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13130131 No.13130131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't you ever get the feel that you're wasting your life reading both fiction and philosophy?

Some people have told that "life is too short to spend on books", and sometimes I think is true, maybe I should be going out and fucking chicks, instead of being alone, reading, listening to music and writing while I try to justify my existance.

>> No.13130160

>maybe I should be going out and fucking chicks
cringe and bluepilled you manthot

>> No.13130163

I've recently started to think this. After I'm done with my master's degree I'll be done with philosophy.

>> No.13130177

If you marry, you will regret it; if you do not marry, you will also regret it; if you marry or do not marry, you will regret both; Laugh at the world’s follies, you will regret it, weep over them, you will also regret that; laugh at the world’s follies or weep over them, you will regret both; whether you laugh at the world’s follies or weep over them, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it, believe her not, you will also regret that; believe a woman or believe her not, you will regret both; whether you believe a woman or believe her not, you will regret both. Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will also regret that; hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the sum and substance of all philosophy.

>> No.13130191

alone, reading, listening to music and writing, putting my daughters to sleep, making love to my wife at night, praying to god for the blessing to be alive on this beautiful oasis dancing in space around a huge fireball

>> No.13130193

They say that life is an accident, driven by sexual desire, that the universe has no moral order, no truth, no God.

Driven by insatiable lusts, drunk on the arrogance of power, hypocritical, deluded, their actions foul with self-seeking, tormented by a vast anxiety that continues until their death, convinced that the gratification of desire is life's sole aim, bound by a hundred shackles of hope, enslaved by their greed, they squander their time dishonestly piling up mountains of wealth.

"Today I got this desire, and tomorrow I will get that one; all these riches are mine, and soon I will have even more. Already I have killed these enemies, and soon I will kill the rest. I am the lord, the enjoyer, successful, happy, and strong, noble, and rich, and famous. Who on earth is my equal?

>> No.13130198

Said like a true balding Jewish youtuber

>> No.13130206

this. do what you want OP. either way, you'll be miserable

>> No.13130212

I'm not free to live the life I wanted, so I rediscovered books and they allowed me to expand my inner life and taught me quite a lot. I dream of escaping now.

>> No.13130245

Everyone who is out there fucking chicks is secretly wondering if anybody else just wants to go read a book.

>> No.13130286 [DELETED] 
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oh noooo dont do it

>> No.13130289

There are other worlds and it makes me happy to think about visiting them. This is what I enjoy in living, but my escape was media and mathematics. If I live long enough I can see the future.

>> No.13130294

This is quite something. To go to the end of the tunnel, to turn back qnd live a humble life where you started. It's a recurring theme no?

>> No.13130367 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13130372 [DELETED] 
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Splendid mansions, glittering car-
riages, birth-day dresses, flit before her imagination.
Above all, the delightful idea that she shall take
precedence of those who now think themselves her
equals and superiors, dispels every thought of love.

>> No.13130388

Not really, i'm not capable of enjoying anything (not even sexual pleasure, rubbing my dick feels as good as rubbing my arm), my brain is simply wired to not enjoy existence. Tried some SSRIs and other stuff but they didin't help. What i mean is: whatever i do is a fucking waste of time, because i can't enjoy anything. There is a little hint of pleasure when i get to know something though, like that "oh i get it moment" but that's it. That's why i read philosophy.

>> No.13130390

It would be very sad to never have kids.

Having kids must be the main objective.

I cannot be the mother of the child.

I must be the father.

>> No.13130427

nigga I like what I do, no regrets here

>> No.13130456

Based. Have at least 3, anon.

>> No.13130463

read books incel

>> No.13130570


>> No.13130671
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>nigga I like what I do
Thasa gud nigger

>> No.13130752

Who was this again?

>> No.13130758

Isn't all thinking "philosophy"? Is thinking a skill that gets better with practice?

>> No.13130792

why cant you do both

>> No.13130831

>Is thinking a skill that gets better with practice?
I believe it's like learning a sport or an instrument by yourself. If you do it without any guidance there's a good chance of developing bad habits. Now, what would be good guidance on the realm of thinking is the question. Some may say philosophy, but delving upon it by yourself may already be a path to misinterpretation and delusion.

