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13136791 No.13136791 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

>> No.13136846

>at three, on the teeth
Does anyone here actually do this? For me at least, "ta" is produced at the hard-palette; posteriorly to the incisors.

>> No.13137022

If I say the syllables one at a time I do it the way you say, but if I say the whole name in natural speed my tongue brushes against the back of my teeth. The text seems to instruct you so say it slowly though, so it's confusing for me too.

>> No.13137027
File: 306 KB, 2000x1152, 1550207879505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a omega that you service a teen slut for free

>> No.13137031

Did mr.lolita want to rape the child or did he just want to adopt her to cuddle and protect?

>> No.13137033 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 342x321, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck /lit/

>> No.13137040

Cuddle and protect for sure. The only reason he fucked her repeatedly was that the little skank forced him to.

>> No.13137047

If he fucked her why isn't she pregnant? was nabrokov fake and gay?

>> No.13137075

Is this the guy that got fired from his job for making tweets? I think they are funny!

>> No.13137082

Pretty likely she hadn’t even gotten her period yet.

>> No.13137100

needing Periods to get pregnant are a meme made by dicklets who don't cum hard enough.

>> No.13137106

For me, "ta" is pronounced right where the hard palate & the back of the teeth converge

>> No.13137113

How did Lolita looked like?

>> No.13137116
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>> No.13137123
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, wossname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too white

nabokov described a girl pretty much like pic related. she'd be a perfect casting for a film.

absolutely monstrous prose

>> No.13137128

The issue may be that Nabokov and, presumably, Humbert both would have had an accent when speaking English, which could result in the tongue hitting the teeth when pronouncing the T (it is classified as a “dental” sound, after all).

>> No.13137172

>too white
she still has slav features. Nabokov probably did describe her as a thot that looks like a slightly diminutive adult, but the impact wouldn't be the same.

>> No.13137178 [DELETED] 

he wrote the book not you you fucking cumstain

>> No.13137186

He had shit taste

>> No.13137223

You're doing it wrong, Anglofag. The T in "Lolita" is like the T in "time" not like the Burger T in "water", which is more like a dd. What's the point of letters if you don't pronounce them properly?

>> No.13137288


>> No.13137293

that's mean. she seems like a nice person and is a gifted actress.

>> No.13137299

also show me a teenager that isn't fuckin awkward. iirc that was half of lolita's charm. she was just a gangly naive kid. which ofc made humbert all the more a bastard.

>> No.13137300

>absolutely monstrous prose
monstrous in what way?

>> No.13137304

>You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
never liked this line, it’s awkward

>> No.13137308

Not at all. What do you mean?

>> No.13137312

Yeah well Humbert didn’t want to fuck a nice person, he wanted to fuck a sexy little girl.

>> No.13137318

She's just described as brunette if I recall correctly. Her face is not described in detail

>> No.13137378

He calls seraphs misinformed. He hold Dolores to be more beautiful than the throne of God. From the jump you KNOW he's not only a fancy prose writer but also things are not going to go well for her.

this is known

nah, if i recall correctly she was lanky and brown-skinned. tanned. kind of like the generic american country girl you would find in kansas or nebraska or one of those states you drive out of in a car in a hurry.

>> No.13137402 [DELETED] 

>nah, if i recall correctly she was lanky and brown-skinned. tanned.
That doesn't contradict what I said. I was referring to her hair. Why do Burgers make everything about skin colour? lmal

>> No.13137407

Isn't that a reference to Poe? I don't see the monstrosity on his prose

>> No.13137414

>nah, if i recall correctly she was lanky and brown-skinned. tanned.
That doesn't contradict what I said. I was referring to her hair. Why do Burgers make everything about skin colour? lmao

>> No.13137422 [DELETED] 

it's Humbert's prose not Nabokov's dude lmao

>> No.13137438

>reference to Poe
is it? I'd be interested to know which story. Been meaning to go over Poe again.

I don't remember any distinct details about Lo's face. Which is probably what a smart writer would do. I filled in the details based on physical description, and used the face of one of my old bosses. A very fit white and native american lady from Nebraska, freckles and round moonface tanned walnut from running in the afternoons. She kind of fit the physical description.

>> No.13137462

Annabel lee
>princedom by the sea
And all the part about the envious seraphs

>> No.13137499


>> No.13137514


>> No.13137520

He's right, though

>> No.13137749

quote of the week

>> No.13137768

nah soph's pretty awkward when not on a script. not denying she has a point though. next.

ahh, i see, thanks anon. pretty brilliant.

>> No.13137776 [DELETED] 

Lolita is a Spanish name, though. The way Nabokob and Humbert say it is the correct way. It's loh-lee-tah not loh-lee-ddah.

