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/lit/ - Literature

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13160032 No.13160032 [Reply] [Original]

These charts are idiotic. Nobody is going to go from not reading at all to reading long, dry textbooks about Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks etc.. That's probably the worst possible idea. Most people have trouble reading a 200 page novel that is supposed to be entertaining and east to read, yet some people are recommending reading thousands of pages of this intensive work as if we're creating a history degree. I doubt that anyone has ever read through all of the books in these "start with" charts.

>> No.13160043

>These charts are idiotic. Nobody is going to go from not reading at all to reading long, dry textbooks about Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks etc.

lmao pussy ass bitch

>> No.13160120

Books are gay.

>> No.13160137

>Most people have trouble reading a 200 page novel
Have you considered that those charts aren't for these kinds of people...?

>> No.13160159

4chan consists of those kind of people

>> No.13160161

>imagine reading
You know, some people may actually enjoy doing this. I hate how this
>everyone is equal
shit has been seeped into every corner of personal interactions. Just because *you* can't or won't do something, doesn't mean there isn't someone out there who is more than happy to whatever it is.

>> No.13160164

Take what you need discard what you cannot

>> No.13160167

These charts are advertised as the beginners material for people who are brand new to /lit/. You think that it's appropriate?

>> No.13160176

I literally did just this, and I am a better man for it.

>> No.13160177

They're not advertised as beginner they're advertised as starters. That's why there's so many different charts, so you can start where you want, but you always have a place to start.

>> No.13160178

>These charts are advertised as the beginners material for people who are brand new to /lit/
Where are they advertised as such?

>> No.13160201

desu I always had the impression these are books you are supposed to pick a few from to see if you care at all.

>> No.13160219
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>> No.13160228
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does "start with the.." mean to you?

>> No.13160230

No, most people on here don't read

>> No.13160237

None of the links in that ss go to sumerian. In fact, the starter kit is a bunch of novels. Please go back

>> No.13160238

why do you want everything dumbed down? how basic should it be to appease you? those charts are for adults. if you don't want to read books then don't.

>> No.13160244
File: 99 KB, 467x886, 1365475090228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most would have trouble reading any of this, let alone these "start with these people who fucked young boys and didn't wipe their asses 2,500 years ago" charts.

>> No.13160251

It's asking to go from never doing a pushup in your life to 100. What is wrong with you?

>> No.13160261

You know half of the books on that list are commonly assigned to 14 year olds right? Go back

>> No.13160266


>> No.13160272

The typical anon doesn't read at all.

>> No.13160279

He doesn't know 4chan doesn't exist anymore. All hail 4channel!

>> No.13160295

But the starter kit is not the Greeks or Sumerians chart....?

>> No.13160298


ok, thanks for sharing

>> No.13160299

They are all "starter kits".

>> No.13160333

Now you're intentionally being dense. The nominal "/lit/ starter kit" is obviously constructed for people trying to develop a general reading habit. They're not academic or niche. That's not the case with the more specialized charts, which, if you don't get that they're not geared towards the neophyte, you might want to reconsider whether you're even capable for reading recreationally.

>> No.13160364

There are threads daily where people recommend beginning their reading with one of these ridiculous charts. Why lie? Nobody recommendw the dumb nominal chart. They always use the idiotic greeks, romans, bronze age charts.

>> No.13160366


>> No.13160371


>> No.13160372

How the fuck is that relevant, you wank-stain? The starter kit is for someone who wants to start reading properly, not for literally every retard who visits this site and can only read /x/ or /pol/ infographics.

>> No.13160376


>> No.13160422

People like to meme
Plus everything on the Greek chart is definitely worth reading

>> No.13160468

>taking memes too serious
Anyone who takes stuff and images on 4chan at face value without second guessing it at least a little bit is a complete fucking brainlet.
Always been this way and will be.
Just fucking kill yourself if that concept is too complex for you.
Maybe you can search on reddit for harry potter rec chart. That seems more up your alley.

>> No.13160486

I always thought it was a chart for fictionfags who are trying to get into philosophy

>> No.13160487

starting to read is a meme

i never met anyone who reads books habitually who started reading as an adult

if you haven't been reading continuously since childhood you might as well just kys

>> No.13160501

How do we get rid of 4chan migrants?

