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13143214 No.13143214 [Reply] [Original]

I want to embrace absurdist nihilism. Where do I start?

>> No.13143245

The Thirst for Annihilation

>> No.13143270
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nihilism is not an end goal in itself. it's a method of deconstruction to destroy false constructs. You have to build up a positive philosophy after you reach the emptiness.

>> No.13143283
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Your mom's pussy. Nothing matters, so you might as well fuck your mom.

>> No.13143290


>> No.13143303

I feel incredibly stressed out by my university studies and work. I'm doing my masters and I think I do about 60 hours of study/homework each week, on top of 20 hours of my actual part time job. Every waking moment of my life is spent working, I don't think I've read a book or touched vidya in 6 months. Also a tfwnogf permavirgin dweeb, but that goes without saying. Sorry for blogpost, just a bit of context of where I'm coming from.

I feel like embracing an ideology that tells me that nothing really matters (but not in a depressed/sad kinda way, more in a "how strange is it to be anything at all" kinda way) would go quite aways to reducing my stress

>> No.13143323

>(but not in a depressed/sad kinda way, more in a "how strange is it to be anything at all" kinda way) would go quite aways to reducing my stress
I've found that using LSD or shrooms on a biweekly basis helps tbqh

>> No.13143342


>> No.13143373

Obviously Kierkegaard, then Camus

>> No.13143397

I'm a big proponent of psychedelics to help perspective shift, but don't do what this dude says. That's some bad shit, can really fuck your mind up.

>> No.13143409

The boomer waving makes the whole pic.

>> No.13143413

I’m sorry anon. I think what attracts you about “absurdist nihilism” is the fact that your life is absurd and without meaning. You sound totally unfulfilled, in the sense that your chasing things you don’t really want but that you think you should be doing. And your steeped in that life. I don’t know what to tell you except try your best to take the reigns. Your obviously a great and efficient worker, why not find a hobby you enjoy, a passion and tell anyone who tells you other wise to **** off. Life is beautiful anon, and it’s yours. Take a slice of the good life. Hope the best for you

>> No.13143490

I can tell that this was written by boomer hands, but thank you for the kind words anon. The problem is I have no passions or hobbies or anything I enjoy, every day I get up and think to myself “what is this all for?”

I even contemplate suicide, but in a perculiar way. Not in a “wow I’m so sad and depressed”, more of a suicide would be such a relief kind of a way. Like taking a huge weight of my shoulders. I even get giddy and happy at the prospect of killing my self, there’s no fear or existential angst idk sorry for rambling

>> No.13143493

why dont you go work out and get laid instead of falling back on some defeatist philosophy, idiot.

>> No.13143510

R u on antidepressants? What you describe is exactly how people on them talk. Read over what you just wrote a few times: if there aren’t ALARMS GOING OFF IN YOUR HEAD, I’d seek professional help immediately

>> No.13143748

u dont need to "start" anything
its the obvious truth
just read that kiekergaard quote and u ar set

>> No.13144206

based. put me in the screencap

>> No.13144217


>> No.13144232


>> No.13144238

Graduate high school first.

>> No.13144246

Maybe just listen to Neutral Milk Hotel.

>> No.13144298

why did nihilism become so much more of a trendy word than skepticism?

>> No.13144309

I fucking hate the clown meme

>> No.13144327

psychs are useful tools if you go into it with the right mindset.
OP i'd recommend if you do try them to do it sparingly and in a comfy environment and you might learn some things about yourself you've repressed. this can also happen over time with meditation and exercise. best of luck to you. feeling like you're treading water is one of the shittiest feelings out there

>> No.13144339
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>> No.13144761

Start doing something stupid that makes you feel fulfilled like music, painting even performance art or skydiving - this world is mad, nothing makes sense but my own creativity and the love that i share with the people around me. Let this thought set you free, EVERYTHING WILL END, did you enjoy life while it lasted???!!!

>> No.13144769

creativity is always a good thing, i agree with you anon. its where you can set your own rules and establish your own sense of logic.

>> No.13144772

the boomer knows whats up but also knows that shit wont really change, all in all the boomer is an old honkler

>> No.13144779

I feel like that's a quick way to fail.
It's a good thing you're busy because of studies-they end eventually. If you were stuck working some shit job until you die that would be a different story. This is really something you just have to put up with until you don't have to anymore.

>> No.13144784
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Write more.

>> No.13144811

Democritus and Leucippus
then Sextus Empiricus

>> No.13144937

>the boomer knows whats up
boomers know shit on average. it was their greed and indulging in govt programs that accelerated us into the mess we're in now.
>the boomer is an old honkler
see above, they barely know anything

>> No.13145572

atleast someone got the meme

>> No.13145587

thanks this gave me the hiccups