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13112245 No.13112245 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a racist character? I don't want him to come off edgy or cringey

>> No.13112249

make him the opposite of le honkler

>> No.13112250

Why don't you want your characters to reflect reality, anon?

>> No.13112251
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>I don't want him to come off edgy or cringey
You'll never make it as a writer.

>> No.13112282

>use of the word cringey
Reddit, is, the, other way, fucking, faggot

>> No.13112312

Give him a good reason, and try to refrain from using “nigger”.

>> No.13112337

Unironically read Mein Kampf - then make your character a racialist instead of a racist. Hitler specifically addresses the issue of people that wear the mantle of racism for personal attention.

>> No.13112353

Make him a milquetoast suburban dad type with some kind of ingrained racial prejudice. Like, he doesn't believe he's racist, but his daughter brings home her black fiancee and he's apoplectic but doesn't really understand why

>> No.13112358

With most racists, you can't even tell they are racist. Most racists will even treat the races they hate polite in person. It's only really when it's either around family or other men of the same race, will they express their racism. They don't usually linger on the subject, it's covered in two minutes tops, and then they move on.

The actual, full on racists that go on about it all the time. They're rare and they usually have accompanying anger and paranoia issues. Paranoia is one thing that correlates extremely well with racism and far right politics in general, and you can't go wrong with writing a racist character as paranoid.

>> No.13112374

If you're under 35, and live in a liberal northern city, it's probably impossible, desu.
I've written great racist characters, because I'm just old enough to have lived in a time when being racist was just part of your personality. "Yeah, that guy's racist, but he's cool." That era is over, (unless you live in a rural area), and if you haven't experience those guys, it's hard to create them.
If you want to try, I would recommend just thinking of a working class guy who is "just racist". That's how he thinks. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but will use the term "porch monkey" without flinching
usually smokes
total opposite of hipster
don't listen to this tard
you're completely correct it not wanting him to be edgy or cringey.

>> No.13112375

My character is an American from the post WW1 era in the era of mass migrations

>> No.13112376

read /pol/ and try to imitate it

>> No.13112377

You clearly cannot write, so why should anyone take your advice seriously?

>> No.13112382

that's not a racist. 10 years ago no one would have categorized that guy as racist, because he's not. you've just been indoctrinated through cultural marxist university professors to believe everything shy of basically worshiping the people who contribute least to society is "racism", while at the same time calling someone a "redneck" or "white trash" is totally okay, not at all racist, and even encouraged. I don't think OP is talking about your twisted version of "racism", but I could be wrong

>> No.13112383

why are you trying so hard to make people feel bad? Are you a bad person?

>> No.13112388

sorry I hurt your fee fees, grow thicker skin

>> No.13112395

he just doesn't like himself. so instead of trying to improve himself, it's easier to try and push others below his level, so it will make him higher, in his own opinion. I feel sorry for him, because what he's trying to do won't work, and when he realized that, it will hit him very hard indeed

>> No.13112403

>I don't want him to come off edgy or cringey
>read /pol/ and try to imitate it
pol is the "what about the memes" guy who ended up in a chokehold by his own side and weeks later was jailed for shooting at protesters

>> No.13112406


Celine's fascist writings are a good guide. Let the character have views on everyone, not just Jews/Blacks. Keep the slurs to a minimum (using bad words doesn't really make someone racist).

>> No.13112409

>implying that black people contribute the least to society
>implying that an ethnic group's overall contribution to a given community is what determines an individual's quality as a fiancee
actually racist
i dont normally reply to this shit, but im astounded that you can't see this

>> No.13112414

>Keep the slurs to a minimum
So far I've only used them during emotional out breaks, not in regular speech

>> No.13112419

because you've been indoctrinated. your thoughts are controlled by the uni. what they teach you, you believe, without question. I understand everything you think. You have no idea what I think. thus you call me 'racist'
the left can only call names

>> No.13112420
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consider it the same way you'd write a gay character: unless it is central to the conflict of the story, don't emphasize it and just keep it as a thing that the character does. just as non-romances containing gay characters don't tend to focus on said characters or their orientation (see Dorian Gray), writing a racist character into a story that's not about his racism just requires that you write a character that happens to be racist
that said, if his racism is central to the story, then just do pic related, you're not going to avoid edge

>> No.13112431

why do you think I'm implying black people?
you're racist by your own logic

>> No.13112435

Lol. I really stepped in it, didn't I? Somebody had to be on the receiving end of your ideological tantrum, and it just happened to be my turn.

