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13115277 No.13115277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop capitalism?

>> No.13115282

try it locally first and see if it works

>> No.13115286
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Its doing a good job stopping itself

>> No.13115291

Where is the fucking link to this holy shit and it’s rather, perhaps silly to ask.

>> No.13115297

For me, it's the McChicken™

>> No.13115313


>> No.13115320

It’s only getting stronger because instead of stopping it socialist morons just slap a bandaid on it and say “Well, the same anti-working class policies are in place, but at least you’re paying out the ass for foreigners and welfare.” They have no desire for real change, and are only creating a sort of “neoliberal redistributionism.”

>> No.13115338
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>> No.13115366

She is a capitalist, idiot. Fucking low IQ American.

>> No.13115369
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>> No.13115370

I still don't get what's wrong with this image.

>> No.13115371

This is based.

>> No.13115378

>this doesn't look like anything to me.

>> No.13115379

You had plenty of oppurtunities in the past lefties, you squandered it and now you just bitch and moan like everyone else online. Enjoy it, things will only get more absurd

>> No.13115387

How do we stop /lit/ from getting worse and worse? I suggest not creating off-topic threads for a start you retarded fucking faggot OP

>> No.13115389

just wait for the end. from the book of revelations :
>And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name.

>> No.13115392

>noooo stop slandering my favorite progressive burger company

>> No.13115397

>Anon blindly ignores fast food restaurant globally distributing poison all over the world to then present themselves as a clean, healthy, "progressive" "modern" burger company. Bullets to their head and yiurs

>> No.13115398


>> No.13115404

Calm down.

>> No.13115408
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>> No.13115412

nihilistic satanic terrorism. if we all just try to become as hateful and nihilistic and as satanic as humanly possible, to blaspheme like heretics and worship death, maybe this fake reality of screens inside screens inside screens will overload and crash the system and the screens will go off forever

>> No.13115416

>creates affordable and safe to eat food and creates huge amounts of jobs worldwide in order to bring this food everywhere
>it's evil because um reasons

>> No.13115420
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>> No.13115438

cheaper than proper food.

Is like cocacola being cheaper than water in some places . If you can't see why is bad..

>> No.13115441

Please explain how this OP is related to literature.

>> No.13115476
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watch Akira

>> No.13115491

It has its pros and cons, double edged sword

>> No.13115498
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Mmmm-hhh. A tasty burger and delicious fries from McDonalds. You know what would be the perfect compliment to that. That's right. An ice-cold Coca-Cola®.

>> No.13115509

it's not capitalism any more, it's corporatism used as a puppet by satanic pedophile elites, or infiltrated capitalism

remove leftists from the planet and you'll all be happy again

>> No.13115511

mind elaborating anon?

>> No.13115522
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Every thesis creates its antithesis, which in conflict finally spawn a synthesis, where both the former and the latter are destroyed and a new whole emerges. Ergo, the internal contradictions of capitalism are the seeds of its own destruction. Whether these seeds are utilized and how they are exploited, that is another question.
Thanks Hegel.

>> No.13115524
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>it's not capitalism any more, it's corporatism
>remove leftists from the planet and you'll all be happy again

>> No.13115529
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>> No.13115533

>leftscum redacts the explanation of the reality
God please allow these animals to be caged and purged

>> No.13115534
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>> No.13115542

this please >>13115511, i found that movie so boring.

>> No.13115575

To stop capitalism would require a discipline and self-control that most contemporary anti-capitalists are not willing to take the effort to achieve.

>> No.13115582
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it's hardly even capitalism any more, it's corporatism

>> No.13115584
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>silver money discontinued in 1964
>off of gold standard in 1971
>even remove copper from pennies in 1982

It's almost as if real money results in a savings and investment cycle that is great for the middle class while our current debt system only benefits stock holders and the .001% printing fiat currency like its going out of style.

Of course this is completely lost on anyone who would rather blame 'capitalism', as if anyone owns real capital these days.

>> No.13115590

buy petros.
kek no wonder why USA hates venezuela so much.

>> No.13115597

It cannot be destroyed, people are suckers for material conditions.


>> No.13115598

I forget the name of the phenomenon but it’s akin to the whole Walmart bullying out small businesses debacle. Collectively, the group wants one thing but individually no one is willing to take the plunge so they all go shop at Walmart cause it has the best prices. Tbh, anti capitalists are just hypocritical unaware retards. Not all, but most.

>> No.13115602

1 - Non accumulative currency
2 - Democracy in the workplace
Start everywhere. Meet organize, prep.

Hehe. No dear. State capitalism isn’t socialism. It never was.

>> No.13115606

>tfw want a real revolution and all the revolutionary movements are already compromised
fugg why whhhhyyyyyyyy i just want to larp like mishima did.

