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/lit/ - Literature

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13099963 No.13099963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Marxists do you frens recommend reading? Who are your favorite Marxists?

>> No.13099967
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Roger Garaudy

>> No.13099969


>> No.13099976

Is /lit/ ditching pseudointellectial rhetoriticians like peterstein and guenon and christcuckery and going back to its Marxist roots?

>> No.13099980

Engels. Condition or the working class in England.

>> No.13099982

/lit/ has its roots in stirner and we will always be an anarchist board

>> No.13099988

Philosophy for Nonphilosophers by Louis Althusser changed how I think. For better or worse, I can't say.

>> No.13099991

Nobody here ever liked peterstein and christposting has been around for like a decade dude

>> No.13099992
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>ditching pseudointellectial rhetoriticians
>going back to its Marxist roots
uhh anon, there seems to be a bit of a issue...

>> No.13100004

The Germans and the Chinese have the best brand of Marxism

>> No.13100022

>Who are your favorite Marxists?
Dead ones.

>> No.13100033 [DELETED] 

which ones

>> No.13100055

which ones though

>> No.13100104
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Dead ones, as in a coffin, buried 6km underground with two shots to the head.

>> No.13100113

I thought only retarded niggers read marxists? am i in the wrong here for this assumption?

>> No.13100132

someone redpill me on adorno

>> No.13100143

>I thought only retarded niggers read marxists?
Nah senpai, one should know and study the enemy. It's the niggers who unironically think marxism is positive.

>> No.13100166

Mark zuckerburg


>> No.13100174

Begin with Marx. Read the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, then the German Ideology, then Capital, then Critique of the Gotha Program. If you don't have time, patience, or energy to read the entire works you can probably get some kind of reader and read relevant excerpts.

>> No.13100177

Holding moral positions as universals is untenable.

>> No.13100189

Ok, cool.

>> No.13100205

nice revisionism

>> No.13100254

>Recommending the 1844 manuscripts first
The only Marx I've found turgid and uninspiring desu, you can tell he didn't intend it for public consumption, just notes. You'd be better served getting the "Wage Labor and Capital/Value, Price, and Profit" collection as a starting point.

>> No.13100287

Michael Parenti

>> No.13100295

I've found them pretty inspiring, personally.

>> No.13100297

for me, it's camatte