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13157437 No.13157437 [Reply] [Original]

Just through a panic attack, but it's gone now. Any comfy short story to relax?

>> No.13157444

I only ever had panic attacks after fap or sex, usually 1-2+ hours after. Never had them otherwise. They're related.

>> No.13157480

Simon's Papa, Maupassant

>> No.13157487

Salinger's Franny, or, a little longer, his Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters

look after yourself my dude

>> No.13157488

an occurrence at owl creek bridge


>> No.13157493

Death of Ivan Illich

>> No.13157589

the dubliners' one where the little guy likes the little girl
what's the name again

>> No.13157665

have sex

>> No.13157675

The panic attack was about not having a gf

>> No.13157694

Are you a woman? I can't image in a male ever actually having a panic attack. It's just such a weak, feminine thing to have happen

>> No.13157707


>> No.13157740


>> No.13157842

I have panic attacks all the time due to the lack of hemoglobins. Its not a gender thing. It can be a psychological manifestation of an ailment.

>> No.13158382

No, not a female, and it has nothing to do with gender. I have'em when I'm under too stressful situations.

>> No.13159178

The Electric Ant

>> No.13159182

The Hanging Stranger by philip k dick

>> No.13159212
File: 33 KB, 525x567, 1546154292589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time i had a panic attack i convinced myself that i shit my boxers, ran to the college bathroom, flushed said boxers, washed my ass, ran to the bus stop, endured the hellish eternity of being in public waiting for the bus, got on a bus full of people, black miscreant and his cronies were talking shit to every fucker that got on the bus, suddenly here i come, visibly shaking, holding a copy of The Secret Teachings of All Ages, lacking bodily awareness and blocking out sounds from just sheer panic, looked for a seat, basically sat on top of a guy, started making guttural sounds from clenching my jaw so tight, black hooligan went from a loudmouth braggart to a disturbed onlooker (this nigga is weird), open my book and read the same paragraph dozens of times while trying to maintain some semblance of social decency, my ass still chilled from the frantic scrubbidy dub dub with cold water and mass produced antibacterial public bathroom soap

>> No.13159237

Hemoglobins? Can you explain more anon?

>> No.13159317

Could you describe a panick attack?

>> No.13159787


Pretty comfy, especially if you like woolf

>> No.13159799

read Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weeks. best book I have found on curing anxiety so far, it's helped a lot of people. been helping me.

>> No.13159809

just kill yourself dude you'd be doing you and your retard spaz brain a favour

>> No.13159816
File: 12 KB, 270x270, Tony_Soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You betta think twice about callin me fuckin feminine

>> No.13159826

I remember this one book that helped me to calm down after panic attacks, but I can't remember what it's called. The protagonist was a young man who spent a lot of time alone, inside and on his computer. He liked to traverse through the darker corners of the internet, because spending so much time away from other people, from normal relationships, watching people resentfully from a distance, caused him gradually to reject life, so that anything life-affirming, happy, genuine, began to seem hollow and superficial to him, while anything that bespoke a hatred of life, and people, and goodness, resonated with him as true, and gave him comfort. He hid behind irony, because being authentic put him at risk of being humiliated for his naivety and sentimentalism. He spent his time online around other misanthropes and cynics, which only accelerated his own descent into misanthropy and cynicism, for any time he tried to articulate the true pain, longing and loneliness that was festering inside him, he was attacked with bitter, sarcastic barbs. He learned how to avoid being made an example of: he learned to speak about everything as fundamentally absurd.
But once he was trapped in the cold, dark well of nihilism, he could not find a foothold anywhere along its smooth, slimy walls by which he might start climbing back out. All he heard were the voices, echoing through the darkness around him, assuring him that the only truth was in the dark well, the only truths were in their voices, and that light and the life above were nothing but delusions, distractions and lies. When, once in a while, some traveller from the upper world, of which he had once been a part--and yet how much like a dream it felt, as if he had always been trapped in this forsaken well!--would look over the lip of the well, and call down to him, he could not help but freeze in terror. In the distance, the traveller's eyes looked like black slits. His smile looked malicious and hungry. His voice, with which he said, "What are you doing down there? Why don't you come join us up here?" seemed full of threats and pitiless mockery.

>> No.13159829

>be me
>be 11
>be in first sex education class of secondary school
>kids on my table start talking and laughing about boners
>never heard the time
>what's a boner, I ask
>they all laugh at me and mimic me asking what a boner is
>when your dick gets hard, one says
>what, an erection?
>they all laugh at me again
>I involuntary start imagining bones in the penis
>feel a bit queasy
>imagining them breaking
>start to feel cold
>start sweating profusely
>I get pins and needles in my legs and arse and my arms go completely numb
>my vision starts to become covered by black dots, which multiply and multiply until I'm nearly totally blind
>mouth dries up
>everything becomes heavy yet I feel light and weightless inside
>feel close to shitting myself
>everyone starts looking at me because I've gone deathly pale and am moving about like a retard
>I drag myself out of the classroom and lie on the floor of the corridor
>after sceral minutes the feeling subsides
>I go back in - the teacher shouts at me for leaving the classroom
>I sit back down
>the kids on my table laugh at me again.
That wasn't the first time though.

>> No.13159847

To be fair, boner really is a dumb name for it. I had a somewhat similar reaction the first time i heard about sounding

>> No.13159848

You know what you do when you have a panic attack? Start working out, press ups, pull ups, crunches etc
works every time

>> No.13159859

I tried that, now my arms, legs and shoulders hurt and on top of that I still feel like shit.

>> No.13159878

try eating bread, that's another one that sometimes works

>> No.13159907

Sounds like home remedies for flu or wathever.
I don't know, I hope I don't start drinking.

>> No.13159924

The idea of a guy like Tony having panic attacks is believable to me, even if he is a fictional character.