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/lit/ - Literature

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13144060 No.13144060 [Reply] [Original]

The other night I was out on the town and began a conversation with the local bartender; he professed his love for philosophy, literature, and the arts and only served drinks at night to fund his passion.

He described his philosophy of life as follows: "Don't be a Hemingnietzsche."

That is, strive not to follow the example set by Hemingway and Nietzsche: their thirst for knowledge was intertwined with existential dread and suicidal despair that led to their undoing. Indeed, one can engage with the Great Conversation and express meaningful things about life without this sort of directionless melodrama. It is a shame such great thinkers were afflicted with these diseases of the mind; for they need not be a necessary condition for achievement in the humanities.

What does /lit/ think of this? Is the "Hemingnietzche" concept the antithesis of εὐδαιμονία? Is melancholy an addiction that we have deluded ourselves into?

The man certainly made his impression.

>> No.13144090

> living the life philosophy proposed to you by a fucking bartender

>> No.13144101

>he doesn't do this

>> No.13144117

sounds like a Liberal Arts major. Not surprising he ended up as a bartender

>> No.13144230
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ITT: things women will never understand

>> No.13144235 [DELETED] 

>just imagine yourself happy bro

i hope you tipped that pseud nigger absolutely nothing

>> No.13144240
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Based STEMist.

Keep making the world great.

>> No.13144303

I've tried to force a positive outlook on life for years. It does not work. Fighting my own mind every single day is exhausting. It's like trying to escape a hole in the ground by digging to the other side. Only lately I've started to come to terms with suffering, and it has honestly made things better. I don't enjoy life, but that's okay.

>> No.13144322

Hemingnietzsche? Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.13144354

This. Part of understanding life is surely understanding suffering? And what better way to understand something than literally experiencing it? It doesn't have to be melodramatic even though many (myself included) dip in and out of it.

>> No.13144703


>> No.13144945
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Nietzsche's life did not go to ruin because of his philosophy. He thoroughly enjoyed his life, evidenced by his writings, and he died of brain cancer, something which had nothing to do with his way of life.

Anyway, it sounds like you overlooked the beginning of The Antichrist where he addresses the Hyperboreans as being the destined readers for his works, and the importance he placed on ensuring that only this type of people read him. If you are not cut out for his philosophy, you WILL be ruined by it, and Nietzsche himself knew this and expressed this. And it is not just his philosophy that this applies to; it applies to ANY philosophy that you are not cut out for. Further, Zarathustra says:

>Do not be virtuous beyond your strength! And do not desire anything of yourselves against probability. Walk in the footprints where your fathers' virtue walked before you. How would you climb high if your fathers' will does not climb with you? But whoever would be a firstling should beware lest he also become a lastling. And wherever the vices of your fathers are, there you should not want to represent saints. If your fathers consorted with women, strong wines, and wild boars, what would it be if you wanted chastity of yourself? It would be folly!

If you spent your life trying to emulate Nietzsche and you're miserable for it today, with no gratitude left in you for your life and no sense of joy from it, you failed to heed these words.

>> No.13144979

Puhseud as fuck

>> No.13144996

maybe that's why society is failing, we're going against the will of our fathers-i.e. going against our own cultural truths (aka traditions) that we evolved with.

>> No.13145018

pseud dete teedd

>> No.13145027

You can be both you gigantic retard. Fucking disgraceful pleb.

>> No.13145045

all wrong

>> No.13145076


>> No.13145088

Obviously. If a society believes in traditional facts and truths for the simple reason that it is how things have always been, then that society is a unified monolithic whole. Once you begin questioning tradition then nothing is factual or true and society becomes fractured.

>> No.13145122

could this be akin to starting with a solid foundation and building up, rather than trying to construct something with no base or form? Where our cultural truths, or rather our roots, form a basis for foundation to build up?

>> No.13145140

There has to be someone who challenges those traditions in order for the spirit to grow. The real problem is that too many people have had a taste for what that life is like without properly understanding what it entails and before they were ready for it. This makes people lethargic, greedy, petty, resentful, and depressed. In WTP, Nietzsche himself says the spreading of health is more dangerous than degeneracy to society.

>> No.13145165

Tradition is created and upheld by a society that's "in form", like a thoroughbred horse at the peak of its physical ability. The rejection of tradition only comes when the society is "out of form", and has no taste for form. The pure arrogance that it knows better than the hundreds of generations that came before it. The West will eventually find that it most certainly doesn't know better, and that tradition is the only way of life. But it can't be forced, as fascism tried to do, the public at large has to come to realize this for itself.

