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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 725x423, 3E3CA791-834B-4348-8410-21B3E67DA6C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13174089 No.13174089 [Reply] [Original]

>here’s all the philosophy you’ll ever need in one book bro

>> No.13174113
File: 595 KB, 1125x2001, BCE599E1-BFFF-4A09-9123-950FC28C200B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro alongside that read The subtle art of not giving a fuck bro, such a good fucking book bro

>> No.13174121

just go back to r*ddit.

>i'm just being ironic haha epic shitposting xd
just go

>> No.13174179

>you'll ever need
as an average joe, sure

>> No.13174219

if you think peterson is a philosopher or at any time claimed he is one you are retarded

>> No.13174298


>> No.13174344

>memeing author because he writes neo-selfhelp book and not autisticly esoteric philosophical text just to fit in on a peruvian pottery making website

sorry buddy you have to go back

>> No.13174396



why are americans such pussy bitches

>> No.13174432

>Stand up with a crustacean spine
>Treat yourself only with the best Lobster food
>Do not befriend the Chaos Dragon
>Compare yourself to yourself not any other not yourself
>Slap your child if he likes a Disney movie you dont
>Clean your room, bucko (obligatory)
>Pursue the Lobster meat, not its crust
>Dont lie about your unwashed Penis
>Assume daddy is always right
>Always talk about Jung in your speech
>Do not push children of their skateboard (it is just not nice)
>Pet a Lobster if you encounter it on the street


>> No.13174515

This book is not even bait at this point

>> No.13174539

>there are still morons in this fucking board who fall for Memeson's bullshit

>> No.13174541

Jessi is exactly the type of person I imagine buying that book

>> No.13174561

Why the fuck are we still having JBP threads in fucking May?

>> No.13174571

If he didn't want to get judged as a philosopher maybe he should stay the fuck out of the field?

>> No.13174582

Your room is unclean and it shows. Maybe you do need the book.

>> No.13175267
File: 106 KB, 632x167, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is fine as long as he knows and admits this and don't talk shit he doesn't know out of his ass?
Or because the topics that interest him as a psychoanalyst also happens to interest a lot of philosophers like Harris and Zizek? Does one need a diploma to be able to discuss with a philosopher or what?
>inb4 I am a kike/christcuck and suck peterson's cock

>> No.13175553

>he knows and admits this
He doesn't.
>and don't talk shit he doesn't know out of his ass?
He does, all the time. Not just his takes on Marxism and postmodernism either. His reading of Nietzsche and Heidegger is terrible.

>> No.13175597

>why are we having christian threads in 2019 anno domini?

>> No.13175799

I like Jordan Peterson he seems like a nice guy.

>> No.13175824
File: 119 KB, 750x924, present for peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13175904

yes forget kant and platon and wittgenstein :)

>> No.13175909

after his debate with zizek ? lol

>> No.13175984

why aren't we having more???

>> No.13176755

Why are his haters always ill hygiened edgy athiests?
He has a pretty bad fanbase but his critics are far worse

>> No.13176767
File: 11 KB, 200x274, derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Jordan Peterson to me.

>> No.13176995

Philosophy is LARP. One does not need "credential" in order to engage with it.

He triggers /pol/, /leftypol/, SJWs and e/lit/ists.

>> No.13176996

>bro wash your penis

>> No.13177611

They're mad that he takes a shit on the Communist Manifesto, AKA the opium of self-described college intellectuals.

>> No.13177724
File: 321 KB, 500x775, Twelve Tools for Strife (late release).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Jordan Peterson to him.

>> No.13177767

lmfao I bought both of these books at the same time last year. Some decent stuff in them, but definitely overrated.

>> No.13177900

Jordan Peterson's fan boys ruined this board