>> No.13115607
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>> No.13115609

Muh no ethical consumption

>> No.13115611
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>> No.13115613

Prisoner's Dilemma?

>> No.13115614

thank god we bailed out the banks with my tax money stolen right out of my wallet though amiright
reminder taxation is theft

>> No.13115620

we are never gonna do it, i have come to the conclusion that there is going to be no communism, no transhumanism, no white ethnostate, best we can hope for is creating a broad base of suport for making the trannies go away somehow

>> No.13115625
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>> No.13115627

Based but blackpilled

>> No.13115629

So you wouldn’t want the state to tax the Wall Street and the richest one percent?

>> No.13115630

Please let me be your tampon. I want all your woo woo juices absorbed in my tampon body.

>> No.13115641

what is non-accumulative currency?

>> No.13115651

>1 - Non accumulative currency

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.13115653
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Subordinate the temporal power.

>> No.13115658

>2 - Democracy in the workplace

I like how anarcho-communists keep pretending Robert Michels never existed.

>> No.13115661

It really doesn't matter what you want.

>> No.13115668

the whole large tech company presentation aesthetic is just disturbing. At least the McDonald guy wore a suit and not a t-shirt or a hoodie or something, I guess

>> No.13115672

the future is a gas chamber that looks like an apple store

>> No.13115677

ideally yes. in reality the wealthy will always dodge tax and the working class will always pay a disproportionate share of the tax burden.

while my government commits wars i do not consent to and puts my money to uses i do not agree with? especially uses voters unanimously disagree with? 100% theft by definition, it's taxation without representation because we have a shitty compromised puppet republic instead of a true transparent democracy. until that changes i don't want to pay any more tax money into a broken system. it's like draining your blood to fill a swimming pool with a cracked foundation where it all leaks out into the earth anyway. our tax money IS just a slush fund for those 1%. More like the 0.1%.

I'm in favor of guillotines.

>> No.13115679
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don't read too much into it, it's just my own sense that the greatest enemy to any capitalist system has always been itself. read enough Freud-Marx stuff and you will come to understand how much the idea of repression plays a role in our thinking, then read Deleuze and Land afterwards and see what happens when those limits are inevitably and disastrously transgressed. the result is meltdown. even the film itself is a monument to it, it reflects the massive overconfidence the Japanese had in their own economic bubble in the early 1990s. they had money to burn in an almost literal sense and they produced one of the greatest cinematic pieces ever made, that being the film we're talking about.

capitalism is, like democracy, the best workaround we have for resolving infinite needs and demands into the public spectrum, but it is the nature of the psyche always to expand and overgrow and transgress its limits, even at the cost of the polis. it's those kinds of moments that will change the way one looks at the phenomenon as a whole. you can't Stop Capitalism in today's world any more than you could Stop Feudalism in the high middle ages. Feudalism eventually does stop, in a way, as a result of a whole host of factors, even if under the rule of tech-comm billionaires today a neo-cyberpunk future feudalism doesn't seem all that unlikely. history does repeat itself like that. the point is that our system too is likely to change over time, but not by any kind of meme ideological form that only guarantees that everything you hate about capitalism only reproduces itself under another name, by another process.

the CCP does capitalism today. so does the Islamic world (with the caveat being that they can't lend at interest, so political power figures more heavily). and China has to squash its own enterpreneurial class by making everything state-subsidized. so even there they'll do authoritarian state capitalism, it just won't be as capitalist as one group would prefer, or as statist as another would prefer. the takeaway here is that the thing you are calling capitalism bears more resemblance to that experimental neurovirus that afflicts Tetsuo than anything, and in the end it winds up stopping itself only through a kind of cataclysmic meltdown, which is at least one theme of the film, among many others. it is to be hoped that *balance* comes to be understood as being preferable to negation (because good luck with that). capital is in a sense both the apocalypse and the remedy, but the really important stuff goes on at the level of human nature - which includes our proclivities to both altruism and insanity. 'tis but an accelerator.

>> No.13115686

It would be extemely painful

>> No.13115695

wow man that's some deep material

>> No.13115698

>remove the people who have been the most vocal and influential critics of the current system
>current system will go away on its own

While this logic sucks, I do think I'd be a lot happier if I could bring myself to believe this

>> No.13115699

Your tolerance of the system makes it legitimate.

>> No.13115704

>implying they dont want to keep people alive as long as possible

>> No.13115708

The material cause of evil capitalism (the effect/result) is capitalism.

It is inherently not evil, because it is not contra-nature, being based on free contract and private property, so you should chop down the material cause so much.

The formal cause of evil capitalism must be then the morality of the society that implements it—the economic system is a mirror of the society that implemented it. So, it must be that it is a shit society that makes shit capitalism a thing.