>> No.13145240

>it cannot be forced like fascism
what people fail to realize is that fascism was brought by the will of the people and was elected by society as a whole, if anything, communism was much more forceful since the majority of its supporters turned into both the "politicians" and "the electors" and slaughtered anyone who didn't want to. Fascism was merely a reaction against that wave, as you can see in every fascist country its only enemies were communists. In communism, everyone who isn't communist is an enemy.
if only N saw the 12 years in which Germany was completely free from degeneracy, he might've retracted that statement.

>> No.13145278

There was no such period of time in Germany.

>> No.13145314

The problem with talking about 'cultural truths' is that the engine that provides context to our society is often our technology and the tools we use to express ourselves and ideas. You can sit and dispense wisdom straight from the oldest, sagacious motherfucker straight out of the farthest reaches of Tibet or bumfuck wherever, but the issue with this reactionary conservatism is that it's unfortunately from a place of willing ignorance. The speed and design of culture now is completely beyond that which has came before us, and is spinning into a fractalized, yet totalizing maelstrom that is taking no prisoners.

>> No.13145326

not even 1933-1945?

>> No.13145346

Close to perfection isn't the same as perfection, and it was only that way because Germany was following the rule of prevention that Nietzsche stated. So it really just supports him.

>> No.13145356

yeah I'm aware we're at a point of no return. Is there no other way to wander aside from aimlessly in the chaos set before us, or can we cross the rubicon and head for rome?

>> No.13145368

I would love to engage with you in boomercore lamentations but man I've got some Deleuze to read and frankly he does it better than both of us combined.

>> No.13145374

which of his writings has this rule? I've only just now started reading Thus spoke zarathustra. Since we're talking about his writings, who has the least pozzed translations?

>> No.13145379

which book?

>> No.13145399

Just reading his post-script on the Societies of Control. I think I've got his and Guattari's numbers for the most part but I am just hedging my bets before I head for the annotated guides or reader's addendums. I'm trying to put together a rather stringent argument about the consumerization of professional toolsets and I am seeing some good shit up in these dudes. I discussed this matter with someone a while back and apparently my understanding of D&G left much to be desired and that my understanding of Virilio was obtuse in reference to the topic.

>> No.13145401

It's in WTP as I said before.

>least pozzed translations

None of them contain anything brutally faulty at this point.

>> No.13145437

Hmm, that's interesting. I've never heard of either of them. What do they mostly talk about? I wish you luck on your project.
Thank you

>> No.13145503

It might not be your shake if you're set on the track of thought I think you're on. Deleuze and Guattari write in the style that I could acquaint with akin to a stacking matryoshka doll of metaphors and analogies about the control systems and hierarchies that we live under and their (to put it poetically) untimely demise and change to a different dynamic of life.

>> No.13145509

if you come into further contact with this man, ask him about epicureanism

>> No.13145674

Hemingneitzsche? You guys actually fucking responded to this shit? Unironically?

>> No.13145894


>> No.13145962


German citizens had more STDs than any other country in Europe and the citizens not at the front were lining up to watch films while their cities were being bombed.

>> No.13145995

what about it do you think is bait

>> No.13147180

Most bartenders have a good story to tell

>> No.13147202

It's been long understood that the brighter you are the crazier you are.

>> No.13147490

>Nietzsche thoroughly enjoyed being a broke ass living off friends and having his ass blasted into ubbermenchery because his waifu didn't love him

>> No.13148357

He enjoyed his suffering. Can you say the same?

>> No.13148532


>> No.13148546

This. Bartenders are actually lsitening to all the things people have to say.

t. former bartender in my philosophy years in universtiy

>> No.13149202

ITT: cucks

>> No.13149252

all wrong.

>> No.13149304

This post is the cringest shit I've seen on here in a long while

>> No.13150713


>> No.13151039

oh god

>> No.13151071

>Is the "Hemingnietzche" concept the antithesis of εὐδαιμονία
without playing into his gay idea, yes; it's quite clearly "teleology versus no teleology" which goes back to the abandonment of Aristotelian principles—particularly in regard to morals—, promptly, formal and final causality. So, to some degree, you look to Macintyre's "after Virtue" which poses the ethics debate as "Aristotle vs Nietzsche.

Personally though, I like arguing against Nietzsche on his home field; I'm Catholic and I think my philosophy and theology should be able to frequent any arena and win, by virtue of being absolutely true (to my estimation).

And Nietzsche was not melancholic; he was pretty content with his seclusion, a major romantic. And Nietzsche was not directionless—yeah there was a relative factor but—, he intended to invert the values of Christianity to pave the way and build the base for something new, something pure, "unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality," to quote Alien.

>> No.13152764
