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13137866 No.13137866 [Reply] [Original]

>and they rode on and the bloody sunrise crept in over the flat plains and The Judge killed and murdered and raped another indian and spat on the ground
holy shit it just keeps going on like this for 200 pages

>> No.13137886

Yes, we already know that Blood Meridian is just some sort of comic book for menchildren, so could you please stop making this same thread every single day.

>> No.13137889
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>> No.13137898

And yet this fuck will be considered a "classic" one day. They will force the poor children in our schools to read his wretched books.

>> No.13137899

I like the part where the Judge became the mirror of Glanton's soul when he absorbed the kid's essence just like the tarot cards said would happen

>> No.13138288

Upvoted !! Xd

Of the 1 in 10 people who've read BM on lit, it's obvious you're not one of them

>> No.13138293

the irony in your post is that mccarthy is an extremely reddit author

>> No.13138296

calm down

>> No.13138323

do people actually get pleb filtered by mccarthy?

>> No.13138334

I can see him being taught in universities, but no way will be taught in public schools. Also this book is already considered a classic.

>> No.13138338

This isn’t a good parody. Why is it being reposted? If it’s the same anon who wrote it, that’s pretty pathetic

>> No.13138339

Agreed, the monsieur pasta is far better

>> No.13138352

Yes, almost as reddit as your virginity

>> No.13138368


>see threads for this book on /lit/ all the time
>start reading
>the protagonist is stabbed and shot and just keeps going without any explanation

What the fuck? Is this some fantasy bullshit?

>> No.13138374
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Yeah totally r*ddit haha

>> No.13138389

Don't concern your self with underage babies anon, hes just another statistic of the absolute state of nu-/lit/

>> No.13138394


>> No.13138425

The Road might get a pass or No Country because they are easy to read and only challenge the reader in a superficial way. Blood Meridian genuinely frames horrible white racists as sympathetic characters, how is that considered r*ddit? (actually asking I don't hang out there)

>> No.13138428

t. r/theDonald tourist

>> No.13138432

go post that passage on reddit, I'd love to see the response

>> No.13138438

Everyone that calls blood meridian "reddit" (unless they're just baiting) obviously hasn't read the book. Use this as a skeleton key to understand all future McCarthy discourse. There are valid criticisms of the book, but that isnt one of them

>> No.13138453
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a cursory google search reveals they love it and talk about it more than /lit/ does

>> No.13138456


>> No.13138461

you're an actual retard

>> No.13138466

>Blood Meridian genuinely frames horrible white racists as sympathetic characters,
give me one of example of this.

>> No.13138467

Holy fuck, is Mccarthy this bad? I was going to read him but after this i'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.13138482

reddit has always been the trite "rationalist" and "truth is in the middle" mentality"; i.e. racism is evil but racists are still human and we should sympathize with them. Which is an unbelievably droll point of view. There is also some idpol on reddit but it's a foreign intrusion, and not quintessential reddit. There are a number of reasons McCarthy is reddit:
>colloquial prose (e.g. "ain't")
makes him look humble and a man of the people
>20th century American author
that's an automatic reddit qualifier
>did an interview with oprah
>faux poetic purple prose with a tinge of pseudo salt of the earth expression
very appealing to redditors who see themselves as intelligent but normal and rational
>muh cowboys and indians
>Norm Macdonald is a huge fan of him
>has a warm and inviting grandpa vibe

these are all very reddit things

>> No.13138487
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>fucked up
>double take
yeah, don't think this is selling me on reddit loving this book. popular shit on /r/books gets a hell of a lot more than 50 upvotes, at least judging by a quick glace

>> No.13138493


>> No.13138497

Imagine the supreme pathetic tragedy it would be to be this individual

>> No.13138507

Go on r/books sidebar. they even recommend Blood Meridian there you absolute retard

Mccarthy IS reddit as fuck. Liking him or not he is loved and circlejerked there. The Road, No Country For Old Men, Blood Meridian all gets loved and upboated.

>> No.13138514

>popular shit on /r/books gets a hell of a lot more than 50 upvotes, at least judging by a quick glace
"I uhhh totally promise I'm not a redditor guys!"
sure reddit whatever you say

>> No.13138523

Reddit also often discusses kafka, pynchon, Salinger, Melville, flaubert, etc. Just because reddit likes them doesnt mean they arent good

>> No.13138525

Glanton comes across as an edgelord so I can understand how a retarded 13 year old would see that as sympathetic but to functional adults he is just as much of a cardboard cutout as the rest of the characters in blood meme

>> No.13138531

Why? Because he BTFO'd your home? Your little warm home where you post about Mccarthy, George Orwell and Dostoevsky and get upvoated? The truth is, reddit is done, intellectually. It has been proven to be nothing but a bunch of phonies leftists retards, and if you go there, you're a retard, as the anon pointed out.

