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File: 84 KB, 638x479, amnd11-apollonian-and-dionysian-2-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13157395 No.13157395 [Reply] [Original]

left = cringe
right = based

>> No.13157399

Left is masculine and right is feminine

>> No.13157416

what sort of cuck actually thinks instead of acting on his instincts?

>c-c-can i please put my p-pener in u

>> No.13157423


>> No.13157433

Deleuze is apollonian af

>> No.13157462

The fuck are you even saying? Try again, and trying making it coherent this time

>> No.13157469

Left brain/right brain. Looks accurate to me.

>> No.13157490

I want to know why they're flipped though? Left Hand Path in all western religious systems are based on Dionysus and all Right Hand Path based on Apollo
Who ever made this did this on purpose to fuck with people

>> No.13157495
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hoes mad

>> No.13157524

left is the Zamyatin dystopia
right is the Huxley dystopia
balance them and you reach optimal existence

>> No.13157528

Said the modern """""""""""""man""""""""""""""

>> No.13157634
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>balance them and you reach optimal dysopia

>> No.13157663

I just read Nietzsche and Philosophy and you are WRONG

>> No.13157719


>> No.13157774

how is he wrong?

>> No.13157783

I dont lean on either side.

>> No.13157785

How the fuck is Deleuze apollonian? Do you even understand what you're reading? Representationalism is as Apollonian as it gets

>> No.13157813

Apollonian, female
Dionysian, male

>> No.13157852

Perhaps you could argue that Deleuze's interpretation of Nietzsche is not his own position necessarily but that is a hard sell. From the concluding section literally subtitled "Dionysus and Zarathustra":
>Zarathustra relates the negative to affirmation in the will to power. It is still necessary for the will to power to be related to affirmation as its raison d'etre, and for affirmation to be related to the will to power as the element which produces, reflects and develops its own ratio. This is the task of Dionysus. All affirmation finds its condition in Zarathustra but its unconditioned principle in Dionysus. Zarathustra determines the eternal return, moreover he determines it to produce its effect, the Overman. But this determination is the same as the series of conditions which finds its final term in the lion, in the man who wants to be overcome, in the destroyer of all known values. Dionysus' determination is of another kind, identical to the absolute principle without which the conditions would themselves remain powerless. And this is Dionysus' supreme disguise - to subject his products to conditions which are themselves subject to him, conditions that these products themselves surpass. The lion becomes a child, the destruction of known values makes possible a creation of new values. But the creation of values, the yes of the child-player, would not be formed under these conditions if they were not, at the same time, subject to a deeper genealogy. It is no surprise, therefore, to find that every Nietzschean concept lies at the crossing of two unequal genetic lines. Not only the eternal return and the Overman, but laughter, play and dance. In relation to Zarathustra laughter, play and dance are affirmative powers of transmutation: dance transmutes heavy into light, laughter transmutes suffering into joy and the play of throwing (the dice) transmutes low into high. But in relation to Dionysus dance, laughter and play are affirmative powers of reflection and development. Dance affirms becoming and the being of becoming; laughter, roars of laughter, affirm multiplicity and the unity of multiplicity; play affirms chance and the necessity of chance.

>> No.13157861

>apollonian thinking and the deleuzian perspective of philosophy as the creation of concepts, the philosopher as an artist, celebration of constructions and creative problems
>appolonian principle of individuation ties nicely with the concept of singularity
>dyonisian wholeness of existence is the exactly the opposite of the multiplicity
>"brute realism"
>dyonisian glorification of human life vs the deleuzian/apollonian celebration of inhuman processes of change, morphogenesis, emergence, patterns

>> No.13157888

>thinking Deleuze was against representation

>> No.13157965

every single one of these I'm as far right as possible and I'm a denerate drug addict skater fucking loser
I get pussy though

>> No.13157967

Nietzsche would have hated his followers

>> No.13157971

whats my personality type owo

>> No.13157972
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>pic related
I will retreat a little. In Deleuze's reading of Nietzsche, Apollo is important insofar as Apollo is the dramatic aspect of the tragic relationship between Apollo and Dionysus. Nonetheless, it is the Dionysian force that is the instance of the Overman.

>> No.13157974

Go on.