>> No.13137784 [DELETED] 

Lolita is a Spanish name, though. The way Nabokob and Humbert say it is the correct way. It's loh-lee-tah not loh-lee-ddah

>> No.13137786 [DELETED] 


>> No.13137795

Lolita is a Spanish name, though. The way Nabokov and Humbert say it is the correct way. It's loh-lee-tah not loh-lee-ddah

>> No.13137798

actually the correct pronunciation would be Lola.

Lolita would be a diminuative for Dolores out of fashion since before Nabokov's time.

>> No.13137809

actually I should say the use of Lolita pretty much indicates her parent(s) would be Mexican or Spanish. it's not a name an American would use to address their daughter.

>> No.13137849

Lolita as a hypocoristic is definitely not out of fashion. I'm Mexican and I still hear it when people refer to women named Dolores. Lola and Lolita are used invariably, but it's the name itself Dolores that is not very popular these days.
Not necessarily. People can name their kid whatever they want without being exactly from the same origin as the name.

>> No.13137856

>actually the correct pronunciation would be Lola
Thats not a pronounciation, that's a different word.

>> No.13137861

anon i was assuming the setting nabokov used. america. not mexico. good post though reward yourself with some tacos from el cardinal

>> No.13137868

Loh-lita is something a mother would call a daughter either out of affection or frustration. an intimate name. hardly something a male boarder would assume, unless the mother was literally brainless.

nabokov is starting to seem like a brainlet.

>> No.13137903

"Lolita" is simply another term of endearment for the name Dolores.

William = Bill = Billy
Dolores = Lola = Lolita

The point is that Humbert is so obsessed with her that she calls her Lolita. He aspires to that level of intimacy. Not sure why it's so hard for Anglos to understand this.

>> No.13137910

I don't even know what you mean but okay.

>> No.13137912
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ugly as fuck

>> No.13137921

"Lolita" is simply another term of endearment for the name Dolores.

William = Bill = Billy
Dolores = Lola = Lolita

The point is that Humbert is so obsessed with her that he calls her Lolita. He aspires to that level of intimacy. Not sure why it's so hard for Anglos to understand this.

>> No.13137926
File: 42 KB, 428x612, cdent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah obviously i said as much and fair point. i don't recall if the mother ever noticed what HH called Lo. she was fuckin loopy and clueless most of the time, I imagined her cast as Catherine Dent. if it was his secret name for her, that makes sense i guess.

i mean you're not wrong in mexico, but you'd be wrong in america (the place where the book is set).

>> No.13137927

ffs REEEE fucking phone

>> No.13137929

>completely sexless yuropoor child
ok pedo

>> No.13137935
File: 52 KB, 811x592, 1510666581812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional child model

>> No.13137939

Let's keep the pedo shit out of this Lolita thread, okay?

>> No.13137941

quality post

>> No.13137954

jesus christ.

i meant sexless in that your pic has the facial features of a child. zero sexual dysmorphism, no indications of maturity. iirc Lolita was pubescent, barely. this is why i rightly called you a pedo.

>> No.13137962

>Gentlemen you can't fight in here this is the War Room!
agree with you though

>> No.13137993
File: 91 KB, 699x677, 1551736726683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread was baiting for this from the very start.

>i meant sexless in that your pic has the facial features of a child.
Which is something a great majority of men find sexually appealing when choosing the ideal mate, though your brainwashed attitude probably makes it difficult for you to admit it. A 14 year old is well into puberty, thus making the pedo accusation null and void. Get real, stop denying your sexuality.

>> No.13137999
File: 2.66 MB, 4032x3024, kpostbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sexual features
>ideal mate
>brainwashed attitude

>> No.13138008


>> No.13138012

Both are irrelevant. There is a clear statement that not all young girls are nymphetes, nor all sexy teenagers are nymphetes. Practically everyone who tries to illustrate the term gets it wrong.

IIRC, it was about girls who acquire very classical, statuesque body proportions at the start of their puberty (quite different from generic female curves), and are still pure in their behavior by not selling their sexiness to those around them. A pedophile's dream, for sure.

>> No.13138025

She was made in Mexico anon. Did you read the book?

>> No.13138034

fair point. the actress is as i said clearly a nice person and gifted, but yeah. you can see the pressures of sexualization weighing on her. shame, kids don't deserve that but once they're in the machine well that's all she wrote. i see your point, and a casting would have to be a complete unknown. i was only saying: features-wise, this is what i recall nabokov describing.

>> No.13138042
File: 371 KB, 498x638, bonbi 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what lolita would have looked like

>> No.13138046

yeah, once. i must've forgotten that point. was her mother hispanic? or her absent father passed the name on for the anglo mom to use?

