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13131251 No.13131251 [Reply] [Original]

>NEETzsche absolutely btfo
When will dirty heathens learn?

>> No.13131274

>say God is dead
>brainlet christians don't try to prove how God could overcome your reasons for calling him dead
>instead make gotcha quotes, call you a virgin, lunatic, nazi, and make God's Not Dead 1, 2, & 3

>> No.13131277

>God is Dad
t. Freud

>> No.13131278

>be Nietzsche
>"God is dead LMAO"
>get syphilis
>go insane
>your antisemite sister turns you into a nazi icon
>burn in Hell for eternity

>> No.13131283
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I unironically love God, guys. Being 100% sincere here, He is the greatest Good and all is for the Glory of Him.
It makes me so happy when I think of brainlets like Pinker and all the other fragile atheists spending eternity in tormented damnation, burning for the sin of scorning the holy Truth that is obvious to all who have eyes to see.

>> No.13131297
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Nah I feel bad for them. They are deeply deceived.

Chesterton responded to NEETzsche like a hundred years ago dude lmao

>> No.13131322

Has anyone in this thread atleast skimmed the wiki entry on Kneetchey? He lamented “god is dead”, he didn’t say it triumphantly.
God this board is full of fucking retards

>> No.13131330

Chesterton-drones are first in the hellpits. tickle torture damnation.

>> No.13131335

was Elisabeth the superior philosopher?

>> No.13131338

We know dipshit.. it's a meme.

>> No.13131353


>> No.13131358

is big meme dummy. I read his book you magnificent bastard I read his book! He was referring to the idea of God, based on his observations of the corruption of the Church and the mental deficiencies of Protestants. In that way he was a Donatist without knowing it, and his complaint had already been addressed over a thousand years prior. He's a fucking brainlet, appreciated by brainlets.

God bless you anon. We need more people with God in their heart these days. Without him we may as well be dead.

They will learn when they go to church and put God ahead of their own hubris and misconceptions about him.

>Romans 11:32
>For God has consigned all people to disobedience so that he may show mercy to them all.

>> No.13131362

>Why do you believe the Jewish mythology over the Greek one for example? What makes Yahweh more believable than Zeus. You Christcucks are so retarded.

>> No.13131368

ask stupid questions get stupid answers. not that anon but Yahweh obviously defeated Zeus. nobody worships the god of lighting in 2019 except big dummies.

and the real actual god of the Greeks in the 1st century BC was the monad. the god of the philosophers. The One. though this was deduced by man, its true nature was revealed to be Yahweh. (and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) in the 1st century AD.

Christianity has aristotlean and neoplatonic roots, guy. read a book.

>> No.13131375

what are the moral principles of zeus?

>> No.13131403

By that reasoning, Allah defeated Yahweh. Why don't you convert to Islam now that it has more devotees than Christianity?

>> No.13131404

Only a few elite believed in the One. Most of the people believed in the Greek pantheon.

There is no reason to believe that Yahweh is the true God. There are 1000s of gods worshipped by humanity yet by chance the one YOU worship is the right one?

Christianity is just Jewish nonsense.

>> No.13131409

it's stupid reasoning, i said as much.

and don't you be trying to rekindle the stupid argument lit has been having the past couple days about whether allah is yahweh.

there is: ONE GOD. and his name is Lord. and the persons of his being are equal and three.

>> No.13131415

>There is no reason to believe that Yahweh is the true God. There are 1000s of gods worshipped by humanity yet by chance the one YOU worship is the right one?
waiter this chestnut is rotten

>Christianity is just Jewish nonsense.
not an argument and you sound rill ignant right now

>> No.13131418

>there are over 1000 of gods worshipped by humanity, but dont worry, only yours is right
>post made by atheist gang

>> No.13131419

Islam corrected the three personed God into the one aspect. The "three" are pagan inventions and so is christmas and easter.

>> No.13131421

>The "three" are pagan inventions
try actually reading the gospels before saying stupid shit

>christmas and easter.
this is true.

>> No.13131422

How do you explain that Islam is going to become the world's biggest religon in 50 years. Why would God allow this to happen?