Ok fair enough good points

>> No.13157982

Who cares what Niezsche would have thought. I thought he was all about interpretation over facts

>> No.13157983

>1) The contradiction in the Birth of Tragedy is between primitive unity and individuation, willing and appearance, life and suffering. This "original" contradiction bears witness against life, it accuses life. Life needs to be justified, that is to say redeemed from suffering and contradiction. The Birth of Tragedy is developed in the shadow of the Christian dialectic; justification, redemption and reconciliation.
>2) The contradiction is reflected in the opposition of Dionysus and Apollo. Apollo is the divine incarnation of the principle of individuation. He constructs the appearance of appearance, the beautiful appearance, the dream or the plastic image and is thus freed from suffering: "Apollo overcomes the suffering of the individual by the radiant glorification of the eternity of the phenomenon" (BT 16 p. 104), hit obliterates pain. Dionysus, on the contrary, returns to primitive unity, he shatters the individual, drags him into the great ship- wreck and absorbs him into original being. Thus he reproduces the contradiction as the pain of individuation but resolves them in a higher pleasure, by making us participate in the superabundance of unique being or universal willing. Dionysus and Apollo are therefore not opposed as the terms of a contradiction but rather as two antithetical ways of resolving it; Apollo mediately, in the contemplation of the plastic image, Dionysus immediately in the reproduction, in the musical symbol of the will. Dionysus is like the background on which Apollo embroiders beautiful appearances; but beneath Apollo Dionysus rumbles. The antithesis of the two must therefore be resolved, "transformed into a unity".
>3) Tragedy is this reconciliation, this wonderful and precarious alliance dominated by Dionysus. For in tragedy Dionysus is the essence of the tragic. Dionysus is the only tragic character, "the suffering and glorified God", his sufferings are the only tragic subject, the sufferings of individuation absorbed in the joy of original being, and the chorus is the only tragic spectator because it is Dionysian, because it sees Dionysus as its lord and master (BT 8 and 10). But, on the other hand, the Apollonian contribution is as follows: in the tragedy it is Apollo who develops the tragic into drama, who expresses the tragic in a drama. "We must understand Greek tragedy as the Dionysian chorus which ever anew discharges itself in an Apollonian world of images . . . In several successive discharges this primal ground of tragedy radiates this vision of the drama which is by all means a dream apparition. . . Thus the drama is the Dionysian embodiment of Dionysian insights and effects" (BT 8), the objectivation of Dionysus beneath an Apollonian form and in an Apollonian world.

>> No.13157985


>> No.13157996

be a little honest

>> No.13158005

trany = ubermensch???

>> No.13158012

honestly i think the whole dionysus/apollo duality is gay as fuck and one of neechee's low points

>> No.13158023

You have no idea how right you really are

>> No.13158025

Redpilled as fuck

>> No.13158034

that is all i have. i have never read any actual books by him, only lit posts, articles and wiki entries

>> No.13158037
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left = cringe
right = yikes
left & right in supernal harmony = based

>> No.13158047

Pseud nigger, and here I thought you had something interesting to say.

>> No.13158060

it's not my fault. i would read the books if they were not obscure and full of references to other philosophers.

>> No.13158081

you mega bitch, I read spinoza months ago because I decided to read deleuze and now you dorks aren't even bothering to address the quotes i am spoonfeeding to you

>> No.13158099

this post made me start reading deleuze

>> No.13158100

Spinoza sounds very difficult too, anon. I swear I would read him if the cultural barrier wasn't so high for a low-agency individual like myself to get into it... I actually suffer greatly because I can't understand some discussions that happen on this boards and elsewhere..

>> No.13158126

Just watch who is committing most crimes, men or women. Girls are obedient and orderly since an early age, boys idealize passion and instinct. Boys are more likely to abuse drugs, and celebrate bare nature, brute realism. Boys respond more to music than to beautiful drawings. If you are thinking of one exception, a man like Newton, be mindful he doesn't represent the average of males throughout history, which is what I'm talking about.

>> No.13158136

Meant to >>13157996

>> No.13158150

That's okay, just keep reading. I'm honestly the same. This is a rare thread that I feel like I can actually contribute to.

>> No.13158256
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>> No.13158265

explain yourself tripfag, what is this

>> No.13158289

Jungian animus/anima. Men express the Dionysian because it's feminine, and women the Apollonian for the same reason. But basically the Dionysian is the true masculine IMO

>> No.13158310

Only faghots day that

>> No.13158319



>> No.13158325
File: 129 KB, 668x712, ww6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it because man ultimately relinquishes himself to the Outside and is exalted for it, while woman is the manufacture of a warm, orderly, comfortable Apollonian Inside? Just thinking out loud here d-don't mind me

>> No.13158384

I am not convinced of either your genius, or your mental illness.

Still, your triple-columned chart interests me.

>> No.13158425

I was going to argue conservatism vs liberalism, but it works the same way.

>> No.13158476

Seems about right. I mean the Greek notions of Polis and Oikos contribute to your theory.

>> No.13158490

Women are like men if they didn't have the luxury of throwing off the expectations of society. Women uphold the standards, the letter of the law, but they get wet for the Dionysian trailblazer

>> No.13158509

>caring about a dead society full of colored people
this is not my beautiful board

>> No.13158525

>caring about the non-Semetic half of the Western spirit

>> No.13158540

and you may ask yourself... why do I have all these frog pictures saved on my hard drive?