I wouldn't call it overtly "racist" either. In fact, this character sketch was taken from events in my own life. I only suggested it because a character with understated, self-concept-negating flaws (like Kohler in The Tunnel) is far more interesting to read about than a loudmouth redneck who reads The Turner Diaries to fall asleep.

There's an entire board for impotent rage like yours, anon. You should go back there.

>> No.13112436

>his original comment was about a white guy and a black future daughter-in-law
keep up

>> No.13112438

sorry, *son-in-law, unless we're also assuming lesbian prejudice

>> No.13112445

A subtle way of describing it is having migrants near him and him feeling unclean or like he needs a shower.

>> No.13112453

funny how you make fun of me and bark orders at me while claiming I'm the one "raging"
I find that very telling. do go on. I'm interested in hearing more

>> No.13112461

>assuming he's raging
>assuming he's barking

why do anons rely so much on arguments from emotion? there has to be something formally fallacious about arguing "oh lol I'm going to read X negative emotion into text on a screen and that somehow makes you wrong", maybe some form of indirect ad hominem, I don't know, but it absolutely does not make your case any stronger

>> No.13112462

Show that his prejudice could be justified in some way, because a lot of the time it is right, but have a plot where his racism is detrimental for him or people around hím because in that instance being charitable to people of whatever race would benefit him/them.

>> No.13112470

>assuming we're arguing
We agree about everything. I just don't like him.

>> No.13112478

>now he's arguing about whether or not it's an argument
yeah, I'm just stepping out now before it gets anymore meta, have fun you two

>> No.13112481


>> No.13112482

I like you. because you're so predictable. I know everything the left taught you. they taught it to me too. it's like inputting code, and you output banalities and PC statements

>> No.13112485

Why do you assume I'm a leftist?

>> No.13112512

My Diary Desu

>> No.13112538
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Try copying uncle Ruckus.

>> No.13112556

You're not as smart as you think. Take a step back, think and reflect on your narcissism. Have a good day and be happy.

>> No.13112588

>people who contribute least to society is "racism"
But, if the black fiance is a good person and is contributing to the society, why do you care if his race overall is bad?

>> No.13112601

Just be racist while you write him

>> No.13112629

make him black
it's the only way normal people are going to empathise with racism nowadays

>> No.13112638

please Google, "meaning of cringy"

>> No.13112645

Tony is that you?

>> No.13112674

In case I didn't mention, it's not racism against Blacks. It's mostly against Irish and Italian immigrants to America

>> No.13112677

It's set in the 19th century?

>> No.13112682
File: 22 KB, 225x224, goldenlel 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i had come out of that nigger-gehenna

>> No.13112684

No, WW1 period

>> No.13112739


>> No.13112754

You'd probably have to spend significant amounts of time immersed in the cultures of ethnicities different from your own and observe the particulars of their habits, speech, mannerisms, make correlations between your experience and theirs, mark similarities and differences, identify those behaviors which conflict with traditions, use those disparities to draw negative conclusions, pour those conclusions into the heart and mind of an affable character, give the character some kind of innate weakness for which they must rely on bigotry, alcohol, womanizing as a crutch, perhaps they come from a broken home and their mother slept with a member of another race, they got bullied by another race as a child, now personal feelings of failure drive the person to create scapegoats, phantoms which provide a supernatural influence out of the character's control...
OR, create a character who is genuinely prejudiced, believes firmly in racial purity, disregards members of other ethnicities not out of spiteful hatred, simply out of indifference bordering on contempt, because of the way those people look they cannot be members of the character's heritage, family, they are strangers who the character is uninterested in getting to know, if there are historical precedents which vindicate the character's perspectives, stereotypes which reinforce the notion that the people are simply unnecessary to the character's personal development and success, include those in the character's thought process so their views are internally validated. Any of these suggestions will still likely come off as sophomoric, wince-inducing, it would be difficult to write a GENUINELY likable racist whose behavior didn't just make the reader smirk in incredulity.

>> No.13112764
File: 128 KB, 961x826, nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vladimir Nabokov, American novelist and literature professor who once had something like the following conversation with a student at Cornell University:

'Mr. Nabokov, I want to be a writer.'

Nabokov looks up from his reading he points to a tree outside his office window.

