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/lit/ - Literature

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1315117 No.1315117 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so afraid of sex?

>> No.1315129

Ask Freud.

>> No.1315134

I'm not.

I could even post a sexy picture if this was not a work-safe board.

>> No.1315139

im not afraid its just gross ass hell ( i think)

>> No.1315143

>Work safe

Nice try.

>> No.1315146

We're not afraid of is per se, but rather the lack of it. (foreveralone.jpg)

>> No.1315147

guaranteed replies from these sore losers.

well you would be naked & intimate with a person, do you go out naked & kiss ppl on the street?

>> No.1315149

Read the FAQ, motherfucker!

>> No.1315150

>I could even post a sexy picture if this was not a work-safe board.

the height of lust.

>> No.1315151

I know it's MEANT to be work safe - but trying to enforce that rule on 4chan is a bit presumptuous.

>> No.1315162

I like sex, I'm just not getting any. I post on /lit/ when I'm not getting laid.

>> No.1315176
File: 335 KB, 957x765, 5efbef427a1f05114f0d2b7187764981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's to your worksafe board!

Love /d/

>> No.1315185


You could "spoiler" the image.

Also, OP does remember the topic where everyone posted books covering their sexy parts like a week ago, yes?

>> No.1315189
File: 1.45 MB, 293x429, boob gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think 'work-safe' counts on the Saturday of a holiday weekend =)

>> No.1315191

I remember that thread (I was the one who made it [and I saved all the pics])

>> No.1315199


>> No.1315206

> well you would be naked & intimate with a person, do you go out naked & kiss ppl on the street?

weird sentence, but yeah, i did that.

shit was great, then in retrospect it had some not so cool consequences. but now that more time has passed, yeah, it was pretty awesome

>> No.1315217
File: 27 KB, 500x313, HotChickInPinkPanties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thread was what got me thinking about this-- there was soooo mich whining, complaining, griping, and general asspain that I began to wonder what it was about /lit/, moreso than any other board on 4chan, that seems to abhor sex.

All the fluttering and gasping reminded me of nothing so much as a bunch of deep south school marms and churchladies from the 1940's clutching their brooches and praying to Jesus to save them from the sin of horrible, icky, sex.

It's really bizarrely non-progressive from a bunch of creative types.

>> No.1315220


wut ar yu gehy?

>> No.1315227


That's a lot-a words fer a troll.

>> No.1315234

dude, when I remember right people werent so much upset about the "nudity" than about the fact that there were pictures of hairy, unappealing guys.

>> No.1315257

>People complaining about what amounted to a rate me thread.
>Therefore they must hate sex.

Look, I'm all for having sex, but my god, not with the people on /lit/.

>> No.1315288

even though I'm sure this is a troll, I'm curious as to where this idea came from. This particular board is not based as much around pictures as virtually every other, so there is a lack of explicit porn imagery being posted (particularly because some people actually respect that it is not supposed to be 18+ like some of the others). In keeping with the theme of the site, I see no reason people would get all squeamish about having erotica threads, or discussing sex scenes within novels (which even young adult often has, but grazes over some of the details of). Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt most of the people here are prudes, just can think of other things to talk about, and generally talk about sex in other boards/contexts

>> No.1315368

There are people asking for erotica or asking for help with writing erotica that post quite frequently on here. I've never followed up and read the threads, so I do not know if they are met with resistance.

As far as /lit/ afraid of sex, I think most people are just concerned over it being a worksafe board. That's generally why images are met with resistance. It makes more sense that a board like /lit/ would be visited at work more so than other worksafe boards since it's pretty harmless with only books.

Yet I don't think this means /lit/ is afraid of sex. As someone else pointed out, we did have that book covering genital thread a little while ago. I think IRL people from /lit/ might be more likely to get laid than say people from /v/ or any anime/manga/weeaboo-related board...

>> No.1315397 [SPOILER] 
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I would put my weener in her private place


>> No.1315410

It is only natural to fear the unknown

>> No.1315421

I'm terrified I'll do something wrong.

>> No.1315436

Are we? I have a fetlife account.

>> No.1315466

People are always asking me why I don't have a girlfriend. I always say I'm too busy, but the fact is that I just don't fucking care anymore. I've fucked girls before. It was pretty cool. Nothing to get all worked up about though. Maybe I have a hormone problem or something. Maybe I masturbate too much? That's probably it. Who cares, tho?

>> No.1315482


>Am I special? I think I'm special. But I don't want them to know I think I'm special. So I'll pretend I don't care. But I'm still special.

>> No.1315488

i just want someone that's kind.....

gonna try & get a friend next year. getting a gf on top of that seems unrealistic.

>> No.1315494

for real. relationships with people are hard work to maintain. it's all quite tiresome.

>> No.1315517
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for real. relationships with people are hard work to maintain. it's all quite tiresome.
no i dont think you have real friends if its hard work. i had one friend like that but then i was too boring so i was ditched.

i dont know how to go about getting a bff though. maybe you need to get lots of shitty friends, then amongst them you find one good one. then you repeat that until one of your good friends is your bff.

that does seem alot of work though because of the shitty phony people. maybe i should just commit suicide or be alone.

also i have come to find that people i like are usually already pretty popular so i either feel too inferior to them or too afraid to talk to those people.

maybe i need to be friends with lots of losers to finally become decent myself. maybe this is a lifetime task i should have started in pre-school.

>> No.1315532