>> No.13130865

No because I have a practical use intended for my philosophy consumption, and I don't read much fiction except what's culturally relevant or interesting to me for entertainment purposes

>> No.13131702
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I would dare say it's a matter of telling yourself which activity is the most worth spending your limited time on. Nobody is guaranteeing me a tomorrow in which I will be armed with knowledge if I choose to spend the present indulging myself in the act of studying. What worth is a life preparing for the future if the ground beneath us is but brittle glass?

Perhaps the wise way of living is to allocate an even amount of time for all the activities you want do to not feel any regret for having not done something if a sudden day of death comes knocking at the door. That way we do not play the Reaper's deathly lottery, but systematically prepare for the suddenly inevitable.

>> No.13131724

Try to read “The rose of the world” by soviet author Daniil Andreyev and forget all that you read before.

>> No.13131759

No OP, I don't. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time in some social interactions because I'd rather be home doing something introverted like thinking about philosophy or something. The nice thing is that going into academia means your social interactions are with other young philosophers so the quality is much better, I don't feel bad hanging out with them the way I might otherwise and I value their company while we drink or have a house party. It doesn't come naturally to me to "live" the extroverted, swinging aesthete life, and if I forced myself into such a life without philosophy, I think I might either become seriously unhappy, or lose an aspect of my identity which I presently hold dear. So I don't bother. If that's what makes you happy go and live that way, but it's not for everyone.

>> No.13132033

If you like spending your time reading books, what exactly makes you believe that chasing tail will make you any happier? I'll tell you what life is too short for, it's too short for wallowing in misery, driving yourself mad with thoughts about what could've been if you had just become someone you're not.

>> No.13132223

That's the wrong way to hold a trumpet

>> No.13132240

just do what makes you

>> No.13132250

i won't regret it LATER if I hang myself because I'll be dead.

>> No.13132252

Some people have told that "Life is too short to spend on physical pleasures." Maybe I should be staying home and reading, listening to music, and writing instead of using other people to justify my existence.

>> No.13132311

you will regret it while hanging and when it's over you will not experience anything, including relief

>> No.13132402

I think reading philosophy is a waste of time if you don't plan on studying it formally.

I regret my academic failures more than I regret missing out on any social activities.

>> No.13132511

Life is too short to bend to social pressures. Decide what you want to do and do it. If that means lifting 5 times a week and pulling girls in clubs do it. If that means reading do it. Don't let others dictate what you want for yourself.

>> No.13132523
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You don't know that. There could be an afterlife or reincarnation or something.

>> No.13132535

Anyone can fuck chicks. I think reading and writing is a better use of time. Just get a hooker if that’s your concern. I used to wanna chase fun and that’s when my grades started sinking. Not doing the same mistake again. Education is better than blind hedonism as much as our society will try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.13132620
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This cute motherfucker.

>> No.13132641

>Don't you ever get the feel that you're wasting your life reading both fiction and philosophy?

well to me it´s not the case since reading fiction and non-fiction will help me in the long run since i want to become a filmmaker and write my own scripts (whether they´re original or adaptions from a source material), i´m a curious person so either way i´m going to read books but the filmmaker aspect adds extra motivation to me

>> No.13132737

I sometimes feel that way reading philosophy or non-fiction in general (though there are exceptions) but often I feel I'm wasting my time when I'm not reading fiction or poetry, both of which enrich life by helping me find beauty and significance in the quotidian.

>> No.13132751

Kierkegaard wrote that. He was Danish.

>> No.13132770

Maybe you're Reading It in a Very strictive way. Try to read ir more calmly, maybe along some /lit/ Youtuber.

>> No.13132802

>fucking chicks
>so as to not feel lonely
oh, the delusion. When you cum with a girl you do not love you you feel like absolute shit and extremely lonely. Just like Schopy said, when you copulate you hear the devil's laugh

>> No.13132832

>Don't you ever get the feel that you're wasting your life reading both fiction and philosophy?
This somehow implies I choose to forgo certain life experiences to read books when it's the opposite. I read books precisely because I cannot have certain experiences.

>> No.13132851

No, there are books worth reading and there are real world experiences that aren't as important.

I've went out yesterday to drink, did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I learn something unique this time at the bar? No.

If you aren't doing anything special with your time, books are better than the average, mundane existence.