>> No.13138533

The other anon started posting reddit screencaps, I just followed up. Pretty sure these anons are the ones hanging out on reddit, their knee-jerk need to defend reddit reeks

>> No.13138546

If you don't think there are any sympathetic characters, what was the point in asking me for an example of a sympathetic character?

>> No.13138548

Pseud trash
Unbelievably bad
The only decent american writer, and they hate him there.
The only good writer in this list.
Mccarthy is reddit.

>> No.13138550

they just went there to prove that memecarthy is a reddit author. YOU are the one describing reddit customs and upboat mechanics in detail like the reddit using rick and morty loving son of a bitch we al know you are

>> No.13138559

>describing reddit customs and upboat mechanics
I looked at how many upvotes the top posts on the front page of /r/books had, it took me all of 20 seconds. What the fuck is a reddit custom?

>> No.13138563

>why did you ask me to defend my claim of saying memecarthy was virtue signalling to racists by making their characters sympathetic
I'm having a hard time understanding how you can be this stupid and still capable of writing out your retarded theories about this reddit book.

>> No.13138574

>virtue signalling to racists
lmao you have to go back. challenging your readers by writing flawed characters is not virtue signalling you massive faggot

>> No.13138575

Not him, but you're doing a terrible job of pretending you're not a redditor. I can spot a redditor easily by the way he structure his sentences and you're definitely a redditor. That, and reading your previous posts leads me to the final veredict: Redditor.

>> No.13138584

Holy shit I loved reading this while masturbating, I'd get my anal vibrator (10 inches), smoke some crystal, get out my fleshlight (extra-tight circumference with the anal opening), and start pregaming with some shemale porn while I tease my butthole, then WHOOPS ITS INSIDE, turn the button on WWHHHIRRRRRRR my inside feels funny mommy! boner engaged! quickly flip to the pages where judge rapes the indians, I stick my dick in the fleshlight and pretend I'm the judge raping that brown subhuman in the ass, his cries of gobbeltygook drowned out by my hungry panting and demonic laughter, as I approach climax I open the last page to the bathroom rape scene, sticking in the anal vibrator as far as it will go, blasting my prostate as I imagine myself as the judge holding down and sodomizing the Boy (this is what adults do kid!) finally splooging hard into the fleshlight, laying back panting in exhausted satisfaction...

>> No.13138587

>challenging your reads by writing 2 dimensional characters is actually fucking epic!
It figures an autistic american like yourself would love reddit and corncob memecarthy. Do you ever get tired of being a stereotype?

>> No.13138595

Being an expert at identifying redditors through sentence structure and "customs" is basically explicitly admitting you are a redditor. How else am I to understand how you are you so familiar with the website and its community?

>> No.13138596

dude, it's not 2 dimensional bad writing, it's called stablishing a myth... mccarthy is exploring america's past and drawing on these faceless masks the whole tradition of the american way of life and culture...

>> No.13138598

>he didn't deny he loves rick and morty
basically admitting you're a proud redditor.

>> No.13138600
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Only Europoors and <100IQ retards dislike McCarthy

>> No.13138602

>he thinks I'm a burger
another swing, another miss

>> No.13138614

Yes, exactly, just like a doctor who studies patients with HIV is a HIV disease ridden faggot himself. I'm sorry to tell you, but your responses scream "REDDIT!!!" and there's nothing you can do about that, you've been brain poisoned.

>> No.13138620

The Redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a newfag, parasite, cringlord, memer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.13138622

It would be like a doctor who studies patients with HIV vehemently denying he associates with people with HIV

>> No.13138627

yes I'm sure. And mccarthy doesn't use punctuation because he's really commenting on the oppressive nature of language in the capitalist ontological hierarchy of being or something like that... It couldn't possibly be that he's a lay shit author who panders to redditors like yourself

>> No.13138642

>virtue signalling to racists
Wouldn't that be vice signalling or counter signalling?

>> No.13138643

Read Faulkner and have sex

>> No.13138647

he doesn't use punctuation because he's a poseur who wants people to think he's a "simple man" who doesn't need no fancy punchoomation. He's an absolute pseud. It's not an accident that the Cohen brothers adapted his book to film.