This is not to deny that capitalism is easily perverted either; it serves to show that capitalism is inherently good and that it is the formal cause—a shit society—of perverted capitalism that will dictate the material (Capitalism) in whichever way, where for perverted capitalism, it is the way of perversion and evil.

>> No.13115718

you don't understand what capital, nor capitalism is.

>> No.13115728

one of the biggest costs to a business is wages and benefits. It would be in their best interests to lower costs as much as possible while delivering good vale

>> No.13115737

>The formal cause of evil capitalism must be then the morality of the society that implements it
When the driving force behind one's sense of morality (or in most cases, an artificial portrayal of a sense of morality) is profit, eventually pandering to the lowest common denominator is an inevitability.

>> No.13115757
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>Due to societal and market trends a private company tries to re-brand itself as more appealing to the general consumer populace in its continued pursuit of profit, the reason private businesses exist to begin with in capitalism
>Somehow this trend is the fault of people that specifically want to move to a system without private property and because of them what we have isn't Real Capitalism™
Lolbertarians everyone

>> No.13115764

Aka labor voucher. Personally yours for your labor, paid out but not accumulated in a till. So it can’t be stolen or saved up.

Who? There are numerous examples of cooperatives in use today. One of the most impressive is called Mondragon. Worker owed and operated is always much better than the feudal model.

What a stupid post

>in reality
Absolutely. Hence I am not a reformist, I am a revolutionary. Capitalism must be killed off by force and replaced. In whatever order we can manage

>> No.13115767

deficiency, mean, and excess

The perversion of "a little health, a little wealth" in the "excess" direction is greed, yes. You're describing the perversion of something good and it does not follow that everything devolves into excess necessarily.

If society doesn't stay within the confines of virtue, then vice ensues. Particularly, greed ensues and the system of capitalism, in general, is going to reflect that.

Call it naive to say we need to change the culture, but the formal cause dictates the material cause and resulting effect.

>> No.13115794

Is it possible to have a capitalist shell but a marxist internals?

>> No.13115804


>> No.13115805

>overcoming capitalism shouldn't also be a right winged aim as well

>> No.13115807
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How do we stop the tide?

>> No.13115812

We destroy the moon

>> No.13115817

I'm just going to buy my own small island and move to it

>> No.13115820
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>> No.13115908

Unronically, claim as much neetbucks as you can and live off the grid.

>> No.13115911

I like lit. It's a place to talk about ideas with non-retards and people who are socially pressured into pretending they aren't retards. I value talking about ideas more than talking about books.

>> No.13115920


>> No.13115921

inflation makes hording money ineffective. You have to participate in the economy for your wealth to maintain practical value.

>> No.13115941
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The solution is not found within the confines of this thread or the confines of this website

>> No.13115947

It's not about hording money, it's about being a drain on the system and not being a consumerist. Enough people do that and everything falls apart, or at least begins to make capitalism more tolerable.

>> No.13115953

It appears that way because it isn't found within the confines of your skull

>> No.13115966

Holy fuck again your retardnation never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.13116011
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literally kill liberals

>> No.13116021

coups only work if the people are sick and tired of their shitty government. try harder shill.

>> No.13116049

literally everyone is tired of the US government pissing on everyone and calling it rain. still no coup. hmmmm i wonder why HMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMM REALLY MAKES ME THINK HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.13116062

Coups only start when people start terrorizing

>> No.13116174

This is one of the stupidest things I've read in a long time, congratulations.

>> No.13116192

It's not the same as coca cola, there is like 0 nutritional value in soda. McDonalds may not be the healthiest food ever but you can still get proteins and carbs from it

>> No.13116209

Giant corporations are the backbone of the economy; CEOs of said corporations are in bed with high-level politicians; politicians comprise a government with ever-increasing power and authority. Culture is now influenced and enforced from the top down. There's a reason why being "modern and progressive" has become the MO of practically every big name corporation - they aren't all "along for the ride," they're driving the train.

>> No.13116223

its right tho

>> No.13116229

He needs the Zizek(c) offical P U R E I D E O L O G Y (tm) glasses to see the true image behind the facade mein gott.

>> No.13116237

based neolib poster

>> No.13116363
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>> No.13116373

I think it is funny and also cute.

>> No.13116461
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>> No.13116483



>> No.13116505

>Who? There are numerous examples of cooperatives in use today. One of the most impressive is called Mondragon. Worker owed and operated is always much better than the feudal model.

Worker owned and operated ≠ democratic

Cooperatives have hierarchies, either formal or informal, the technical demands of organizing production ensures that it does.

I'm not an anti-communism, I don't think substituting capitalist private ownership of the means of production for common ownership through worker's councils is unfeasible. It's just that in the end, a minority of highly charismatic or intelligent specialists will rise to the top at any organization and everyone else will just go to meetings and mass assemblies and nod their heads giving the assent of democracy to the workplace, like every single "horizontal" cooperative that ever existed.

