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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 900x900, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13122355 No.13122355 [Reply] [Original]

The image that broke /lit/

>> No.13122363

He found the flashlight through Theology

>> No.13122369

painfully retarded image, youtube comment atheist tier

>> No.13122373

wtf I hate philosophy now

>> No.13122377

Better stated as

Philosophy is like being in a dark room and wondering if there's any way for you to figure out if there's a black cat

Metaphysics is like being in a dark room full of black cats, and looking for your black cat

Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat, knowing you won't find it, and so instead really looking for paw prints and signs of what the cat might want

Science is like being in a dark room that may or may have black cats, and proclaiming that the room is empty, until a black cat brushes against your leg, at which point you proclaim there is evidence of at least 1 cat of likely dark color.

>> No.13122379
File: 132 KB, 222x427, Smug Pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's powerful.


>> No.13122390

I see no lies here.

>> No.13122392
File: 486 KB, 1716x1710, 1551554345550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do STEMfags not realize logical positivism is dead. Vienna Circle ass niggas

>> No.13122398

>logical positivism
define what you mean by this term

>> No.13122401

extremely based and redpilled image, though i would add:
>Literature is like being in a well-lit room with a black cat and writing a book about how dark the room is and how much smarter than the cat you are.

>> No.13122404


Underrated comment. Significant advancement in logical thinking were done by theologians. Theology was a game field of training of the human mind, as is the idea of god. Science as well is just a stage into the appropriantion (oikeiosis) of the cosmos by intellect as a principle of order manifesting itself in living beings.

>> No.13122408

>Literature is naming the cat "nigger"

>> No.13122409


>> No.13122421

Why do I give a shit about this black cat though? Can science answer that?

>> No.13122422

Science is aiming a laser at the wall in a dark room, measuring the distances between the points, and making guesses about the distances you haven't measured yet
Theology is wondering if anyone put you in the room, what they might be like, what control they have over the room, and what your relationship to them is
Metaphysics is wondering what the room is, why you're in it, if there's anything beyond it, if it really exists
Philosophy includes metaphysics is also wondering what the purpose of the room is, what one inside the room should be doing, and whether it's worth it to do any of the above three in the first place

>> No.13122425

as soon as i saw this image i immediately dipped my nuts into the throat of a christian and yelled THE REVELATION IS HERE, so powerful is this image

>> No.13122426

This image is stupid, it's not comparing Nobel Prize winners to Nobel Prize winners. The fuck. There are literally more of those every year and the shithead who made this thing couldn't be assed to do a real comparison.

>> No.13122431

Ooooohhhh shiiiiiiit literature btfo! Snappppp

>> No.13122432


This is the most important post in this thread. Very insightful, actually. No, really, I mean it. Now it sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I think you've really (seriously, bro) hit on something important here. And I'm not joking about that one bit!

>> No.13122433

Yes, logical thinking. Not philosophical thinking. There is a reason philosophy broke away from that. And that's not to say it's useless, undesirable, or "bad." Theology is always a good introduction to philosophy. But eventually must spar beyond the dojo if one wishes to develop.

>> No.13122441


This image is obviously made by a fedora, The theology analogy a dead give away. extra emphases of the science analogy as well lmao
Literally >>13122369

>> No.13122472

Why should it have to? That image is a response to pop-scientism, and is deliberately targeted towards its adherents. Someone who has adopted the views of scientism is likely to know and probably admire at least one of the people on the right side of the image. By juxtaposing the philosophical views of those who the target audience might consider "the modern face of science and logic" with the differing views given by those who they might consider "the past's face of science and logic," maybe you can get the reader to question if science has really been as anti-philosophy and anti-religion for as long as they may assume

>> No.13122495

what if the cat says niggers are only 13% of the population and yet commit 87% of the crime? Should we turn off that racist flashlight?

>> No.13122498
File: 110 KB, 634x1005, jokerrunning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13122538

Even if it is genetic, you should be able to give an account of why there's incomplete penetrance. And doesn't that statistic refer to violent crime? Does that mean, by the same token, that white people are "genetically predisposed" to white-collar crime?

>> No.13122544
File: 42 KB, 200x200, E1364541-097B-4383-8317-B7BA3B705749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. “Liberal” education has completely desecrated the foundations that were laid by men in rapture at the wonder of God.

Nowadays it’s about IQ points, where they they fall on a scale that “measures intelligence”. Can you believe the gal of these heathens? People are measured as if they were machines, and this isn’t hidden anymore it’s right there in your face, its all processing speed and memory drive. When they pass the test laid by their masters, they are “rewarded” with to join their cell mates with drink and drug and debauchery, same as when you wipe a hard drive so that you can begin again. " I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one"

My girlfriend comes from a family of rich wealthy white republicans. Trump supporters, multimillion dollar homes in gated communities, the whole 9 yards. On holidays we will be invited to eat at their “club”, collard shirts or no entry kind of shit. I have sat down with rich and powerful ceo’s and I can’t tell you how fucking ignorant these people are. It’s one drink after another with these people. They swap wives and pimp their daughters. Eyes wide shut.

>> No.13122577

Power is a means to live this lifestyle with impunity. It has always been this way. Scientists, Scholastic theologians, philosophers, people after "the truth," have always been the minority, and the powerful have always selected whichever of their insights prove materially and temporally useful to the maintenance of power. Modern liberal education is a product of this, not the cause. The mechanization of man and the proliferation of panoptic technologies are based on the writings of philosophers, like Bentham, and scientists, like Pavlov.

