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/lit/ - Literature

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13115023 No.13115023 [Reply] [Original]

most cited

>> No.13115061

Hey but that regular Joe philosopher who looks like a washed up bushleague wrestler said nobody cares about Derrida anymore, and knows a bit about Kant and livestreams on YouTube so...

>> No.13115070

where is nick land?

>> No.13115075

Shangai, I think.

>> No.13115076

>Butler at 9

good god

>> No.13115080

is that yearly? seems that those figures are only possible with years of influence.

as a aspiring academic from a Balkan country, how do you avoid dying of hunger, when salaries in the sector are lower than what you get working for an outsourced call center?
should I try abusing euro funds? or should I bet on making trips to better funded countries and work on spending time there as a guest-lector, trying to influence people to use my books as references?

thanks for that, btw. pretty useful.

>> No.13115082

did anyone every make a psychoanalysis chart?

>> No.13115084
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>Bruno Latour

>> No.13115090

Just finished (10 seconds past) a lovely Hannah Arendt intro to Illuminations--glad to see her and Benjamin next to each other in the first /lit/ thread I open.

>> No.13115101

theyre all citations to plato and shakespeare

>> No.13115131

bro that's a synchronicity. spend all your money on stocks and ask out the girl you like. god is speaking to you today

>> No.13115158

What's wrong with him? I downloaded a few of his books and they seem intriguing enough

>> No.13115174

I can attest to undergrads essentially being forced to regurgitate Foucaults Panopticon in at least 3 essays a year.

>> No.13115181
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>> No.13115189
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>Freud higher than Heidegger, Chomsky and Arendt

>> No.13115242

Pretty interesting. Can someone redpill me on Bandura or Giddens? Never heard of them before

>> No.13115259

Edward Said is there but not Burke, Hamilton, or even Rousseau, excellent use of resources

>> No.13115288

Why would current academic researchers quote Rousseau if they weren't specifically writing a paper on him? Said is pretty essential for any study on issues concerned with post-colonialism so it isn't at all surprising that he is quoted much more. Rousseau really doesn't lend himself that well to examining more recent topics

>> No.13115403

Shocked Lacan isn't higher up, I guess my experiences haven't been super representative of the norm.

>> No.13115474

Off spite to your surprise
Turn a signified into a sign right before your eyes
Pick a page out the essay, read ‘til you’re delighted
(Humanities’ most cited)

>> No.13115719

>Why would current academic researchers quote Rousseau
Because he's relevant to nearly every sort of research in political science,philosophy, literature, etc. Assuming this isn't just linguistics, he ought to be in the top 10.
>Said is pretty essential for any study
Said never had an original thought in his life and his life's work is just working out his pathetic inferiority complex.
>Rousseau really doesn't lend himself that well to examining more recent topics
Fucking kek, the humanities are the way they are because of Rousseau.

>> No.13115905

why are people reading so much sociology/contemporary philosophy?

>> No.13115927

what's a Pierre Bourdieu, Albert Bandurra, Anthony Giddens, Erving Goffman, Ulrich Beck, Geert Hofstede, Edward Said, Clifford Geertz, Henri Tajfel, Barney Glaser, Benedict Anderson

also lol at Lacan at 34 above Kuhn, Marx and Nietzsche

>> No.13115932
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trying to replace the proletariat with climate change is pretty based desu

>> No.13115938

fuck that

>> No.13115939

Gee, I wonder why. I really really wonder why.

>> No.13115949

how did you make it through college without encountering said

>> No.13115955

>what's a Pierre Bourdieu
get out

>> No.13115956

what's each guy? remembered Anthony Giddens now but not the other literally whos

>> No.13115960

My only experience with Giddens was during my dissertation, he was a pivotal theorist of the Third Way (gross). Must have some major work outside of that which I never came into contact with, I've no idea why he'd be so high.

>> No.13115970

Based Bruno Latour
You people need to read Science in Action, it’s nutty. Ted K argues similarly in Anti-Tech Revolt

>> No.13115974

whats third way

>> No.13115977

learn to google my friend :)

>> No.13115978

t. have no idea how academia works. More contemporary writers and theorists obviously tackle issues that are more relevant to our current times. It's only natural that they are quoted the most.
>inb4 Peterson babys crying about postmodern cultural marxists
>inb4 brainlet college drop outs declaring academia a scam

>> No.13115985

>Giddens, Anthony (1990) The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
>Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge : Polity.
is this good?

>> No.13115986

A development of neoliberalism, think Tony Blair etc.

>> No.13115988

Reeks of roastie

>> No.13115989

where are the gayreeks

>> No.13115998

capitalism with a human face, basically bernie-bros

>> No.13116002

Couldn't tell you dude, I only read The Third Way, sorry

>> No.13116003

>More contemporary writers and theorists obviously tackle issues that are more relevant to our current times
Just say "our times." And it's more like stupid professors and stupid students need stupid subjects to fit their simple heads.

