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File: 1.06 MB, 856x920, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13130778 No.13130778 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13130783

This is a Christian board, no swearing please.

>> No.13130787

Have you ever met people who read those types of books? There's a significant amount of them and they're sociopathic midwits by and large.

>> No.13130789 [DELETED] 

On Bullshit was the only book with a crass title that I have found to have any real value. Those all look like hard copy clickbait.

>> No.13130790

>Have you ever met people

eww, no

>> No.13130795
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x4032, ADORNO ASSHOLES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>airport book aisles
>ever being good
Pic related is the philosophy section in some shitty Melbourne bookshop

>> No.13130813

My manager is one of them and constantly cajoles me to read that stuff. They're overbearing, dissimulating and ambitious. A pervasive aura of uncanniness affects you when interacting with them.

>> No.13130815 [DELETED] 

Not a bad start.

>> No.13130820

So you’ve returned, again, fucking go to sleep faggot

>> No.13130821 [DELETED] 

>and constantly cajoles me to read that stuff.
Just tell him what you are really reading.

>> No.13130824

Honestly, you can safely disregard any book with fuck or shit in the title.

>> No.13130827

>implying the airport isle has ever had good reads prior
Fuck off now OP

>> No.13130836

Non-literary books have always been trash.

>> No.13130837

Michael Crichton was okay.

>> No.13130848 [DELETED] 

On Bullshit was OK. He used a bunch of tricks from Socrates and Schopenhauer to wind his argument very smoothly until the logic was perfectly inverted.

>> No.13130861

I wouldn't even dare let him know. They approach social interactions with the most extreme utilitarianism, they're possibly the worst people to work for seriously.

>> No.13130878

>They approach social interactions with the most extreme utilitarianism
Judging by you prose, you don't.

>> No.13130896

>be a miserable non-productive person who gets triggered over pretty much everything
>constantly says to himself "I dun give a fug"
>also thinks of himself as "real" and "down to earth", like they say in the ghetto
>doesn't read stoic literature because Aurelius was an old white man
>entrepreneurial writers rip off those stoic writers and throw in some profanity
>"that book is LITERALLY me :)"

>> No.13130903 [DELETED] 

>I wouldn't even dare let him know
This is the exact pussy that I used to be. Give it a few years - you'll see.
>possibly the worst people to work for seriously
I worked for a company that was so shit that they had to buy me out with a package with an NDA to get me to not burn them publicly when we were done with each other.

>> No.13130908 [DELETED] 

>WTF - I love accretions!

>> No.13130918

Why do people swear so much? It’s not shocking, it’s embarrassing.

>> No.13130921

I try not to. I tried talking to him about treating staff as ends in themselves (deontology) rather than instruments but it doesn't fit in his mid-wit axiology.

>> No.13131014

at least you have philosophy section. Imagine living in third world like me and the philosophy section is a rarity in some uni library. In most book shops there is only esoteric section. People legitimely do not even know who or what Plato or Sacrates is and definitely do not know anything about philosophy.

>> No.13131025

Not sure. I have some friends who swear constantly and it just makes me not want to hang out with them. I don't mind hearing a swear every now and then, but constant usage just makes me cringe and reminds me of reddit

>> No.13131062 [DELETED] 

It was edgy from the 60s through the 80s, then it just became passe. Behind the curve faggots think that it is still edgy. They have yet to discover that true insult lies in getting someone else to internalize questions.

>> No.13131065 [DELETED] 

Unironically, start a society.

>> No.13131067


Sounds like a great time. Grab some Kant and get on an airplane.

>> No.13131072

The bookstore in milwakuee int airport is comfy af. Huge selection for an airport and usually run by a grey haird old white dude who will chat and give recommends. Most of the books look secondhand and arent mainstream shovelware targeting women.

>> No.13131075


>> No.13131101

Yes, they are like the male version of the basic bitch

>> No.13131116

I should become the scholarch for memetic school of chaos.

>> No.13131117

At least you've got some variation. It's just Nietzsche at mine.

>> No.13131121

the authors are trying to appeal to 16 year olds and working class slightly-edgy NPC's, mostly

>> No.13131153 [DELETED] 

You know your own people better than I do. Consider their inclinations; what is best suited to their abilities and what they would enjoy. Work within the strengths you already have. Consider that the terms "Stoicism" and "Cynicism" both originated from physical locations in which the groups congregated. Perhaps you could name your group after the "designated shitting street" or wherever it is that you meet.

