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13082065 No.13082065 [Reply] [Original]

Post the most expensive book you own.

>> No.13082103
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My diary

>> No.13082152
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I dropped $80+ on a ratty paperback only to learn that this was 100% ghostwritten. It's not even good and doesn't give any insight on their relationship that you can't pull from the unexpurgated diaries of Nijinsky.

>> No.13082169

i don't think i've ever spent more than $25 on a book unless it was a textbook. i have some nonfiction books on dinosaurs and egypt that were probably decently expensive. i thought about getting copies of Dazai's work in original japanese but they'd end up costing $50 or so to be shipped here

>> No.13082188
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It's not that expensive but it is one of the few hardcovers I have paid for

>> No.13082239
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Brazilian edition of "The Waning of the Middle Ages" by Johan Huizinga. Copped it for like "$20", now it goes up to "$180"

The most I've spent on a book was like $50, which I kinda regret doing.

>> No.13082286

God I wish that were me

>> No.13082288
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This motherfucker.

>> No.13082328

Some commentary on Nietzsche I was interested in once. Was live 50 bucks second hand, it was decent enough but is there really any book worth that much in the modern age of the printing press?

>> No.13082340

Just going to go by the value of some in my library.

A hardcover of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered published by John Hopkins University Press that goes for $400 that I got for $10 at my local used book store lol.

All three volumes of Gramsci's Prison Notebooks in hardcover by Columbia University. I think each volume is worth $80 on its own.

The recent Plotinus Enneads translation put out by Cambridge edited by Gerson, hardcover.

David Chandler's Campaigns of Napoleon, Folio edition.

I have a pretty great personal library but would never post on /lit/ though.

>> No.13082416

does photographic work count as a book ? i worked at this bookstore of used books and there was these photographic works that were pretty rare edition,
1) because the company that release it had broke (cosac&naify)
2) because it was a limited edition work
3) because it was like some photos a guy took of some indigenous tribe in Amazonia
for the life of me i can quite remember the name of the book, but it costed 1800 reais 450 dollars.

>> No.13082424

The complete english translation of Heinrich's Pesch's Lehrbuch

>> No.13082428

I've got a signed Raymond Carver book that is probably worth more than any of my other books. I didn't pay much for it though.

>> No.13082433

In all honesty, it's a dumb accounting textbook I had to spend $100 on because I couldn't find a pdf of it online

>> No.13082442

Actually I went through my shit and that's wrong, it's a textbook on classical music. (The complete musician).

>> No.13082463

Kafka’s copy of the critique of the pure reason annotated my his own hand.

>> No.13082492

Dixon, Ergativity. worth like $50, got it for $15. planning on getting my hands on a physical copy of an English translation of Aniara, which is worth $100 on a good day and will easily become my most valuable book
if we allow publications other than print books, though, my copy of Frank Ocean's Boys Don't Cry was fucking expensive

>> No.13082512
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Not exactly lit or one book but it was expensive. Around $200.

>> No.13082527

I have a first edition hardcover print of an obscure Australian poet

>> No.13082623
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A little over $100. Second is David Litwa's Hermetica II at around $95.
How does the new translation of the Enneads compare to Thomas Taylor's?

>> No.13082759

are you joking me? my literature is obtained solely from my local mom and pop bookstore (all used and worn) or from the occasional book sales at the library where everything is fifty cents. if you pay more than ten dollars for a book you’re a materialist flippant cuck.

>> No.13082768

t. poor

>> No.13082771

t. wagecuck

>> No.13082816

I have a signed copy of a book by Saul Bellow. It’s a beat-to-shit paperback so it’s probably not worth much, but I think it’s pretty amazing having a book on my shelf that is signed by a Nobel winner.

>> No.13082824

Macaco sortudo do caralho.

>> No.13082827

>speaking Muslim Spanish

>> No.13082840

History of Zoroastrianism volume 1 by Mary Boyce

>> No.13082852

the red book by jung.

