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13086161 No.13086161 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I was more intelligent as a young teen. I'm only 22 but my attention span is shit, my reading comprehension has vastly deteriorated and my memory has completely gone down the toilet. What can I do to combat this?

>> No.13086173

Read more. Meditate some. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. Drink less coffee

>> No.13086176

This except drink more coffee.

>> No.13086177

Stop using 4chan.

>> No.13086221

Internet and screen curfew. Forbid yourself to look at screens past a certain hour or a certain amount of time spent every day. Use adblock to help enforce things. Don't go cold turkey, be slow but steady, like 10 min less every day, by the end of a week you'll have cut down your screen use by an hour.

Replace the lost screen time with reading time. Again, slow and steady, pick the most difficult book you can read without much difficulty and with pleasure. If it is a children's book, so be it. Ego is only a hurdle. Move you way up the difficulty ladder step by step, ask /lit/ for recs at every new step.

Be patient, don't despair, and most of all enjoy the ride. Some people much more worse off than you are made it, so why not you ?

Remember reading is simply a more satistfying way of spending time than most. Accomplishment are slave to circumstances and fade over time, but the simple pleasure of enjoying a good book is its own sufficient reward and justification. Believe a guy who read over 800 books, if you go the right way about it you won' regret it.

>> No.13086238

Based caffeine addict.

>> No.13086283
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Spend an hour writing in your journal every day: reflect on your experiences, record and expand on ideas that have occurred to you, chronicle your dreams and feelings and their significance.

Practice yoga. Not bullshit soccer mom yoga; read some texts on the more esoteric value of it, and find a group that does engaging and challenging exercises and not just basic stuff. This will train a feeling of being and sense of the body.

Start reading mathematics texts, and do all the exercises. Plato famously remarked that mathematics is a useful tool, because it focuses the mind on the abstract. While this is still true today, the stylistic direction of modern mathematics, with it's focus on formalism, minimalism, occasional elegance, and a certain textual self-sufficiency that isn't found in other disciplines forces the reader to fully read and comprehend every line of the textbook, while making skimming nearly impossible (with the exception of 180+ IQ geniuses, who are more often than not simply lying about the amount of effort exerted in order to impress).

Start praying. This is always good. The Muslims have the best and clearest instructions for prayer that you'll find as well: six times a day, with a ritual washing of the body, and a month of fasting every year. It's hard to do, but that's exactly the point. Find a guide on performing Salah, and stick to it.

Finally, every morning mix a shot of apple cider vinegar with a half litre of unprocessed apple juice and a half litre of water. Take a lutein supplement with it, and whatever other assorted nootropics/supplements you find beneficial. Take low doses of amphetamine very occasionally for study purposes. If you do drink stop. If you smoke weed, either stop or limit it to special occasions where you are prepared to fully benefit from the experience (ie., you have access to some instruments, and can engage creatively with new feelings and sensations rather than simply passively experiencing simulation).

All of these are hard habits to just pick up, but if you make a schedule and stick to it, with dedication you will find yourself feeling much more mentally sound, aware, and invigorated. Avoid simply reading books and passively absorbing information, because you're never going to "learn enough" and it becomes a crutch to avoid the self realization of your own creative potential.

>> No.13086511


>> No.13086550

I'm 24 but this is exactly my problem as well. I was really fucking smart but I'm coasting into retardation

>> No.13086550,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13086608

Same problems, especially with memory. When I read something, I know I will forget everything in less than a year. And I really mean everything, except my feelings about the book. This makes reading philosophy quite pointless.

>> No.13086651

Read William Walker Atkinson's guide to memory. It's really a simple matter of using it more. Also read the section in Libre Null about using glyphs.

I used to have the same problem, but I started making a point of memorizing certain details, training recall, and developing rudimentary ideographs and cyphers for bulk data storage from concepts I was learning in class. It's amazing how much it helps, and how quickly you can improve memory skills.

Also cut out your internet time. Being able to google the answer to any question prevents your brain from building the neural pathways needed for memorization.

>> No.13086675

Same here. Do you anons exercise? I’m breddy unfit and I wonder if it’s taking a toll on my intelligence

>> No.13086868

I am a caffeine addict and I do things

>> No.13086897


That's probably part of it

I exercise rarely but when I do I have a markedly better day in every way. Mood improves; energy levels increase; thought processes gain speed; even feels like the day slows down so I can enjoy more.

Amazing what just 10 minutes on a treadmill can do, fuck me for never working up the care to go ahead and do it.

>> No.13086971

Great post, anon. Thank you.

>> No.13086984

I am a caffeine addict and I do absolutely nothing.
So following your logic your argument is invalid.

>> No.13086989

Caffeine addiction IS real and dulls your mind to the world, turning you into a subservient little worker bee with hight cortisol levels.

>> No.13086990

Masturbation and sexual excess ruins the mind. Worse than hard drugs. You did this to yourself.