>> No.13160508

>100 pushups is a lot
Lmao'ing @ ur life rn

>> No.13160525

Did you just take OP seriously? Cringe... Maybe r*ddit is your speed.

>> No.13160599

>t. doesnt lift
There's no way a novice can do 100 pushups in a row, it isn't easy. Poser

>> No.13160604

>I'm literally unable to understand a joke on my own

>> No.13160641

are you retarded or new or what that's obviously a joke
don't take 4chan images at face value read between the lines
this is just a shart about ancient near eastern literatue, the "start with" part is just a tongue in cheek reference to the greeks meme why do i have to explain this
do you think the indo-aryan chart is unironic too

>> No.13160651

"jokes" are normalfag shit
walk up to a group of normals, 60% chance they are "joking around"

>> No.13160657

have sex

>> No.13160665

peak normality

>> No.13160669

Exactly, NEETs are unable to joke as it's a social activity.

>> No.13160685

Not the same anon
That is a chart for people who want to get into literature seriously and you do that by reading the greeks
theres the /lit/ start kit if you just want to get into reading in general

>> No.13160691


>> No.13160704

>>13160244 is serous literature. This isn't Green Eggs And Ham or The Hungry Caterpiller.

>> No.13160705


>> No.13160717
File: 40 KB, 562x437, hahaha, oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start with the Sumerians is advertised as reading material for people new to /lit/
No it's not. On the other hand it's absolutely hilarious that you think so, and that other people new to /lit/ probably do the same. Lurk moar.

>> No.13160723

Anyone who takes charts literally
>a. will not read
>b. will not want to read
>c. doesn't deserve to read

>> No.13160734

didn't say it isn't

>> No.13160736

Are Sumerians worth delving into? I've got a thing for Mesopotamia.

>> No.13160741
File: 565 KB, 1372x2292, Guide to Harry Potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter rec chart
/lit/ can provide that too

>> No.13160749

why should board culture cater to the "brand new"? you seem to want this board to be /mu/ with books

>> No.13160780

This but unironically

>> No.13160784

They're memes, nobody is forcing you to read these. But the message is clear, move your way up from old to new. It started with the start with Greeks and morphed into start with the oldest text available.
The meme has merit though because literature has evolved overtime and there are countless of references to literature that came before. Also the charts are nicely curated lists (even if the curation is done by a retard anon) and can help people choose something but don't get lost in the almost endless possible books to read.

>> No.13160889

Lurk moar and stop making a fool out of yourself on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.13161302

ideally one should start with the greeks and end with the sumerians

>> No.13161314

>doesn't find early history interesting
Why, because there's no way to victimize yourself with it?

>> No.13161322

>That's probably the worst possible idea.

The alternative is skimming the wiki articles and watching crash course on youtube. Everyone already knows that. Why are you mad at people recommending books?

>> No.13161333

starting this soon but leaving out all the orange and theatreshit

>> No.13161342

the ironing

>> No.13161364


>> No.13161395

jumping to a negative interpretation based on nothing reminiscent of self-victimization seekers

>> No.13161412

These classes are idiotic. Nobody is going to go from not reading at all to reading long, dry textbooks about SQL, OOP, Algorithms, Web dev etc.. That's probably the worst possible idea. Most people have trouble reading a 200 page novel that is supposed to be entertaining and east to read, yet some people are recommending reading thousands of pages of this intensive work as if we're creating a CS degree. I doubt that anyone has ever read through all of the books in these "start with" classes.

>> No.13161450

college degrees have less reading than these charts.

>> No.13161490

Obviously you haven't met him irl but what about Pewdiepie? He seems to have a genuine love of literature (see the end of his video on The Republic where he says how glad he is that he is alive to read these books)

>> No.13161494

Yea but literature's main purpose isn't to be entertaining. Not all art forms or forms of information are meant to be entertaining. This is a silly argument and you're a silly little boy with a silly little weewee desu

>> No.13161518

>Most people have trouble reading a 200 page novel that is supposed to be entertaining and east to read
They should probably return to grade school, because they sure as hell won’t get through college.

>> No.13161546

Those charts are for people who want to learn about classical Greece or the bronze age. They're not meant for people who've never read before. There are several starter charts with accessible novels.

>> No.13161558

It is reminiscent of self victimizers because if they did care about early history they wouldn't be so assblasted by recent history because they'd actually have learned something.

