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13146633 No.13146633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why there's not a single major female philosopher in history?

>> No.13146638

Too many dicks pivoting inside the pit of their stomach and nutting on their tongue

>> No.13146641

because big mean men with clubs raped any woman who tried to pick up a writing implement
this used to be a very distinguished position for a man to hold

>> No.13146655

I know this is stupid for the sake of stupid but fuck it: Anscombe, Arendt, Beauvoir, Goldman, Wollstonecraft, Hypatia, Butler.

>> No.13146662

none of them have any value outside of fulfilling diversity quotas

>> No.13146666

what have they done that matters?

or are they niche philosophers you learned by googling this question?

>> No.13146672

Simone Weil

>> No.13146702

literally who?

I said major philosophers, not shit you read on wikipedia female philosopher list nigger.

>> No.13146709

Ayn Rand is probably the most regarded, albeit is relatively second tier.

>> No.13146718

Simone de Beauvoir was actually decent until she started taking Sartre's dick while he stared amorously at both the wall and her.

>> No.13146725

fanfic writer.

any philosopher in the XX century has not left a legacy, they're literal whos.

>> No.13146731

>feminist theory
yeah, fuck off

>> No.13146740


bouvoir and sartre were lovers.
That is all

>> No.13146747

>it's an op dismisses everyone brought up thread
See you guys next time on "Why are American authors so shit?" and "Why can't darkies make book?"

>> No.13146751

does /lit/ like kristeva?

>> No.13146752
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>ask woman why men dwarf women in philosophy achievements
>"What about Hypatia!!"
>tfw she literally proves she can't isolate the logical form of the original question ("Why are men relatively much more / more frequently accomplished in philosophy than woman," not "No woman has ever been regarded as a philosopher")
>tell her this
>suggest this failure to think logically might be a clue as to why woman philosophers are so rare
>"Oh yeah well there a lot of women better at philosophy than YOU are!!"
>tfw she again proves she can't attend to the logically relevant details of the inquiry
>suggest again that her emotionality and easily distracted nature may be indicative of women's generally lower ability in the domain of philosophy
>"Fucking pathetic virgin!!! I bet you won't get any sex from a vagina if you don't change your argument!!!"
>tfw ad hominem circumstantial
>tfw argumentum ad baculum
>tfw asking any woman why women are so bad at philosophy provokes a natural demonstration of the answer to that very question

>> No.13146754

>literal whos that only feminists on academia knows

where is the female Kant, or female descartes?

>> No.13146757

Socrates was taught by a woman

>> No.13146766

Women need to give birth.

>> No.13146772

>a woman so brilliant that Wittgenstein only trusted her to translate his work
>wrote based analytic Thomism
>no value

Absolute brainlet.

>> No.13146775

Plato was a woman

>> No.13146777

>>Why there's not a single major female philosopher in history?
>women scramble like retards for two centuries to answer this question

>feminist theory
>yeah, fuck off

It's the least they could do.

>> No.13146778

>these are not major philosophers because i havent read them and neither had joyce

>> No.13146781

Anscombe and Foot.

>> No.13146783

Did Frege, Wittgenstein and Heidegger left no legacy?
Ascombre will be in the years to come a major philosopher

>> No.13146785

bro, can u name anything that isn't women talking about their holes? (AKA feminism)?

>> No.13146791

to be a philosopher, one must be -- well, i'm not quite sure, but it certainly has something to do with operating on a higher plane of existence than those self-centered half-wits

>> No.13146794


bro, she literally only wrote the biography and introductions of other philosophers.


>> No.13146795

Arendt was brilliant at adapting Heideggerian phenomenology to political theory. Read the Human Condition

>> No.13146797

so female geniuses only need to do the same as any male PHD philosopher thesis?

>> No.13146799

Anscombe wasn't a feminist theorist

>> No.13146802


>> No.13146810

Arendt wrote more influential works if political theory that most political philosophers period. She's /lit/ af, started with the Greeks (Heidegger recommended his students study Aristotle for 10 years)

>> No.13146813


>> No.13146816

So she's more influencial that socrates writing the republic or Maquiavelo?

>> No.13146825

that's not even decent bait man

>> No.13146827

Authors of derivative works or otherwise rather not relevant

>> No.13146828

so she's only considered as a genius because she had a vagina?

all that shit seems like a minor niche philosopher if she was male.

I consider all the philosophers on the XX century to be minor philosophers.

>> No.13146834


>> No.13146838
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t. seething brainlet

>> No.13146850
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women can't philosophise.