>> No.13083050

I would unironically buy that book

>> No.13083365

I-I have a pretty d-decent personal -ibrary...b-b-but wouldn't ever p-post on /lit/ ...n-no i swear i do have a pretty decent one anon b-but uh i'd n-never post it on /lit/

>> No.13083374

If gift cards count I think Infinite Jest was around 30$. Other than that I haven't bought anything outside of used book stores

>> No.13083375

I have a first edition Infinite Jest. They go for at least $250. I also have a signed copy of a very rare printing of The Broom of the System. Bought both at a used book store, under ten dollars each. Though this was before he killed himself, and I don't think many people knew about DFW before that

>> No.13083382

Infinite Jest was insanely popular when it came out

>> No.13083392

that's true, but among a very select group of people. I went to school to study lit in 2002, and I accidentally came upon DFW through my own research in 2004. not one person in my cohort even knew who he was. also, you could literally buy a first edition of IJ from a used book store in 2007 for $9

>> No.13083965

>not writing a diary on the back of paper ads delivered to your home
get out zoomer

>> No.13083971

Seconded, I found having it in hardback to be well worth it for readability.

>> No.13084075

I love it. You have to remember Taylor's is paraphrased. The Gerson is also the one that will be cited for a long time.

Ennead 1.6 On Beauty

"Beauty is found for the most part in what is seen, although it is also found in sounds, when these are composed into words, and in all the arts generally. For song and rhythms are beautiful, too. And beauty is also found by those who turn away from sense-perception towards the higher region; that is, practices, actions, habits, and types of scientific understanding are beautiful, to say nothing of the beauty of the virtues. If there is some beauty prior to these, this discussion will show it.
What, then indeed, is it that has actually made us imagine bodies to be beautiful and our sense of hearing incline to sounds, finding them beautiful? And as for the things that depend directly on the soul, how are all of these beautiful? Is it because all of them are beautiful by one identical beauty, or is it that there is one sort of beauty in the body and another in other things? And what, then, are these sorts of beauty, or what is this beauty?"

Beauty appeals mainly to the sight, but also to the hearing through compositions of words: it is also in all music, for both melodies and rhythms are beautiful. And if we ascend above sense-perception, there are beautiful pursuits, actions and sciences, and the beauty of the virtues. Whether there is also a beauty beyond these will be shown. What therefore is it that makes bodies appear beautiful, that hearing does not judge sounds beautiful, and that makes everything belonging to the soul beautiful in some way? Are all things beautiful through one and the same principle, or is the beauty in a body of one kind, but that in some other thing of another? And what is the nature of these principles or this principle?

>> No.13084092

It's a very short collection of essays, one of which I needed for my masters dissertation, which I couldn't find in any library associated with my school and nor could I access it through the schools online network. So I forked over something like £45 for a collection which amounts to less than 150 pages.

>> No.13084110


>> No.13084906

Pick both

>> No.13084978
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Nothing too special.

>> No.13085033

First edition signed copy of Zero K

>> No.13085755
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This thing. Bought it 2 years ago for 40 euros and it's already around 150 euros.

>> No.13085763

back to plebbit with you

>> No.13085786


>> No.13085794

I’m about to buy a 160 some dollar book

:3 fml

>> No.13085798

When does the narwhal bacon?

>> No.13085799


>> No.13085802

War and Peace in 2 vols. for 140 I think. But it will soon be the complete works of Camões for about R$200 (US$50)

>> No.13085804

me too

>> No.13085823

I was joking, but there is a Kafka museum in Prague that has his copy of the Critique and his copy of the phenomenology of spirit

>> No.13085835

Steve Jobs biography for $40-50.

>> No.13085843

First edition of Huck Finn (inherited), I believe it's worth around $10,000

>> No.13085847

Rick & Morty did nazi sriracha coming

>> No.13086166

Sorry, I meant to say Stephen MacKenna.

>> No.13086182

Oh, well here's a review.

>> No.13086213

I have a 1960s copy of Ulysses, but not sure how much it's actually worth, and I also have folio editions of the complete John Donne and the complete Brothers Grimm. And an antique french copy of the works of Camus, again not sure of the price but I bought it for 20 euros.

>> No.13086249

New Oxford Shakespeare

>> No.13086252

No idea lol

>> No.13086261

The Didache Bible cost me about 40 dollars. It's not even good because the commentary is so sparse. I've found much better study bibles for less.

>> No.13086267

I was actually thinking about getting into programming as a hobby and after looking for books on Amazon, fuck that. They really don't need to be that expensive.

>> No.13086281

>he actually bought a physical copy of the Codex
I don’t know whether to envy you or to be extremely confused

>> No.13086302

pics anon

>> No.13086321

Wish I bought it. Not for serious reading but just to read a page every once in a while like some kind of coffee table oddity.

>> No.13086355

Programming isn't real. It's not bad to learn as an academic exercise, but pursing it as a hobby is faggotry

>> No.13086391
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Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe by Willard Sunderland
£14 way back in 2014

>> No.13087716
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I might buy this

>> No.13087734
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Good taste

>> No.13087741

Based misanthrope poster.