'What kind of tree is that?' he asks the student.


'What is the name of that tree?' asks Nabokov. 'The one outside my window.'

'I don't know,'says the student.

'You'll never be a writer.' says Nabokov.

>> No.13112847

I didn't get it.

>> No.13112859

To be a writer, you have to spin bullshit, and also believe it.

>> No.13112878

>you can't go wrong with writing a racist character as paranoid
Get a load of the prejudicial bigotry on this malingerer.

>> No.13112935

Another option might just be to let the character learn from his experiences and to make decisions based on his past experience - thus portraying his "racism" to the outside world that is, in fact, just his world view as shaped by the other race. Another one might be to let the character ramble for ages and let the reader assume that he is white - only later revealing that he is not. This would let the reader engage in a little introspection as he felt the gears turning in his head while his cognitive dissonance recalibrated his view of the character to better align with his own ideology.

>> No.13112945
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As a racist myself i can confim your first part is quite accurate insofar as i remain civil with the races i hate.

Cant agree with the second sentiment of paranoia i have met many more rabid racists that did not meet that criteria...

I dont hate every race however, as i can see the merits and even admit some outclass my own race by and large in paticular fields.

>> No.13112968

Perhaps you should read some Henry Ford. That hate will drive you down the path of ideology. All that does is victimize you. The nigger is only doing what he knows to do:
Do not hate the nigger - just hate what negative things he does.

>> No.13112995
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to offer a visual description, use things like this >>13112445 or that he has a lkook of disgust if touched by an immigrant. A bored expression as they talk to him to show loathing/contempt.

For your specific type, its based on the characteristics and his knowledge of italian and irish (what he reads in the papers or in books) hence he knows what they are and thus despises them. Dont feel as if he can just 'See' italians or irish, its usally accents,their homes/buisnesses and dress sense that will give them away, thus until verbal contact is made, the character will be wary to judge them ass what he percives them as until he has 'proof' when they speak ect.

Also, dont forget in his mind and mouth they will not be irish or Italians but 'micks' and 'Wops' or any other derogatory term for the period.

He will be comfortable saying these words in front of them even casually, as long as he is not outnumbered... but will still say it even when angered, regardless of if its safe to do so.

>> No.13113030
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prehaps loathing is a better word? Hate merely blinds you and gets you in trouble, im a cooler head than that so its more cold logic and dismissal of said race.

I merely see them and know all i need to know about them before they utter a word.

Hate is far too passionate for what i feel. You cant fuction hating all the time anyway.

I mearly know them and detest them.

Incidently, i always enjoy the scorpion and the frog, its my favorite fable. It can be used for the dispicable race i mention but i use it for myself too.

It is my nature to be a racist, and i always shall be, yet i do not parade it around, im not ashamed of it. Quite the opposite really, to thy self be true and all that.

>> No.13113055

Have you read MK? Hitler makes the argument that if you are in control of your beliefs and that you are not using racism for gaining attention that you belong to a separate grouping of individuals - "racialists" not "racists". The one is aware of racial differences while the other is an ignorant loudmouth that uses the racial issue for self-aggrandizement. Hitler considered himself a Darwinian, not a racist. (He mentions Darwinism by name in the text.)

>> No.13113132
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Funnily enough i am currently reading Mein Kampf (Stalag Version) but im only onb chapter two with him suffering in vienna.

I also own Henry Fords 'The International Jew' yet havent got round to readingf it yet (its in a rubbish small print so its putting me off).

Plan to Get around to Evola at some point too.

Whilst Racialist-ism sounds like it fits the bill for me, Its fine that people on the Left dont differentiate, it shows hipocrasy on there part, as in, how its assumed a person on the right cant distiguish between a race of people.

I can see why people dont agree with me, "how can you devalue a whole group of people due to there ethnicity?" tends to be there thinking.

To me, its a net gain sort of scenario. just because you can find a good bumble bee doesnt mean you allow a hive in your living room does it?

I think this is the crux of most right-thinking feel and think abount forigeners, hence this 'rise of the alt-right', in reality its perfectly reasonable what the majority demand we all do ion the modent (However,im a more extreme example i suppose!)

Most of my readings have merely been History books and me reaching (what i feel) is natural conclusions on my oh-so-favorite ethnic group.

Does anyone miss the extinct humonoids of the past? Want a neaderthal as a neighbor? Of course not! So why such an affection and protection for this other proto-Human group? It boggles the mind, really.