>> No.13146852

Butler, if you count her as female

>> No.13146853

literal random whos in academia.

what makes her special among all philosopher PHD that are males?

even peterson and the leftypol fat loser debate has more influence than her.

>> No.13146864
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>> No.13146939

>literal random whos

>> No.13147030

Arendt is genuinely one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. Her analysis of Nazi Germany is still a popular way of analysing the rise of fascist and authoritarian regimes to this day. She even went as far as to critique Israel for hypocrisy regarding their expansion into Palestine despite being Jewish herself, so you know she wasn’t biased towards one side.

Also, 20th century philosophers like Arendt, Foucault and Derrida are hardly minor if they’re cited just as much, if not more, than the likes of Socrates to this day.

>> No.13147039
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If we want to assume females in philosophy is probably the highest right now, that's still only about 30% of philosophy majors (US) so we still have over triple the potential even now. We also know of multiple periods where women weren't taught formally at all. We know women can think logically because of these >>13146655 and other lesser female philosophers. So the capability is obviously there but there has been an immeasurable amount more potential for male minds to show up that stand out far enough above the rest to change the game. Add that to women breaking career or quitting altogether for children and family and there's even less of a chance to land a great female mind. The bigger the sample size the greater the potential.

>> No.13147044

Tell me this, Pedro, why are there no major Spanish philosophers?

>> No.13147045
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>that picture

>> No.13147058
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>> No.13147060

Who is Descartes?
t. brainlet

>> No.13147061

Woah woah, slow down anon; don't put Descartes before the horse.

>> No.13147108


>> No.13147111
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when womens' minds are left idle, they don't think abstractly of ideas, but instead think concretely of people. their minds don't naturally form relationships between things, they form relationships between people. women make good philosophers only to the extent that they can personify ideas. as thought becomes more abstract, personification becomes more impossible. womanhood is an irreparable blight.

>> No.13147308

>womanhood is an irreparable blight.
I think it's possible for a woman to reach a man's level by being almost exclusively exposed to and/or copying the male mindset for years. Of course, the vast, vast majority of women have 0 interest in thinking like a man and are happy the way they are.

>> No.13147456
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>so you know she wasn’t biased towards one side.

>> No.13147635

Are you Christian?

>> No.13147707

no i'm protestant

>> No.13147715

>doesn't know who Weil is
Do you know who Trotski is at least?

>> No.13147725

Who is Diotima of Mantinea?

>> No.13147750

>no Hildegaard of Bingen
>no Arete of Cyrene
>no Hipparchia
>no Lady Montagu
keking at your pox ridden shameful immoral and ill read lack of face, why declare your inceldom like this? are you only into girls with facial scarring and false virtues? no wonder you only know feminists, like festers with like.

>> No.13147781
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If the study of philosophy has anything to do with IQ then we can attribute lack of women in the field to this graph. I think women's two X chromosomes often prevents the recessive traits that confer high and low intelligence to be suppressed whereas men's single X chromosome enables this.

>> No.13147789
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>> No.13147794

Have sex.

>> No.13147799

even Zizek laughed in a recent lecture about Arendt being considered good theory

>> No.13147804

>I know it's meant to be a normative curve across all intelligence, but fuck it it's not broke if we can make two normative curves with different functions instead xd
Not seeing this should make you average at best.

>> No.13147808

spanish weather is too good to stay inside and do philosophy

>> No.13147816

Zizek's Hegelian, why would he side with a Heideggerian phenomenology? That's as good as saying Schopenhauer laughed at Hegel, ergo Zizek is bad Hegelian theory.

>> No.13147820

This didnt happen

>> No.13147824

Zizek says Heidegger was top tier

>> No.13147837

Then why subscribe to Hegelian or Lacanian theory which is antithetical to Heidegger's? Is he assuming nobody reads?

>> No.13147888

Please tell me this is satire.
/lit/ has left-wing people but I don't think anyone would seriously argue that a left-wing zionist Jew wasn't "biased towards one side"

>> No.13147900

That's not a question that can be answered by anything more than a mere guess grounded in sentiment.
Retarded question, off topic thread.
Op is a faggot

>> No.13147905

Too busy actually HAVING SEX

>> No.13147922


Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism impressed me greatly when I first read it. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say she's "one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century" but detractors dismiss her scholarship at their own peril.

Her concepts that I know of "banality of evil," the discussions of totalitarianism, the distinction between labor, work, and action (Human Condition) and her early work on Augustine and each human life representing something of a spontaneous beginning, are all interesting and worth reading, but don't put her on the same level as a Locke, Hume, Kant, Descartes, or Spinoza, which is the level I envision when I think "major philosopher."