>> No.13138060
File: 59 KB, 936x560, 1548929323416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to act out to impress you peer pressure group, this is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.13138067
File: 1 KB, 81x148, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, except pic related is you. this is your last (You). fuck off and hang yourself.

>> No.13138069

No, they just fucked in Mexico and gave her a hispanic name

>> No.13138075


>> No.13138077

Some foreigners give their children (born in other countries) names from the country/culture/ they were born. Not all but I know some cases, like actress Lupita N'yongo. Born in Mexico from Kenyan parents who named her Lupita, a nickname for the Spanish name Guadalupe. And as far as I remember Lolita's father is not referenced as Mexican or Hispanic.

>> No.13138081

yikes. i mean i get it but it's like fucking in kenya and giving your kid a swahili name. if neither parent is from the ethnicity it seems weird. maybe nabokov was being a critic?

>> No.13138091

There's nothing wrong with that. Cultural appropriation is a leftist meme. And nobody owns names.

>> No.13138107

Are you telling that person to kill themselves because you are self hating pedophile yourself?

>> No.13138111

Are you being ironic?

>> No.13138124

hm, them nabokov was criticizing leftists who abandon their children one way or another (literally as the father or figuratively as the mother). i think he was spot on. the book was written in the 1950s, at the genesis of the sexual revolution and when performing the stereotypical surface antics of foreign cultures was good clean fun. tiki torches, zulu shields, coon skin caps, it was all fair play.

nah. i don't have kids but i have nieces i would commit murder for. he doesn't get to live on the same planet.

>> No.13138126

That infographic is kinda fucked up but it makes sense. In apes, when the females start growing pubic hair that means they're sexually mature. Same happens with humans I suppose. We still haven't got rid of those evolutionary animal traits or whatever.

>> No.13138147

Legend and nice dubs.

>> No.13138159

Same, like jerking yourself off.

>> No.13138161

>them nabokov
Why do you speak like a nigger? Are you "performing the stereotypical surface antics of foreign cultures"?

>> No.13138162

Better kill yourself bro, you were a pedo pig when you went to school and had a crush on stacy. The complete lack of capitalization just reinforces the image of an insecure low iq male lashing out to try and convince himself that he actually believes in some arbitrary cultural value that doesn't exist.

>> No.13138164


n is next to m, brainiac.

>> No.13138169

hide moralfag threads
ignore moralfag posts
do not reply to moralfag posters

>> No.13138189

Protecting white children from the filthy barbarian hordes is absolutely virtuous and the people behind these crimes are doomed.

>> No.13138199
File: 247 KB, 1500x1001, 이루다.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luda, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lee-Lu-da: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lee. Lu. Da. She was Lu, plain Lu, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Luda in slacks. She was Luda at school. She was 이루다 on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lewda.

>> No.13138216
File: 2.79 MB, 472x424, bonbi 36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolita will never give you this look as you bring her into bed and take of her socks and rub her tummy

>> No.13138222

And that's a good thing.

>> No.13138231

>normal men
so its normal to be a hebephile? interesting

>> No.13138245

More common than you think. Normal? I don't know. What's normal?

>> No.13138247

>so its normal to be a hebephile?
It's the rule.

>> No.13138263
File: 2.46 MB, 370x388, bonbi dabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips anon

Normal by definition. The term is simultaneously an incredible filter, as it can be used to identify rejects, white knights and the mentally ill.

>> No.13138265

big fan of this thread

>> No.13138294

little lee lewda my 156cm cocksleeve

>> No.13138315
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Are there any books like lolita but more fappable?

>> No.13138318

noob.. the only differentce between "t" and "d" is that "d" is voiced and "t" isnt. The tongue and mouth position is identical. fags.

>> No.13138325

Then explain why Burgers pronounce water as "wuhdder" instead of water. It certainly isn't a T sound there.

>> No.13138377

maybe try moving out of appalachia, retard

>> No.13138390

They don't pronounce the T in "water" the same as the T in "time."

>> No.13138412

>thinks the mutts invented low cultural sociolect

>> No.13138431

Off topic. We're talking usage not invention.

>> No.13138443

I just gave you an example of usage of the word, from the language which spawned your mutt language. British came before the chicken. Mispronunciation of water has been there all along among the trash of society.

>> No.13138477

Wadder is the norm in Burger English though. While wa-ah is used in the lowest form of England's English. So yea, even then there's a difference Angloboi.

>> No.13138532 [DELETED] 

return to >>/tv/

>> No.13138545

return to /tv/

>> No.13138609

If you pronounce it the spanish way then yes you do that.

>> No.13139461


>> No.13139513

if all pedos ruminate like humbert thats reason enough to lock em up
book was a 3/5 at best