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13140401 No.13140401 [Reply] [Original]

>Your favorite book
>Can girls understand it?

Yes (see pic related)

>> No.13140404

>Your favorite book
the phone books
>Can girls understand it?
i guess

>> No.13140410

how can Siddhartha be your favorite book?

>> No.13140449

why not?

>> No.13140454

>Moby dick
>No definitely not

>> No.13140457

The Unconsoled

Yeah, I've read a number of good reviews written by women

>> No.13141399

Its ya trash, shallow, just dreaming, "life is so easy, and ima have sex and live in a boat"

>> No.13141445

Journey to the end of the night.
Of course not.

>> No.13141464

>Your favorite book
The Catcher in the Rye
>Can girls understand it?
Absolutely not

>> No.13141477

>Adam Bede

>> No.13141482

It took him like 70 years to realize that though...

>> No.13141492

Most probably couldn’t

>> No.13141496

woman love lolita

>implying life is hard

>> No.13141809

>A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
>probably not
Not because it's difficult, but because it just touches on too many things that, as females, they don't experience.

>> No.13141813

where's my gentle but headstrong George Eliot gf

>> No.13142463

>Your favorite book
The Tartar Steppe
>Can girls understand it?
I'm not sure, can they? Probably not fully

>> No.13143248

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Most I've talked to say it's incomprehensible and sexist.

>> No.13143351

tossup between ISOLT and Montaigne's Essays

idk actually, maybe

I feel you

It was my favorite book when I first started out

Every female high school english teacher can disprove this

true also great book choice

>> No.13143361

>Every female high school english teacher can disprove this
Wrong, because women can never experience the emotional trauma that it details.

>> No.13143476
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>Favourite book
120 days of Sodome
>Can girls understand it?
I hope that one day this will happen

>> No.13143483

Go fuck yourself you sexist idiot

>> No.13143486

my mom loves this book

>> No.13143488

People can understand things they don’t experience. Unless you’re implying that you were a young Irish boy in 1900s Dublin...

>> No.13143498

The fact that your counterexample is a specific setting rather than the things that the work utilizes that setting to engender shows that you don't understand what is being discussed and are probably a woman.

>> No.13143508

You clearly understand nothing about Joyce. Stephen’s identity as Irish and developing ties to nationalism are just as important as his physical development and feelings of emasculation. If you think Dublin is “just the setting” of Portrait you’re fucking retarded.

Wrote my dissertation on Joyce btw, fuckface

>> No.13143514

>I am a woman listen as I rattle off these points that I read in the critical writings of men
That's very interesting.

>> No.13143517

go ahead and read Ulysses again since you clearly don’t understand that the whole damn point of Joyce’s work was the universality of human experience.

I would recommend FW but you’re clearly too stupid for it

>> No.13143521

If that was his point then he was wrong.

>> No.13143524
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Girls don't understand books. They're bitches, whores and inferior human beings.

>> No.13143533

Kill yourself he was right about everything

>> No.13143535

Shatap retard.

>> No.13143539

Are women human beings? Sometimes I encounter females in fiction that make me empathize and feel that they are indeed human (contrary to my experiences in reality of course), but invariably I find this only in the works of men, which leads me to the conclusion that is simply men projecting their own humanity onto their fictional female creations.

>> No.13143549

Also I remember asking this question once on this board and someone responded to me with a lengthy quotation from Don Quixote illustrating the humanity of a female character. Of course when I pointed out this was something not real that a man had created, well, you know.

>> No.13143560

Women reveal themselves so quickly by the speed at which they resort to invectives as soon as their assumptions are challenged.
Ah the inferiority complex of a woman, I do not envy it!

>> No.13143570

I want to punch a woman in the face.

>> No.13143576
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I want to kill them because they rejected me.

>> No.13143583

They are human beings, of course.
But they lack an active, productive, and conscious aspect, so, too, do they lack the ability to discern morality and logic.

>> No.13143588

Fake and gay.