I do believe she did have a pro-Israel bias. Her criticisms of what Israel was doing, seen in Eichmann in Jerusalem and elsewhere, seem to have been motivated by a desire to see Israel operate on a firm foundation, morally and intellectually speaking.

tl;dr: Arendt was an excellent minor philosopher.

>> No.13149431

Because Ayn Rand is the only good one and such a massive philosophic threat to the socialist-capitalist mixed economy paradigm has to be shouted down everwhere until people forget she ever existed.

>> No.13149817


>> No.13149835
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>*steals your heart*

>> No.13149843

he's french you fuckin mongoloid

>> No.13149900

>>Why there's not a single major female philosopher in history?
>dozens of replies
>>Why there's only minor female philosophers in history?
>4 replies and archived
Simone Weil would probably be the closest to a major female philosopher because she wasn't well known during her life

>> No.13149901

>student of Wittgenstein who wrote on ethics and morality
did she even read Wittgenstein?

>> No.13149911

>"existentialist ethics"
you really can't make this up

>> No.13149923

Women's egos have been going insane since the incel craze

>> No.13149963

Welcome to academic philosophy, where people aren't pseuds on the internet who think you approach knowledge like a sporting match, picking a side and throwing memes at the other. Here's an example, Zizek thinks Heidegger was right in the claim that language is the house of Being, but claims it is a torture house, it is not a place of comfort but of violence. "Subscribing" to someone is something you do on youtube, not in philosophy proper. I won't even bring up how much respect Heidegger had for Hegel for formulating the question of Being in a serious sense for the first time since the ancients.

>> No.13149974

>20th century philosophers like Arendt, Foucault and Derrida are hardly minor if they’re cited just as much, if not more, than the likes of Socrates to this day.
Socrates has been dead for 2400 years. You really think people are going to care about what Arendt, Foucault, and Derrida have to say that much in 2400 years?

>> No.13149991
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>he thinks humans will be around for another couple millennia

>> No.13149992

Actually good answer.

>> No.13149998


>> No.13150003

if you havent heard of at least fucking wollstonecraft, beauvoir or butler then why are you on this board?

>> No.13150023
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>"he" is mad that nobody on \lit\ follows his feminist theory

>> No.13150045

>if you haven't studied feminist theory, you shouldn't be posting on lit
>if you haven't studied abstract mathematics, you shouldn't be posting on sci
>if you haven't watched at least 3 kurosawa films, you shouldn't be posting on tv
>if you haven't played anything on DOS, you shouldn't be posting on vg
>if you haven't ever been a part of a proper DnD or Magic group, you shouldn't be posting on tg
should I go on or do you get the point

>> No.13150076

wollstonecraft is a massively important figure in the history of literature (especially english literature) both in terms of her work and her relationship to Romanticism, if you haven't heard of her I seriously question your ability to discuss any literature post-1800 at a level beyond shitposting.

Butler is a massively important figure in contemporary literary theory as well as third wave feminism - if you shitpost about contemporary feminism without even knowing her name you are undoubtedly uninformed cancer spouting shit without a clue what youre discussing.

If you shitpost about Sisyphus but don't know the name Beauvoir you are also a pseud fucking idiot who needs to crawl back to whatever shitty board you came from.

>> No.13150088

it's not like having never played a DOS game, its like not knowing what a DOS game is and accusing other people of pretending to know it

>> No.13150113

these dead roasties aren't gonna fuck you bro lmao

>> No.13150119

This and only this.

>> No.13150127

Was I supposed to disagree with any of this? I don't go on other boards because they don't have liminal standards like we do. If everyone on /tv/ had watched 3 Kurasawa films it might be somewhat salvageable. Don't post in a thread about female philosophers if you don't know anything about philosophy, let alone female philosophers.

>> No.13150281

if you place too much emphasis on some specific topics of a board above others, the board when discussing the specifics you emphasize will necessarily seem banal and amateurish concerning those things.
many sci posters study biology/chemistry with an introductory understanding of physics and would never get close to abstract mathematical studies because it is irrelevant to their interests. should these people be discouraged from posting for not being concerned with the total content of the board? there's people who seriously post on tv without having an interest in kurosawa's works specifically, there's people who post on vr (typo in original post) who only like console gaming and don't play any PC games, and there's people who haven't played DnD or Magic on tg because they prefer a different genre than high fantasy.
basically if you want serious discussion about something you have a personal interest in pursuing, join/create a general/forum/discussion group about that topic. anything similar outside of these things will only be temporary and happenstance while wanting more is unreasonable.