiction clinic nwxt to it. often the inpatients come out for walkies with their parents. Most of them are young posh girls. Should I be trying tk bang them? Im kind of inthe opposite situation to you.

>> No.13176663

>transgender neonazi
Actually more common than you think. The numismatics part might be possible considering the high incidence of autism among transgenders.

>> No.13176756
File: 770 KB, 4160x2080, IMG-20190421-WA0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one. She doesn't want to be my girlfriend. I might be getting friendzoned and I don't know if I care. I just want to have sex with her mind cause I'm basically talking to myself, we are very alike, we are both immigrants and we can talk about the literature of our native coutry, we talk about poetry, law and politics too, I can't ask for a better /arthoe/ nevertheless, she will never fall in love with me, I am almost sure about that.

I have a girl on the side that I have sex with, I don't really have any deep conversations with her.

>> No.13177041

This entire thread is a shit show... are you implying that no girl ever reads? Have you ever been near to an art school they're nearly all females studying useless degrees in philosophy, english, history, russian literature, whatever..

Even science bitches love reading but those are high quality bitches which means you have to be high quality yourself to even run in the same circle as they.

>> No.13177088

Where you live anon?

>> No.13177176

Why wont she love you anon

>> No.13177242

Incel thread detected
Hang yourself

>> No.13177259

Where is that?

>> No.13178616

she doesn't sound like your gf, you just sound like you're orbiting her lol

>> No.13178628
File: 972 KB, 1617x1080, arthoe gf-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13178629
File: 19 KB, 1265x196, tfw.gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13178632

They don't exist. My gf loves Spenser, Dante, Beowulf and especially Shakespeare, but she is absolutely not an arthoe, in fact she basically tje opposite, she thinks Roy Moore was a gud boi who dindu nuffin and she is an isolationist and makes Jew jokes

>> No.13178638

>in fact she basically tje opposite
so what does she look and dress like?

>> No.13178642

Well here we go I guess.

>> No.13178655

>tosses dice

>> No.13178666
File: 2.50 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190524_223213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now in Amsterdam
She isn't physically attracted to me
Paris, at the Seine

>> No.13178679


>> No.13178682


>> No.13178686

what charlottes ig tho

>> No.13178707

so in the end the chances of finding one are similar to the ones of finding an arthoe egf with good taste. theoretical.

>> No.13178710
File: 1.14 MB, 2479x3697, Eugene_Ionesco_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling for Jessica or Luna

>> No.13178712


>> No.13178716

once you've made 1337 non-deleted non-literature threads the high council awards you one

>> No.13178720

>clone of them
arthoe detected

>> No.13178721

Damn my luck

>> No.13178731

be happy you had it for a while Ben, don't be greedy

>> No.13178736


>> No.13178737

why do mods never delete these shitty threads?

>> No.13178740


>> No.13178744

fuck yes I got zoe

>> No.13178832

I wanna cum in her nose