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13134533 No.13134533 [Reply] [Original]

Books to combat asceticism?

>> No.13134570

The reason I ask is because ever since the onions boy marvel webm's of someone losing their mind over an Avengers movie, I've felt guilty for consuming almost any media. This has caused me to come to the conclusion that consuming anything is fairly pointless and sometimes I feel like I'm waiting for death.

I feel guilty about the interests I do have

>> No.13134592

non-consumption of entertainment isn't asceticism lol
also entertainment is effectively pointless
someone who bounces from pleasure to pleasure to indulge in is running around like a chicken with its head cut off until death desu

>> No.13134597

you're problem is that you're a bitch who's too influenced by 4chan fags

>> No.13134609

it started with entertainment and has moved on.

also what is the difference between sticking with art for 20 years and running around to the newest marvel movies? One person offers more to society? Is that your purpose to produce for society instead so others can run around to see your art?

I don't like this way of thinking anon, I want out because I also don't think it's correct.

>> No.13134621

It brings up a point though anon. I feel disgusted when I see someone get that excited over an Avenger's movie. That snowballs my thinking into wondering if anything is worth consuming or doing and if it's better to try and just be content with less.

It's an interesting argument and I'm not sure what the argument against it is. It does feel somewhat incorrect though.

>> No.13134623

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13134629

just limit your consumption and don't overindulge in shit
it's a shortcoming of all of us everyday people that we constantly crave stimulation and pleasure, for its own sake and also to avoid unpleasantness.
If anything positive can come out of this, it's to seek a higher meaning/path than nihilistic materialist pleasure-seeking (if that is what you were doing before). You don't have to become a wandering ascetic or something to do that.

>> No.13134636

stealth blindpill thread, abort

>> No.13134639

>feel disgusted when I see someone get that excited over an Avenger's movie
Who cares
Honestly just kill yourself

>> No.13134652

This really does seem like the answer anon. I have a problem with grey areas and it's so much easier for me to go all in on something but I think you're right.

As long as you have a meaningful life and are taking care of your problems, it feels like consuming anything isn't a bad idea.
what is blindpill anon
hope you live a long life friend

>> No.13134668

I'm biased but with higher meaning/path I mean to something spiritual, or benevolent, or both.
Materialism + nihilism is a fuck

>> No.13134671

>hope you live a long life friend
I hope you don't, you lame idiot

>> No.13134680

yeah but what then did you already about what i said? i dont get ur point

>> No.13134685

So is anyone gonna recommend some books?

>> No.13134695

>what then did you already about what i

>> No.13134698

>consuming anything isn't a bad idea.
Consumption is probably ultimately a waste of time but imo we should be gentle with ourselves and others for being so deluded and caught up in pleasure and cheap stimulation, as is the tendency of humanity, and in the mean time just try and practice moderation as best we can - until maybe one day we lose these tendencies.

>> No.13134701

trolled u hehe :3

>> No.13134710
File: 526 KB, 2048x1366, 1029381243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is the ultimate cure to asceticism. He doesn't necessarily view asceticism as bad, merely that it's not the best. He still sees it as superior to being a herd animal, but ultimately embracing life by trying to rise above the herd is superior to denying life entirely to keep from being sucked into the herd. Genealogy of Morals is generally where you're "supposed" to start with him, but if you want to jump right in Beyond Good and Evil is his book that is most similar to a traditional philosophical presentation. Thus Spoke Zarathustra is his magnum opus and you probably won't get even half of it if you read it first but go for it if you want. Antchrist is one of his books that is accessible to beginners and deals mostly with religion but in doing that it deals with asceticism as well.

>> No.13134723

Hermann Hesse - Glasbeadgame
Hesse in general, alot of his works focus on the conflict between material and spirit.

>> No.13134724
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>the extreme of total asceticism to the point of depriving the body of food and drink
>the extreme of mindlessly chasing sensuality and indulgence
Follow the Middle Way, anons.