>> No.13143593

So in other words they're human husks without souls.

>> No.13143601
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>> No.13143608 [DELETED] 

In ancient Christianity there was a notion that women were are creatures. That is, while man was created in the image of God, women were created from man, so women are "less" in the image of God than are men. This is a good metaphorical explanation of their deficiency I think.

>> No.13143612

they lack in that sense not because it is their essence, but because they were brought up in a society that encourages them not to produce and to be passive. The first step to counter this husk of a human being we call women is their liberation. If, that is, you actually agree in changing the condition of womanhood in the contemporary millieu.

>> No.13143616

Correct. Women do lack souls.
Biologically, I suppose their humans, but then it comes down to how you define a human.

>> No.13143617

No, they can live. I just want a cute gf who likes to be punched once in a while.

>> No.13143619

In ancient Christianity there was a notion that women are derivative creatures. That is, while man was created in the image of God, women were created from man, so women are "less" in the image of God than are men. This is a good metaphorical explanation of their deficiency I think.

>> No.13143623

She can't read, weeb.

>> No.13143624

I once talked to a girl that said it was suggested to her, when she was modelling as a 12 year old, to read lolita because by that she would learn what it takes to seduce and what a young girl could use to make the older men in her surroundings do what she wants

>> No.13143628

Women have been undergoing the process of liberation for quite some time now and their condition has only deteriorated. If anything, their subjugation acted as a reasonable check upon their barbarity and allowed men to delude themselves into viewing them as more rational than they truly are.

>> No.13143629

murray rothbard power and market
no :(

>> No.13143631

Liberating women was perhaps the single biggest mistake the West has ever made.

>> No.13143650

Kreutzer Sonate and it's a scientifically verified fact that they do not get it.

>> No.13143658

The condition of all human beings have deteriorated in the last couple of decades. If the liberation of woman has been happening concomitantly it is not the cause of it. You apply myths of womanhood made to subjugate and to take the essence of existing out of her, onto her so that you can view something that in its essence is unjustifiable as justifiable.

>> No.13143663

capitalism is the biggest mistake the west has ever made

>> No.13143674
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>> No.13143678

Women prior to female liberation were able to thrive in their own intended sphere, that is as subjects of their husbands and fathers, and as mothers. You're basically asking a dog to become an accountant. Better let it remain the family pet where it can be happy and fulfilled, and understand the bounds of its existence by its leash.

>> No.13143700

The liberation of women is an epiphenomenon of man's decline, which has been occurring gradually for at least the past 150 years, not just the 'last couple of decades'.
The liberation of women has made setting us on the correct trajectory again infinitely more difficult.
Not sure how one could reasonably defend female liberation and all the sexual promiscuity, alienation, alcoholism, anxiety, and plummeting birthrates which have followed as a result.

>> No.13143710

You're forcing women to a sphere of immanence, justified by myths of the antiquity. Your behavior is sad and I hope someday you can view your fellow humans as real humans and not merely a tool for your life projects.

>> No.13143724

They're humans, but humans exist in different capacities of understanding, intellect, and capability. I would not expect the same behavior of a child as I would an adult, and giving a child the responsibilities of an adult would harm them. The same goes for women and men.

>> No.13143727

>Never met a girl whose eyes didn’t glaze over when she asked me what my favorite book was and I said...

>> No.13143733

"The Cyberiad" by Stanislaw Lem. Yes, I'm pretty sure they can. I've seen women review it, and I'm one myself.

>> No.13143734

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.13143736

The Iliad

>> No.13143742

>tfw a girl says she likes a book that you liked, and it makes you angry because you know she couldn't have understood it

>> No.13143746

You're a fucking idiot. Almost as stupid as a woman.

>> No.13143749

>Durr it's about teenage angst women do that too

>> No.13143916

You viewing them as children precedes the view of them actually being able to qualify in your terms. If you stopped being prejudiced about women in general, maybe they'd act like real human beings in front of you; or better yet, if you actually stopped reproducing a millenar discourse not even made to benefit you in any way women would start understanding that they need to act like adults.