>> No.13113144
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It is a Sakura tree in full bloom, Nabokov-san uwu

>> No.13113158
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prehaps i digressed, appolgies, but to your exact point yes, i feel a lot of True racists, the type parade it around at rallys nowadays, are merely attention whores, much like the ever hated SJW.

These people are, as the left enjoys saying, scum. Yet not for the reasons the left gives, more that they tarnish the intelligent right with there mere existence.

To me darwinsim is a factor yes. the modern age allows and even florishes for the weak and unevolved to keep procreating when it should be discouraged.

Although i would add that 'pure' darwinism is extremly damaging aqs it never fully factors generational points. Its all very well killing off that basedboy but one has to realise he is an abnormality in his lineage that could have been a regular man had society not falied and/or corrupted him.

>> No.13113166

Have him be simple minded. For example, he gets his views from retarded newspapers of the time. Curses the race you're talking about when he reads one thing about something one of them did etc. Racial superiority was a big thing in the early 20th century, so it wouldn't really be taboo.

>> No.13113190

>i am currently reading Mein Kampf
KIM that there is a lot of repetition due to the construction methodology. Do not let that grind you.
>Henry Ford in rubbish small print
I read this prior to MK and found it to be a good diffuser before walking into Hitler's more animated approach. If you have already unburdened yourself of the hate then the order may not impact you as much. I was having problems at the time and Ford served me well.
I consider ideology a trap.
>the alt-right
Case in point. I consider them to be controlled opposition. Notice how easily they are made into jokers. Do not adhere to anything that goes astray. Be careful of anyone that self-identifies as alt-right.

>> No.13113218 [DELETED] 

>True racists, the type parade it around at rallys nowadays, are merely attention whores
Hitler covers this here and there in the text of MK, but it is easily found in the last several pages. KIM that the ACLU was very quick to defend vitriolic retards that shouted for the extermination of Negroes yet, when someone challenges Jews as having an outsized political influence, they start considering the first amendment as being outdated. Neo-nazis are Jewish playthings. Reasoned opponents are their real enemy and they know it. They enjoy being able to conflate the two things.
Enjoy this gift: s󠀀oyboy

>> No.13113220

>retarded newspapers of the time
Name three.

>> No.13113255
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I have no doubt in my mind that there are degrees of Jewish infulence in Right wing Parties.
Prime modern example is that Ben Sharpio chap. clearly a charicature or the Right for the purpose of discrediting the ideas put forward by the Right.

Always know your enemy is there mantra i suppose. The quote frome whoever saying words to the effect of "if you do not know who your masters are, merely know who you cannot mock" Ring True here.

Also, the class elitism in the right now is unforgivable. I belive the shunning of the lower classes is done in the hopes they will be drawn to the Left.

Suggesting only Neocons or Torys or what have you can be the image of the Right plays right into there hands, you need the strong backbown of the working class no matter what your politics to drive it forward, without it its dead in the water.

Also: why u call me basedboy ;_; (joke)

>> No.13113274

>not cringey
Choose one

>> No.13113280

>clearly a charicature
>Watch Ben Shapiro own this SJW!!!
Beware of all ideologues.
>the shunning of the lower classes
Watch for the story about the streetsweeper in MK. Also the story about the king. IIRC correctly, there were separate stories that should have been unified. I may be wrong. They may have been codified.
>Also: why u call me
That was a gift for which you were apparently not ready.

>> No.13113302

How it come off as edgy or cringey if you're a decent writer? Racism is an inseparable part of humanity, anon. Everyone is prejudiced and bigoted, somehow we like to pretend we aren't when it's about race though (false). Just write a big old nigger hater

>> No.13113343

>How it come off as edgy or cringey if you're a decent writer?
Are you stating that whether or not the character is cringey has no bearing on whether or not a well written piece is, in itself, cringey? I would agree with this. The writer is not the character and the character is not the whole of the work.

>> No.13113412

Don’t make them speak about their racism, just have them act racist

>> No.13113453

This is good advice but his piece may be dialogue driven which could weaken this attempt. Even so, I might consider entirely changing the paradigm of the work to use this if I were him due to the issues that it solves.

>> No.13113464

>The daily mail
>the sun
I have no idea about American news papers though

>> No.13113466

How do I join the intetnational jewry. ?