>> No.13122629

lmao your gf is getting dicked by big boy hedonists while you sit here and whinge about "muh theology o the humanity"

>> No.13122656

I am the big boy hedonist lol

>> No.13122657

>I have sat down with rich and powerful ceo’s and I can’t tell you how fucking ignorant these people are. It’s one drink after another with these people.
yes, you, a 4channel shitforbrains shitposter, are superior to actual ceos who run multi-million or billion dollar companies lol

>They swap wives and pimp their daughters. Eyes wide shut.
literally nothing wrong with this. everyone would do this if given the chance.

>> No.13122679

>ceos who run multi-million or billion dollar companies

Their dad was in the navy off the coast, never saw any fighting. When they got home they had easy high paying jobs, able to buy their kids through school. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but you fetishize these ceo’s. With the opportunities and resources at their disposal, they had to be idiots not to be where they are, and some of them are actually idiots.

>literally nothing wrong with this. everyone would do this if given the chance.


>> No.13122712

Imagine not knowing the distinction between Natural and Dogmatic Theology.

>> No.13122718
File: 10 KB, 250x250, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've forced my hand

>> No.13122723


>> No.13122725

the image that broke my cells and gave them cancer.

>> No.13122748

Bill Nye has since reversed his position. But these are all pop-sci personalities being compared against titans in their field.

>> No.13122749

based af

>> No.13122761

Many follow the light; few search for its source; fewer find it.

The only thing that is broken is your vision.

>> No.13124084


>> No.13124098


>> No.13124116

Yeah because Dawkins is a physicist, dipshit

>> No.13124218

funny, because he was the only one on the right that was right.

>> No.13124335

science is hypothesizing that a cat exists, looking for it, not finding it, reporting inconclusive results, submitting your paper, and then being yelled at by the entire scientific community for not turning on the fucking lights
alternatively this

>> No.13124383

white people commit white-collar crimes at a rate proportional to their share of the population
>incomplete penetrance
maybe because it isn't fucking eye color you cocksucking retard? since when is behavioral genetics deterministic?
there are actual good arguments against this meme if you really want to die on that hill, go find them

>> No.13124795

And then you find the black cat.

>> No.13124805

No u

>> No.13124824

>science is like being excommunicated for acquiescing to dogma for reasons not sanctioned by dogma

>> No.13124858


>> No.13124865
File: 30 KB, 550x542, C4CC4AEE-2963-4D68-A81F-1E2AAD312DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Muh great man myth!”

>> No.13124870
File: 61 KB, 350x335, haytham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd tip my fedora, but I have a drink in my had.

>> No.13124874
File: 201 KB, 500x300, hats off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13124969

Science isn't 'looking' for anything. It describes the factual state of the physical reality.

>> No.13124989

Science doesn't describe the factual state of physical reality. Science makes propositions about physical reality based upon whatever can be proven to be not factual physical reality, but that doesn't mean the scientifc paradigm is factual itself, only that it wasn't disproven yet while being the closest thing to truth thus far, but it's only a working hypothesis really.

>> No.13125030

well it's figureheads of science back then vs now

>> No.13125322

Ah yes, youtube comments turned into images for no particular reason, my favourite genre.

>> No.13125353

Why is metaphysics something outside of philosophy? Science of what? There is metaphysics and philosophy in science too. Whehn will these fags understand there is no such thing as singular science? I understand that normalfags cant into wisdom and such but I thought they could at least understand the basic hierarchy or definitions that can be googled and found on wiki.

>> No.13125412
File: 66 KB, 1024x676, 1547846150265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but why do I want the black cat?

>> No.13125736

He cute.

>> No.13125756


This is just a play on the elephant in the room of Wittgenstein and Russell.

>> No.13127431

>But these are all pop-sci personalities being compared against titans in their field
literally the point
He said a lot more than what that image shows. He basically said philosophy is obsolete because science.

>> No.13128322

Science can do nothing to describe why you are looking for the cat or what you should do with it when you find it. Science allows us to find more cats faster but without a specific goal other than finding more cats in smaller spacetime intervals.

Science is a dead and dehumanizing series of statistical probabilities seeking to cast a net around reality with no purpose or goal.

Philosophy is the search for purpose. Science finds means to enact that purpose.

Although philosophers generally get more pussy than scientists.

Now get off my lawn with your shitty memes.

>> No.13128347

>the first and third lines
>the second, fourth, and fifth lines

>> No.13128385

look like an image from reddit, opinion is dogshit too

>> No.13128736

>Although philosophers generally get more pussy than scientists.
That's only because Gregory Chadler is single-handedly skewing the average

>> No.13128831

t. Richard Rorty-kun

>> No.13128907

I actually wrote my capstone essay on the proper place of philosophy in the world.

Basically I wanted to see whether philosophy was becoming a "discipline of the gaps" in regards to evolutionary psychology just as religion is becoming a "god of the gaps" in regards to science.

I guess to put it back in terms of the metaphor
>Philosophy is like looking for a black cat in a dark room.
>Science is like being in a dark room with a flashlight and no idea which of the forty thousand black cats is the one you're trying to find.
The science-tists (as opposed to scientists) will object to the implication that it's difficult to know what the right thing to do is if you reject the role of philosophy. They drastically undervalue the importance of philosophy (and particularly politics) for ordering society.

I think actual pure philosophy is more a form of meditation and self-exploration than useful to the world, though.

>> No.13128910
File: 44 KB, 400x280, 0649AE9C-C50D-4B55-B50D-8918EA304875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about science’s philosophy anon?

>> No.13128916


How embarrassing.