>> No.13087032

Whatever time you go to bed, lay in bed an hour or so earlier and try and ween yourself from a screen. You can read or do whatever with that time it takes to go to sleep, get that excercise and try and eat healthirr

>> No.13087111



>> No.13087121


>> No.13087242

Thank you.

>> No.13087396
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Do one thing at a time and actually make an effort to pay attention to that thing (see pic related). Multi-tasking is cancer for your faculty of attention.
What I've also found helpful is to do 'one more'. If you're reading for example, and that urge to do something else starts tugging at you -you just go on for a little bit longer. Just one more page. I find that if you push through the urge, that's where the concentration span improves.
As for memory I try and memorize something everyday; 15 lines of anything is pretty doable, I find. It's also a really good concentration exercise in and of itself. I don't know if memory is a muscle that can be trained that way, but anecdotally it seems to work.

>> No.13088271

>What can I do
stupid question,answer is the most obvious means

>> No.13088818


>> No.13088963

I've been thinking this recently as well anon. Did you do well academically in your teens? My current theory is that most of it was positive reinforcement from figures of authority. My parents and teachers praised me for exceeding in standardised tests and so I thought I was intelligent. I desired their praise (consciously or not) and so continued to study. This is especially true I think for those studying in STEM in high school and early university. There is no encouragement for creativity.

Eventually you get shat out at the end of schooling and to progress any further you have to synthesise something new. This is genuinely difficult and most people won't. If you truly want to improve seek our like-minded individuals and study with them. The feedback you get will be helpful in driving you forwards. Bare in mind that they will probably be more critical than the authorities from your teens. I also strongly encourage inter-disciplinary learning. Not only will this broaden your understanding but immersing yourself into a new field will remind you of the thrill of moving from ignorance to understanding.

All of the advice in this thread is great to create the conditions for improvement. Health body, healthy mind etc. But unless you make a plan for what to do with your new energy you will stay exactly where you are.

>> No.13088982

30 minutes of reading a day is around 5000 books in your lifetime. Obv reading speed and book length varies but the point is that a little bit a day is a good habit to incorporate into your life

>> No.13089727

1 is NOTHING. Literal brainlet amonut

>> No.13090310
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Wonder what habit developed in that time period.
Really makes you think. Deep down, you know what's causing it, you just don't want to make the connection because you value pleasure more than your mind.

>> No.13090402

Nigger I've been wanking since I was 7, I only started to become a lazy retard when I was 17

It hasn't helped obviously

>> No.13090404

>Nigger I've been wanking since I was 7,
That's actually sad.

>> No.13090416

Actually, might be 6.

>> No.13090422

Many young overconfident (white) men confuse self-awareness for intelligence.

>> No.13090431

I guess you havent been to school since graduating high school.
Simply put, you're not using your brain enough and getting distracted by shit.

>> No.13090559

Stop smoking weed

>> No.13090624

I’m only 20 and I already feel my cognitive ability degenerating. On the plus side, I’m the captain of the college drinking team

>> No.13090651

>On the plus side, I’m the captain of the college drinking team

>> No.13090654


>> No.13090662

I'm the opposite I was a lazy, perpetually tired procrastinator as a young teen. It was only once I got bored of games and movies that I actually started doing some actual work.

>> No.13090815

Take some L-theanine and nicotine.

>> No.13090817
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>> No.13090824

based and hidayapilled

>> No.13090831

>Literally this.

>> No.13090839

Go for shirtless walk at 5am. When you return home perform one hour of calisthenics. Do this everyday.

>> No.13090848

using the npc meme in the middle of 2019, you're truly the npc you try to mock

>> No.13091398
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It's upset.

>> No.13091419

are self-awareness and intelligence not linked?

>> No.13091448

what is intelligence?

>> No.13091562

I feel like depending on where you live, walking around in the morning shirtless might lead to some weirdos approaching you. But good advice nonetheless.

>> No.13092485

What's wrong with that?

>> No.13092495

you guys just wait until how stupid you realise you are at 35

>> No.13092505

stop smoking weed

>> No.13093478


>> No.13094552


>> No.13094711

Thanks anon, I'm going to use these suggestions

>> No.13094724


>> No.13095841


>> No.13095881

Stop watching porn. Mastorbate less than once a week. Cut out glutens and sugars. Go to church and talk to members of your community

>> No.13095942

They say we'll have to put OP down, the mental rot from staying inside in a dark room when it's sunny outside is just too much

>> No.13096376

Why the FUCK is Naruto dressed up as a cowboy, huh?

>> No.13096422

Naruto porn shoot.

The "cognitive decline" between 18yo-25yo is "normal" because it's not real. It's the result of T post puberty dropoff, you're getting less arrogant and driven as you mature. This is also why most women don't feel that way when it comes to same period (they have a different decline during that time).

Real cognitive (as in measured objectively) decline starts between 25-30.