>> No.13131158 [DELETED] 

What qualifies as edgy nowadays?

>> No.13131169

think Cyanide and Happiness, that's the best example of normie edge that comes to mind

>> No.13131175

planes/trains/buses are unironically based for studying.

>> No.13131179

Modern life has people stressed out people they are over stimulated (too much electronic device usage and music). At the same time they have no coherent community that they belong to, because this has also been stripped away and we're told that we're all the same even though we're not. At the same time we've also taken away the importance of the family, which is man's last refuge, so he has no nuclear family to rely on. After this we've also told him that his physical well-being is not under his control and he shouldn't feel bad if he's not healthy. Lastly we tell him that his anxiety from all the preceding topics can be cured by pills, which it can't be. At the end of this process the man (or woman) is rather anxious, so we sell him or her books claiming resolution to this anxiety—though of course it won't, because you can't think your way out of such a problem this vast.

People tell me all the time that they're anxious and depressed. Of course they are. Lol. They're wandering around blind without a clue.

>> No.13131182

>people are anxious and look for solutions in self-help books because they have no family values!!!!!11!!1!!!11!

>> No.13131197

>starting with Heidegger or Kant


>> No.13131205

People are anxious because they have no anchor or support anymore. And endless stimuli. And they feel as though there's no point to life because they're not part of a community (familial or otherwise) and this makes them feel lonely. It's not particularly important to me that people solve this problem, I'm just pointing it out. I actually like that the people who are actively destroying traditional structures are the most anxious, depressed, lonely, and substance-prone people who few familial ties.

>> No.13131215 [DELETED] 

Not for starting reading; for starting a library. I was more concerned with volume of decent material, not the order in which it would be read.

>> No.13131218

that's fair, but whenever I see people trying to argue things like this and the words "nuclear family" are said, it almost always ends up being a dogwhistle for "I don't like single parents, separated parents, married couples with no kids, or gay people"

>> No.13131226

Poor reading comprehension, he said nothing about "values", the family itself as an institution is dead. Today chances are you live with your divorced depressed single dad and single mom, you might see your grandparents once a year, you might see your aunts/cousins and extended family when there's a funeral.

Compare this to basically any other era several generations lived in the same house, and close relatives simply branched off to establish a neighbouring household within walking distance.

>I don't like single parents, separated parents, married couples with no kids, or gay people
Spot on. These are signs of decay, and no matter how much they flaunt their freedom and right to choose they are deeply unhappy and would have been better off almost anywhere else.

>> No.13131227

shitticism of Shittea

>> No.13131233

>Spot on
okay faggot

>> No.13131241
File: 78 KB, 669x900, the-vision-of-st-paul-nicolas-poussin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when a society and a nation turns its back on God. Anyone could of seen this coming if they simply read Romans 1:18-32:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

>> No.13131242

But I'm not a faggot. You're the one advocating isolated alienated single men going around fucking other single men up the ass.

>> No.13131245 [DELETED] 

I was being a touch ironic, but I do believe the base root of naming after the area where they meet gives an anchor to it. The "where" carries a flavor of "the who, the what, and the why". If they actually meet in an alley then they should just take ownership of that fact, lest it be used as an insult against them later. If you already own the insult then it is defused.

>> No.13131259

>being an even bigger faggot than the other anon
if you were to actually read my post, you’d recognize that I never actually endorsed faggotry :)

>> No.13131264

The AntiStack: What Not to Buy as if you Gave a Fuck

>> No.13131267

But it's almost always the good people who are punished while the evil only receive more wealth and power. Did God lose his bet with the devil?

>> No.13131269
File: 511 KB, 1196x960, Christianization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Christian G-d: The Creator of Not Giving a F-ck

>> No.13131276
File: 95 KB, 600x1024, toxic christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OH NO!!!
>heh that'll teach them
Was God stupid, or just the Jews?

>> No.13131334

holy shit Odifreddi is based

>> No.13131414

My sisters are such basic bitches that between all 3 of them they do not own one book that isn't a career-training textbook. I used to be able to put this fact out of mind while my best friend still lived, and my father turned to me for something resembling human conversation. It doesn't stop them from being mad about why I'm a stranger to them, which is as inevitable as it is depressing.

>> No.13131544

Satan here. Fuck you.

>> No.13131556

The publishing industry is what's going on. They need to get your attention if they're going to sell their trash to you.

>> No.13131649

A gentleman in Moscow is pretty good tho.