>> No.13113476

Your first step is conversion:

>> No.13113487

I'm already a Jew. I just want to stop being a loser wagecuck Jew and start raking in the money and pussy. How do ?

>> No.13113495

>Don't want him to come off edgy or cringey

He needs to be constantly sperging out and bringing up FBI crime stats and IQ studies without provocation.

>> No.13113518

>the sun
If I have the correct paper then it was not founded until 1964 according to Wikipedia.
>The daily mail
I will review their history. TY.

>> No.13113524

Unfortunatly I think you have to be born inner circle, regardless of your heritage,

That or spend 20+ years reaching the inner circle by 'working' for their intrests (read: Backstabing, promoting degeneracy, sacrificing loved ones to show loyalty ect) by which point, you'll be a husk of a man or have such an ugly outlook you cant get it up anymore because of what you've seen/done.

Sad to say, but your stuck with the rest of us Goyim and all that entails...

...They know you got left behind too but they have a 'fuck you i got mine' attitude and in fact would like you to die as it would help further the victimization agenda for them.

Your only other alternative is be like all the good, poor chosen ones like yourself and be in Isreal to help in the incoming Holy war (hint:being cannon Fodder whgilst the elites get to the zion bunker.)

>> No.13113532

Read the Talmud. All of the answers that you seek are in there. Physical proximity to a large Jewish hub like Hollywood or New York would likely help, also. KIM that rarely does a powerful Jew rise in the ranks without hard work - you still have to work for it.

>> No.13113545

>a husk of a man
See Harvey Weinstein.
>'fuck you i got mine'
Many of the victims of the fires in the Jewish Chicago sweatshops were themselves Jews. They are definitely not universally kind to their own.

>> No.13113553

>Harvey Wienstien

Are you agreeing with me or do you think he's happy?

Because If you think he's got it all sussed your just looking superfically. That guy is daed on the inside and no amount of pussy fixes that.

Im sure its fun at first, but how to top that? I bet life feels very empty for him. He's also fucked his legacy now, so he cant die with dignity and hjave it buried like other peices of shit.

>> No.13113568

>Are you agreeing with me or do you think he's happy?
Powerful Hollywood mogul - also a pathetic husk of a man. I am agreeing with you. He was the first one that came to mind. The multimillionaire grovelling for pussy thing was the most pathetic thing that I heard all year.

>> No.13113574


Then research articles and journals from those times.

>> No.13113661

Ah sorry wasnt sure.

But yes exactly like you say.

Jewish or not, a man should have SOME integrity and dignity in himself and how he conducts himself in life, or else you might as well be a worm, wriggling in the shit.

>> No.13113665

If you want to write a realistic racist, just write any intelligent character.

>> No.13113687

Don't read Mein Kampf. That is cringey. A racist is generally basically a normal person. If you try to write a standard racist character off the ramblings of an ambitious megalomaniac it is going to come across as too calculated and grandiose.

>> No.13113691

>you've just been indoctrinated
Look at yourself anon

>> No.13114053

>a man should have SOME integrity and dignity in himself
If they adhere to the Talmud and follow the reverences of their therein then, within the context of their own culture, they have succeeded in this - just not in the way that you or I would consider as such.

>> No.13114066

If you do not see the value in differentiating between recognizing racial differences and full blown ignorant, prejudicial bigotry then you are not much of a judge of the literary value of a text. Hitler did a good job of distinguishing this factor.

>> No.13114069

>subjectivity does not exist
Look at yourself anon

>> No.13114086

well in the modern age that shit dont fly bro.

Jews need to understand their warped doctrine wasnt acceptable then and isnt accptable now.

>> No.13115032

>that shit dont fly bro.
It does fly - for quite some time - until it does not. I believe them to be towards the end of their current flight. I am very curious to see what the reaction will be amongst the extremely anti-Semitic populations of their neighboring countries when the bubble goes up. Some of the governments, namely the Saudis, tend to bend to the will of the Jews but I do not believe the population will be so easily swayed unless the Jews have something special in store. Mecca and Medina physically underpin Islam. I am waiting for the mysticism surrounding Islam to make a revelation of some sort, though I have no idea what form it will take. I base this idea on the fact that Islam is also a mystical Abrahamic religion, so it shares some common root with Judaism.

>> No.13115383

If you want a bit more subtly, just model it after a Houllebecq protagonist...not angry or passionate, just repulsed and disgusted by other races and faggots.