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/lit/ - Literature

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13134711 No.13134711 [Reply] [Original]

What quotes, maxims, platitudes, sayings, and so-called words of wisdom do you find to be empty, shallow, or flat wrong and stupid?

>If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best
>We are on the right side of history

>> No.13134873

Unrelated, is Ellul based beyond The Technological Society? Didn’t the man write like fifty odd books and a few hundred articles or some shit? Are they worth reading?

>> No.13134926

Yes, he also wrote a book on propaganda, two more books on technology, and a shitload of books on Christian theology, namely The Subversion of Christianity, which are all criminally underrated.

>> No.13135205

“It is what it is”

Yes I understand what it means and yes I get that the redundancy is part of its charm, but as a platitude it really is worthless. It’s often used in situations where it isn’t necessarily written in stone that it has to exist in such a way, and when it does ring true it never contributes or does anything to further the conversation. It’s the verbal equivalent to a fart.

>> No.13135227
File: 12 KB, 169x255, migrant dropoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be yourself

>> No.13135228

anything resembling
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps

>> No.13135230

C'est la vie

>> No.13135644

It's not very deep but it has an integral social and rhetorical purpose, hence its overuse. All platitudes and aphorisms are the written/spoken equivalents to a fart, intelectuallyspeaking.

>> No.13135661


This is not properly a word of wisdom by itself, but there is the often used beautifully shallow interaction:

>If only you agreed exactly to my specific and particular views on the matter at hand you would be absolutely enlightened and leave at once your absurd deviations of the truth.

>Very well then, enlighten me!

>...You just do the research yourself, I will not waste my emotional labor with you.

>> No.13136178

>'Paradox' is the name idiots use to coin the truth.

>> No.13136196


>if you dont love yourself you cant love others.
>if you dont love yourself nobody will

>> No.13136280

He wrote lots of interesting books, mostly about theology. But I don't really like him, he's kinda of an American boomer, with his Protestantism and muh liberties. A really interesting and underrated author though.

>> No.13136331


>> No.13136337

Might not be as common in English as in my native language.
>It is always in the last place you look

Of course it is, you're not going to search more after you've found it. It seems redundant.

>> No.13136460
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First one is true second one isn't

>> No.13136895

He was Catholic you moron.

>> No.13136918

it's an empty response when someone's complaints are trivial

>> No.13136944
File: 122 KB, 1024x567, Boomer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you just say you entitled millennial?

>> No.13136952

so /lit/ is now just complaining about the phrases girls post on their instagram stories?

>> No.13136962
File: 53 KB, 1200x198, try again sweetie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously know nothing about Ellul, his Protestantism is present everywhere in his work.

>> No.13137424
File: 252 KB, 1200x1491, SamuelTaylorColeridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of Logic and its neglect, and the consequent strange Illogicality of many even of our principal writers—hence our Crumbly friable Stile, each Author a mere Hour-Glass, and if we go on in this way, we shall soon have undone all that Aristotle did for the human Race, and come back to Proverbs and Apologues
>The multitude of Maxims, Aphorisms, and Sentences and their popularity among the French, the beginners of this Style, is it some proof and omen of this?