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/lit/ - Literature

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13112561 No.13112561 [Reply] [Original]

And I don’t mean those girls that glorify you for being a writer type. To me that’s objectificaiton. I mean the right girl that actually suits a lit guy.

In case you’re wondering what I mean by lit guy I mean:
Genuinely traumatized in some way

Naturally soothed by aesthetic living (appreciating beauty)

Naturally soothed by writing out your emotions on paper in the literary form

That sort of thing. I know there is a lot of variety between us all, but I would still like to hear your thoughts.

>> No.13112568

one that will touch your willy

>> No.13112578

easy, now how do I get her to stay after she finds out it's small?

>> No.13112631

Bump . She should be trusting and should have some innocence of her intact.

>> No.13112639

A nice-looking, loyal and simple woman, more of a maid than a romantic partner
A man
Forget anything in between

>> No.13112650

So I woman I don’t feel love for, only pity.
I’m starting to think a long term commitment isn’t really for lit guys

>> No.13112652

What if our neuroticism takes the innocence away from her?

>> No.13112659

My friend since elementary is exactly the guy you’re describing. Very to himself but he’s incredibly brilliant when we comes out of his shell. Observing him over the years with his relationships I can tell you this. The girl, she could be a whore, a huge bitch, a total psychopath, it won’t matter to him, he very easily looks past all flaws. When I press him about it he like “she’s trying her best” or “I don’t care, I love her anyway”. But if she’s a phony chick, she has 0% chance. There were a lot of girls who I was sure was his type, philosophical, arty, whatever, he didn’t care about that stuff if she was being phony. It was his one pet peeve, he didn’t even want to carry a conversation with them. She would be talking and he’d shoot me side glances like “I wanna go home”. So if you’re trying to get with a guy like you described I’d say you’re best bet is to be brutally honest. My friend can come off as a huge prick but he’s anything but that. I think guys like that are overly protective of themselves. He’s had some crazy ex’s tho so I don’t really get why he’d be averse to a girl whose kinda try hard, I don’t mind it at all I find it complementing, I like a girl who tries to make herself out to be the best she can. That’s just me I guess

>> No.13112709

>A writer with their innocence intact.

>> No.13113504

Why are these always the hardest to find?

>> No.13113506

What is phony?

>> No.13113525
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Getting a gf is for plebs. Just lol if you're not dying a virgin

>> No.13114855
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Just being fake, not being able to make contact. I will tell you tho that I have never been able to figure him out, hes always been very particular. When he’s in love with someone, that person could be “phony” too sometimes so I don’t take my word for it. I asked him about this one girl once who was causing him lots of insomnia and anxiety, and he just kept saying “I can’t let go. As long as she loves me I will love her. I will love her forever. I’ll wait forever. I don’t care for anyone else”. I tried to cheer him up and show him other girls but he would literally avert his eyes. The truest romantic guy I ever met. I think guys like that take a comprehensive look, they really read a person, and if it happens that they fall in love with them, nothing in the world can convince them otherwise. It just hurts me to see him cause he can get so caught up at the neglect of all his other priorities. Like books, they are dedicated to what they read, and like authors, they devoted to what they find worthy of their time. He’s actually still waiting for this one girl who he swears is the love of his life. I have my doubts but I’ve also been aware that, although his relationships can get pretty mangled, his love life is very beautiful compared to a lot of other people I know. The guy OP described is a the kind of guy that, no matter what, if he says he loves you, and you love him back, there’s really nothing that can break that

>> No.13114895

one that doesn't know how to read

>> No.13114916 [DELETED] 
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Just being fake, not being able to make contact. I will tell you tho that I have never been able to figure him out, hes always been very particular. When he’s in love with someone, that person could be “phony” too sometimes so I dunno. I asked him about this one girl once who was causing him lots of insomnia and anxiety, and he just kept saying “I can’t let go. As long as she loves me I will love her. I will love her forever. I’ll wait forever.” I tried to cheer him up and show him other girls but he would literally avert his eyes “that’s not her”. A real romantic. I think guys like that take a comprehensive look, they really read a person, and if it happens that they fall in love with them, nothing in the world can convince them otherwise. It just hurts me to see him cause he can get so caught up at the neglect of all his other priorities. He’s actually still waiting for this one girl who he swears his life on. I have my doubts but I’ve also been aware that, although his relationships can get pretty mangled, his love life is richer than anyone else l know. The guy OP described is a the kind of guy that, no matter what, if he says he loves you, and you love him back, there’s really nothing that can break that. He reads more than anyone I ever met so I think he has high expectations, not just in idea but in feeling. I don’t know why he chooses one girl over a bunch, I just know when he does, it’s not something i or anyone on the outside can really understand except him and her