>> No.13158554

I haven't been on this board in a minute, are you suggesting Jewishness?

>> No.13158575

The Western Spirit has been forged by the tensions between the Hellenic/Hellenistic spirit and the Semetic spirit of both early Judaism which lead to Christianity, and, later in history, alongside (Golden Age), and against (Crusades) with Islam.

Any thing else denies either the facts of the West, or the existence of the West.

>> No.13158601


>> No.13158622

Most of Europe had no idea of any Semitic spirit except as an enemy. Christianity succeeded because its universal (read:anti-semitic) ethos is built in to the DNA. It was always the spirit, ingenuity, imaginative power etc. of the European peoples that were on display in the great cultural achievements. Not to take away from Semitic cultural impact, but you would have remained some backwards desert foreskin-choppers if the might of Rome had not propelled Semitic religion/culture to the top of the food chain

>> No.13158636

I think he was making a comment about so called "rape culture" where you are supposed to ask the girl you are fucking if she is still consenting every 5 seconds during sex, and right as you climax you must exclaim "PLEASE CONSENT TO MY SEEEEEEDD"

>> No.13158641
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this list is ordered incorrectly. self-control goes to the right, passionate emotionfags go left. feeling also goes left with the beta characteristics

>> No.13158645

The future is feminine. Trans bodies are accelerationist bodies.

>> No.13158664
File: 1.42 MB, 886x1433, 923FE63E-2140-4EEF-AD59-F2249AE80880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dionysus isn’t a tranny. You’re thinking of Hermaphroditus. Geez.

His blog

>> No.13158684

This is why accelerationism is a glow nigger psyop

>> No.13158744

all artists’ dominant personalities are female

>> No.13158799
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x1364, CATERPILLAR BROWSING lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13158824

your poor reading has betrayed you as a paranoid incel who will never actually have to worry about this.

>> No.13158845

rei >>>>>>>>>… buttershit

>> No.13158855

chthonic/olympian is patrician dichotomy

>> No.13158865

>not telluric/uranian
>not lemurian/Atlantean

>> No.13158869

yeah- NOT those retard
read oresteia faggot

>> No.13158876

Why exactly do you hate incels

>> No.13158879

fuck you are one embarrassing little shit

>> No.13158892

>I Don't Know What A Blog Is: The Post

>> No.13158913

lol what are you even trying to say here?

>> No.13158925

Ectomorphic master race reporting in

>> No.13158957
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>harmony = based

>> No.13158958

that's nice

>> No.13158967
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>> No.13158974


>> No.13159003

fuck tripfaggots

>> No.13159015


>> No.13159020
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>> No.13159028

Is it the Mac?
It’s a cute pic. I see nothing savage about it.

No one likes you

>> No.13159037

eat shit and die cunt- I like him, anon's a good guy

>> No.13159101

people with money

>> No.13159300
File: 760 KB, 720x587, LiberalArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving your piss jugs and calling it art ( https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cassils-monumental-pissed-urine_n_59bbeacee4b0edff971b88f4 )
>clown world.
i think i finally understand the liberal left.

>> No.13159303

Nigger we need both.

>> No.13159762

I don't have a conflict between most of these.

>> No.13160083
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Wrong. Here's the picture version of the table

>> No.13160095

Trump is a Dionysian. Obama an Apollonian. It's not about politics.

>> No.13160105

If anyone want to try to talk about Dionysus, he better have read Walter F. Otto's Dionysus: Myth and Cult
If not, gor read it or dismember yourself fucking nigger

>> No.13160772

>it's not about politics
>makes it about politics anyway
so how is Trump Dionysian and Obama Apollonian?

liberals are notorious for using emotional arguments.
only a liberal has been passionate enough to defecate on a sidewalk in protest, or viscerally scream in frustration for the cameras after Trump got elected.
supporting the gay community while at the same time supporting the Muslim invasion of the West. Textbook example of irrationality.
have you seen the current roster of Dem candidates? chaos.
or ever been to a liberal stronghold? looks like a tornado ripped through there. Chaos.
>State of intoxication
they're drunk on their own virtue signaling.
>Wholeness of existence
"We are one race, the human race."
>Celebration of nature
sex orgies and abortions, turning away from God and worshiping the flesh/Nature
>Brute realism and absurdity
thinking that there is no such thing as morality, and then in the same breath fighting to preserve the life of pedophiles, murderers and rapists, because "death penalty is morally wrong".
most musicians are liberal.
>human beings as the work and glorification of art
like that one liberal woman, Marina Abramovitch, who did a "famous" "art" piece where she just stands there and lets audience do whatever they want to her, even sexually molest her. (Shia LeBeouf also did something similar more recently).