Christianity is dying and in 100 years time most in the West won't be Christian and it will just become another brown religion.

Stop believing Jewish fairytales.

>> No.13131425

>literally didn't attack my argument
>post made by ad hominem gang

>> No.13131431

>How do you explain that Islam is going to become the world's biggest religon in 50 years. Why would God allow this to happen?
>going to be
don't count your eggs before they hatch, dodo bird. you're playing fantasy football in your own head right now. i will not address baseless wishful thinking, as it is not an argument.

>Christianity is dying
are you a fuckin reincarnated nietzsche wow you are loaded with the braindead opinions. try cracking open a website sometime. christians are absolutely seething with love and righteous anger and turning the tide on abortion. the church is not weak. church strong.

>Jewish fairytales.
If they were Jewish, why don't the Jews believe in Christ? But I suspect you already know why. And I've already told you: Christianity is as much Greek as founded in the creator.

>> No.13131444

long story short, every religion is everys culture own interpretation of the one god, which is a mix of morals and transcendental aspect. some religions are better at some (christianity at morality or buddhism on the transcendental part). therefore, every religion is valid, but we can tell that some are better than the others

>> No.13131467

> deflect every question/argument

Christians sure are desperate. Getting outbred by muslims and outsmarted by Jews ))

>> No.13132529

The Nietzsche who said, 'God is dead,' was alive.
The God who said, 'Nietzsche is dead,' was dead.

>> No.13132551

In other words, God is dead, and I don't feel too well myself...

>> No.13132568

God only died to the uneducated religious masses with no metaphysical beliefs, and the materialist scientists

>> No.13132655

can I have a source on that God quote?

>> No.13132662

Why did it take god 7 years to respond?

>> No.13132669

Chesterton is a neat writer but he didn't understand Nietszche at all.

>> No.13132676


>> No.13132697

I was reading an article from the early 90s in Time about how the initially irreligious boomer generation was turning to religion. New churches were made to deviate from the usual boring sermons into the rock and roll, fun "non denominational " churches you see boomers linger in. What happened? This is what I think: as boomers were having kids they began to worry, especially in that era of Doom and Mtv. They felt giving them religion would provide a moral standing. The same might happen to millennials as their kids will grow up in a world more degenerate than what they grew up in.

>> No.13132710

what about SJWs? arent they secular zealots?

>> No.13132740

You're talking about millennial sjws, the stereotypical overweight purple hair type? I see them in a different category. Many might not have children, but once they do they probably might just raise their kids in leftism which is almost like a religion in itself. I know two irl and they are somewhat damaged mentally. One is even going through a type of menopause at 23.

>> No.13132757
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>God is dead or alive, depending on who you are
Anon, I have some news about your medical results.

>> No.13132836

Plato really ruined everything.

>> No.13132933

>It makes me so happy when I think of brainlets like Pinker and all the other fragile atheists spending eternity in tormented damnation, burning for the sin of scorning the holy Truth that is obvious to all who have eyes to see.

Christians are mean

>> No.13133053


>> No.13133071

who are you quoting?

>> No.13133073
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>convert to Islam now that it has more devotees than Christianity

>> No.13133077

>There are 1000s of gods worshipped by humanity yet by chance the one YOU worship is the right one?
What argument are you trying to make here? Because I'm pretty sure it's invalid.

>> No.13133080
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>> No.13133090
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>> No.13133092

>Christianity is dying

>> No.13133094

Not him but his argument is perfectly valid until you explain how the Jewish god is the right one.

>> No.13133100


>> No.13133113
File: 66 KB, 1097x726, christianity-in-china_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, those are Africans.

>> No.13133115

It's growing in the third world and dying in the first world, unsurprisingly.

>> No.13133122

Chinese Christianity is a honeypot.

>> No.13133156

How is it valid? Can you put it in syllogistic form?

>> No.13133162

You said Islam has more devotees than Christianity. Explain how your pic shows that and stop trying to move the goalposts you weasel.
>Estimated percent change
>Not total population
You really can't read, can you?