>> No.13114937
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Just being fake, not being able to make contact. I will tell you tho that I have never been able to figure him out, hes always been very particular. When he’s in love with someone, that person could be “phony” too sometimes so I dunno. I asked him about this one girl once who was causing him lots of insomnia and anxiety, and he just kept saying “I can’t let go. As long as she loves me I will love her. I will love her forever.” I tried to cheer him up and show him other girls but he would literally avert his eyes and say “that’s not her”. I think guys like that take a comprehensive look, they really read a person, and if it happens that they fall in love with that person, nothing in the world can convince them otherwise. It just hurts me to see him cause he can get so caught up at the neglect of all his other priorities. He’s actually still waiting for this one girl who he swears his life on. I have my doubts but I’ve also been aware that, although his relationships can get pretty mangled, his love life is richer than anyone else l know. The guy OP described is a the kind of guy that, no matter what, if he says he loves you, and you love him back, there’s really nothing that can break that. He reads more than anyone I ever met so I think he has high expectations, not just in idea but in feeling. I don’t know why he chooses one girl over a bunch, I just know when he does, it’s not something i or anyone on the outside can really understand except him and her

>> No.13114953

make your choice
>domineering jewess with a massive rack
>starbucks, leggings, rupi kaur and paulo coehlo are her spirit animals, genuinely impressed by your basic pseudo intellectualism
>art hoe who is totally never fucking you
>extremely online tranny with multiple personality disorders( and a phd in computer science)

>> No.13114979

You forgot stand up comedian. She is genuinely very funny

>> No.13114982


Pregnant Jewish girls.

>> No.13115022

Baudelaire says that if you get an actress, you'll always have to share her with her audience. I think this goes for every girl that puts her worth in her looks. If you get a woman of letter, he says, you are getting half a man (?). I interpret it as that you'll get a rival or someone that always has issues with themselves. If we ignore the historical context of his time, I still think that it's common for writers and intellectuals to feel uncertain and threatened, no matter the genre. Baudelaire ends up recommending a calm and helpful, down-to-earth, that will be okay with caring for you as you spend your days working on your works.

>> No.13115035

>>starbucks, leggings, rupi kaur and paulo coehlo are her spirit animals, genuinely impressed by your basic pseudo intellectualism

>> No.13115581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13115588
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>> No.13116858

I was thinking either a painter type (so she has something to recede into) or a woman like you described

The painter won’t really feel threatened by my interest in literature since she has her own thing, and vice versa.

The overlap is the need to live aesthetically, introversion, openness to ideas, etc. She would know a lot more art and would bring that into my life. I would know a lot more about rigorous ideas and I’m she’d appreciate that.

I just don’t see how a lit guy could fall madly in love with a simpleton... you could be right that it’s good for keeping you stable enough to write but damn, there wouldn’t be a spark!

>> No.13117075

He sounds like a great guy honestly. The way I see it, a girl would be lucky to have him.

I'm fairly similar with the whole "phony" issue myself. Lying to me is a sure fire way to make me lose my trust for you, since I'd try my best to be as open as I could with an SO. The thing is a girl can be a whore or have mental issues or whatever, but as long as there's mutual honesty there, that relationship is more likely to work than one that's built on lies. Dishonesty is a disease IMO. I'd take an honest whore over a pure liar any day.

>> No.13117196

Might have something to do with our tendency to analyze things. It’s Much better to have people around you that can pull you away from that tendency.

>> No.13117381

It's a craving for genuine humanity I feel.

If anything, a down to earth normie girl would probably make a much better gf for a /lit/ guy than some art hoe. The normie girl has nothing to prove, so she's comfortable being who she is without having to be a poser. The sociability of the normie girl also might bring the introvert out of his shell more.

Shared interest isn't what makes a good relationship. Love is the most important aspect, and love comes from mutual respect covering your other half's weaknesses while depending on their strengths.

