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/lit/ - Literature

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13153788 No.13153788 [Reply] [Original]

This is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.13153789 [DELETED] 

absolutely based and Christ pilled

>> No.13153799 [DELETED] 

I'm reading the NT, Ulysses, Keats and Kierkegaard

>> No.13153801
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And this is what Peake performance looks like.

>> No.13153823

Stop performing

>> No.13153824


>> No.13153828

Are you eight?
kek'd tbph

>> No.13153845

>NRSV w/ Apocrypha
>Not RSV-2CE so that the books are in their right places

>> No.13153874

>what is personal preference

>> No.13153942


I’ve recommended the same translation to this guy

>> No.13153953

How tiny are those?
I know that edition of the Apostolic fathers is already smol, the others must be half the height of a normal hardback.

>> No.13153963

6" - 6.5" tall
4" - 4.5" across

>> No.13154314
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Well most of it is german, but who cares

>> No.13154462

I wish my penis was that size

>> No.13154486
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post stac

>> No.13154621
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Picked up these two while out and about in the city. Both for less than a buck.
>Complete works of Homer
Though I owned older translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey already (because I like the slightly archaic and flowery style they used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries), it's nice to have the version everybody uses and reads. It also has the fragments from the epic cycle and the Homeric hymns. So it's a nice "package" overall.
(And for a buck, who really cares, I don't have to justify myself. What can you get for a buck today? Fucking nothing. Maybe a cochoa roll, but I don't want that.)

>Selected poetry of Mayakovsky
This one is seriously good. A few years ago I would have spat on it, but recently I came to see art in the USSR in a new light through the life and works of Shostakovich.
It's full of life, power and optimism. Lovely stuff.
>Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!
I already marked some of the poems I liked.

>> No.13154660

>Reading translations

>> No.13154686
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Not a stack because I put them straight on the shelf, but my Folio Society order came today.

>> No.13154690

>Falling for /lit/ memes perpetuated by brainlets and becoming a procrastinating brainlet yourself
Just get on with reading faggot, worry about stuff later.

>> No.13154752 [DELETED] 

cucked and basedpilled

>> No.13154763

based and breadpill

>> No.13154764
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>> No.13154915

No stack to show off right now but I've just ordered a bunch of medieval poetry. I don't get why normies read shitty fantasy instead of immersing themselves in the real thing.

>> No.13155462

not bad guy

jelly of that conan omnibus and those fine tolkiens

>Both for less than a buck.
based and frugalpilled. excellent taste anon. what is your relation to the old country?

>douglas adams
who cares indeed. nice stack though.

>> No.13155516
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I worry that I'd have jugged other's very harshly for this pic.

Oh well.

>> No.13155518

In what way is a stack thread any different from booktuber attention whores? Fuck off.

>> No.13155546

Right, you cant actually read the Mann .
It's Reflections of an Unpolitical Man

>> No.13155576

>in what way
in that /lit/ users are refined gentlemen of class and good taste and booktubers are moronic roasties, but i repeat myself

nice lamp. good choice of poets, and i appreciate the bookmarks. do you... experiment with poesy?

>> No.13155625

At least the roasties have sex.

>> No.13155646

>believing in the Eucharist
Is there anything more irredeemably retarded?

>> No.13155689
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Got these three for a total of $2!

>> No.13155885

>Is there anything more irredeemably retarded?
blaspheming against the Eucharist :^)

>> No.13155904

/lit/ incels on suicide watch!!!

>> No.13155919

>buying translations just for larping purposes

>> No.13155944

good deal! that Defoe is gonna rock you. and I've read several Vonnegut but never Jailbird. I don't think I even knew about it.

>> No.13156021

Is there anything more irredeemably retarded than you?

>> No.13156038
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>Not Orthodox

>> No.13156049
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>> No.13156076

Come home, Jimmy

>> No.13156114

>hit wall at 35
>live with cats or 3 different kids from 3 different dudes
>at least I had sex

>> No.13156227
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>> No.13156429

>what is your relation to the old country?
As in Hungary?
I had the terrific luck (up to interpretation and for debate) to be born here.

>> No.13156436

When was this image originally posted?

>> No.13156437

unironically kill yourself faggot

>> No.13156684
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Is the Conan series any good? Also I see Cornwell at a lot of thrift stores but dont know anything about him. I assume you would recommend, but what would I bet getting into?

my new stack just came, pic related...let summer reading begin!

>> No.13156701
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>The Histories is that thick
how long does it take to read?

>> No.13156771

not him but it doesn't take as long as you'd think

we did the whole book in 2 seminars at my uni and I don't remember it being too much trouble to get through

>> No.13156774

I don't know, I haven't started it yet. It does seem imposing..

>> No.13156858

Are you proud to have A Dance With Dragons beside actual literature?
>the more the drank the more she shat. The more she shat the more she drank.

>> No.13156867 [DELETED] 
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books tend to accumulate on my kitchen table

>> No.13156909


>> No.13156919


Peak performance is never, ever, ever going on 4chan.

