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File: 67 KB, 1324x992, pepe-is-caught-in-the-center-of-a-political-debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13107600 No.13107600 [Reply] [Original]

Heard someone say

>"Why does everything cost money?"

are there books that answer this question? Say you go outside on a Friday afternoon, you walk downtown, what can you do that doesn't involve money that is fun or good, that doesn't eventually force you to shell out cash? Or what book explains this? Something to do with capitalism right?

>> No.13107607

>what can you do that doesn't involve money that is fun or good

shoot the shit with your friends. hang around, go for a walk down the beach. to be rich in friends is to be poor in nothing

>> No.13107630

In the US it's illegal to not consume. That's what loitering laws are for. To prohibit people from occupying public spaces without spending money.

Also, go ahead and ban me again trash mods. Go ahead, ban one of the only contributors to this board, filthy swines. Reminding the rules of this board got me banned three times. But polluting the board with unrelated threads and shitposts is fine. Kill yourselves imbeciles.

>> No.13107756

>private spaces

>> No.13107929

op isnt wrong doe
in burgerstan everything is designed to sap money from you. the cities are nothing but car-shuffling tubes to take wagies from one box (their wagey-shed) to another (the cubiclefarm) to another (the department store) and back. american cities have no qualities of civilization. in japan you have festivals, in europe you have the public square. in america you can't even go for a walk without being hit by a car.
embrace e/n/lightenment. this is an urban design problem, not a capitalism problem.

>> No.13107939

go to woods and enjoy the nature.

>> No.13107945

Objectively wrong

>> No.13107950

I grew up in SF and one of the shittiest things about my childhood was that once you’ve been to the Exploratorium and/or De Young enough times, there’s literally nothing for someone under 21 to do that doesn’t take money or involve going out drinking. Walks in GG park were nice but most of the time there was nothing to do but smoke in dolores park

>> No.13108256
File: 43 KB, 500x376, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture fucking triggers me. The perspective is all wrong. Is there a giant Pepe in the background or a really tiny one in the foreground? The foremost Pepe would have to be much closer to the camera to get that much of a depth of field effect. Please delete this and post again with a different image.

>> No.13108314

I can think of one thing that is fun and free, assuming you have social skills.

>> No.13108338

contraception, dates, flowers, and raising a child all cost money.
>social skills
heh... dressing well, smelling well and being well groomed also cost money.

>> No.13108534

Mushroom hunting.

>> No.13108550
File: 386 KB, 1687x2512, 171C520C-F2A5-4A47-8F71-659BE59D7EB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, capitalism, but legalism as a whole. We’ve been forced into doing things this way in order to support a rotten class system that so many pretreat as more sacred than god.
By threat of violence we have to use their shit dept tokens. The sooner we rid ourselves of this dumb and deadly game the better.

>> No.13108569
File: 131 KB, 620x420, 758AC18A-BCA0-4499-9ADA-1998B495547E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is “pretreat”?

Just because money has been used since recorded history, doesn’t mean we can’t get rid of it now. We’re supposed to be smart apes.

>> No.13108591

Money is merely a thing which can be exchanged for goods and services and the price of each thing is determined by supply and demand.
Money is like 'value' in solid form, so for most things you'll have to give this 'value'.
Of course there are kinds of value which can't be expressed in money (or at least not yet), but this just makes for a much more complicated exchange. Cities are so overpopulated and therefore expensive, that everything comes to have a monetary value.
This way, everything is way clearer and more efficient.
I'm not saying I like this btw.

>> No.13108633

>Money is merely a thing which can be exchanged for goods and services, boyim, and the price of each thing is determined by the owner class for maximum profits
The snake above can be killed with enough quarterings

>> No.13108637

>I'm not saying I like this btw
Then you had better learn to hate it, because it’s killing us

>> No.13108643

How has no one suggested the most obvious answer to this question

>> No.13108667
File: 461 KB, 1147x645, 9410920E-BB84-4F2A-ADAB-DE6569713CB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13108685

That'll do

>> No.13108696

“possession” or “enjoyment” of some unit of qualitative value used to
be the end point of every economic motivation which forms a
phenomenal unit of experience, great or small. Money, as a means
of exchange, was only a transitional goal. Now, however, the final
aim is a quantity of monetary value, and it is the quality of the
commodity which has become a mere “transitional goal.” The
structure of the motivation, which used to be commodity money
commodity, is now money commodity money (Karl Marx).
Of course we can still enjoy qualitative values, but our enjoyment—
and indeed its very possibility—is now limited to those objects
which are most immediately recognized as units of commodity

>> No.13108775


>> No.13108885

I like to think that the left Pepe was having a photo taken of him, and a tiny angry Pepe jumped in front of the lens as the photo was taken, so he's out of focus.