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13134732 No.13134732 [Reply] [Original]

Two Nobel prizes in literature this year. Any ideas?

>> No.13134738

Step 1) Be Jewish

>> No.13134745

A minority and a woman.

>> No.13134749

Maybe some kind of queer this year.

>> No.13134780

Middling shit

>> No.13134812

pynchon and krasznahorkai

>> No.13134819

Something that will be completely forgotten in a decade

>> No.13134829

murakami and murakami

>> No.13134845

Is Krasznahorkai really that good? I could actually read him in hungarian but I never got around to picking up any of his books.

>> No.13134851

Some tier 3 writers as always. Not as bad as Murakami, but certainly mediocre. Maybe a woman from some shitty eastern european country and a Jap

>> No.13134856

Not anon, but uh, yeah.

>> No.13134863

Probably correct. I'll go with Tokarczuk and Adonis.

>> No.13134866

Didn't help Roth, did it?


One can hope.

Serious question, what's wrong with Murakami? I've only read Norwegian Wood, and it wasn't that bad.

>> No.13134887

maybe he actually has a chance this year since they'll still get one person showing up
nah, wishful thinking

>> No.13134896

Adunis & Dag Solstad

screen cap this I'm 100% correct

>> No.13135124

Shit, give it to McCarthy then. Or DeLillp. This anti-American bent is really frustrating, and I'm European. They gave the Nobel to Bob Dylan, of all people?

>> No.13135263

>They gave the Nobel to Bob Dylan, of all people?

Songwriting is literature and the most important living songwriter should be rewarded.

>> No.13135271

One will absolutely be a woman because of the reason the prize was delayed in the first place. Murakami won't win because if he does the the "Murakami is sexist" crowd will try to ruin his (western world) career.

>> No.13135856


>the most important living songwriter

You misspelled Joni Mitchell. Leonard Cohen should have gotten Dylan's.

>> No.13135872

The real question, does anyone take the Nobel seriously any more, and is there a better alternative?

>> No.13136065


>> No.13136147
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>> No.13136156

screencapped, I personally think it would those two myself too desu

>> No.13136159

Jordan B Peterson and Slavoj Shishek

>> No.13136164

I've never read him in Hungarian but he's amazing in translation so I assume the original language is even better

>> No.13136244


He’s legit. He’s sort of a mix between Beckett and Bernhard. I’d say he’s the best living writer.

>> No.13136248

My bets are on some cripple black transgender woman or Rupi Kaur

>> No.13136258
File: 58 KB, 631x788, rupi-kaur-631x788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening guys I feel it

>> No.13136384

Stefan Corbin Burnett for sure
Screencap this.

>> No.13136468

You people have no fucking clue what the Academy is like.

>> No.13136485

>A minority
such an American concept

>> No.13136493
File: 17 KB, 318x445, tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Melancholy of Resistance is absolutely top-level. I felt like Seiobo plus a good editor would have been a second all-time work, but I'm holding on to high hopes for pic related

>> No.13136538

I want to start with him by reading Satantango but I’ve got a really long period of free time ahead which may be the only chance I get to watch the film. I’ve found that it’s best to leave a nice gap between a book and a film because I enjoyed Lolita (watched about 9 months after reading) more than A Clockwork Orange (watched immediately after reading) even though ACO is objectively better as an adaptation.
Usually I read the book first if both the book and the film seem worth my time but I’m probably going to end up watching it first.

>> No.13136579

BASED Knausgaard, I love the humility and appreciation for true talent in that post. Not that I think Dylan is unworthy, but he's no Pynch or McCarthy.

RIP Roth ;_;
Do they give out posthumous awards?

>> No.13136592

>plus a good editor
That's kind of contrary to Krasznahorkai's whole shtick.

Satantango is excellent, it's neck-and-neck with Melancholy in my opinion.

They don't.

>> No.13136644

Man, that's a shame. Roth would have been a better choice than anyone they awarded it to this decade. Except maybe Alice Munro.