>> No.13088435

I have a first edition silmarrillion I spent £30 on. Worth it for the mint condition map it came with.
Most of my other books were under £15. Although I want Plato and Aristotles complete works but it will cost me about £150

>> No.13088622

the study quran
it's a special quran translation designed for academic study and it lets you flex on brainlet polytheists

>> No.13088631
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Listed for a few hundred bucks on amazon. Have a pristine copy.

>> No.13088647

welp, I'm retarded, I thought that was made up for Steins Gate

>> No.13088652

That's a lot of money.

>> No.13088654

All that Peter Sotos? Can you actually read all of that? It's not that I don't like him, but by the third issue of P.U.R.E. I was too nauseous to continue.

>> No.13088658

probably one of my textbooks, Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith

>> No.13088667


>> No.13088685

Probably my 1909 Harvards Classics Vol 4, Complete Poetic Works of John Milton. Got it for basically nothing at an antiquarian bookstore and the reprint is being sold for like $60 at amazon.

>> No.13088730


i assume that's why it's worth so much now. it was basically just an obscure early meme for a long time

>> No.13088750

Meine Heilige Schrift

>> No.13088766

whoa look at this guy who's so humble he only buys secondhand. stop the fucking marxist presses, boys, we got someone who finally solved the problem of ethical consumption in capitalism.

>> No.13088767

Darconville's Cat

>> No.13088773

Women and Men.

>> No.13088777

About $2000
PURE is not representative of his work. Unbelievably juvenile stuff, he's since disowned it entirely. It's a bit of a tragedy that only his earliest work is easily available online. I've wanted to make ebooks for his entire bibliography for a while, but that's a tough task for one person. Probably my favorite author.

>> No.13088784
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>> No.13088831

Prewar edition of Death on Credit by Celine in my native language, in two volumes, privately made for someone long time ago by bookbinder, in other translation than normally. No idea how expensive it can be. Im thinking at least 300$.

>> No.13088852

why do people say "my native language" without elaborating?

>> No.13088855

GETTTTTTTTTTTTT Fifty shades of grey is the best book written in the history of mankind.

>> No.13088941

first edition Catcher in the Rye

>> No.13088958

that means that his native language isn't english:)

>> No.13089068

I have one of the first editions of this, is it actually worth money? Haven't moved it from the bookshelf since I got it

>> No.13089154
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Since we're masturbating about our rare finds on the cheap, I bought a paperback of the Forge and the Crucible for $2 at a used bookstore, which sells for $30 on Amazon, spent $87 on the 2-volume 1932 edition of Decline of the West in good condition which can sell for over $100, and $75 for the complete 17-volume Burton Watson translation of The One-Thousand and One Nights (Bassorah Edition) in fair condition which can sell from hundreds to a few thousand dollars.

>> No.13089302

Came here to post this same thing, same edition and everything.

>> No.13089310

fuck the ex-plebbit haters, that's cool as shit

>> No.13089311

Why would you buy a Bassorah edition? I'm not saying this as a critique, it's just that I genuinely don't get it when the Benares can be had for a few hundred if you eschew fine bindings.

>> No.13089373

It was at my local used bookstore.

>> No.13089459

Yes. It's not available new online and the amazon/ebay ones are a ton of money. Can you post some pics of pages?

>> No.13089464

Haha, fair.

>> No.13089489
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>tfw I was going to post my Codex but a more patrician anon beat me to it

w-well I have the Punch and Judy one too

>> No.13089583


had this when I was younger and probably read it through like 6 times

>> No.13089776

That doesn't mention MacKenna at all.

>> No.13090140
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>> No.13090146
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>> No.13090152
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>> No.13090313

lol go suck a dick you poofter

>> No.13090741
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I bought this book for my mum for $225

>> No.13090763

I have 5 volumes of The history of the Russian Revolution by Trotsky, translated into Dutch, probably first edition (it says 1936).
Could be worth a lot, but I got them at a library sale for 2 euros and they have a few stickers on them, so I'm not sure.

>> No.13091182
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Weird that the show was cancelled

>> No.13091226
File: 51 KB, 225x550, FED511DF-7CB5-48BA-8E54-9AA42019B8D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture book. Love Mucha

I have the original collections. Probably more expensive that way. Would still like this pretty box set... but I save my money

>> No.13091251

Based jew-destroyer obama. What's weird is that they were allowed a show at all, the cancelation was expected.