Did you know we have a tendency to stereotype the east? wow wtf this is so relevant not at all like rousseau (who defined modern political discourse)

>> No.13116017

brainlet college dropouts are annoying, but academia is still mostly a scam

>> No.13116031
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kek'd hard

>> No.13116045

Sorry, English is not my native language. I never said Rousseau was completely irrelevant, he is just not as relevant as more contemporary authors. You are right in that it has to do with the pressure to produce academic papers and a constant need to write about new and different authors and theories. I still wouldn't say that all of Foucault is stupid and so easy that every simpleton can understand him.

>> No.13116070

>he is just not as relevant as more contemporary authors
Which ones? You honestly think he's not as relevant as Edward Said? Most of the Chomsky citatins are from his politics books. He has less to say about modern politics than Rosseau imo. What you mean is it's easier to find concrete examples in this authors and therefore they lend themselves to use by simpletons who cannot transoform the abstractions of Rousseau into a relevant modern paper.

Foucault is one of the few who deserves to be there, at least his theories bring something useful to the table beyond fleeting concrete political discussions.

>> No.13116098

Well I speak from the point of a student of comperative literature. While I myself am not that interested in anything post-colonial, I know many people that use this approach to interpret and analyze literature and Said is pretty essential there. I wouldn't know how to utilize Rousseau in a similar manner. Can't really speak for fields such as politics but that list is for the humanities as a whole so Said being that high doesn't really surprise me that much

>> No.13116108

Not that anon but where did you study comp lit?

>> No.13116114

Currently doing my master in Vienna

>> No.13116123
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this post is a citation to Whitehead

>> No.13116127

>Lacan higher than Marx
Bitch what

>> No.13116201

>th-theres no such thing as the cultural marxists overtaking of academia dumb /pol/tard conspiracy theorist d-delete this

>> No.13116254

No, no, no. More so Clinton/Obama.

>> No.13116273

Just asking because to me it looks like relatively few countries have complit departments. In my cunt if you want to study lit that is what you pick, but on /lit/ everyone talks about "studying English" instead.

>> No.13116276

Guest lecturing is a good idea, especially if things are comparitively cheap in your home country. Polish plumbers go to London to make meagre wages there, and then live like kings when they return to Poland.

>> No.13116286

Doesn't have anything to do with mainstream culture

>> No.13116295

Comp lit is still relatively small in the German speaking countries but I definitely think the approach of comparing the literature of different countries is valid and insightful. I would recommend the department here, I like the professors and the students are generally knowledgeable and motivated. Where are you from?

>> No.13116297

why is everyone a white man on that list? where's michele obama or beyonce?

>> No.13116300


fucking hell. the top 14 are continental charlatans

>> No.13116301

Who on this list is a cultural marxist? What exactly makes a thinker a cultural marxist?

>> No.13116430

>Comp lit is still relatively small in the German speaking countries
I suppose philologies are larger there?

>> No.13116443

Where did you get this?

>> No.13116453

Marx and Benjamin are literally the only marxists on the list.

>> No.13116454

Yes, they are. Do you study comp lit? I also have no clue about Croatian literature, any recommendations?

>> No.13116478

not at all

>> No.13116490
File: 9 KB, 158x139, pain (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also:
>no Hegel,

>> No.13116493

lmao dumb /pol/ poster

>> No.13116506

Foucault, Chomsky, Freud, Butler, etc. sure as hell aren't Marxists

>> No.13116521


>> No.13116537

are you seriously implying any of them are marxists?

>> No.13116564

bourdieu for one if you arent a pedant about it

>> No.13116573

I study pol sci and he's mentioned frequently in the first yr textbooks. Seems enormously relevant for sociology.

>> No.13116582

There's David Harvey too.

>> No.13116624


>> No.13116640

> Do you study comp lit?
Yes, double majoring with Russian philology.
>any recommendations?
There's some ok stuff from the renaissance and baroque (Marulić, Držić, Gundulić, Nikša Ranjina Codex) on the coast, thanks to the proximity to Italy. But otherwise our lit took off properly only with modernism. A.G. Matoš, Miroslav Krleža and Ranko Marinković are probably the central names of our 20th century prose. I have no idea if Matoš is translated, but Krleža has a number of works in English and German (Filip Latinovics is his most important novel, sort of proto-Nausea; Glembays are a very popular Ibsenesque dramatic trilogy with marxist overtones), and Marinković's "Cyclops" is in English (a sort of an imitation of Ulysses, though much easier to read, dealing with the beginning of WW2).
Janko Polić Kamov might also be of interest, since he was among the earliest European avantgardists in general, but didn't get published at the proper time and rose out of obscurity only decades after his death.
(Also there are many fine poets, Kranjčević, Matoš, Šimić (expressionism), Ujević (late symbolism), Slamnig (erudite pomo stuff) but as it goes with poetry, there's the problem of >translation and whether the translations can be found at all.)
Also, our neighbours produced some good shit too, Andrić (won a Nobel), Selimović, Danilo Kiš and Milorad Pavić (the last two are influenced by Borges). Recs in case you want to get acquainted with the whole region.
Hope I didn't annoy you, I just want to use every possible opportunity to shill our literature.

>> No.13116704

>no Baudrillard
I'm a bit surprised

>> No.13116714

>Number One: Foucault

>> No.13116721



>> No.13116724

there is no way to die of hunger, if you die in the current timeline you would be "ressurected" in another one whre youwould no t notice difference