>> No.13136700

>the shtick

I buy this in terms of style, but not in terms of content: Seiobo needed whole chunks not reduced but removed. When you have a structure like that you're much better off having fewer episodes than repetitive episodes which are only there to round out your patrician weeabo credentials. Or cut the European stuff and make it a book about Japanese culture. As it is it's half a book about art per se, and half about Japan. Neither feels rounded. For that reason I found the ending weirdly less satisfying than the quality of the description merited - there was no sum of parts that description could play off.

>> No.13136709

They like writers with A THEME. Probably helped Ishiguro get it more than his merits. Both he and Modiano had this repression of memory thing to read across the oeuvre about. What Munro's theme? People get divorced sometimes?

>> No.13136734

Alfred Nobel's original stipulation concerning the prize was to award to the author who in the last year had done humanity the most good through his work, for his "excellent idealism". The Academy's obviously departed from some of these points, but it remains a prize for the relatively contemporary author. Authors with a theme, something they're trying to convey through their whole body of works rather than through a single book, appeals to them.

On a different note; one of the major figures in the Academy said, in response to criticism of the Academy's eurocentrism, that Europe is the center of the literary world.

>> No.13136738


Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Nisio Iisin

If a graphic novel or manga win it then I want it to be either Araki for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or Grant Morrison for his current Green Lantern run.

>> No.13136741

>If a graphic novel or manga win it

Surely they won't stoop that low.

>> No.13136745

>Nisio Iisin

>> No.13136750

The Academy, and the swedish "art world" in general, resents pop culture. This really goes for most of Western Europe.

>> No.13136872

Bob Dylan gets both awards this year

>> No.13136878

Let me guess, most of them are Jews

>> No.13136911

who the fuck gives a shit about nobel prizes anyway? useless globo-homo award.

>> No.13136919

the betting lists are a good way to discover authors
it's also something to be angry about

>> No.13137399

Hollaback and Mccarthy

>> No.13137518

/lit/ critique thread and /sffg/

>> No.13137696


Anon, you might have missed the point. The entire book was about art and it’s interaction with the individual...not culture (go see My Name is Red if you want that). It actually makes more sense to have diff cultures expressed because Krasz, since Satantango -> MoR -> W&W, has been building up these notions of beliefs in decay/death of faith and the ensuing apocolypse (happening everywhere and since long ago). What better way to show arts ability for temporary salvation (or in some cases misunderstanding, under appreciation, or even a harmful trascendental experience) than to expose us to different individuals from different time/place and their own unique interaction with the sublime??

tbf, i really liked the bird one, the German music one, the Screaming below there earth, the Alhambra...but the nature of short stories is varying quality.

I think it goes Satantango > Seiobo = MoR > W&W (weakest cause it relies on a gimmick - though that prequel is magnificent). all are great works though

>> No.13137917

pynchon is trash my guy

>> No.13137933

High iq take

>> No.13137936

read it yourself and don't listen to the idiots who read translations i.e. didn't read him

>> No.13138001


>> No.13138020

I'm enjoying him, what's not trash?

>> No.13138043

a woman and a jew

>> No.13138070

It's the Swedish Academy, anon, not some American one

>> No.13138072

Solstad is way too young

>> No.13138088

please, not singer, journalist, playwright or poet that year. I tired of that crap

>> No.13138095
File: 2.19 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playwright or poet
the fuck's your problem

>> No.13138101

the novel is dead, son. it's the age of the literary journalist and the multimedia writer.

>> No.13138133

Malala Yousafzai only got the Peace Nobel prize, yet she wrote at least one book. She also gave several inspiring talks
She definitely deserves the Literature Nobel prize. It would be such a strong signal to women

>> No.13138363

>Malala Yousafzai
of course better it be mediocre women, than better autor that deserve that. of course that shit not about lit anymore

>> No.13138403

Unironically this. Malala is my idol because shes so distinctly and singularly the anti millenial: strong willed, unironic, unentitled, and actually willing to die for her truth rather than endlessly and pointlessly talk about them on 4chan or twitter. She has a stronger will to power than all millenials combined.

>> No.13138415

>shes not even a tranny