>> No.13134731
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 1558130729156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Just avoid Hedonism but also don't starve yourself

>> No.13134753

>t. All things in moderation, anon :^)
You probably still adhere to baby tier ethics like "don't be a dick" or "do what you feel like as long as it doesn't harm other people."

milquetoast, snoozepost and NPCpilled

>> No.13134758

>you probably do X, Y, Z
woah, you sure got him!

>> No.13134762
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>> No.13134892

>t. All things in moderation, anon :^)
If that's how I came across that's my bad. I think sensual indulgence only occurs insofar as one doesn't realize how bad it is - however we aren't enlightened monks who have done away with craving, so it is understandable when we have moments of weakness and indulge - but we should do our best to avoid doing so to whatever extent we are capable. Moderation is a good start for many people who are in the hedonistic deep end.

>> No.13134938

>buzzwords that are accurate are bad
retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo

>buzzwords that are accurate are bad
retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo

>> No.13134951

Woah. So this is the power of .

>> No.13134961 [DELETED] 

>I couldnt think of any thing to say back because I know he's right so I said nothing
retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo

>> No.13134982

Here's an idea, and I want you to stay with me here, but not every problem has a complicated solution

>> No.13134994

Moderation is fine.

>> No.13135171

>ultimately embracing life by trying to rise above the herd
What do you mean by embracing life?

>> No.13135175

You have a small penis

>> No.13135192

You always here about a duck measuring contest over who has the longest penis, but you never here of a competition over who has the smallest. Why is that?

>> No.13135206

well I'm something of an ornithologist myself. Ducks have very large penii on average, the longest being 42cm. But these aren't really penii, but cloacal protuberances. The smallest of these penii do not belong to ducks, rather to songbirds.

>> No.13135217

you don't need any books to fight the guilt of watching capeshit from marvel. just stop watching it and watch better movies. download some fucking hong kong art house movies. try to make your own movie

>> No.13135248

>sensual indulgence only occurs insofar as one doesn't realize how bad it is
But anon, why is it bad?
inb4: children and dsts

>> No.13135269

sensual craving can never be satisfied and only leads ultimately to suffering.
a mind obsessed with sensual craving is too unstable to find higher pleasures than sensuality.

>> No.13135431

Why are you like this

>> No.13135436


>> No.13135442

Damn even more based holy..

>> No.13135445

Hunger also can never be satisfied still you keep eating. This life only will lead you to more decay and suffering still you keep living.
A mind obsessed with TRYING AND AVOIDING sensual craving is too unstable to find higher pleasures.

Indugence instead of abstinence that's what I preach.

>> No.13135474

>Hunger also can never be satisfied still you keep eating
Hunger is necessary to live, indulgence is not. Not equivalent at all.

>> No.13135519

Indulgence in "sexual craving" is necessary to LIFE. Otherwise everything would die. There's a will to life living inside you, don't know why you should deny it.

>> No.13136026


>> No.13136061

He's a social shellfish

>> No.13136069

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.13136131

The Cynics and Stoics teach how to live in accordance with nature and rid yourself of unnecessary tethers like property, fame and money, if not physically then at least mentally.

The cynics would be more strict about it. Diogenes famously lived in a wine barrel on the market square and purposefully ignored societal conventions that he deemed unnatural. Yet he would not starve himself. He tried to live in accordance with nature and improve himself and society. A dog does not starve itself on purpose, neither does Diogenes.

The stoics were more moderate about it, being willing to indulge those fleeting things like property and money for the sake of improving society as it is, but they made a point of not letting these fleeting things control their thinking. Trying to see all things external as indifferent to their being. This way a stoic could lose his mansion, his status and even his clothes and just shrug it off. Only his mind and will he would not compromise on, rather choosing death than compromise on what he deems the right course of action.

>> No.13136241

jfl @ all the 12 year olds going through their traditionalism phase. stop trying to reimburse yourself for being a pathetic joyless shut-in by calling anyone happier than you a hedonist

>> No.13136320

they teach nothing, that's their problems. all they do is talking about their goal but they have no method to reach their goals

>> No.13136324

>Otherwise everything would die.
so? besides women, who gives a shit and anyway things die all the time

>> No.13136504
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1080, 1547537832807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get rid of fapping?

>> No.13136509

have sex.