>> No.13161572

This is LITERALLY what im doing right now. Just finished up on the mythology chapter. Just read with music

>> No.13161582

>It is reminiscent of self victimizers
>if they did care about early history they wouldn't be so assblasted by recent history because they'd actually have learned something
I don't follow

>> No.13161586

Read at least half of those in high school

>> No.13161609


>> No.13162997

no they aren't, they are top tier pleb filters, start with the Greeks

>> No.13163209

you sure owned that post-modern neo-marxist epic style
fucking faggot

>> No.13163275

interest in early history isn't mentioned in the entire thread until your post

>> No.13163616
File: 130 KB, 500x420, itty-bitty-baby-itty-bitty-boat-twinkie-house-i-dont-24064013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we get rid of 4chan migrants?
We're here to stay, m80

>> No.13163628

>. Nobody is going to go from not reading at all
these people arent welcome in the first place. 'Start with the greeks' is for people who read a lot but have had a retarded progressive 'education' in literature so far.

>> No.13163826

why would i ever read those books

>> No.13165952


>> No.13165990

you need to be older than 18 to be on this site
these charts are based on the assumption that you have already been familiarised with literature through proper schooling and are not a braindead moron

>> No.13166059


>> No.13166231

this is for people trying to either get into philosophy or who want to read through the origins of western cannon. the "must read" books will give you a pretty complete picture of who the greeks were literarily, but if youre just interested in history, or literary fiction, or philosophy, skip most of the chart.

>> No.13166280

charts like these are half meme half guides for laying a serious foundation. for people that havent read that much before you have the /lit/ starterpack on the wiki which contains easy entry level books. this is far from hidden away or anything.
>read the sticky, follow the recommended reading link
>read the page
>Completely new to reading and feeling overwhelmed? Check out the /lit/ starter kit
>click link
consider it a test to see if newfags can actually read before asking stupid shit

>> No.13168029

>>>13160032 (OP)
>Take what you need discard what you cannot
This allows you to start with a better selection; there is just too much junk that looks good out there

>> No.13168041

lmao I read through those "Start with the Greeks" charts and more. Never regretted it one bit.

>> No.13169403

This chart is a guide to which books to start with if you want to start learning about the Sumerians. If you go into a chart thread, you'll see charts made on every pointless topic under the sun. If for some reason you wanted to start learning about Sumerian literature and culture, these books are where you're recommended to start.

The only ones people might say that everyone should read is the "Start with the Greeks" chart. And that is 90% meme. Most of /lit/ hasn't seen this chart, and it's very possible whoever made it hasn't read all of these.

Just read books you think might be interesting, dude. You're not graded.

>> No.13169442

gatekeeping is unironically good, and lit’s purpose was never to make the plebs read. we’re just a bunch of nerds discovering the magic of the canon together, and if you want to as well we’ll help you

>> No.13169778
File: 188 KB, 1280x892, 422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, to progress through one of these charts, you'd have to be doing as much reading as you would for a typical undergraduate degree. That's some serious reading, and we all know that nobody who posts here is a serious reader.

>> No.13169848 [DELETED] 

Start with infinite jest, you'll know what to do next

>> No.13170005

The "start with x" is from "Start with the Greeks" which is used to understand and study Western history and philosophy, since you'd probably want to start where it originated from and the social, political, and ideological context behind it.
That's literally it, the rest of "Start with x" it's just memes

>> No.13170052

starting with the greeks is the best thing i ever got from this board

>> No.13171083

It means if you want to understand western philosophy, start with the greeks.
Not "if you want to start reading, pick up the fucking Iliad".

>> No.13171909
File: 19 KB, 401x418, 1420231937368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no russian literature?

>> No.13171941

Tbf most people have trouble reading the sticky

>> No.13171948
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>high school tier fluff

>> No.13172000
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>> No.13172003

>>13160043 this lol
if you don't wanna read it don't read it

>> No.13173183
File: 32 KB, 146x146, 1158602569003583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.13173394

Where to get these type of recommendations of different civilizations? Link please!

>> No.13173484

this guy's right
OP is just a pussy brainlet

>> No.13174034

Lurk more.

>> No.13174755

Define proper schooling

>> No.13174949


>> No.13175402


>> No.13175472

high test

>> No.13175822

Get rekt OP
Also back to whatever hugbox corner of the internet you came from