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/lit/ - Literature

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13111022 No.13111022 [Reply] [Original]

what is the function of literature in our democracy? can a democratic society of illiterates (of the second order) be sustained?

>> No.13111175

What democracy?

>> No.13111196

you get to vote between two nearly identical political groups every 4 yeas

>> No.13111258

what happened in GOT?

>> No.13111284

Danaerys turned into a crazy bitch and killed a shitload of civilians.

>> No.13111297

The most obvious plot twist in existence happened and everyone is upset because it isn't the happy ending they thought they would get even though they have been blatantly hinting at this happening for 8 years.

>> No.13111323

"people" who act like this even ironically should not only have their voting rights relinquished but their entire right to life. their bodies are of better use in laboratories for mengele tier experiments

>> No.13111338

Daenerys destroyed a city. Twitter is asshurt because a woman did something evil. /tv/ is asshurt because white people were killed by brown people.

>> No.13111340

God, women who defend Hillary’s war crime apologia by screaming SEXIST!!?!!11!1!1!1!!! disgust me

>> No.13111358

They should also have their licenses and credentials revoked, assets seized, children taken into foster care, and forced into slave labor like the shudras they are.

>> No.13111368

zero tolerance for these cretins. they should be killed en masse unironically

>> No.13111380


>> No.13111385

All people who take mass consumer media seriously should be gassed.

>> No.13111388

>/tv/ is asshurt because white people were killed by brown people.
You're just straight making that up. Anyone who cares is happily redpilled-posting.

>> No.13111399
File: 26 KB, 676x185, D6eYGVoXoAA6qTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13111400


I am in no way defending a Hillarybot, but the reactions ITT are, well, reactionary garbage. Get a hold of yourselves LADIES

>> No.13111405
File: 217 KB, 1022x1200, george_rr_martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a decade of my life has been wasted on a show ultimately guided by the white male viewpoint

SHOCKING! Someone should have warned her!

>> No.13111412
File: 1020 KB, 1167x800, 73C4D378-F015-4CB1-AD50-FDCBA6916BED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaw, that doesn’t even look real.

>> No.13111494

True if big.

>> No.13111541

my sister is exactly like this person. what should i do?

>> No.13111557

Off her then the rest of your family for having half her genes.

>> No.13111576

Then you clearly haven't looked. I don't know how to link threads but the thread number is 114706822. Go to that one and search for 'white'. Or just browse /tv/ and do the same to every thread about GoT. You're fooling yourself if you think /tv/, the board that flagellates itself every time they see Idris Elba, won't bitch about this.

>> No.13111582

i couldn't agree more

>> No.13111583

>I don't know how to link threads but

>> No.13111602

F U C K “W H I T E” P E O P L E

>> No.13111650

i'm really surprised by the way it's turned out, i thought for sure the plot was going to be dictated by sjw-shit

>> No.13111664

Go to the thread, faggot

>> No.13111797

Define “people who act like this?” I doubt we’ll settle on a clear definition. Hence your thought is basically meaningless.

>> No.13112044

>one women does a bad thing
>therefore this can be generalised to all women
Isn't... isn't that exactly the kind of stereotyping that the bigots are accused of doing?

>> No.13112053

Yeah. But anon give himself a privilege card every time

>> No.13112059

Some fuckin allegory of the cave shit all up in this bitch

>> No.13112061

Fukin kek

>> No.13112093

Ha holy shit I thought these "literally crying" people were gone by now.

>> No.13112138


Neck yourself

>> No.13112139

yeah, they fucked up a lot of shit, but looks like they at least fixed the ending