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13149043 No.13149043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello! Beautiful morning, isn't it? Too bad it's spoiled by these loud, diesel-engine leafblowers and lawnmowers!

I sure do hate that constant, grating sound, and just think of the pollution they're spewing off! What do you think, friend?

>> No.13149058

Unironically agree. Technocrats could all die right now and I wouldn't shed a tear

>> No.13149060
File: 316 KB, 927x1200, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude let's go back to being stupid

daily reminder that ignorance is the root of evil and this your low tech, anti-STEM brainlet society will simply be evil barbarism. you might as well just kill yourself faggot, primitivism is just two steps removed from hedonism, living for the sake of it instead of living with a purpose. the same philosophy of life as dung beetles and AIDS.

>> No.13149074

>implying Aristocles would support what's going on today

>> No.13149079

Ecofascism is still fascism, Ted.

>> No.13149084

>Being a slave to an industrially crafted society.
Teddy K. was right about everything. I'm only ashamed that I'm not brave enough to reject the shackles and conveniences of this society.

>> No.13149087

>More than 99 percent of all species that have ever existed were extinct long before homo sapiens arrived on the scene, and the environmentalists are trying to convince us that extinction is anti-natural. That's the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.

>> No.13149090

Billions of people have been killed before I was born. I assume that means murder is acceptable too

>> No.13149095

Diesel leaf blower? What the fuck?

>> No.13149097

He railed against environmentalists equally, my friend. Actually read what he wrote. It's too bad he killed people, otherwise he might not still be in jail and would be free to have his message heard more broadly.

>> No.13149098
File: 140 KB, 500x417, ecofash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes it is.

>> No.13149109

People wouldn't have listened if he didn't make himself known. You honestly think people will give up technological consumption?

>> No.13149110

The only reason his message emerged was because he killed people. The Washington Post published ISaiF because he killed people.

>> No.13149120

Deep down we all know that Ted is right. We're just pussies who are too afraid to act.

>> No.13149121

If his bombs merely destroyed facilities, I think he'd have been more palatable.

>> No.13149132

>It's too bad he killed people, otherwise he might not still be in jail and would be free to have his message heard more broadly.
He would have zero recognition if he didn't do what he did. He had an IQ of 168, he knew what he was doing.

>> No.13149135

yes, it does! You are getting the hang of this quick!

>> No.13149144

Why did you post that picture?

>> No.13149150

I just remembered a letter Tolkien wrote through this post that was exactly about the noise industrial machines and modern vehicles make.
Thank you for remind me this way, even if it wasn't your intention.

>> No.13149159

can you link to the letter?

>> No.13149163

>this is your mind on I don't even know what anymore

>> No.13149167

He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment. There is no treatment. The sickness is terminal. Reading Anti-Tech revolution is interesting because he is so convincing in his description but absolutely not in his proscription.

>> No.13149172

>it's terminal so don't try
There's no fun in that

>> No.13149181

We should really have a serious discussion about this. I feel like so many people nowadays believe that they live "at the end of history" and that it is their duty to preserve the world in its current state forever. The extinction of any animal species is perceived as being inherently a bad thing, especilaly if caused directly or indirectly by Man. They seem to believe that humans are outside Nature and must preserve it in its current state forever; and these are the same people who claim to believe in evolution. No coherence at all.

>> No.13149192

This is a good point. And sometimes fighting is worth it even when you know you will lose. Fighting itself is an end, in a way. Just do not delude yourself with that demon called hope.

>> No.13149194

If you are in a burning house, do you remain so because it's natural?

>> No.13149198

wtf i much prefer strip malls to wetlands now

>> No.13149199

Of course. Every time I imagine myself actually blowing up a factory or something, the scenario always ends with me dying or in prison, but also hated by everyone.

>> No.13149218

consider that houses burning down leaves more houses that can't burn down. Then consider if these houses that can't burn down have house sex to make little fire proof houses.

>> No.13149229

Absolutely. Architectural-Darwinism is the real redpill

>> No.13149235


>People still fall for the IQ meme

I hate that I share bandwidth and oxygen with you people

>> No.13149241

Discarding something that takes thousands of years to create (and in most cases practically impossible to recreate) is irresponsible at best. You cant rethink your radical position after you've fucked that up, a contemporary belief is not enough to make such a decision safely.