>> No.13136514

There are no females in my social circles.

>> No.13136515


>> No.13136520

And I'm not gay

>> No.13136524

Fucking get some in your social circle you retard

>> No.13136529

Who? How? My social circles are made by audio engineers, musicians and artists, girls don't exist in these places.

>> No.13136578

Just consume highly quality stuff, not teen movies

>> No.13136616

Enter another social circle

>> No.13136622

Half of stoic literature is about how to get there

>> No.13136661

Not that easy when you work, study and do everything there.

>> No.13136670

Maybe you don't have time for a woman then anyway

>> No.13136916

>guilty for consuming shit tier media
You are doing good.

>> No.13137043

There's no hope for capeshitters.

Don't have kids, please.

>> No.13137081

Embracing, without reservation or regret, this:
>259. Life itself is ESSENTIALLY appropriation, injury, conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity, obtrusion of peculiar forms, incorporation, and at the least, putting it mildest, exploitation;” (BGE)

>> No.13137238

how to get rid of the desire to be one being fapped to

>> No.13137362

Kill yourself and hope to be reincarnated in one.

>> No.13137403

Still I desire it.

>> No.13137458

>I feel disgusted when I see someone get that excited over an Avenger's movie.

b8 or retard, The oldest question

>> No.13137488

He's right, capeshit should be banned from cinema.

>> No.13137880


>> No.13138908


>> No.13138930

Watched Aquaman with my dad last night and it was enjoyable. You don't have to consume high art all the time to be cool.

>> No.13139113

Cope by Western cucks who want to generalize capitalist competition to all spheres of life. Life is both tranquil and red in tooth and claw. I have more respect for the person who can balance the knowledge of both than this cringetard shit

Americans were a mistake

>> No.13139331


>> No.13139610

I'm not interested in sex, what I desire is an intimate connection and affinity with a woman.

>> No.13139643

I don't know what sort of genius advice you think that you're going to get. The path forward is pretty fucking clear, eh?

>> No.13139673

It's all praxis. Do as I do.

>> No.13139680

>besides women, who gives a shit
I don't think that sentiment is exclusive to women

>> No.13139696

>avoiding any sensuality and indulgence beyond the bare minimum required to live, just for the sake of restraint
pretty pointless I'd agree
>avoiding sensuality and indulgence in order to reach a meditative bliss devoid of sensuality and to help develop higher qualities like virtue
not pointless

>> No.13139699

Never listen to low IQ stylometry people. Listen to people like me. Not this retard who cannot bother to capitalize or punctuate. I have your best interests in mind OP >>13134533
, he doesn't. Asceticism is good, purges your mind and body of its bad elements and what is reborn is glorious. Bugmen like this idiot want to stop you and drag you down in life. Do not fall for his tricks. I have posted on occasion, with the interest of helping people. Mental midgets like one I'm replying too, use this site because it was once a bastion for the hedonistic hellspawn who came here for anime, video games, and their worthless idle lifestyles. They've been here for a decade and they want to drag you down to the pits with them. Stay on the right path and stay strong.

>> No.13139716

Combat? Why would you want to do that? Everything is easier with less.
t.someone who fasts about a quarter of the year

>> No.13140440

By not looking at this picture

>> No.13141672
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hard task

>> No.13141795

What's the alternative then? Sitting around in a hut in the wilderness, praying to some deity all day? That sort of indulgence is almost as bad as losing your mind over capeshit and playing video games all day. Both are a form of escapism.

>> No.13142501

In a word, Tantra.
That is all.

>> No.13143284

>This has caused me to come to the conclusion that consuming anything is fairly pointless
This is true.

>> No.13143292

Read Siddhartha by Steppenwolf's lead singer, Herman Hesse.

>> No.13143309

Nietzche, and all atheism, ultimately comes down to mere coping. There's no reason for Nietzsche to say that "embracing life" is better than asceticism beyond that idea being a personal preference of his (i.e. his feelings).

>> No.13143375

Just do what I did. Pick a goal and work toward it.
I quit video games and media for 3 years. Read numerous classics, got into the best shape of my life, focused on school and work. After a few years eating only raw food and not interacting with media you'll likely grow out of it. Maybe not.