>> No.13160791

Autism is now accepted as extreme male brain development.
Women are told to contain themselves from the outside because others (men) are stronger. It has very little to do with and is often contrary to self discipline.
Criminal activity are related to specific passions, and are a poor indication of passion in general. Not even mentioning the obvious question of the minimum of strength required for them.

>> No.13160812

Neither is either.

>> No.13160830
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Lawyers, judges and politicians are Apollonian
Anarchists are Dionysian

>> No.13160838

other clues that show that liberals/Democrats are Dionysian.
Democrat Party has a much larger female voting group. Women are known for "feeling" and less about "thinking". Known for throwing Self-control (an Apollinian trait) to the wind in their passion to have sex, then aborting the baby when it inconveniences their promiscuous lifestyle.

>> No.13160843

same as it ever was

>> No.13160861

butterfly tranny never ceases to amaze me at how idiotic he is.
If all lawyers, judges and politicians were Apollinian, you'd think they would agree more on things.
They don't, because it's not uniform.
In an ideal world, yes, i agree that lawyers, judges and politicians would be Apollonian, but that simply isn't the world we live in, at least not anymore (if ever).
We live in a world where there are irrational people in positions of authority that require one to be rational.
Why do you think everyone keeps posting pics of clowns *honking*? It's because we live in Clown World. We live in Clown World because irrational Dionysians have infiltrated the Apollonian infrastructure and made everything ABSURD (a Dionysian trait).

>> No.13160876

>Value for human order and culture
Which perfectly ties into Trump's "law and order" message that he campaigned on in 2016.
And how conservatives in general are trying to PRESERVE WESTERN CULTURE, while Democrats do nothing but condemn western culture and import shitty foreign cultures that are diametrically opposed to western culture.

Conservatives = Apollonian
Liberals/Democrats = Dionysian

>> No.13160906

apollonian have jobs
dionysians are on welfare

stay mad

>> No.13160911
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>> No.13160926

Accurate. Source: Antigone

>> No.13160934

Yang > Yin

>> No.13160951

both are needed, but Yang has to be in charge of things.
currently, Yin has too much authority and everything is going to shit.
Clown World = Yin World.

>> No.13160974

and this, ladies and gentleman and butterfly trannies, is why it's always leftwing liberals that rape.
>muh instincts!

>> No.13160990
File: 895 KB, 1650x2531, FAC2AC2C-7D22-4F32-AA84-843DD594CB12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd think they would agree more on things
Apollonians are rule-cucks, why would you think that?
Are you still thinking in black and white, red and blue, and left and right? The world is full of nuance. Clearly you’re of that tribe, but you may exhibit aspects of the other. Big deal.
Capitalists use the state to gain the same way royalty and aristocrats did. The irrational using laws to try and bring order to their ideal world.
So you’re a Clown World adherent. That’s your ideal order.


>> No.13161047

>Apollonians are rule-cucks
Are you still thinking in Apollonian and Dionysian?
the world is full of nuance.

see what i did there?

>irrational using laws to try and bring order to their world.
>passes laws to make trannies able to walk into whatever bathroom they please, to get people fired for not using the correct pronoun, to legalize pedophilia, banning straws but allowing in millions of illegal immigrants, etc.
>Clown World adherent.
talking to leftwing/Dionysians can be so annoying, because they literally don't have the logical know-how to understand anything. Clown World adherents are the LEFT/Dionysian, they're the ones that want to change the Apollonian Order into Clown World Chaos.

It? Freak? You're a Clown World adherent. You care more about your fee-fees than about being logical.
>i FEEEEL like a woman, therefore I am.
sorry sweetiekins, you're still a dude. You can't change your DNA.

>> No.13161108

>He’s still hung up on a stupid social justice distraction law
Where do you think trannies went to the bathroom before? Geez.
I’m not reading the rest of your Clown Posse post. Dumb frog posting troll

>> No.13161117

>X is masculine Y is feminine
Read Jung you philistines - if your mind can entertain something more abstract than crass plebeian dichotomy

>> No.13161193
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>> No.13161226

>muh false dichotomies
If you legitimately believe one side is completely superior to the other in all human efforts or all ways of life, you're braindead.

>life itself is dystopic
Hot take, but I'll have a bite.

>> No.13161240
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how many people did you have to kill just so you could FEEL comfortable in your body?

>> No.13161244

If you legitimately believe based is completely superior to cringe in all human efforts or all ways of life, you're braindead.

>> No.13161267

the only quibble i have with this chart is that Apollo was specifically known for his musical skill.

maybe split music into two, like Spengler did, into Classical and Faustian?