>> No.13131677

post pics of your sisters plz

>> No.13131718

At this point I have to assume God is just in for the lulz.

>> No.13131723

>guy named after a pornstar criticizes pornography

Sounds suspicious

>> No.13131784
File: 94 KB, 195x189, 1553899740209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. - Luke 6:45
I don't trust self-help books, especially ones that need to take on an agressive "I don't care" standpoint. I think these books are less about introspection and more about angrily searching for progress in your own life by triumphing over your percieved enemies; the slightly rude work colleague or the overbearing parent.
I haven't read the books, I hope they're more constructive than the covers suggest.

>> No.13133224

Idk. Many people are trying to better themselves but are just low IQ or super normie.

>> No.13133250

This is assuming everyone on public transit has the respect not to yell to their equally shitty friends.
inb4 'just shut them out' Not easy when they feel like they have to laugh and scream at their own shitty jokes every 5 fucking seconds. Kids and elderly people in groups are the worst at this.

>> No.13133411

If you're taking anything from this picrelated other than the fact that publishing houses seemed to have picked up on a tendency for modern adults to latch onto books that are as flippant and transgressive as they are too petrified to be, you dont get it

>> No.13133513

I saw Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man in an airport book section

>> No.13133550

in my local airport there are only books written by trump and also guinness world records compilations

>> No.13133892

Oh, look, he describes ancient Rome.
Twas ever thus
And always will be

>> No.13133913



>> No.13133932

they're a similar type of person who would rather read 50 contemporary books on Christianity than even think about cracking open the Summa or any of the church fathers
yet they've read the bible 10 times
king james only of course

>> No.13133953

KJV may very well be the most normie translation of any foreign language literature I’ve ever read

>> No.13133980

>anti homosex
it's popular and infinitely less degenerate than modern translations
so popular in fact that people don't realize that Lucifer isn't the devil's name
it's a holdover from the Latin that means light bearer

>inb4 reeeeeing
the devil is said to deceive us by coming disguised as an angel of light
while jesus is the light
it's about deception

>> No.13134061

>thinking anything he just said disproves that it’s the translation for NPC’s

>> No.13134097

Eh, they were decent in international airports before flying became inexpensive

>> No.13134103
File: 104 KB, 1920x1081, sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, anytime I see these books side by side I always think the answer is always the same: Capitalism, thats why everything is fucked.

>> No.13134164

They're trying to be provocative so you chose to red them even though they're basically just regurgitating Aurelius while also not actually practicing anything they preach

>> No.13134199

they're your average person, consume endless media, can't really take care of themselves so they order take-out a lot and whinge about anxiety and other mental issues plaguing them. Most people Ive met who read these are fellow millennials, concerned about their future (or lack thereof) and not sure what to do about it, so they either reside to the typical detached depressive self-deprecation, fill their quiet hours with podcasts or sad music. It's the bookshelf of Marcuse's One Dimensional Man

>> No.13134436

Is this what Deano and the lads read while going to Magaluf or Ibiza?

>> No.13134516

>implying Deano reads anything other than ladbible or footie scores

>> No.13134545

Readings? It's not that bad

>> No.13135209

Wasn't it the Turks who were burning libraries?

>> No.13135223

The FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.13135266

They're usually women

>> No.13135654

Poor functional vocabulary. Also if you grow up in a shitty area, using "big" words makes you look like a fag or like you're trying to flex on people. Also swear words fill in a lot of blanks when you have nothing else. Also nobody is impressed that you read and awkwardly drop whatever word you learned that week. Faggot.

>> No.13135668

wait so do i call people faggot or do i learn the new words

wtf anon

>> No.13135696

faggot is a wholesome epithet
it implies community

>> No.13135713

You described me, but I don't really care for pop culture at all.

>> No.13135730

Learn new words and most importantly learn to read people so that you can talk appropriately in any given situation without coming off as a faggot who thinks they're better than someone because they talk differently. Not to say you aren't necessarily better than a lot of people, but if you're in a mindset that everyone has to talk a certain way to be intelligent you'll close yourself off from a lot of people and probably wind up surrounded by insufferable middlebrows.

>> No.13135732

Okay, I looked through that Assholes book and it didn't even have any pictures. What's the point of that?

>> No.13135776

you guys improved my day :3 ty

>> No.13135817

Self-help books made me like chick lit and chick lit made me love YA books.

>> No.13135860

You're a retard, that's why. Unironically hang yourself.