>> No.13117395


>> No.13117399

You need someone who has their own thing. My girlfriend can get so clingy and I love her but it’s frustrating when I want to read a 100 pages of a book and she’s nagging me saying I ignore her.

>> No.13117405

Give it a couple of years and you'll start to resent her for being more sociable than you. Trust me, it would happen.

>> No.13117470

>it's an anon vomits every morning for two months because he's lovesick
I ripped off Marquez

>> No.13117562

This is why I was thinking an artist type of girl. I respect the work, I would enjoy her talking about it, and it would allow me to focus on other things. Basically I would enjoy offloading my interest in art to her, so that she can show me beautiful things, and I can show her interesting ideas.

>> No.13118149

>I'd take an honest whore over a pure liar any day.

I mean if I’d rather her be honest and pure and not a whore or a liar lmao

>> No.13118229

So is 'lit guy' just a cover term for 'MASSIVE FUCKING LOSER'? You know you can read, be intellectual and still be socially successful? How about you all stop being such depressive fucking pseuds, get out into the world and you'll find someone. I'm seeing someone doing her masters in neurobiology and she's fantastic.

>> No.13118241

>dating a STEM girl
ok. ok wow. just. ok.

>> No.13118321

>get out into the world and you'll find someone

Someone like you? Ya no thanks lol

I’m currently writing a book. It’s called;

“Hanging Out With My Entourage, And Other Things I Did When I Was 15”

>> No.13118347


>> No.13118449

The kind of woman who wont get pissy and rag on you for spending time reading and not spashing your money on pointless materialistic shit for her. Basically the one in a million sort of woman.

>> No.13118460 [DELETED] 

>Genuinely traumatized in some way

So he’s not gonna like be hurt or abused or bullied

>Naturally soothed by aesthetic living (appreciating beauty)

So he’s not gonna be interested in fads or trends or any kind of social degeneracy / herd mentality bullshit

>Naturally soothed by writing out your emotions on paper in the literary form

So he’s articulate and likes peace and quiet. he needs a certain amount of time alone to collect his thoughts


So he’s intuitive and personal. He’s not a “people” person, he’s a person person. He likes one on one. You won’t find him in a club or at a party with loud inarticulate future pedophiles and aa members

So I’d say if she is like anything that’s been described it’s probably gonna be awkward to say the least

>> No.13118480
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>13112561 (OP) #
>Genuinely traumatized in some way

So he’s not gonna tolerate being hurt or abused or bullied in anyway shape or form.

>Naturally soothed by aesthetic living (appreciating beauty)

So he’s not gonna be interested in fads or trends or any kind of social degeneracy / herd mentality bullshit

>Naturally soothed by writing out your emotions on paper in the literary form

So he’s articulate and likes peace and quiet. he needs a certain amount of time alone to collect his thoughts


So he’s intuitive and personal. He’s not a “people” person, he’s a person person. He likes one on one. You won’t find him in a club or at a party with loud inarticulate future pedophiles and aa members

>> No.13118486

>You know you can read, be intellectual and still be socially successful?

no you cant

>> No.13118492

You didn’t answer the question and assumed a lot here. Guess this is what it’s like to be uneducated? Nice job finding a girl that suits YOU. Which is precisely the question I’ve posed. What kind of girl would suit a guy like ME.


>> No.13118594


Fer shure, B. Get a basic chick with a good head and heart. That's it.

>> No.13118607

I hope your girl is as awful of a person as you are and you have an empty, miserable life together before killing yourselves.

>> No.13118726

The idea is that she’d lift you up with her by introducing you to different people to give you an opportunity to expand your social circle. Get to know her friends and also friends of friends.

Maybe it’s just me, but I always find I’m more comfortable around extroverts who are actually inclusive of everyone. They’re like a support crutch in the fatiguing situation of socialising. The kind of girl I want is one who has the confidence I lack and who can bring my confidence out.

>> No.13118781

Speaking from experience...
>girl who writes: you will compete with each other
>girl who is an artist: she’ll be an airhead and probably a degenerate, all art girls are
>normie girl: she won’t like you spending hours reading and writing when she wants to go out to bars or watch Netflix

>> No.13118830
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>tfw move to new high school senior year
>don’t know anyone
>float between different friend groups
>meet girl at club I decide to join
>she’s super cute and popular
>i’m that based cute autist so she falls for me right away
>we date
>rapidly ascend the social ladder at school
>go to all the games
>blend in seamlessly, make tons of new friends
>even nominated for homecoming court
and now look at me. early morning posting like a fool no gf and like three good friends

>> No.13118833

Man this sucks

>> No.13118874 [DELETED] 

I feel bad for your experience anon ty it’s not all of ours

>> No.13118903

What happened la?

