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13123682 No.13123682 [Reply] [Original]

rate her bookshelf

>> No.13123698

>Though she rarely addresses Trump directly, Ocasio-Cortez understands the value of performance in today’s politics. “Have you read Infinite Jest?” she asks, referencing the David Foster Wallace novel about entertainment and corporatism run amok. “We are living in the ‘Year of Perdue Chicken.’ We’re looking at our phones until we literally lose consciousness. If our leaders don’t learn to communicate in an engaging manner, our entertainers will become politicians. That’s what we have now.”

>> No.13123708

>“Have you read Infinite Jest?”

Sounds like the average lit post

>> No.13123758

>Stranger in a Strange Land

Not shabby

>> No.13123768


>> No.13123771

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.13123775

American politicians are abhorrent human beings.

>> No.13123779

So can anyone tell what else she has on there besides the obvious?

>> No.13123780


>> No.13123781

she looks shopped in

>> No.13123798
File: 25 KB, 480x439, 1557841074672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe for caring about the education of a Representative

>> No.13123803

lol, nobody tell him AOC is CGI guys.

>> No.13123816

Shes perfect

>> No.13123819

I can't see squat. Infinite Jest and the Pickett version of Capital? Also that guy looks like s*oy incarnate.

>> No.13123834


i don't care what a neoliberal capitalist cuck reads

stop calling her a socialist, you retards

>> No.13123844

>is a socialist
>owns an apple product
Every time.

>> No.13123846


>is a retard
>says retarded shit
Every time.

>> No.13123856

AoC is socialist but too retarded to actually use software that respects her freedoms.

>> No.13123858


she's a liberal not a socialist. i don't care what operating system she uses.

>> No.13123863

I do.
Only socialists use Apple products.

>> No.13123865


stop being retarded.

>> No.13123870

I'm not. If she was really a liberal then she would be using Linux.
Fucking retarded politicians who can't operate more than a web browser should be shot.

>> No.13123872

House of Representatives has always been the stomping grounds of our government's dullest, which is really saying something

>> No.13123873

Yeah it's obviously a shop

>> No.13123876


what in the fuck are you on about? are you an american who doesn't know what liberals or socialists are?

>> No.13123881


>> No.13123887

AoC is a fake liberal socialist who can't operate more than a web browser but would be expected to be legislating shit she doesn't know about.
All politicians should hang if they don't use linux.

>> No.13123894

that copy of infinite jest looks beat up. there's a chance she actually read the whole thing

>> No.13123902
File: 117 KB, 588x928, 1555797355070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tabbing and scrolling through macro spreadsheets
Us wagies work hard for AOC's feet
One of her toes, for the senses a feast
Her fans click cash by keyboards very greased
Alexandria ascendant, on their quest
Fueled by craved femdom, taboos unaddressed
Soaking her peds in citrus, soft and dainty
Her heels emit orange and lime, faintly
Even Heaven favors her feet by a thread
AOC's tootsies reek with dank street cred
Leading to Interns and pages to boast
Spied in her gym shoe locker, Seth Rich's ghost
Mouthfuls of socks, a mask of her Asics
Seth's ghost lurked in that sweaty oasis
Living on AOCs feet puff by puff
Heavesent there to balance an end so rough
Her sole's odors linger long, like fromage
Hence her Bikram nickname, a "Cheesey" homage
Titsguys, Assmen oughta get the drone
Footsexuals tug their fastest while prone
AOC's feet forge dark shops and stores
Vending her shavings, sebum from pores
A dash of her dried skin into my latte
Brews her flavors strong with nary decay
Daydreaming all throughout brunch
About AOCs milky tea soles' scrunch
Her tootsies so hot, she's never to gloat
Often overhead to fight 'Rican bloat
Her yoga feet flex with supple finesse
AOC dons her Chuiquita Headdress
Along with her LGBT serape
Footsexuals sing podal agape
Enduring all abuse, every henpeck
Even cock mileage measured by Parsec
Dutifully reminded without pain
The universe dispenses such scarce gain
Beads perspired form on her toe's tips
Our mouths open wide to catch errant drips

>> No.13123905
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>> No.13123940

kek looks like it's never been opened

>> No.13123941

>Us wagies work hard for AOC's feet

>> No.13123950


I also see How to Be Black

>> No.13123978

I'd nuke NYC just to kill her.

>> No.13124016

I can see
>how to be black
kek what a fuckin suck up nword lover

>> No.13124025

She's in DC

>> No.13124210

I ain't about that tiddy life and lusting after hindquarters is slave sexuality. The gash itself is a cavern of vicious duplicity, host to innumerable deposits and brimming with bagina-busted nuts galore. what of female anatomy is left untarnished by whoredom? Pits and feet, my friend

>> No.13124319

Nothing of value would be lost

>> No.13124330


>> No.13124480

She didn't really say that, did she?

>> No.13124518
File: 21 KB, 500x215, Redirects missile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saves New York

>> No.13124550


That's not bad.

>> No.13124561

Hmm, interesting. Tell me, Butterfly. Did you prevent my missile from freeing me of AOC's home for the good of the people there? Or to win the heart of AOC and thus the key to her loins?

>> No.13124954

put them on my face instead

>> No.13125158


>> No.13125162

i'd rather rate her boobshelf haha

>> No.13125169

>Fucking retarded politicians who can't operate more than a web browser should be shot.
Personally I dont think we should let people into office if they can't mig weld. All thee moron socialist libtard candidates can do is stick weld and that is bush league shit.

>> No.13125185


>> No.13125286


>> No.13125601

>The good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one

>> No.13125640

I wonder why she would read this in English

>> No.13125662

she obviously has put no emphasis on or effort into preserving her own culture and ancestral heritage given that she can’t speak spanish (im a native spanish speaker; there’s a video out there of her saying a few sentences and it’s full of basic errors with a heavy american accent), let alone an american indian language

she bought those books to impress guys, not to actually read them

>> No.13125686

Borges preferred it in English

>> No.13125692

Interesting, I thought that maybe it was the guys bookshelf. Can you link the video here?

>> No.13126218

she grew up in high class neighborhood in ny and went to a posh school. her spanish is probably too bad to understand untranslated borges

>> No.13126231

the oscar makes sense, because she is a great actor

>> No.13126301

The one two books up says "power ______."

>> No.13126340

shes right u know. Trump and several other clowns abroad are in office and people fall asleep on their beds looking at their phones.

>> No.13126348
File: 86 KB, 660x452, 02-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-vogue-november-2018-issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck this looks fake as fuck

>> No.13126355

I think it's the Piketty, no?

>> No.13126414
File: 75 KB, 701x480, 1557974684996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REALLY make you think