>> No.13156929

Yet you keep coming here instead of going back

>> No.13156933
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what if I only read ebooks? How do I post my stack?

>> No.13157091


Sure why not. It's a fun fantasy story.

I've got wrestling autobiographies on the same shelf, I'm hardly precious about keeping them "pure".


Conan is great.

Cornwell is consistently good. Nothing he's ever written is particularly amazing, but he puts out very solid historical adventure stories at a hell of a pace, and has been doing so for decades. Absolutely not essential, but sometimes you just want a quick and easy read about a bunch of lads murdering the French.

>> No.13157104
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>> No.13157137

>but sometimes you just want a quick and easy read about a bunch of lads murdering the French.

Based. Is there one you recommend to start with?

>> No.13157166


Just jump into the Sharpe series, about a rifle company during the Napoleonic wars. Sharpe's Eagle if you want to go by publication date, Sharpe's Tiger if you want to go chronological (prequels about Sharpe's life in India were published later on).

Cornwell recommends chronological but I think it reads better in the order it was published.

>> No.13157179

What nice collection of toilet paper you got there anon;)

>> No.13157219
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>> No.13157323


nice cucked inclusive language/politically motivated translation bro!

>> No.13157347


i'm sorry son but you WILL NOT be able to read The Cantos without annotations or Cookson's guide, preferably both. Also get the Posthumous Cantos as they will provide further exegesis

>> No.13157374
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Do you guys really read 5-6 books at a time? doesn't that get confusing?

>> No.13157389


but with ideas in books

>> No.13157566

Everyone has always posted different kinds of stacks in these threads. Some people post recent purchases, some people post stacks of what they're reading next, and some people post stacks of what they're currently reading.

>> No.13158762
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>> No.13159045 [DELETED] 
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Close but no cigar

>> No.13159192
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Going chronologically with the Greeks.

>> No.13159201

what a fucking loser. why would you even read that shit? go die in a well

>> No.13159213

>>13159192 >>13159201
i bet you like hesiod

>> No.13159234

Who hurt you, son?

>> No.13159253
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sweet, but ostentatious

my dick

i wish i knew anything about poetry but I don't

all vonnegut is based, even his worse works

I only read one novel at a time, but short stories don't really confuse me if I read them alongside a novel, and I can jump back and forth between nonfiction books with no issues. I usually churn through reference works slowly because otherwise things don't really commit to memory. Mostly because they're written like shit.

>> No.13159405

This is true and i have them, but also, and this was enough to reignite my early excitement on pound, my addition came pre annotated by previous owners; AND , for the first time in almost 20 years of buying 2'nd hand books, the annotation wrent crap. These are largely instructional notes in delicate handwriting pointing out the various references and and translating all the Greek and Italian and Japanese . Even the occasional bit of criticism is well done and not the pro fascist, sycophantic nonsense i was expecting .

Really the first time i feel im having a true dialogue with a previous owner like what i read some people have.

>> No.13159408

i really wish this alt-right catholic larping phase would end already

>> No.13159481
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>obscure philosophy

Are you all faggots, or what? Don't none of you read actual literature?

>> No.13159671 [DELETED] 

that's literature

>> No.13159676

Name one book in any of those pics that would count as "obscure philosophy."

>> No.13159683

You Catholics are so full of it, you rely on the name of your church for your prestige, it has nothing to do with what actually goes on in your lives. You have this arrogant pretension about practicing the 'true faith,' aristocratic conceit about your descending from Roman imperials, your religious faith has been overwhelmed by majesty, splendor, ostentation and their inevitable offspring corruption, perversion and scandal. Insular communities, unwelcoming of strangers, suspicious, slanderous. Among yourselves your decadence and debaucheries are little white lies, minor intemperance, nothing so great as sins. Until an unfamiliar face catches sight of them, deigns to reveal them, then it's all-out survival. Fingers pointing, hostilities screeched, your composed facades distort hideously into murderous snarls, eyes glistening, teeth bared, utter savagery. Tribalism is hardly the word for this unchecked aggression and prosperity.

>> No.13159798
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>all these onionboys itt

>> No.13159955

jesus christ dude how are you not embarrassed to own these books

>> No.13159956
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>> No.13159959

Literature expands beyond the lit starter pack, anon. Letters contain some of the greatest things ever penned, often done without editing.

>> No.13159963


>> No.13159995
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 307DF654-F33B-4719-82AA-985C81F8FF1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the books i have in my cheap french student room

>> No.13160030

>he thinks greco-russian schismatics are the orthodoxes while it's in fact Catholics that are

>> No.13160152

We all know that 99% of the people buying the shit I mentioned in my previous post do it only so they can join in on these threads. They don't actually read them (which would be even sadder).

>> No.13160263

old meme

>> No.13160274

That's an absurd assumption

>> No.13161553

for you

>> No.13161693

based this is why you should always write in books

>> No.13161785

>he doesnt own a bookshelf and 3 boxefulls on the addict

>> No.13162982