>> No.13143381

Just consume it ironically and you will be fine.

>> No.13143425

How do you know that you actually get meditative bliss and virtue from avoiding sensuality? What if that’s all a myth and you end up purposely passing by the few happy things of life for no reason at all?

>> No.13143439

"Few happy things in life"
Such as? Can you prove they are happy?

>> No.13143519

>nietzsche endorsed atheism
Stopped reading there, go read a book instead of reading wikipedia.

>> No.13143559

I never said he endorsed it. I said that Nietzscheanism is necessarily atheism.

>> No.13143574

For a cumbrain with no self control, it is a hard task. A smart person would delete all saved porn, block all pornographic sites and and never look back. You sit around wonder "how" meanwhile you post shit like this and try to bring others down. Truth is, you never wanted to stop in the first place. You're scum

>> No.13143671

>How do you know that you actually get meditative bliss and virtue from avoiding sensuality?
It doesn't come from avoiding sensuality alone - you have to meditate and pursue spiritual paths which require a lack of sensuality.
I know because I've experienced such bliss myself.

>> No.13143709

>How do you know that you actually get meditative bliss and virtue from avoiding sensuality?
Personal experience. First, you trust that what the buddha said is true. Then you actually try it and you find out if it's true or not.

>> No.13143887

Yeah that's still wrong and you're still a retarded pseud.

>> No.13143921


>> No.13143955

>say something wrong
>get called on it
>admits he's wrong and fucks off
Surprisingly civil

>> No.13144397

Do groupies not exist anymore?

>> No.13144445

Retard. READ a book not some cheap article.

>> No.13144508

Keeping aside the fact that this thread is filled with retards who don't know what this means let me say this: The engineers, scientists and the 'do'ers have done more for the betterment of themselves and of this world than any faggot self indulgent assetic

>> No.13144522
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw any one random shitposter still posts more diverse images and comments than the spermposter

>> No.13144873
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>Assuming materialism is true.

>> No.13144895

become sanyasi my friend

>> No.13145075
File: 60 KB, 287x425, Kaczynski in Montana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why combat it. asceticism in wild nature is amazing.

>> No.13145091

The original hasn't posted for weeks if not months. Chasteanon would have written a 3000 word post.

>> No.13145870

my diary desu

>> No.13146527

How have they?

>> No.13146927

drifting into the abstract, in terms of how i view myself

>> No.13146951

Become a useful member and provider of society so you become desirable in another way.

>> No.13146991

Make a tulpa

>> No.13146997

What do you think it means to better yourself and the world?

>> No.13147001

Try this, from 30 min to at least 45.

>> No.13147005

woops, forgot the important part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MNC5iWVne0

>> No.13147376


>> No.13147826

monks, priests and ascetics from all over have maintained important scholarly texts throughout history
they've been pretty important

>> No.13147915

dumb and edgy

>> No.13148025

Already have one.

>> No.13148105

>Effectively living like an animal as a slave to your pleasure-seeking and pain-avoidant instincts all your life doesn't make you like an animal and less like a human

>> No.13148110

A picture of a girl being funny and vaguely sexy isn't porn, though I feel what you say.

I have self control and moderation indeed, but I need a release due to the cumulative stress that I take, masturbation is completely natural besides. I guess it's still better than doing drugs recurrently or being an alcoholic, which I never did in my life. I have friends who smoke weed everyday and they're complete retards and socially awkward.

>> No.13148127
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>> No.13149025

sauce please

>> No.13149394

hailey lu richardson

>> No.13150740


>> No.13150889

You seem young. I have been down those paths before.

Some advice:
It's ok for other people to be excited about things that you are not excited about. Instead of looking at it with a cynical eye, look at it with more empathy. Recognize that you're watching someone who is enthusiastically enjoying something. This is not a behaviour to be disgusted by. It's something we should all learn to do. Cynicism is a flesh eating fungus that can rot out your core if you dont fight it.

That being said, anyone who watches Marvel or new Starwars or any new movie based on an existing franchise is a complete brainlet.

>> No.13150917
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