>> No.13149242

Everyone is equal, and I agree

>> No.13149256
File: 69 KB, 400x487, 1550691581488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what sort of organisms thrive in human-dominated areas? Rats, roaches, pigeons et al. There is a great reduction in forms and strategies. It isn't that every sperm is sacred or that the cruelty of nature if nonexistent. It is that the forms which have arisen in the wild have taken on many and ingenious iterations, niches. Your argument is congruous with saying we should pave the entire earth, then we will see who is REALLY fit. But fit for what?

>> No.13149258

lmao abruti, as if ted supported fascism, or any type of organization

He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.


He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.
He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.
He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.
He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.
He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.

He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.

>> No.13149263

>Discarding something that takes thousands of years to create (and in most cases practically impossible to recreate) is irresponsible at best
what if that thing you are discarding is so broken and mangled that it can't even survive?

>> No.13149272

Which is why I full heartedly support getting rid of all social welfare programs unironically

>> No.13149276

What's the point of this post?

>> No.13149302

It's simple; He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.

>> No.13149320

It can survive within its niche, why not just let it exist? We know their limits and we are past competition, why wouldn't we want to leave a pool of an irreplaceable resource to our children? It's not like another crowded city would make the world any more interesting.

>> No.13149330

>But what sort of organisms thrive in human-dominated areas? Rats, roaches, pigeons et al.
you are coming along nicely! In the future, the population will not be extremely low, it will be extremely high. The animals and insects alive will not be the strong, as the strong take out the strong. The animals and insects alive will be the smallest, dumbest (operating purely on instinct), and most "parasitic" ones, and there will be billions of them. The same will be said for humans (in which there is the submissive last man, who is the most thoroughly socialized version of man possible).
But the strongest ones will also remain too, which is where the upper echelons of the greatest men that suffered through the socialization of the last men but made it through unscathed stand (as well as aliens possibly, but we haven't got there yet). Here you realize that Ted was kind've right, just a little too pessimistic.

>> No.13149344

Are you advocating for the society you just described?

>> No.13149350

>It's not like another crowded city would make the world any more interesting.
I agree, but do you think the expansion of humanity is going to care? Resources being depleted will force mankind to evolve both scientifically and technologically at an unprecedented rate. The motivation of working against extinction will force all of humanity to progress.

>> No.13149361

>what if that thing you are discarding is so broken and mangled that it can't even survive?
*shoots a man in the head*
heh too broken and mangled to even survive, i see

>> No.13149393

it is inevitable. I am not advocating anything, just recognizing that is where we will end up. Humanity will expand, it will destroy, it will evolve, and repeat that cycle hundreds of times no matter what they enforce. This is unavoidable because of growing populations (unless you advocate a eugenics program, but that is next to impossible to advocate with decadent liberal propaganda on your back. Even then, this can only really be enforced in first world countries. Good luck advocating a mandatory eugenics program to poor third worlders (who are also responsible for the majority of environmental decay (because they would do anything to escape poverty, and thereby think they are justified))). The only way to save the environment would be to destroy mankind.

>> No.13149407

Do you not see how delicate modern technology is? A large disruption could set it back permanently, as energy production methods will no longer be viable (easy access fossil fuels are largely depleted)

>> No.13149420

correct! which is why, when in a war, you bring a gun and body protection. That is why we made those things. But now we have evolved to a point where local violence is deterred by police, and global violence is deterred by nuclear weapons.

>> No.13149423

We are unlikely to achieve an ecological paradise, sure, but I do believe that certain shitty decisions can be avoided if we keep such things in mind. Of course they would never be given an absolute priority, it's just that the idea that "it's how it's gotta be" leads to unnecessary sacrifices.

>> No.13149426

Lawns are for cucks.

>> No.13149449

Are we in a war with wetland species and climax forests?

>> No.13149452

Yes. Burn every species that doesn't produce some consumable product. Fuck you

>> No.13149455

You remind me of the nigger wolf from the Neverending Story

>> No.13149461

>as energy production methods will no longer be viable

>> No.13149471
File: 203 KB, 1507x1155, boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of money boomers have spent on lawns is mind-boggling. I know because I worked in lawn care.

>> No.13149472

Yes, as we are with everything that is blocking the progress of humanity.
>>13149452 isn't me, but he is based, and redpilled

>> No.13149488

All of those, although to a lesser extent hydro and geothermal, require high-tech materials and infrastructure for them to viable, as evidence partially by their almost negligible position in modern energy production. Imagine if there was no federal government to subsidize all these, plus no way to craft the metal/materials necessary to construct them

>> No.13149497

1 yike
Progress to what? Or is there only one Progress?

