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/lit/ - Literature

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13167440 No.13167440 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13167448


>> No.13167710


I unironically like all forms of art except poetry

>> No.13167723
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>> No.13167731
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>> No.13167778
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imagine the faggot cope actually thinking that poetry can even compare to philosophy for even one modicum.

>> No.13167805

Yeah, like that faggot Heidegger--who, I'm afraid, you probably can't honestly understand, and will never approach in terms of learning let alone importance in the field of philosophy--ultimately came to the conclusion that poetic language is the ideal medium of philosophic expression. Nietzsche also took that turn around The Gay Science. Derrida seemed more inspired by Hamlet than Marx in Spectres of Marx. Richard Rorty wrote a book called Philosophy as Poetry. Not to mention many pre-Socratics wrote in poetic forms.

It's almost as if you don't know anything about either poetry or philosophy from any era.

>> No.13167831

A man on his own in a car
Is revenging himself on his wife;
He open the throttle and bubbles with dottle
And puffs at his pitiful life

She's losing her looks very fast,
She loses her temper all day;
That lorry won't let me get past,
This Mini is blocking my way.

"Why can't you step on it and shift her!
I can't go on crawling like this!
At breakfast she said that she wished I was dead-
Thank heavens we don't have to kiss.

"I'd like a nice blonde on my knee
And one who won't argue or nag.
Who dares to come hooting at me?
I only give way to a Jag.

"You're barmy or plastered, I'll pass you, you bastard-
I will overtake you. I will!"
As he clenches his pipe, his moment is ripe
And the corner's accepting its kill.

>> No.13167849

Many of the greats started out as poets. Poetry is the purest form of literature.

>> No.13168402
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>implying this isn't good enough for you

>> No.13168485
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i could never really 'get' poetry, but i 'get' why some people can 'get' poetry. maybe its just one of those things that's an acquired taste, kind of like experimental music. i mean i always liked the well known poems of edgar allen poe because of the rhythm really, but then there are all those poems that dont rhyme or have a discernible flow to me and then someone will tell me "but its in perfect meter" and im like what the fuck is a meter? it sounds like a regular sentence to me bro

>> No.13168885

It really is an acquired taste. Get an anthology, read poems multiple times out loud, find the poets you like more than others and dig into them and keep reading till you enjoy it.

>> No.13169026

Poetry that isn't in a simple as fuck meter pisses me off so badly for some reason. I have more respect for literal nursery rhymes than I do for contemporary poetry.

>> No.13169031

I wish I could get more into poetry but I never learned about meter and rhyme in school and now I think it's too late to acquire that taste.

>> No.13169036

>finnegan's wake

>> No.13169056

Read them out loud. Enjoy the imagery, the language, the emotions.

>> No.13169065

I don't know about reading poetry itself, but there are things that have triggered me to write poetry. Usually it's life experiences and a strong desire to share your findings with the world in a way that speaks to humanity as a whole.

>> No.13169269

A system centre, full of stars.
On looking further, I'll go online...
a quest for knowledge, an adventury of truth,
what I want is not what I find.
Is this a puzzle, endless choices, half-data, half-lies?
The meaning of this?
Procrastination, just to pass time.

>> No.13169306

I think poetry is like how some people don't like music, at all. They just don't like it.

I think people who like poetry are the weirdo's (no offence) and most people just don't get it at all.

>> No.13169319

Void of hope thanks to /b/

Life is not all made of good
for some of us.
People do disturbing acts all the time.
It always starts with random weird porn,
but it degenerates fast into gore.
Assassination with decapitation,
a man abusing a baby,
maggots eating some man's dick__~__~__~__
while doctors cutting in half to remove them

one by one.

Some of those enjoy the destruction
they inflict on others.
Unholy animal experimentation,
human-animal mash-up
a dog head without skin
on top of a human torso___=>-§-vº_______
snow covered with skeletons covered in flesh

for miles in a snowy ground;
another man self-mutilating his penis
for pleasure this time
dolphins raping a horse mare by the sea;
a naked woman killing a cow in a field,
she removes its skin
to enter its entrails

all these images and actions
a thousand times per day
happening in intervals
with nonsense in between.

The abyss is deep.
This peek made me realize
why fear exists.___LLL_(@_@]_LLL___
Death, suicide, murder, destruction,
laughs, mutilation, genital pleasure with pain,
demonic animals lurking in the dark,
religion restraining innocents,
beauty, then ugliness,
thousands of years refining this knowledge,
but hiding in plain sight.

This is the reek of mortality...
can You smell it too?

>> No.13170511
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>> No.13170619

Music lyrics are poetry

>> No.13171314

>finnegans wake

>> No.13172028

Good timing, I was gonna make a thread to ask but this will do.
I want to become a poet as a hobby and maybe even try to get publishing someday.
I'm new at this and am a pretentious weirdo with no talent, but I want to do it anyways.
So with that context please educate me on what the modern poetry scene is like
so I know what I'm getting myself into.

>> No.13172097

Rap music is unironically the best form of poetry. Here is a great verse by AZ:

Visualizin the realism of life and actuality
Fuck who's the baddest a person's status depends on salary
And my mentality is, money orientated
I'm destined to live the dream for all my peeps who never made it
Cause yeah, we were beginners in the hood as five percenters
But somethin must of got in us cause all of us turned to sinners
Now some, restin in peace and some are sittin in San Quentin
Others such as myself are tryin to carry on tradition
Keepin this schwepervesent street ghetto essence inside us
Cause it provides us with the proper insight to guide us
Even though, we know somehow we all gotta go
But as long as we leavin thievin we'll be leavin with some kind of dough
So, and to that day we expire and turn to vapors
Me and my capers'll be somewhere stackin plenty papers
Keepin it real, packin steel, gettin high -
Cause life's a bitch and then you die

>> No.13172099

No, they're lyrics

>> No.13172113

don't be a defeatist anon. if you are actually interested in literature you're cheating yourself out of some peak experiences

>> No.13172201

>he can't appreciate Pale Fire

>> No.13172208
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forgot to attach a picture