>> No.13143917

based and sade pilled

>> No.13143923

I don't think they're children. I think their mental and moral development stops around the level of what we consider a teenager. So they aren't quite on the level of an adult man.

>> No.13143925

>Fathers and sons
>Probably, idk

>> No.13143948

Functions always obeys needs my dude. IF you stopped thinking and justifying the fact that they are emotionally, intellectually and morally deficient and started seeing them as normal people that are able to actually get to the level of thinking of adults they would mature. If you always treat a guy like a child, pamper him and don't ask him to grow up, he too, will be a child for the rest of his life. That is the same case with women, their existence precedes their essence, albeit they don't understand this, since it is not required of them to function.

>> No.13143956

>Fav book
>Can girls understand it
No. It's impossible for them to do so.

>> No.13143958

I think they are the level of teenagers because that is how they behave when they are no longer restrained by men, as you can see in our current society. I think in a patriarchal system this would be obscured as their worst aspects would be tampered.

>> No.13143966

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.13143969

I meant hampered, not tampered, by the way.

>> No.13143990

Women have acted in discord to patriarchy as long as there has been written word. You act as if women acting in a way that is not justified by the myths you impose onto them is wrong and the cause of all other problems. If you actually started looking at reality without the multiple lenses of ideology you have on you, maybe you'd start to understand that it is not women that cause the shit of nowadays. It is you.

>> No.13144006

>Your favorite book
The Grapes of Wrath
>Can girls understand it?
Yes but only girls who have lived in poverty and/or the western half of the US

>> No.13144161

Notes from Underground
Yeah, I don't see why not

>> No.13144182

Mother Night

and yes

>> No.13144197

based rodger poster

>> No.13144202

The Sound and the Fury
Who cares?

>> No.13144448

East of Eden
I'm not sure, probably in a sense, it's a book about a lot of things.

>> No.13144545

Those who love lolita do not understand it.

>> No.13144560

Stoner by john williams

Don't see why girls wouldnt get it

>> No.13144732

Girls, and by extension, women, cannot understand anything outside of deception. Makeup and cosmetics are just physical means of deception, the woman's tongue isn't dipped in poison, but is poison. Therefore, I see a woman as a tool, or a beast. Provided you can control it, it can be useful. Give it too much room - or worse - letting it free can prove ruinious.

>> No.13144867

have sex

>> No.13145358

bend over

>> No.13145400

Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean other people can't.

>> No.13145519

i'm a girl and i have a massive cock and i've seen whales before so i think im good

>> No.13145526

>hurr durr im gonna be sexist but then say im just challenging your assumptions

nigga stop

>> No.13145529

ok, retard

>> No.13145550

>The Trial
I'm sure there are plenty that have greater insight into it then me, but the average girl off the street would be better served making my eggs in the morning

>> No.13145552

>>No definitely not
Objectively wrong

>> No.13145608

please plant it in my boipucci like the american marines planted the flag at iwo jima

>> No.13145635


I don't see why they couldn't.

>> No.13145692

this thread is now 100% scientifically proven epic

>> No.13145708

>a clockwork orange
only girls i spoke to about it (my mom, a friend of a friend) both said they stopped when it was too violent/rapey

>> No.13145769

Go Down, Moses
Not many

>> No.13145780

>The Fall, Camus
>No, but not many other people can either

>> No.13145790

Envious of you anon. I wish I had a mom and a friend that read books.

>> No.13145802

*friend of a friend
and well, it's not like my mom read it exactly

>> No.13145861

>Blood Meridian
I'd say not, if only because the spirit of the topic matter and themes are inherently masculine to an extent.

>> No.13146790

>Paradise Lost

>> No.13146823

No way

>> No.13146894

Are you sure.....?

>> No.13146988


>> No.13147140

>Every female high school english teacher can disprove this
They lack the female traits so it still doesn't count.