>> No.13133163

i'm not the same person friendo

>> No.13133169

1. There are multiple attested gods throughout history
2. Not a single one had its existence confirmed yet
Therefore, you're a retarded for believing in any of them.

>> No.13133180

Are you playing dumb?

(1) The syllogism you just posted is invalid.

(2) That's not the argument being made. The argument being made is more like
>There are 1000s of beliefs about X.
>Therefore, your belief about X is wrong.
which is invalid as well.

>> No.13133184

He never said you're wrong, he asked why do you think you're right when there's no reason to believe that.

>> No.13133197

Hell isn't a detention hall; It's a state of self-imposed distance from God, like a bitter child that takes itself to its room.

>> No.13133207

christ larpers are by far the worst posters

>> No.13133246

'christ larpers are by far the worst posters' posters are by far the worst posters

>> No.13133305

Yet killing a man is trivial. Killing an idea is impossible. Who has the greater aspirations in your fb-tier shitposting?

>Insert Miyazaki 'the internet was a mistake meme' I'm too lazy to care

>> No.13133311

As if. It's a lie told to children of all ages to make them behave

>> No.13133321

"some of us are born posthumously" - nietzsche

>> No.13133346

Honestly I'm happy for you Anon. But I feel like if you really did love god you wouldn't be so bitter.

>> No.13133395

Not the same guy.

>> No.13133419

Follow the replies

>> No.13133433

Another retard who fell for the free will meme.

>> No.13133469

>every religion is everys culture own interpretation of the one god

>> No.13133507


>> No.13133558

>l-lets pick and choose which parts of God's word we believe and then retroactively try to attribute them to the ancient Greeks, th-that will make us look legitimate
what a sad, desperate religion

>> No.13133563

Only uneducated third worlders believe in religion anyways

>> No.13133577

What are the moral principles of God, other than the basic ones any decent human follows. Oh and worship me and only me or suffer eternal damnation

>> No.13133848

dummy the NT was written by greeks

where the fuck did you think Collosae or Ephesus or Corinth was at

>> No.13133875

>other than the basic ones any decent human follows.
>place me first or else you suffer
dummy you repeat yourself it's a tautology:

put something OTHER than god (goodness and reason) first, and you fall into suffering. like a wagon cart wheel turning after the ox.

>> No.13133905

Not him but that would be fine if only the Jewish god was good and rational in the first place.

>> No.13133908

Implying leftism isnt loyalty to an ideology that denies the humanity of the unborn and is not an exact evil mirror image of christIan morality.

go worship at the altar of buzzfeeds joe bernstein ye Internet third worlder

>> No.13133915

Anon keep up were talking about sublime christianity not dumb old iron age judaisms

>> No.13133929

Dumb old Iron Age Judaism is half of Christianity, nigger. And the other half is faggotry from Greek-influenced Jews.

>> No.13133938

Chesterton is not a philosopher and his response to Nietzsche is kinda gay

Scheler, however, actually had something to say against Nietzsche.

>> No.13133949

>muh babies
Abortion is soft eugenics you fucking faggot.

>> No.13133955

Not exactly. Christ destroyed the temple and rebuilt it. Old test introduces a context for understanding Jesus, but we don't follow their law. We follow Christ. Israel proved it was full of stiff necked evil brainlets so many times god literally had to come down in person and cancel them.

>> No.13133962

ok margaret sanger))))))))( wink wink

>> No.13133963

It's still the same God.

>> No.13133975

No. You are dumb. |thread

God is three. Not only the Father. That is what the Jews believe, and they are wrong.

>> No.13133993

God is one, retard. Even if you buy the Athanasian faggotry, it's still one God with three personas.

>> No.13134001

>one part of god is imperfect
lol nice religion

>> No.13134005

That's what I said. God is three. God being one.

God the Father, alone, is not God. Into the reactor you go.

>> No.13134012

Please control yourself and resist saying dumb shit thanks.

>> No.13134013

It's. The. Same. God. Nigger.

>> No.13134015

I'm typing, stupid

>> No.13134027

Fuck man you are so dense I think the reactor is gonna bloooooowwwwww!