>> No.13118910

all your books and you autists can't find an answer to one simple question. says a lot about this board.

>> No.13118915

i love this thread

>> No.13118919

A male's disease. The surest aid in combating the male's disease of self-contempt is to be loved by a clever woman.

>> No.13118927

Answering a retard question is more challenging than you might expect.

>> No.13118936

philosophy in a nutshell eh

>> No.13118943

I can't remember the book it's from but I'm pretty sure it was Nietzsche. Intellectual women (in the true sense, not arthoes) are never fully women. Its also generally that these women don't attract men, not even litfags. I tend to agree with this statement.

Most of the girls I've met that had any contact/interest in art where totally shallow creatures that were compensating. Simplistically speaking, Stacy bullied them so much by being able to get all the men they wanted that they escape into subcultures, lit, art, to differentiate themselves from Stacy and show "how different they are". This also gives them access to niche men. I've seen girls like this develop to a Stacy like status in Physical looks, and they immediately switch to the behavior they so despise and they become like the women they were so "different" from.

>> No.13118973

Have celibacy

>> No.13118976

shut the fuck up with your elitism just because you've read some books. there is no such thing as a "lit guy" and 85% of people here are fucking idiots.

>> No.13118984
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Are you le 85% or le 15%?

>> No.13118995

>Nietzsche. Intellectual women (in the true sense, not arthoes) are never fully women. Its also generally that these women don't attract men, not even litfags. I tend to agree with this statement.
If a woman has intellectual pursuits there's something wrong with her reproductive organs.

Nietzsche is not for anyone being fully woman though (if a woman possesses too many masculine qualities, men run away: too many feminine and she herself runs away)

You meet shit art hos though, art is a feminine pursuit (which is why men channel their lack of production of offspring into it, as it is how they plan their legacy)

>> No.13119006

goes to show your philosophers are shit compared to life experience

>> No.13119025


Who cares? Life is not accomplished in the relation with a partner. 90s and 80s kids have been shoved this story in their head non-stop which is why we have tf when no gf. Stop believing tv-fed lies and break the conditioning. A relationship is an aspect of human life, not its ultimate end.

>> No.13119030

Art girls who are good at art are degenerates. Art girls who are just meh are usually quite wholesome. Weird trend that I noticed

>> No.13119032

If it is inherently feminine, why did men create the greatest pieces of art?

>> No.13119061

You might want to re-read what it says, men create the great works, but it's not for other men. It's because they couldn't fuck enough women to satisfy their creative urge. It's the male equivalent of hoarding cats to pursue any kind of immortality through their products, whether in science, warfare, or in art. Art just happens to be one of the ones where females might look at your attempt to splooge your name into history.

>> No.13119073

That might be the case for some, but there are plenty men that created art and were still pretty successful with women, so, according to that theory, they could have built a monument to themselves that way. I find Weininger's idea that great men usually have extreme stances on sex appealing. They either see it as a great mystery unfolding and a connection of two souls or something along that lines, or as the basest, most beastly remnant of men. Who would say that sex is purer than art? I think it is the same for many as it was for early Neetzsch, life is needs an aesthetic justification.

>> No.13119090

reminds me the jung theory of the anima being the source of creativity

>> No.13119143

>think it is the same for many as it was for early Neetzsch, life is needs an aesthetic justification.
Nietzsche says that all such great endeavour is misdirected creative drive. I'm outlining his position. We have art to not die of truth.

>> No.13119144
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>OMG look the brooding Chad so deep
>litChad wins again
When does this ride end

>> No.13119172

Just be pretentious if it bothers you so much.

>> No.13119183

Nah it doesn’t bother me. It’s just ironic and funny . Women still like the brooding badass Chad just with the hint of le so deep

>> No.13119196

What’s the use in pinning down desirable traits when that isn’t feasible in actuality? You’ll find a girl that probably won’t meet this specific quota (though there’s no harm in just speculating and not actually making it a stipulation) and she’ll enamor you and you’ll fall in love.

