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13153111 No.13153111 [Reply] [Original]

Currently enjoying The Temple Of The Golden Pavilion, commenced it today, has anyone here read this novel

>> No.13153437

I have and found it immensely enjoyable, though I suspect the prose is more graceful in Japanese. Just wait till you get to the final sentence

>> No.13153699

I'm enjoying it so far

>> No.13154441

Easily my favourite novel by him.

>> No.13154673
File: 29 KB, 320x447, osamudazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading Spring Snow. His prose is beautiful and I like how he writes, but he just doesn't hold my interest. Dazai is about the exact opposite, clumsy rushed prose steeped with vulgarity, but his work is cocaine, once you start you never want to stop reading it. I think I'd reread Dazai five times over rather than read Mishima once. Mishima is beautiful and well composed, but he's so well composed that not a single sincere human emotion makes its way to the final product, and the whole feels artificial and affected. Dazai, conversely, writes so sincerely that he could write complete lies and you'd still believe every word.

Mishima has a veneer of pretension and composure, but he fails fundamentally as a writer.

>> No.13154688

I'd say that although Mishima bears the main flaw of most Japanese writers (prioritising symbolism over meaning) to the point where it's hard to see the plot for the symbols, a good understanding of either his life or the particular background of each novel makes it much easier to appreciate them.

>> No.13154702

Im honestly not the biggest Mishima fan. But this was the one novel of his I really enjoyed.

>> No.13154704

Dazai has some pretty bad translators

>> No.13154708

I disagree but thats just like your opinion

>> No.13154721
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>prioritising symbolism over meaning
This convention drives me up a wall. You end up with a big beautiful nothing, a painstakingly crafted temple that's completely empty of anything to worship. Chinese ghost cities.

I have a passing familiarity with Mishima. However, if you need to read a biography of the author to make the book interesting enough to get through, that's an inexcusable deficiency. Anyone can walk into No Longer Human blind and become hooked.

>> No.13154750
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You read for what's behind the words, not the words themselves. I assume he's much more eloquent in Japanese; however, it's a matter of fact many academics consider his prose weak even in Japanese. Dazai is a decadent cake wrapped in old newspaper. Mishima is grocery store cake wrapped in gold foil.

>> No.13154756

>inexcusable deficiency
Well, sometimes to have to work for it. At the end of the day I think it's worth it though. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion probably stands out because it's based on an historical event opposed to being purely the product of Mishima's own experiences.

>> No.13154769

We read Mishima in translation too

>> No.13154790

No, really? ?!?!?!

>> No.13154815

It was an interesting novel but not great. I assumed a lot was lost in translation.

>> No.13155298

Yeah so the wrapped in gold foil doesn't really make sense.

>> No.13155303

>arbitrarily brings up different author just because they are also Japanese
stop, this isn't the "which Japanese writer is better" thread

>> No.13155326
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>he doesn't know

>> No.13155348
File: 2.63 MB, 2903x3515, IMG_20190520_152909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished reading it. i've never underlined so much passages in other books. also it made me rejoice in sidenotes (pic is a part where he talks about entrails unfairly deemed inappropriate). the character is much more relatable than in No Longer Human (which i also liked, but to a lesser extent).
it's great, aesthetic traversing the actual imagery. one of my favorite books now.

>> No.13155367

I read it, incel moaning with some interesting comments on aesthetics

>> No.13155437

Yeah The part where he went for a jog in dusk and hid behind the tree waiting for Uiko, she thought he was a sperg and honked her bicycle horn repeatedly because she was terrified of his absurdity, then he wanted her to die along with the rest of the world
My fucking sides

>> No.13155474

I’ve just started the second chapter, such a good fucking book [spolier] his father died of a hemorrhage, mother Luke whilst new priest reads during his dads send off, father is to be cremated by the sea, during this reading, the young man feels unsure of himself because his psyche is condition towards taking orders from a man above him [/spoiler]

>> No.13155480

Hahahahaha, sorry /literature/ brethren

>> No.13155504

its basically about a prototypical incel right?

>> No.13155507

>underlining books
*vomit* leave it to a r*ssian

>> No.13155531

> too beta to underline in his own books
the absolute STATE

>> No.13155687

why did you scribble all over the sides?

>> No.13157298

>destroying my own property is my god given right
as expected of a r*ssian