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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 163x240, 163px-Kojeve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13162242 No.13162242 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Thinkers /lit/ never talks about

>> No.13162250

/lit/ doesn't talk about any thinkers. It just namedrops authors and renders itself cool this way. Just like you did in your thread. Kys

>> No.13163343

/lit/ is too stupid for Kojeve.

>> No.13163372

I heard his name in a post about EA Burtt last week. A month of so ago there was a long thread about his book on Hegel last month that was pretty informed.

>> No.13163387

>t. a genius

>> No.13163629
File: 251 KB, 1920x2156, 812c2346fcec1544c1ad5c5ea8a1a35fa96e452897d1d1e7a92376b2ec775d2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165411
File: 286 KB, 750x696, 8C59394F-42AD-435B-B841-0F5E496437E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logo’s avatar

I can see why

>> No.13165421

Kojeve is based. One can really see the line from Hegel to Lacan through him. Hyppolite is also important for understanding modern continental thought.

>> No.13165423

Clement Rosset

>> No.13165428


I have a hard time reading marxists because they always sound like they're trying to sell me snake oil. Can I just selectively interpret what is actually worthy of merit and leave the silliness on the sidelines?

>> No.13165435

Read a good ass essay that said that Boris Groys really is the successor to Kojeve. Bataille as well. Sort of the whole 'Stalin-beyond-Stalin' thing.

>> No.13165442

Kojeve is more Hegelian-Heideggerian than pure Marxist. Give him a shot.
Gimme the rundown.

>> No.13165461


>> No.13165477

Groys slaps, he was an art guy in the USSR, but he burst onto the philosophy scene after the fall (similar to Zinoviev). Alot of it is art criticism and saying that Stalinist art never abandoned the avant-garde, and wrote a postscript to the communist manifesto mainly based on Stalin's understanding of Linguistics and dialectics and how this pertained to Stalin and this transhistorical figure and how dialectical materialism was the completion of metaphysics.

>> No.13165491

That doesn't sound like it slaps as hard as Bataille... what of libidinal materialism?

>> No.13165507

Meister Eckhart

>> No.13165511

Nothing slaps as hard as Bataille, that man was the best.

>> No.13165514
File: 117 KB, 570x356, 2016-05-18-1463541257-5723368-eckhart-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was thinking about based Eckhart yesterday

>> No.13165543