>> No.13119323

Is there anyone that doesn’t? Men want to be him, women want him.

Human beings love their unrealistic archetypes in one way or another.

True, but it’s good to have a point of reference to ensure you have some kind of personal standard. It’s a rule of thumb, not absolute. You just have to allow leeway for women who meet some of your expectations, but not all.

>> No.13119335

i want a girl with a short skirt and a looooooong jacket

>> No.13119361

I dated a feminist art hoe girl, she made me feel like an autist.

I dated a normie girl, she made me feel like a human being.

Shared interests are a meme.

>> No.13119392


Found the issue bruh.

>> No.13119404

Well first of, if anyone seriously considers themselves as some sort of author, who legitimately wants to perfect the art and write something astonishing, that's not compatible with being as desperate for and enchanted by females as the anons in this thread are.

How will you ever get something genuinely worthwhile or unique on paper if all you think about is pussy? Disturbing, to say the least.

>> No.13119415

Just one example comes to mind, some of the great poetry of Lermontov is just higher, more aesthetical pussypedestaling. It's still great though. I don't think it's that easy to deny any part of human experience value in the artistical process.

>> No.13119483

>one cannot have more that one preoccupation at a time
You a dumb dumb

>> No.13119571

>In case you’re wondering what I mean by lit guy I mean:
>Genuinely traumatized in some way
>Naturally soothed by aesthetic living (appreciating beauty)
>Naturally soothed by writing out your emotions on paper in the literary form
If you're going to be a faggot why don't you just get a boyfriend?

>> No.13119583

I unironically don't know if this post is legit or you're Holdenposting.

>> No.13119691

The ideal woman is always the one you speak to who happens to have a boyfriend and being a /lit/ guy you'll just write tragic love triangles into all your failed attempts at novels and short stories.

Unrelated, does anybody know how to get a girl to leave her boyfriend for me?

>> No.13119707

I figured it was a chick who was in love with the guy and trying not to admit it. Or a homo trying to no homo.

>> No.13119769

the one who will give you a good bj voluntarily and will swallow your cum without complaints nor will tell you to buy her stuff since she worked for it.

>> No.13119946
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I know for sure that my right kind of girl would be a qt Asuka cosplayer gf.

>> No.13119993

there is no such thing as "Asuka cosplayer" gf, anon. they're all cosplaying whatever comes to mind and appeals to people. they're all whores who have no idea about your waifu's qualities that make her sacred.

>> No.13120009
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You are too nihilistic anon, I like to believe in silly things instead it keeps me from snapping

>> No.13120129

That's actually a guy, his name is C9 Sneaky

>> No.13120159

So, from I can infer from this thread and especially from OP, being a lit guy is being a massive faggot?

>> No.13120188

Unfortunately that would be accurate.

The fact we're not surprised to have seen a cosplay fag turn up in this discussion should tell you enough.

>> No.13120199

I wouldn't know, mine is big.

Banter aside girls mostly don't care about penis size. Being tall is unironically more important than being well-endowed.

>> No.13120224

Where are my always-busy artist gf at ? Not the arthoe, the one who makes a living from art.

>> No.13120230

>If you get a woman of letter, he says, you are getting half a man (?).

Probably meaning you'll get someone manly in her talent and ambitions. Pretty much what you said about the rival. "Spirit is masculine" as Miller said. Poets have tended to prefer Muses or mothers to fellow poets, with exceptions of course.

>> No.13120237

no that one is a trans that showed up here and linked his pics including nudes with tits and dick out, and got praised by /lit/bros
the one in the pic is a russian cosplayer girl I forgot the name. The tranny didn't show his face.

>> No.13120258

You seem to have had a weird experience of women.

>> No.13120291

Find a good hitman in the nearest city and hire him to kill the boyfriend. Works 100%.

>> No.13120299

I had a girl like that once. Amazing stuff.

>> No.13120305

Will you faggots shut up and stop giving this thread attention? Nobody cares about your retarded taste in women, have sex and get off this board.

>> No.13120520

h a v e s e x

h a v e s e x

h a v e

>> No.13121487

What's the percentage rate on not ending up in prison?

>> No.13121652

I've had 3 gfs before I gave up trying and they all turned out to be materialistic cunts. Then again you are the company you keep so maybe I'm just as bad.