>> No.13135900

The Icelandic gf of a classmate in university. She is a model and a honestly shallow person. Posted one of these books in her instagram claiming she liked reading. It was at page 5. So I imagine she never even read it full.

>> No.13135947
File: 131 KB, 768x1024, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People find "sincerity" and jargon insincere so they want something unpretentious or "no bullsh*t". Also, attention spans and a reaction against vulnerability.

>> No.13135994

>pic related
But that’s based
>muh heritage

>> No.13136139

kek'd out loud with this

>> No.13136160

hah I bought my copy at an airport

>> No.13136731


Deano is exclusively a British problem, you wouldn't understand if you didn't live in the UK.

>> No.13137064

Deano wouldn't read these books. Deano has the audiobooks for the commute in his Ford Mazda.

>> No.13137146

Stoicism is fucking retarded anyway you cut it.

>> No.13137180
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1518200860490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.low iq hedonist lacking self control

>> No.13137206

What's unchristian about saying "shit" instead of "excrement"?

>> No.13137285

I actually feel sorry for Peterson being on that shelf.

>> No.13137417


Deano is pretty Kafkaesque when you think about it.

>> No.13137446
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, bikers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the family, which is man's last refuge
Wrong. Man's last refuge is joining a tribe of likeminded men with unquestioning loyalty to eachother and roving the land carousing, beating up lesser men and ravaging the local women as they go.

>> No.13137471


>> No.13137476

The new pop psych trend makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.13137517
File: 12 KB, 340x226, 1446747568093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but I've been interested in reading Stoicism (got Aurelius next to my desk) for a while, but everyone I see who subscribes to it seems to just make their lives unhappier than they need to be, then pride themselves on withstanding it.

Aurelius's description of sex as rubbing your dick on someone until you spurt (paraphrasing obviously) and absolutely nothing else at all is as false as someone who thinks jizzing in someone is "the joining of souls" but the other way. As a low IQ hedonist who lacks self-control, I'm fully aware I need to become more disciplined and less prone to emotional flights of fancy, and Stoicism seems like the obvious route, but now that I've done a little research Stoics just seem stunted and no less deluded than cumbrained stoners, so I really don't know if it's a path I want to go down.

Are there Stoics who don't romanticise bleakness? Is that even a fair characterisation? Sincerely curious about Stoicism, just worried about what it will actually do to me.

>> No.13137527

>everyone I see who subscribes to it seems to just make their lives unhappier than they need to be, then pride themselves on withstanding it.
people are such fucking idiots. stoicism is so basic and they still manage to fuck it up

>> No.13137538

every one of the men in that pic have families and jobs. that's the only way they would feel the need to buy a bike and then afford the maintenance tax

>> No.13137684

>mfw i stop giving a fuck about giving a fuck

>> No.13137906

He was a better recursion theorist desu, still waiting volume 3.

>> No.13137994

If it's basic then would you be able to sum it up for me anon?

>> No.13138145

>. I actually like that the people who are actively destroying traditional structures are the most anxious, depressed, lonely, and substance-prone people who few familial ties.

not the case, most youth are happy at clubs.

>> No.13138167


>> No.13138174


>> No.13138182

Why wouldn't you pity the poor guy that got fooled into killing himself and others as if that would accomplish anything?

>> No.13138242


>> No.13138246

Where do you live? The philosophy section in my uni has many great works, and it's an average provincial university. Same with the bookshop chains here.
Im from Ecuador btw.

>> No.13138286

I cackled. Underrated post.

>> No.13138356

Was in the Orlando airport bookshop a year ago and there was a decent small classics section and a few recent NYRB classics and New Directions releases. Usually you can find something good.

>> No.13138455

Not that anon, but I'll try to explain what I've gathered from Marcus Aurelius.
Stoics believe that every single creature and thing in existence has a nature of its own; something it is drawn towards and in which it can thrive. Everything has a purpose. According to them, human beings posses the trait of rationality as well as the need to stick together as nature demands. We are gregarious creatures, and as such, we ought to make it as bearable as possible to stick together. Thus, we must all pay tribute to our communities and offer something back to them, the same way they provide for us. In order to do that you need to have proper self control over your emotions, not neglect your duties and tolerate those people whose personal nature leads them down the path of injustice. You ought to be a just, quiet, sincere man or woman capable of withstanding whatever comes your way. Aurelius says that humans only experience human matters, and human matters are those which every human being can bear. He does however believe that actions are what define the man and what make life worth living. If your actions cannot possibly improve your situation, and by that he means not even being capable of carrying yourself though life with justice and temperance, reducing you to inactivity, you are allowed to kill yourself. I have gathered that you should either learn to cope with harshness and still turn out to be a good man, or die, but living fruitlessly in resentment and self-indulgence is what a man should never do. Stoics also tackle the idea of death as an inevitable part of life not to be feared, as is the certainty of eventually being forgotten or even remembered; your legacy doesn't matter, only the life you live in the present matters, past and future be damned.
I personally identify with the stoics, and hope I was able to get across a semblance of their doctrine. If any anon wishes to correct me, by all means, do; I don't want to give an erroneous impression.

