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/lit/ - Literature

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13125325 No.13125325 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you wasting your early 20s making subversive literature

>> No.13125331
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and handing it out to purple haired cuties at your university

>> No.13125359

That would have been subversive in 1930

>> No.13125377
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good idea, i will do this. puff puff

>> No.13125381

Because I wasted them doing mathematics.

My first three years of post-hs studying weren't in uni, and there are not purple haired cuties in mathematics.

>> No.13125383

Why are words paired with illustrations so effective lit bros? It makes this horseshit appear special

>> No.13125398

>individualism is the craddle of vulgarity
wow... this was written by a crass pleb

>> No.13125416

Ladies and gents, an individual

>> No.13125430
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because your brain is more interesting than you are

>> No.13125434

>Neo-China arrives from the future.

based. https://twitter.com/BBCClick/status/1127961872286789634

>> No.13125494 [SPOILER] 
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Because CNN and the rest of the legacy media do it nowadays... The real counter culture today is conservatism.

>> No.13125906

I will join your mail list... Happy?

>> No.13126039

I miss making zines. Are they still a thing?

>> No.13126068

This isn't subversive, it's boring. Get better material.
>look at me i'm a neoreactionary college boy, i hate modernism and liberalism but i love twitter and neon genesis evangelion please read my semi-coherent semi-original take on designated NRx talking points 1, 5, and 32
Everyone sympathetic to you has heard this a million times before, and your opponents are completely immune at this point. If you want to be subversive you're going to have to be more clever.

>> No.13126103

Already did, now I've graduated :(
I suppose it's time to write my novella
Only as an exercise for art majors, and maybe sometimes accidentally echoed by street pamphleteers. The original purpose of zines was cheap mass dissemination and the internet better serves that purpose.

>> No.13126134

being a counter subversive is more fun,subverting the subversive takes more skill because you have to infiltrate and befriend and gradually introduce ideology so they start to question themselves without a prompt from you

>> No.13126137

This image is retarded. It's just trying to co-opt a leftist cause and embellish it with far right bigotry. The 1% would still remain if we got rid of all jews and would still own a disproportionate amount of the wealth. Clearly whoever made this does not actually give a shit about wealth disparity; rather only cares about Jews being wealthy.

>> No.13126145

>we need to destroy the 1% but we need to ignore the 1%

>> No.13126164

Leftists want to work toward systematic change which ameliorates or eliminates wealth disparity entirely. Historically, if the bourgeoisie were unwilling to relinquish their wealth then, yes, they got the guillotine. However that is not the same as killing all Jews because they are Jews. The fact that they are Jews is not relevant in the slightest; and they would be gladly accepted into a socialist society if they relinquished their wealth.

>> No.13126176

>the internet better serves that purpose
Not exactly a zine, but I ruined a dude's day when I went full Martin Luther and posted grievances on the front door to his business - only I pasted it with actual billboard glue because I was working in the print industry. Dude sent someone to remove it and he hacked the fuck out of the front door with a screwdriver to get it off. Nothing beats a personal touch.

>> No.13126212

>Leftists want to work toward systematic change which ameliorates or eliminates wealth disparity entirely
Please, post proof of this.
>However that is not the same as killing all Jews because they are Jews
Who, in this thread, advocated this?
>The fact that they are Jews is not relevant in the slightest
It is when they work in concert for specific political goals.
>they would be gladly accepted into a socialist society if they relinquished their wealth
Good luck getting your masters to relinquish their wealth, especially when they have been allowed to maintain in-group alliances and yours has been abandoned.

>> No.13126258

I like the aesthetic but I grew out of this phase a long time ago.

>> No.13126305

There is no "growing out of it". The literature either delivers a message well or fails to do so.

>> No.13126317

Okay, it fails.

>> No.13126318


>> No.13126403

If a particular piece fails, then the blame for the failure falls squarely on the writer. This style of delivery has worked well for a few people, though most of what is delivered in such a fashion is tripe.

>> No.13126412

Not an argument.

