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13094155 No.13094155 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high fantasy pleb.
What are some good high fantasy books?

>> No.13094323
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, wheel_of_time_tv_series.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wheel of Time series

You'll have a good amount of reading

>> No.13094616

Is Malzan good?

>> No.13094624

God no

>> No.13094723

Should I start with the prequel book?

>> No.13094750


>> No.13094751

I haven't read fantasy since I was a child but the latest episodes of GoT have been so incredibly bad that I might get back into genretrash this summer.
Decided to start with Earthsea if I do, after lurking a couple /lit/ fantasy threads.

>> No.13094758

It's... Kind of shit in a chaotic way. But it's also great in a chaotic way.

>> No.13094770
File: 44 KB, 321x499, 5106ZN+VOkL._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13094783

The King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.13094792

Gormenghast, The Broken Sword, Bas-Lag, The Worm Ourobouros and Viriconium.

>> No.13094793

>liking dungeons and dragons fan fiction

>> No.13094861

Everything is fanfic anon. Malazan has a pretty cool original spin on magic and brings some interesting world building and character development to the table.

>> No.13094883

>everything is fanfic
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Explain yourself.

>> No.13094914

>But the magic system is good!
If this is a point of recommendation, it's a sure sign the book is trash that caters to autists.

>> No.13094946

Not him, but nothing is truly original.

>> No.13095105
File: 85 KB, 837x960, 934B88C2C5D044469C1221E8DC2542FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't avoid being a derivative psued ripping off God

>> No.13095233

What do you mean by "truly original"?

>> No.13095246

A "truly original" thing would be incomprehensible.However, this doesn't excuse hacky derivative bullshit.

>> No.13095301

something comparable to it that i might have read ?

>> No.13095305

"Original" means that it's the beginning of something distinct, not that it wasn't influenced by anything whatsoever. If you take old shit and do something new with it, it's original. That's how ideas develop. That it was influenced by other works is irrelevant. Fucking retards.

>> No.13095365

oh good god, do not read Way of Kings or any of the Stormlight Archive. hell, for that matter, don't touch anything by Sanderson that wasn't Wheel of Time. I sincerely hope pic was unrelated
try Book of the New Sun if you're willing to try a low fantasy sci-fi crossover, I'd give high fantasy recs but the genre is dead

>> No.13096161

>Odyssey and Iliad
>The Bible
>Prose Edda
>Song of Roland
>Le Morte d'Arthur
>Orlando Furioso
>Jerusalem Delivered
>Paradise Lost
>Blake's Prophetic books
That should give you an idea on what's good and what's bad in Fantasy

>> No.13096192

>>The Bible

He wants fantasy anon

>> No.13096438

>no Mahabharata
>no Ramayana

>> No.13096489

based chivalric romance chad

>> No.13096541

No - start with The Eye of the World. The prequel is for afterwards, honestly - its much better to experience the actual books first

>> No.13097468

this but unironically
also add Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to that list

>> No.13098292

game of thrones

>> No.13098317

isnt it low fantasy?

>> No.13099047


>> No.13099161


Blood Song (Book 1 only).
A Throne of Bones.
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Book 1 and 2 only).

The Lord of the Rings.