>> No.13138769

Who exactly does pope Francis wish to kill?

>> No.13138779

I want an honest opinion. Is Peterson's book any good?

>> No.13139300

>I want an honest opinion. Is Peterson's book any good?


>> No.13139360

Satan please leave you are not welcome in Christian boards.

>> No.13139394


What is stoicism, anon?

>> No.13139893
File: 93 KB, 600x855, sicksicksick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're all 16 sorry, I'm going back to /b/

>> No.13139944

It's not that bad all things considered.

>> No.13139957


>> No.13139964

Good taste

>> No.13139969 [DELETED] 

sex bad
have sex

>> No.13139970
File: 944 KB, 3724x2096, 26B5BC26-36B1-4660-AD01-0B4DC9550FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13139986

>Have you ever met people
How do I? I think I want to try

>> No.13140128
File: 486 KB, 1716x1710, 1557958541333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13140233

based satan
bless me with murder and mayhem against my enemies

>> No.13141816

>What the F*CK is going on with books these days

fixed it, now write a book about it

>> No.13142032

People who read such books are usually women who think too highly of themselves , thinking that they can "read people like an open book" or something. I have seen with with people who read too much self help books, they are unaware of how cringe they act.

>> No.13142042
File: 43 KB, 600x311, 1553366088147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women who think too highly of themselves
I believe the correct term is "thank too highly"

>> No.13142154

actually the correct usage is
"women who are thunked too highly of themselves"

>> No.13142186

who the fuck reads self help on a plane?
should be some non-demanding light fiction to kill the time.
here is moscow at least on train and light train stations all they have is pulp or housewife fiction and often some classics

>> No.13142665

why would you pity his weakness and wickedness?

>> No.13142706

>when peterson is the best thing on the shelf

>> No.13142763

The critique is there, why would you need anything else desu?

>> No.13142816

>according to judaic philosophy the feminine is evil
Someone hasn't read Geschlecht und Charakter

>> No.13142930

>What the FUCK is going on with books these days?
Nothing happened, if he had photographed a little right, he would have found classic books there.

>> No.13143160

Rome had gods and traditions, battyboy

>> No.13143767

>Single parents
They are retarded. No one told that roastie to fuck that nigger.
>Married couple with no kids
No kids?? What the fuck were they thinking?? You marry after you have gathered everything for you and your family and have children.
>Gay people
Faggots need to be tortured and killed. Fuck them.
>Its okay to hate faggots and all others you mentioned. They are burden to the society.

>> No.13143792

No one on this site should have kids, especially (You)

>> No.13143970

Because everything they say and do feels like a subtle manipulation, and likely is based on what they read. I know people like that too, I always feel distrustful and keep them at arms length.

>> No.13144014

>haha yes goy dont care about anything, just sit back and be controlled by base urges while the world burns

>> No.13144028

in my opinion you have to take stuff like aurelius with a grain of salt, it genuinely helped me a lot, a lot of what he says is absolutely true, but he didnt get everything right. the book is after all, just him writing down his thoughts at the time, not really intended publishing at least at first

>> No.13144547

>Naming the J**: what the f*ck is going on with books these days?

>> No.13145130

The problem is, why would you need an -ism to cure your shortcomings to begin with? If you know the what the problem is why would you need anything other than the fastest route to cure it?

My problem is a sore knee - better get a fucking -ism toe cure it! It´s not really any difference with personal prudence.

Which ironically is the more stoic approach to the question...

>> No.13145146

At least there's Anthony Kenny.

>> No.13145187

okay, faggot

>> No.13145196

based. how anyone believes the skydaddy shit baffles me.

>> No.13145212

All of these types of books are only read if given as a gift as most of the "readers" just buy the audiobook

>> No.13145256

this shelf is missing "wash your d*ck" by Perterstein

>> No.13145294

this doesnt happen outside of the US

>> No.13145318