>> No.13097902

- stop browsing 4chan and other forums or chatrooms
- stop watching porn and jerking off everyday
- stop consuming drugs (including caffeine) and alcohol

+ read more books (the more you do it the easier it gets)
+ exercise regularly (walk, lift weights)
+ eat nutritious foods
+ meditate
+ get sunlight/vitamin d

>> No.13097915

>I read something, I know I will forget everything in less than a year.

it's still in your head. the next time you read about it the information will be brought back to the surface and stick around longer.

>> No.13097965

Because it helps contribute to the exact same cognitive decline OP is talking about, especially at such an age.

I’m not saying this as a Puritan hard-ass, the same thing happened to me.

>> No.13098502

>tfw 24
>three more months until I start to mentally and physically degrade
Guys I wasted my youth, what am I gonna do, there's no time, I NEED MORE TIME

>> No.13098631

>wasted potential
99% of people have no measurable potential to begin with. Having existential panic over it is mostly result of some millenial delusion which convinced you that you'd be famous and rich by 25. Don't fret about it, billions of people don't make it and waste their "potential".

The decline is not all that dramatic anyway - there's typically wisdom and experience to compensate somewhat. The real downhill starts at 50 or so, and it's objectively better to just KYS by 60 rather than be a demented boomer.

>> No.13098687

Caffeine is fine if you consume so much its effects are nill and continue consuming it so you don't get withdraw

>> No.13100311 [DELETED] 


>> No.13100347

might actually do this, but i have one question: what is the benefit of doing the apple cider thing and taking lutein supplements?

>> No.13100365

>my attention span is shit, my reading comprehension has vastly deteriorated and my memory has completely gone down the toilet
First, the reason you haven't been able to improve yourself thus far is because of a lack of willpower.
To combat this while tackling the issued, make your solutions absolutely necessary ones. For instance, start an advanced degree. You will be forced to improve.
If you are too lazy to do this, then it is time for option two, which is much riskier than the former. Change as much as you can in your life in as little time as possible. As much as you can. Eat different foods, exercise if you aren't exercising, and if you are switch routines. Move, pick up smoking, replace a hobby, change the times you wake up, change the temperature of your environment, change the layout and colours of your environment as well as the amount of light. Reset your whole computer. Change schedule. Sleep on the fucking floor a d throw out all your pillows. Read new things, or start writing, or stop reading, or stop writing. Change the clothes you wear. Change the places you go. Completely reset yourself.
The idea behind this is that you are clearly in decay and have been for awhile, so you have built up a mindset/environment/life that produces this decay in you. By destroying that which decays and creating something that shares little with the decaying, you have a high likelihood of creating that which produces growth. Powerful technique.

>> No.13101033
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>> No.13101052

At some point it becomes your fault, and that is either at the beginning (im taking platonic, bitch) or never. Choose the first

>> No.13101221

The key is to seek opportunity rather than your "dream". Having a Job is /makingit/.
You'll get there lad. As for a gf, girls are fun and accommodating. Just ask one out. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Good luck anon.

>> No.13101234
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stop watching porn and masturbating
go outside everyday
make sure you have enough of vitamins
read more
drink more tea

>> No.13101260
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Thanks for the advice though anon

>> No.13101313


>> No.13101520

This is me. I was conditioned by praise into a fixed mindset as opposed to a growth mindset. Oh well. The first step is acknowledging it. I now believe I can change

>> No.13101631

sleep apnea, theres nothing you can do except to suffer with the rest of us

>> No.13102419

Very based, honestly great advice.

>> No.13103796

I am so sad and useless anons

>> No.13103821

So I am, but it's only an illusion anon. By your confession you have made yourself useful to me, for you have relived me of some of my loneliness.

And now I write back to you so that I cam make myself useful to you in same fashion.

As Chesterton said four is twice two, but two is not twice one, it is two thousand times one, and there are no words to express the abyss between isolation and having one ally.

Be useful to yourself and to your fellow man, and that starts with enjoying the tranquillity of time. Sit next to the closest window and look at the sky. Just look at it don't think.

>> No.13103840

useless relative to what? Humanity? Become a mailman then.

>> No.13103992

Have sex

>> No.13104036

man I bought like 20 books and I finished like 4 or something, hope your advise helps

>> No.13104287

What's this apple cider vinegar meme? I've seen it on /fit/.

Also I don't know anything about amphetamines. Redpill me.

>> No.13104302

You dont need apple cider vinegar exactly. Just some acid. Lemons work better, since it actually tastes good.

>> No.13104529

Apple cider vinegar helps your body balance PH.It fights hunger, cures ailments like indigestion and gout, and if nothing else forces you to drink a cup of water occasionally. Lutein is good for eyesight apparently, but I've also found it improves my feeling of well-being in general.

Amphetamines are shown to improve concentration, memory formation, etc. Same as nicotine, but less immediately harmful.

>> No.13105112

>Caffeine is fine if you consume so much its effects are nill

the effects are never nil and the more you consume the more you're hurting yourself. you will go through periods of comedown. you're stressing your brain and body. you're negatively affecting your sleep. you're accelerating aging. your body will wear down faster from stress and lower quality sleep. caffeine just like most drugs is a net negative.