>> No.13149514

Just progress dude like lmao the new IPHONE bro wtf haha

>> No.13149520

read The Soundscape & Tools For Conviviality for deeper dives on INDUSTRIAL TOOLS and their UNFORTUNATE DRONINGS.

>> No.13149729

Howdy! I sure do hate niggers!

>> No.13149750

I'm not autistic so loud noises don't hurt me

>> No.13149888

>dude don't kill people even though they are the problem but instead lets blame it on the machines made by humans.
lmao spook humanists are the cancer of this world

>> No.13149893

Ted is against fascism you dumb cunt, any form of political system (socialist/liberal/fascist) based on the techno industrial system.

>> No.13150050
File: 45 KB, 299x500, 489a4c0f4ed397da4f9df88a5538d796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas any of you read a guy named Enrico Castelli? I am reading Ellul right now and he references a work by said author by the name of La Temps harcalant. Any one read it or know of how I could get it in english?

>> No.13150110

moron hahahahaha you did not get my point, at all hahahahahahaha

He is right in diagnosis but not in treatment.

hahahahah this has nothing to do with kaczynski, pleb. I won't give an explanation as it will be wasted on you.

>> No.13151746


>> No.13151762

/sci/ nerds don't fucking worship people. It's weird that /lit/ thinks everyone thinks like them - /lit/ circlejerks and worships their select 7 authors and assumes /sci/ worships the contemporary scientists and take everything they say seriously- yet nothing could be so farther from the truth. The fact that someone is a scientist or a popsci personality doesn't mean anyone on /sci/ takes what they have to say seriously, outside their field of study. /sci/ people are critical thinkers, they form their own opinions, unlike /lit/, who are simply incapable of doing so and assume everyone else is too.

>> No.13151771

idk modern technology eliminated some of the most dangerous diseases known to man and extended our life expectancy considerably. why is this bad?

>> No.13151784
File: 110 KB, 953x1282, 1516265131108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a utilitycuck

i wonder what goes on in your tiny little bugbrains. what sorts of tiny little bugthoughts do your tiny little bugbrains manage to conjure? "when i grow up, i want to be a base utility optimized for economic efficiency!" you have the aspirations of a fucking insect or a wriggling worm. disgusting. i pity you.

>> No.13151788

I love technology but it would be cool to be a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. Wish I had joined the military at 18.

>> No.13151789

thank god we've improved the world by allowing it to be filled with trillions of chinese and indians who destroy or consume everything in their path to convert it into more chinese and indians

>> No.13151796

ok you say that while you live a life of comfort provided by technology, also the chinese and indians always suffered throughout history, they're living arguably better than they did in the past

>> No.13151834

yeah i'm really enjoying the "comfort" of 60% of children being on brain-destroying designer pills before they're 7, drag queens and trannies telling kids to schizophrenically doubt the most primordial element of their psyche and identity (gender) before they can be trusted not to shit themselves, every city and culture in the world being overrun by hordes of foreigners who don't care about anything other than receiving "minimum wage" to stack boxes and play with little chatroom gadgets all day, scientists designating a new geological epoch defined by our destruction of the entire planet's ecology with cow farts and car exhaust

thank god i'm comfortable, subverting nature really was worth it. i can watch trannies mutilate children's cocks on televisiojn while irradiating my brain with blue docility photons and the government is experimenting with mind control techniques while subsidized corn goo fills my diseased stomach. now let me suck down some plastic cancer hormones to give me man-tits and give my 14 year old daughter birth control pills that suppress the normal expression of her gender dimorphism and flood the trash-filled oceans with hormonal piss that literally also suppresses gender dimorphism in random wildlife


wait, wrong link


>> No.13151838

Every person who agrees with Ted must read The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan, as well as every person who doesn't agree.

>> No.13151841

Being intentionally primitive is not the same as being ignorant.

>> No.13151850

>people agree with a thinker
>these people have no original thoughts and mold everything they think after said thinker
Yikes. Maybe it's just that some people agree with others that have more popularity and then latch onto those personalities for more visibility?

>> No.13151879

lol BTFO

>> No.13151885

And that's a good thing!
T. Materialist

>> No.13152063
File: 2.49 MB, 1125x1500, Anti-Tech Revolution Planet Scissors web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13152106

So what're you gonna do about it besides circlejerking each other off on 4chan?

>> No.13152204

why dont you go bang on your animal hide drums by your monoxide-emitting campfire that kills off your last 3 brain cells and then die of a common cold you preindustrialized mongoloid