>> No.13126483

>why aren't you wasting your early 20s making subversive literature
because i'm not a teenager

>> No.13126485


There are Asian, Jewish and Indian cuties in mathematics tho

>> No.13126693

>Please, post proof of this.
I don't know, just look at any leftist policy. The far left overthrow states and implement socialism. The moderate left advocate for higher taxing and more wealth redistribution. Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, is one of the most popular candidates on the American left. Relatively left wing governments like in Scandinavian countries have successfully implemented social democracy. The notion that the left isn't against wealth inequality is absurd given the fact that the whole history of leftism has involved addressing income/wealth inequality.
>Who, in this thread, advocated this?
Nobody. If you'll recall that sentence came before another in which I was talking about revolution.
>It is when they work in concert for specific political goals.
No, it is not. If Jews overwhelmingly work for right wing political causes which perpetuate wealth inequality that says nothing further than those individual Jews who do that are bad because they do that, and not because of their Jewishness. Marx was a Jew; many figures on the left are Jewish.
>Good luck getting your masters to relinquish their wealth, especially when they have been allowed to maintain in-group alliances and yours has been abandoned.
Ideally you ask them to relinquish it and if they don't comply you take it away from them. Just like we did to the monarchs.

>> No.13126727

*holds up spork*

>> No.13126848

Advocacy and addressing is not necessarily not propaganda smokescreening your true intentions. The early Russian Revolutionaries talked a big talk until they rose to great power - which they refused to relinquish.
Then stop playing the "exterminate the Jews" card. The more you people raise this issue the more that it implies that, in your deepest heart, you know this to be the only way that their influence can be mitigated.
>No, it is not. If Jews overwhelmingly work for right wing political causes which perpetuate wealth inequality that says nothing further than those individual Jews who do that are bad because they do that, and not because of their Jewishness.
Your argumentative construction assumes an implied ontology on my part - which I never made. Regardless, scumbags on both sides of the aisle frequently work together in order to profit off of their subjects. Also:
>Jews overwhelmingly work for right wing political causes
Something around 28 of 30 Jewish members of the US Congress are Democrats. This can be found easily through Pew Research.
>Marx was a Jew; many figures on the left are Jewish.
At least you are honest enough to admit this. I recently had a Socialist ideologue try to deny the Judaism of Marx and Lenin.
>Ideally you ask them to relinquish it
I would rather not funnel any more power away from the people. The technological advantage that they currently have against us will complicate us overthrowing them.

>> No.13127200

Holy shit your reading comprehension is bad
>most Jews are democrats
Yes I know that. If you recall this whole conversation started from the picture which stated that Jews make up a sizeable portion of the 1% and that this is a bad thing. I responded to this by saying that wealth inequality is a bad thing no matter what demographic is in the 1%. I also pointed out that whoever made the image doesn't actually care about wealth inequality and is just co-opting leftist language to push a far right antisemitic cause. I then stated that we should get rid of the 1% whether or not they are Jewish: "the fact that they are Jewish is irrelevant", to which you responded saying it isn't irrelevant because wealthy Jews push a political cause. Now in the context of the conversation one would assume that the political cause you are referring to is one that promulgates wealth inequality, since that's what we were talking about. That is why I said "IF Jews in general promote rightwing causes [ie causes that propagate wealth inequality]..."
>only way their influence can be mitigated
Again, I don't give a shit about mitigating anyone's influence as long as they have good ideas. Marx was a Jew and yet he is the most important anti-wealth inequality thinker in history. It's not Jewishness of the 1% that makes them bad. It's the fact that they are the 1% yet own 50% of the wealth. That is why the image is horseshit.
>deny the judaism
Well when I said Jewish I meant ethnically Jewish. Marx was an atheist.
>i would not funnel power away from the people
Neither would I.

>> No.13127207

I’m 27

>> No.13127219

because what counts as subversive is highly contingent and this hyper-technocratic age compresses time to make any such endeavour irrelevant or at least pastiche.

>> No.13127221

Also the Democratic Party, with the exception of Bernie and some others, is fiscally right wing

>> No.13127300
File: 40 KB, 687x692, household_income_brackets_2018_2017_compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44% of Jewish households earn more then $100,000
>$100,000 is around the 70-75 % percentile
>This somehow converts to all of them being in the 1%

>> No.13127427

Love it. Source? Reminds me of How to Bomb the US Govt

>> No.13127850

It's a genuine shame that you aren't smart. You have great visual taste but your writing is like the average shitposter.

>> No.13128312

Enjoy your anger.

>> No.13128349
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>> No.13128364

Dude you are just angry at capitalism but are too much of a pussy to be really subversive

>> No.13128684

I like it. Do you know where I can read more?