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13156836 No.13156836 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that deal with the same level of intelligence?

>> No.13156843

Clifford the Big Red Dog

>> No.13156848
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The Bible
Richard Dawkins
Starship troopers

>> No.13156847

Rick and Morty?

Check the clinical entry for retardation in the older DSMs. I'm sure anyone who watches this show meets it.

inb4 high IQ psyop meme

>> No.13156857
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>> No.13156961

what's the source on the girl

>> No.13157950


>> No.13158184


>> No.13158229

Some slav, or at least eastern European

>> No.13158234
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>spain isn't white

>> No.13158522

>deals with same level of intelligence
Flowers for Algernon

>> No.13159251
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>> No.13159258

The right answer is Douglas Adams

>> No.13159273
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>> No.13159275

Bouvard et Pécuchet

>> No.13159419
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>Americans with Spanish surnames are from Spain

>> No.13159433

That comics writing is so fucking bad it's amazing. It's like the people who are writing it only saw a few trailers of the show and then were asked to write the comic.

>> No.13159448

R. Scott Bakker "Neuropath"

>> No.13159451
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>I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said:

>“Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it later. But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling to one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

>“Oh, and by the way . . . there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid. Deal with it.


>“Basically, kid, what this all means is that life is a lot tougher than it used to be, in the Good Old Days, back before you were born. Things used to be awesome, but now they’re kinda terrifying. To be honest, the future doesn’t look too bright. You were born at a pretty crappy time in history. And it looks like things are only gonna get worse from here on out. Human civilization is in ‘decline.’ Some people even say it’s ‘collapsing.’

>“You’re probably wondering what’s going to happen to you. That’s easy. The same thing is going to happen to you that has happened to every other human being who has ever lived. You’re going to die. We all die. That’s just how it is.

>“What happens when you die? Well, we’re not completely sure. But the evidence seems to suggest that nothing happens. You’re just dead, your brain stops working, and then you’re not around to ask annoying questions anymore. Those stories you heard? About going to a wonderful place called ‘heaven’ where there is no more pain or death and you live forever in a state of perpetual happiness? Also total bullshit. Just like all that God stuff. There’s no evidence of a heaven and there never was. We made that up too. Wishful thinking. So now you have to live the rest of your life knowing you’re going to die someday and disappear forever.



>> No.13159455

Looks like Serge Marshennikov

>> No.13159486

nice straw fag, first nigga said nothing about murica

>> No.13159497

>that fucking prose
theres nothing special in it, why the fuck it has become a worldwide bestseller? does it mean i can create something like that as long as the story is "good" and have money from it?

>> No.13159543

A famous author wrote it and it’s subject matter is videogames and 80s references, with some shitty pseudo philosophy on top of that which makes plebs feel smart

>> No.13159738
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Rick and Marty are just a modern hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
Adams was a amateur lover of science and thought puzzles that emerge in science, h he enjoy attending lectures and such. He liked throwing bits of them in the story, but mostly it is for laughs
Furthermore it is the same ethos as rick and Morty, where anything is possible a infinite multiuniverse so nothing really matters and it is all random so just enjoy the ride. Like in hitchhikers there’s a story about a planet that got distoried in intergalactic game of pool, hit into a black hole, scored 20 points.
So maybe that helps you understand what I mean.
Honestly if the creators of rick and morty do not give Douglas Adams credit somewhere it would be insulting.

>> No.13159760

....that which makes plebs feel smart.
That is pretty much every popular Novel ever to be honest.

>> No.13159764


>> No.13159781

Minecraft: Stinky Steve

>> No.13159788

Well they "stole" a lot of ideas from famous sci-fi films and books. A lot of their individual episodes are based on different sci-fi books and the mad scientist/kid dynamic is itself "stolen" from back to the future (which has its roots in Jules Verne).

>> No.13160074

Hitchhikers Guide is kind of the who pseudointellectual vibe of r and m from an earlier time

>> No.13160103
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>same level of intelligence

>> No.13160573


>> No.13161019

Selfish Gene if you want a nihilistic science book

>> No.13161154

If someone were to make an ironic audiobook reading of the entirety of Ready Player One with a posh and snarky tone it would be a commentary on the death of literature that holds more artistic merit than the book itself.

>> No.13161175

90 iq thoughts

Not like it's lies but still very dumb.

>> No.13161212
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monthy python + douglas adam books = rick and morty

>> No.13161274

Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life

>> No.13161331

delet yourself

>> No.13161337
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what´s wrong with my equation?

>> No.13161366

Monty Python is kino and Dick and Shorty is not kino.

>> No.13161410
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>Monty Python is kino
>le absurd humor

only if you´re a redditor