>> No.13091388

How much?

>> No.13091524


>> No.13091547

just came into possession of 1950's pressings of the Eddic sagas plus a complete collection of ibsen's works from my great-aunt-in-law's passing cause the rest of my family didn't want them. "you can get all that at a library" they said. she also kept around a bible from the 1890's too, but they obviously wouldn't just let me have that for obvious reasons

>> No.13091624

A Personalist Manifesto. Original English translation hardcover for $150.
They've since released a $25 paperback :/

>> No.13091626


>> No.13091673


What is this? The title is amazing.

I want to buy I don’t have any paper so shut up, but it’s hundreds of dollars.

>> No.13091906

That's a lot of money for porn

>> No.13091998

Er du norsk? Jeg vil gerne se Ibsen samlingen
And before you get hyped, a bible from the 1890's is worth next to nothing, sadly. They are lovely pieces to have in your collection, though

>> No.13092040

You haven't read him.

>> No.13092054

Heresy in the Later Middle Ages by Gordon Leff

Mom has an 1882 King James Bible but it will probably go to my older sister unless I figure out a way to steal it or get her cut out of the will.

>> No.13092156
File: 645 KB, 2048x1536, E2A69922-A48D-4449-88BA-7EA4B9AC7A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is plus some Hamsun. I’m a burger but have Norwegian relatives+can read some Norwegian. I wouldn’t dream of selling her bible

>> No.13092177

Do you recommend it?

>> No.13092214
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>> No.13092268

Not really. As "trauma reading" you'll be disappointed, although his prose is very unique and effective. It's also of no greater societal value, and any critique of society or the media or whatever the fuck is merely a biproduct. Unless you personally identify with his subject matter, don't bother. It's very masturbatory, cryptic (postmodern doesn't feel like the right word, but it's close), and bleak. Deeply personal musings of an unbelievably self aware pervert.

>> No.13092269

Probably a medical textbook? I don't know how much it would sell for considering it's a few decades old.

>> No.13092456

>Casually throws some Hamsun in there
Very nice, thank you. A bit jealous, I have to admit. You should continue working on your reading comprehension in Danish/Norwegian. It will be worth it lad

>> No.13092575

unironically hypersphere because I buy all my other books second hand

>> No.13092661

I'll give him a read

>> No.13092682

My Douay Rheims Challoner Bible

>> No.13092786

Selfish, Little or Comfort and Critique are the best places to to see if you're into it. Index is probably third best, and it's one of his few available online. Once you know you're into it, I'd highly recommend reading him in order. There's a lot of subtle continuity.

>> No.13092791

>programming isn’t real

>> No.13092796

Google learn python the hard way. You’ll get a pdf

>> No.13092897

Infinite jest

>> No.13092939

prover min beste, venn. har lest et par boker på norsk allerede. bare at eg e svært opptatt med universitetet nå for tida.

>> No.13093122

I have 2
$90 (S/H incl) on a book on uniforms and such
$75 on a book about the Caucasian Wars.

>> No.13093270

I suppose the retard means tangible, because it sure as hell it's real.

>> No.13093276

Looks cool as fuck.

>> No.13093279

I have a first edition copy of Moby Dick but I don't like to expose it to light.

>> No.13093283


>> No.13093299

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.13093304

Believe whatever you want. I know I have it under my bed and it brings me joy.

>> No.13093308

Does anyone know of any boks like OP's pic?

>> No.13093348

Dunno, I love little girls, did he talk about little girls in his works?

>> No.13093362
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>> No.13093427

Girls, boys, crack whores, and aged homosexuals typically. His writings also lean heavily towards the sadistic rather than the pedophilic. The emphasis is on the damage, not the child. His work is also largely homosexual I'd say.

>> No.13093487

Seriously? Then I wouldn't even lay a glimpse at his work

Fucking homosexuals

>> No.13093506

Your loss.

>> No.13093710
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>> No.13093738

My 1868 KJV leatherbound bible or In Search of lost time everymans box set.

>> No.13093760

I unironically have all 3 volumes of the 1971 edition of the "Dictionnaire Quillet de la langue français".
The real shame is they're several thousand km away with my dad and I can't take pics of the content inside, especially the illustrations.
They got me from B2 level to C1 level in French, which I haven't spoken or read in 5+ years.

>> No.13093793

Have you read it? And if so, do you recommend it?

>> No.13093799

I never read anything that isn't related with little girls

>> No.13094241

when did obama ever bomb the israelis?