>> No.13116519

This is what I was thinking, just because im there doesnt mean i will or even want to even be that engaged.

>> No.13116534

You can't, only option is acceleration towards the singularity or catastrophic climatic change destroying all life.

>> No.13116568
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>> No.13116574

You shitpost on 4channel's literature board.

>> No.13116597

This post would imply that hierarchies cannot be democratic.

I don't think it would be interesting to debate the definitions, but I do want to point out that governments, like cooperatives and all other complex corporate groups, have hierarchies and people still may refer to them as democracies in ordinary language. Even the Switz state which is often refered to as an instance of direct democracy, does most of it's functions behind close doors before turning over proposals to the public. And a lot of it's job is working around blocks imposed by the public, like how it functions inside the EU without being part of it by having a corresponding stack of paperwork for nearly every stack of paperwork that the EU makes into law.

>> No.13116614

>a lot of it's job is working around blocks imposed by the public
this doesnt sound very...democratic

>> No.13116647

weak bait

>> No.13116657

>Robert Michels
never heard of him. where to start?

>> No.13116695

There is a chapter about him in James Burnham's "The Machiavellians" that is a good introduction to his thought. You should actually read the whole book though, it's short and it's a excellent introduction to politics as they really are instead of as theorists wish them to be.

Michels own classical work is "Political Parties", that's where he expounds his classical "iron law of oligarchy".

>> No.13116755

Yeah okay
>don't tolerate taxes
>either live hidden in the woods, accomplishing nothing but isolation
>move to a new country and continue to complain while being unable to change
>refuse to pay taxes as protest and promptly go to jail, accomplishing nothing
>commit some act of violent protest that will ruin your life and accomplish nothing

What else can you do than shitpost on 4chan?
Although I guess if you were bold enough you could get some heavy work done with suicide bombing and a published manifesto (that takes 30 seconds or less to read so it can be shared on facebook)

>> No.13116756

You don't stop capitalism, you become capitalism.

>> No.13116776

lmao do you not see the inherent contradiction here

>> No.13116781
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>> No.13116783


>> No.13116790

This. Not even a feather upon my conscience.

>> No.13116871

Literally China
or was the other way? I dont remember

>> No.13116966

Force the entire world to adopt the same strict labor laws thus eliminating the ability of companies to profit off cheap out sourced labor. Adopt strict international banking laws that eliminate tax havens. Anyone who breaks the above two laws doesn't go to jail but is stripped of everything they own both money wise and goods wise. Force every company to justify the cost of their goods and put a limit on how much profit they can make per sale. If the stock market hasn't crashed at this point then make stocks illegal. If this still hasn't killed the capitalist economy then also force companies that automate their factories to pay a robot tax where every automated machine they have in a factory is taxed as if it's two people earning the medium salary at the company.

>> No.13117006

is not aobut "nutrition" (thats important tho), is how they handle laws, and politics to fit their profits.

>> No.13117033

theres always, ALWAYS, some group pissed at it's goverment idiot, but if a superpotency give them some weapons in exchange for benefits thats another thing

>> No.13117233

everything except taxing the robots.
this makes the robots angry because they only work.

>> No.13117243

Murder everyone who accrues a net worth of 1B USD or more

>> No.13117272
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A co-op or workers’ self-directed enterprise (WSDE) literally can’t do without some kind of democratic mechanism in place. I don’t care if you have project directors, HR departments, finance departments, whatever. Your “lowliest” worker isn’t going to agree to make less than his fair share.
Which leads me to the non accumulative currency. No one who crowns himself king of the co-op can take his labor time vouchers away.

Another thing. Anarchism is about challenging all unjustifiable hierarchies. Self directed worker co-ops will decide what kind of business structure works for their needs.

Yes, the most charismatic, most talented, and most friendly people will rise to the tops of this kind of Civilization. So be it.

I’ll look into it, thanks.

>> No.13117279
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good luck with that

>> No.13117283

Thank you comrade

>> No.13117309
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>just eat more burger and goga gola and gapitalism will magic itself into gommunism
t. marx dialectics

>> No.13117323

So what you're saying is proletarianism is the thinking man's ideology

>> No.13117332

you could not have made a more based reply

>> No.13117359

White Genocide

>> No.13117371

But americans aren't white

>> No.13117378

Kill all neoliberals who are capitalist cucks. Kill CEOs.

>> No.13117437

>Implying that there is a limited supply of neoliberals and CEOS

>> No.13117480

damn dude. nice dubs but when's the last time you talked to a real human being?

>> No.13117488

It's been a while, I live by a university.

>> No.13117498
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when americans are happy, other countries suffer. we must cut the tree off at the roots