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/lit/ - Literature

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13093748 No.13093748 [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ drink while they read or write?

>> No.13093765

I’m always drunk so, yes

>> No.13093776

Why do alcoholics always have to tell everyone they drink?

>> No.13093798

because they've been influenced by social pressure and advertising into doing it and they want to show how fun and cool they are.

if you're fun and cool and no one posts a picture on instagram of it, did it really happen?

>> No.13093802

Beer is pure soi.

>> No.13093806

I drink. I also read. Therefore yes.

>> No.13093810

Yes, and not in the "dude Im mentally ill and drunk" way. Drinking alcohol in moderation, even a lot of if it's over the course of a day and not all at once, has always been a part of the patrician lifestyle.

>> No.13093829

it's so cringe reading urban soibois distort very plainly worded religious texts to make their lifestyles seem spiritually "woke"


>> No.13093837

and then to go one further and take the samsara passage of Hesse's Siddhartha as a validation of drinking.

why are they so fucking retarded?

>> No.13093867

I wish I could afford to do that.
i only have unmixed room temperature hard liquor.

>> No.13093873

>dude drinks lmao

>> No.13093874

Have a drink.

>> No.13093877

You high strung virgins need to learn how to relax. Pour yourself something nice and forget about it.