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13112154 No.13112154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any philosophy which can give me peace and calm down my suicidal thoughts?

>> No.13112174


>> No.13112193

I overcame my suicidal impulses by taking the medication I had been prescribed to avoid feeling depressed or hopeless. I had to stop taking my antidepressant for my husband because I was afraid he would kill me because I didn't want to put our kids through that, so I kept them on it because I figured if they couldn't handle it, then we wouldn't have kids, and if they couldn't handle it, then we wouldn't be able to raise our kids. I did something I regretted for years: I got another psychiatric evaluation.

In the process, I realized just how hard it was to get the help I needed and why I wasn't telling people about how to go about trying to stay off antidepressants for themselves. I was a victim of public policy — and of a powerful system of care in this country that refuses to acknowledge or understand what depression is. As I became more aware of the disease, I realized that I could not simply walk away from it — I had to get help. For a time I refused a second psychiatric evaluation; the thought of having to continue to take that drug made me realize that I had to stop taking it

>> No.13112212

Anon, get help.

>> No.13112215

>this unironically

>> No.13112216


>> No.13112223

Advaita vedanta.

>> No.13112229


>> No.13112279

Don't go looking for salvation in philosophy alone. You must analyse yourself and become intimate with others first.

>> No.13112619

It's kinda like super nihilism so you won't be feeling anything by the end of it.

>> No.13113004

Suicidal thoughts by themselves give peace and calm, Nietzsche and Camus confirm this and so do I.

>> No.13113021

And Cioran. One can always escape from the light by pulling out the plug

>> No.13113054

Anon, please don't give up. Life is worth it and so are you.

1. Start running in the morning. Run/jog/trot for a half hour, until you are pretty sweaty. You don't have to run longer or harder than just working up a sweat. Exercise improves your mood.

2. After this run, go home and take an ICE COLD shower. Cold enough that you start huffing and stamping and breathing heavily. This will be rough, but also a rush. When you are done and you have dried off I promise you will feel better. You will start to get a warm tingly good feeling about your body as your blood comes to the surface. Your head should be clearer and your mood will improve. I'm not saying completely better and I can't guarantee you'll feel great or even "good", but you will feel *better* than before, and that is a start.

3. Start practicing meditation, based on the book "The Mind Illuminated" by John Yates aka Culadasa. This book is the real deal. Yates is a former neuroscience professor and mediation master with decades of practice experience. I am only on the 5th stage (out of 10) and I cannot begin to describe to you how amazing meditation is for your mental and physical health as well as how inexplicably blissful and enjoyable a proper mediation sit is.

You will learn that pain is inevitable but suffering is completely optional.

You are going to make it, bro. I believe in you.

>> No.13113079

Any perspective that makes you less self-centered would work. Since I assume you don't like yourself, being self-centered is masochism.

>> No.13113147

lol what?

>> No.13113150

Faith is the strategy to make the unbearable bearable.

>> No.13113214
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not OP but thank you for this, friend

>> No.13113428

4. Kiss your wife and kids before driving your Tesla to office et. et. et.
Nigga, that type of people who would do this kind of shit don't shitpost on /lit daily

>> No.13113578

Came here to post something witty like >>13113021

>> No.13113614
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>> No.13113646

Not really sure what you're getting at and what your example means, but I don't think exercise and taking cold showers is a very big thing. You need some willpower but not a whole lot. Mediation is definitely more of an undertaking, but the exercise and shower habit should help him with that part a bit.

>> No.13113668

Best wishes, my man wherever you are.

>> No.13113711

Yes, stop splitting your body into a psyche and a physical body and stop thinking both have nothing to do with each other. Depression is most likely your body being fucked by something, or sometimes very basic things like not meeting your caloric needs on a daily basis. Fix your body, fix your mind.

>> No.13113736

Do manual labour outside and eat well. Once you feel good read stoicism.

>> No.13114281
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>> No.13114283

Read the Stoa ya cunt

>> No.13114289


>> No.13114334
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Just read Blindsight by Peter Watts. While being a mostly hard sf novel (the vampire shit is gay and tacked on, but perhaps he did that because those were hot in the early 2000s,) the parts about the qualia debate and whatnot make the "being sad and suicidal is masturbatory bullshit and you should feel bad for even being this introspective" argument better than any cold rationale could. People are depressed when they have the luxury to be so, but that's just the thing: that luxury is an illusion, and no one truly has it. You are building up debts and won't stop because a predator is not currently chasing you, threatening to rip your limbs apart, but one day he will come to collect. You are no different from the impoverished African kid who can't afford to be depressed because he must survive, you just don't realize it yet.

>> No.13114368

makes a lot of sense, thanks.

>> No.13114543

meds dont work
I'm a lot less satisfied now that my dog ate the cheese bar, because it tasted weird at first and I had to buy one the next day. It tasted almost the same, I did have to get another for lunch but this one was very mild and I would not have felt bad about eating it.
I do not recommend any dog food unless you are sure you have found all of the correct ones. Most companies are very misleading when they suggest a particular product which does not exist.

>> No.13114579

no. invent one from many others.

>> No.13114621

It's commonly suggested to depressed people that they should not meditate. Meditation can expand the negative emotions. It should only be used by people who are aware that they are certainly on their way to crawl out of the pit, after they have quenched most of their depressive fire.

>> No.13114848

Are you British by any chance anon?
I've only heard horror stories from my friends (with serious mental illnesses) about the system.
Stay strong, sister.

>> No.13114955

more sun, exercise and a hobby should be enough

>> No.13115322


>> No.13116162

learn mediation idiot

>> No.13116175

If philosophy isn't making you want to kys then you're not reading philosophy.

>> No.13117559


>> No.13117659

>It's commonly suggested to depressed people that they should not

I'm the guy who wrote the post suggestion meditation among other things.

That is absolutely a misguided suggestion, but some cautionary measures should be used.

Basically, think of the mind like a body of water. A choppy sea is the mind's default setting. Meditation calms down the waves--with a still body of water you can see to the bottom.

Using Yate's method, at stage 4 some may be vividly and bluntly confronted with their traumas and/or the reasons for their depression/anxiety/etc. This can be scary, but it is fully explained in the method how to overcome it, and after it is overcome, it can be better than years of therapy. Rip the bandage off. I experienced some fairly unpleasant things in stage 4--I will fully admit I am luckier than many who would try. I have lead a fairly normal life and never had too much depression. So some people's stage 4 would be more rough no doubt. Anxiety was a problem for me, my life was incapacitated for a year by it. I developed a string of somatic anxiety symptoms for the better part of a year and was driven so mad by my chronic dizziness that even as a fairly happy well adjusted person, I considered suicide.

Luckily, I discovered mediation and particularly Yates' book. Changing my job then helped further.

The ultimate truths about the nature of reality, that meditation reveals can be a bit superficially depressing as well. But as an adept practitioner by that state you should be able to deal with it. Loving-Kindness mediation will definitely help with this, in addition to your core practice.