>> No.13138654

What you're talking about? You're delusional if you think a redditor could stomach seeing the nigger word on the page. They'd recoil and say "racist!!!!". Only 4channers and non basedboys can appreciate Mccarthy, he's an acquired taste. Mccarthy is not reddit.

>> No.13138660

*tips fedora with shuriken sticking out the side*

>> No.13138663

Hmm I guess you're right

>> No.13138665

>You're delusional if you think a redditor could stomach seeing the nigger word on the page. They'd recoil and say "racist!!!!".
that would be contemporary snowflake idpol, not reddit. reddit is fine with using words like "nigger" because it's just a word and as long as you don't use it in a racist way its ok because they're """rational""" and racism is obviously really bad and irrational but using words is ok if your intention is good. the truth is in the middle my guy. we just have to be rational and freedom and stuff

>> No.13138667


You must be what, 18? 21?

>> No.13138670
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kys cuck
Oh believe me I intend to

>> No.13138671


>> No.13138674

Leafs are laughably worse

>> No.13138685

That's actually normies big complaint about McCarthy, that they dont get why he doesnt use punctuation and that it makes him too hard to read

>> No.13138691

that's a normal normie complaint, reddit is a "nerdy" normie community, i.e. lesser normies. they love that kind of quirky pseud shit

>> No.13138701
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>reddit is a lesser normie community

>> No.13138702

that's actually your moms biggest complaint about my dick, she doesn't get why it's so big and it makes it too hard to fit in her asshole

>> No.13138708
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>itt people who hate Blood Meridian desperately defend reddit's taste in literature to prove it's a shitty book

>> No.13138720
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>> No.13138732

BM use to be big here, im assuming its people that don't read at all that make these threads and argue in them, but shh friend, lets just watch

>> No.13139322
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>> No.13139794

I liked the gnostic aspects of the book. Especially the judge as a personification of evil.
I was reading the road recently and it doesn't hold up to BM at all. Lacks the philosophy, focuses too much on father son stuff.

>> No.13139812

Just finished it last night. Apart from a couple of chapters, the book was a slog to read. His barebones writing style and lack of essential punctuation was fucking infuriating.

>> No.13140237

itt: retards that hate bm try to bash others because they don't like it or more likely, they just don't understand it

>> No.13140244
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out of all things complain about style and punctuation

>> No.13140266

>u dun like it it cuz u dun understand

>> No.13140277
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>I did, for that was the price I payed for the black son of a bitch it hung inside of.
Holy fuck. I want to read more.

>> No.13140339
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Is Samuel Chamberlains My Confession an interesting read? Does it add to blood meridians story at all?

>> No.13140341

It’s valid.

>> No.13140357

no it isn't

>> No.13140361

yeah, go back :)

>> No.13140376

In what way?

>> No.13140396

in what way is it bad? It wouldn't pass Mrs. Fletcher's grade 5 English essay rubric?

>> No.13140403
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>Samuel Chamberlains My Confession

>> No.13140405

LOL BLOOD MERIDAN all of you that read it are and liked it have terrible taste all the forestry and desert plants are everything but not of my interest boringest shit everr. i was smoking weed when glanton was killed and the rest of the crew and that whole scene was absolutely a terrible written mess;terrible terrible writing get better taste

>> No.13140407

I’m not saying his style is “bad.” I’m saying it’s something that I can’t personally stomach.

>> No.13140420

At least you know your taste is shit :)

>> No.13140466

are u fucking me
fucking retard back 2 reddit fucking tumblr fags degenerate

>> No.13140481

blood meridian is a perfect book. and the uncomfortable truth is that you can only complain about what Reddit likes and dislikes if you also use Reddit yourself. pure individuals like myself know that 4chan is the all encompassing monad, and we only descend down to reddit for cookie recipies and to laugh at twoxchromsomes cry about their reproductive rights. purify your mind, filthy subhumans

>> No.13140485

only virgins dont smoke

>> No.13140488

honestly, weed is just pure cringe bro. stop doing that shit

>> No.13140705

It's better than booze

>> No.13140766

So the Judge was übermensch, wasn’t he?

>> No.13141088

He was a psychopathic and elemental evil devoid of any humanity much like Chigurh. If that’s your definition of ubermench, then sure.

>> No.13141123
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>never sleeps
>will never die

>> No.13142308

Not him but Tobin