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1312220 No.1312220 [Reply] [Original]

tom bobadil?
who's that?

>> No.1312284

wickedly funny

>> No.1312286

fucking awful films

>> No.1312288

How is the Hobbit supposed to make two full length features?

>> No.1312293


Del Toro's departure

In 2010, Del Toro left the project, due to delays. On May 28, he explained at a press conference that due to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's financial troubles, the Hobbit project had then not been officially greenlit at the time. "There cannot be any start dates until the MGM situation gets resolved... We have designed all the creatures. We've designed the sets and the wardrobe. We have done animatics and planned very lengthy action sequences. We have scary sequences and funny sequences and we are very, very prepared for when it's finally triggered, but we don't know anything until MGM is solved."[48][49] Two days later, Del Toro announced at TheOneRing.net that "[i]n light of ongoing delays in the setting of a start date for filming", he would "take leave from helming", further stating that "the mounting pressures of conflicting schedules have overwhelmed the time slot originally allocated for the project. [...] I remain an ally to it and its makers, present and future, and fully support a smooth transition to a new director".[50][51] Reports began to surface around the internet about possible directors; apparently the studios wanted Jackson, but such names as Neill Blomkamp, David Yates, Brett Ratner, and David Dobkin were mentioned.[52]

On June 25, 2010, Jackson was reported to be in negotiations to direct the two-part film.[53] On October 16, 2010, New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. confirmed that The Hobbit was to proceed filming with Jackson as director and that the film will be in 3-D.[54] As well as confirming Jackson as director, the film was reported to be greenlit, with principal photography to begin in February 2011.[55] Jackson stated that "Exploring Tolkien's Middle-earth goes way beyond a normal film-making experience. It's an all-immersive journey into a very special place of imagination, beauty and drama."[56]

>> No.1312295

Hang on, this isn't what I meant to copypaste, here we go:

The first film will stand on its own, and the second will be a transition and fusion with Peter's world. I plan to change and expand the visuals from Peter's, and I know the world can be portrayed in a different way. Different is better for the first one. For the second, I have the responsibility of finding a slow progression and mimicking the style of Peter.
—Del Toro on tonal consistency with Jackson's trilogy[38]

Although now that Del Toro isn't directing this is still under speculation I guess.

>> No.1312296

And more on topic, I always viewed the Tom Bombadil chapter of LOTR to be pretty unnecessary - essentially more of a nice little Easter egg than any valuable plot progression or exposition, perse. Jackson has commented that in the process of writing the screenplay, there was a lot of work to be done in terms of ruling out most of what wasn't necessary to the progression of the plot.

>> No.1312297

Including the Scouring of the Shire which I still say is the one chapter that gives scope and grandeur to the rest of the saga.

>> No.1312302

Agreed, but I still think the film's ending was fitting, and consider how damn long the trilogy already was The Scouring would have been a bit too much. Still though, I'd have loved to have seen it incorporated, perhaps as part of the extended editions (which are infinitely better).

>> No.1312303

tolkien talk about him in his letters :)

>> No.1312304

Wasn't the main reason they didn't do it that the owners of the land on which the Shire scenes were filmed wouldn't allow it?

>> No.1312309
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Why didn't the eagles just carry the ring to Tom Bombadil?

>> No.1312313
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Tom Bombadil doesn't exist

>> No.1312320
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>> No.1312325

Tolkien explaind thatthere is always some unexplainable mistery in our universe and that in his universe that is Tom :)

>> No.1312483

How can you say a chapter of a story is unnecessary.

>> No.1312501


Tom would have used the ring as a cock ring and become a sex god of the highest order, leaving no women for anyone else in Middle Earth. Gandalf hates Sauron, but he hates not getting laid even more.

>> No.1312507
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>> No.1312537

Because stories aren't holy things and authors are fallible. Not everything a person writes is completely relevant.

>> No.1312546
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Why didn't the nazgul just carry the ring to Sauron?

>> No.1312590

tom bombadil is god.

He acts like a real god! Think about it.

>> No.1313593

Bombadil works for PETA and should be arrested.

>> No.1313596

I stopped reading the LotR at Tom Bombadil, at that point I figured if Tolkein isn't taking it seriously I'm not going to either.

>> No.1313600

I didn't say it was wholly arbitrary, needless and had no merit whatsoever. What I meant was that nothing really happens to advance the plot, and there's no valuable exposition in the chapter; having said that, I do LIKE the chapter.

>> No.1313608

"And even in a mythical age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one."

>> No.1313611


i think it was at the council of elrond that they said that the ring has no power over tom bombadil, and that if they had given him the ring he would probably lose interest in it and lose it.

>> No.1313615
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>I stopped reading the LotR at Tom Bombadil, at that point I figured if Tolkein isn't taking it seriously I'm not going to either.

agreed -- fantasy is SERIOUS BUSINESS after all.

>> No.1313623

Hey, I'm trying to get interested and invested in plot, its still early in th book, and then BAM! Tom Bombadil, and I just do not want.

>> No.1313653


If Jackson had any balls, he would have started RotK with the beggining of the Scourging, revealing the final moments of the journey though flashbacks

>> No.1313655

Character has no relevance to the story. Obviously a forced end to writers block from Tolkien. He was a bad writer and his work shouldn't be as revered as it is.