Christian God = father, son, holy spirit

Judaism God = just the faddah

the faddah is the father. but then also christ and the holy spirit. ERGO just the faddah is not THE LORD when you are ignorantly calling christians nwords

>> No.13134047

Nigger, you're retarded, the God is the same. Period. It doesn't matter if he only presented himself as the Father in the OT.

>> No.13134056


>> No.13134062

Okay but you fail basic reasoning. Excuse me I'm late for synagogue, father omalley gets pissed when people aren't there for the consecration of the eucharist and renactment of the last supper you know

>> No.13134066

He had a really bad response to Blake too.

>> No.13134070

no u. stay mad god loves us more and superseded your ass

>> No.13134072


>> No.13134113

OK I will show mercy. Jesus said you can only know the father through him. This is why we praise God and seek to imitate christ.

Jews don't do this. You're right in that it's the same yahweh. But it's not the same God. Jews do not consider Christ divine.

There. Simple enough for your cumbrain?

>> No.13134118

>It makes me so happy when I think of brainlets like Pinker and all the other fragile atheists spending eternity in tormented damnation

>> No.13134137
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>You're right in that it's the same yahweh. But it's not the same God

>> No.13134141

>The Nomad
What a lame trip

>> No.13134158

t, Butterfly

>> No.13134178

Yeah it is gay af

>> No.13134395

>make God's Not Dead 1, 2, & 3
2 and 3 were a mistake but 1 is kino

>> No.13134547

That movie is so cringy

>> No.13134575

my college roommate unironically had OP's picture in poster-size on his wall. it was awful.

>> No.13134718

Based. Why didn't his coolness rub off on you

>> No.13134729

Your roommate was a chad.

>> No.13134743

have you guys any actual experience with young christian men? They are almost all enormous soiboys, the majority of the churches in the US are infected by feminism and other progressive dogma

>> No.13134750

Yeah I'm aware Einstein , I was asking why aren't you cool like him

>inb4 that feeling when the bottom of your world falls away

>> No.13134755
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I'm a Christchad myself and know plenty in real life. Christchads are some of the best people out there.

>> No.13134765

Actually I do know what you mean and it's fuckin sad bc these guys are becoming priests and leaders and they have barely touched a boob or two and never lived outside of the suburbs

It's a big danger. Some are up to the task, others are... wew. They're going to fail when the game is for real. Hurt people through their stupid sheltered person comments. Or fall victim to temptation and flirt with women as they get older and finally grow a spine.

>> No.13134772

I was just kidding with the Einstein stuff

>> No.13134778

Young christians are either liberal soiboys, or cringey crusader LARPers

>> No.13134797

Tell you who I despise of that lot. Fuckin horan out of chicago. Literally a Democrat talking point repeater, barely ever talks about Jesus.

He looks exactly like you imagine. Kiss less handholdless 37yo virgin. Not even a man, how can he be called father.

>> No.13134823

i dont think its cool to ascribe petty attributes and witticisms to an all-powerful god.
pretty much, studied mechanical engineering and was decent looking.

>> No.13135165

The most taken out of context quote

>> No.13135190

Merchant scum.

>> No.13135191

This. I don't know how they could possibly think they love the Good when they say wicked shit like this.

>> No.13136463
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>>13131283 rude

>> No.13136490

It's the "if I can't be happy no one else will be" mentality.
These people represent some of the worst aspects of humanity: jealousy, envy, hatred, and malice.

>> No.13136495

100%. They also have this arrogant attitude when somebody actually is happy and not part of their group: "oh you're not reeaaaly happy, you just pretend you are, you can't be happy without Jesus tee hee enjoy hell xox"

>> No.13136854

I don't even have to ask wether or not he was a bong, just one look at that rotten teethed grin is enough to confirm that this man is in fact, part of the lowest genetic stock in human history.

>> No.13136857
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Seething non-anglo

>> No.13136879

for brainlets, yeah

>> No.13137060

the movie was made for, yeah
le epic "debates" with the kid and the professor are embarrassingly stupid