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/lit/ - Literature

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13083845 No.13083845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we get rid of chapofags?

>> No.13083847

it'll die out in time

>> No.13083851

yell over them talking and call them out for all being a bunch of fat balding ugly numale looking fucks who look like they don't lift.

>> No.13083853

who are these people and why should I give a shit about them?

>> No.13083863

I learned about them 5 minutes ago.
They call themselves dirtbag leftists. Turn back the overton window a generation on the current left's speech and make some John Oliver tier quips.

The ace up the left's sleeve in the culture war against the alt-right incel Nazis.

>> No.13083864

if you're talking about the hosts, they're all smarter and funnier than anyone who posts on this board. People who post on the chapo subreddit or identify themselves as fans of the show should of course be enslaved

>> No.13083868

kys yourself chapofag

>> No.13083880

>obsessing about a minor leftist podcast on a Literature board when you could be reading a book

Anon, go get a hobby, work on your backlog of books, this boogie man obsession of Chapo is weird and it isn’t even on topic, unironically go to /pol/ if your entire being is threatened by a podcast, it’ll at least be on topic there

>> No.13083884

Who could they make fun of?
Their whole shtick is:
>Hey we're not your run of the mill sheltered coffee atheist liberals! We don't live in a bubble!
but I see already that I could shock, offend, bring them to tears, or else have them pretend I don't exist without much difficulty.

>> No.13083887

Amber should split and join red scare as third mic

>> No.13083889

>boogie man
Two posts later, a chapofag >>13083887

>> No.13083890

I listen to red scare not chapo

>> No.13083891
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Why do they all look like they have feral alcohol syndrome?

>> No.13083892


>when it highlights your insidious agenda
dude just read a book, go to /pol/
>discuss someone's books like Evola, Guenon, Pound, even fucking Lovecraft
This is problematic go to /pol/

You are the most disingenuous pieces of shit to ever walk the earth

>> No.13083893
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Wait, are you surprised that when you making a Chapo thread people familiar with it will comment on it?

For instance, if I made a video about youtuber Sargon (which would still be off-topic, BTW) I can at least expect some discussion of him by those familiar with the details

Hell, if I made another shitpost thread like “who is the George W Bush of literature”, would I really be surprised to see commentary on it?

Baka and off topic

>> No.13083896

Yeah I think something like that's inevitable

There's such an obvious divide on chapo between actual leftists like Amber and Matt and the careerists like Will and Virgil. Inevitably the autistic, actual leftists will be jettisoned because they're holding them back from a larger audience (and more patreon bucks) and the show will finally actually just be the daily show podcast.

>> No.13083899

amber is probably the best writer to come out of the entire twitter media universe so I naturally thought her perfect podcast role was watching The Steve Wilkos Show and taking big bong rips in the background of Cum Town

>> No.13083901

>theyre a boogie man they dont exist dont talk about it go to /pol/
>wait XD are you surprised they exist
Like the other anon said, You are the most disingenuous pieces of shit to ever walk the earth

>> No.13083904

More actual chapoFAGGOTS. They just can’t help showing themselves.

>> No.13083907

They're just Bill Maher for lefties. Who cares?

>> No.13083908

you still need to go back

>> No.13083909

do you think I'm afraid to hear or say faggot or something? I can say retard or nigger or whatever too

>> No.13083910

but what about felix?

>> No.13083912

>no u need to go back
Brilliant, chapofag. How did you think of it?

>> No.13083915

Have sex

>> No.13083916

Have sex.

>> No.13083920


each of them is already very, very wealthy from their wagecuck democrat patreon orbiters. just ignore them, because they deserve it. they do not actually represent anyone but the elite.

>> No.13083921

No that's disgusting

>> No.13083968

that's the ugliest group of people i've ever seen in my life and i visited the uk

>> No.13083973

that's because chapo is literally just a weekly recording of a forum meetup

>> No.13083978
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pls no buly my waifu

>> No.13083990
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Nice try.

>> No.13083991

It's insane how different Amber looks in every single picture

>> No.13083996

Why is Amber so fugly?

>> No.13083998

I saw her at the K-Punk book launch and she was hot

>> No.13084005

Amber is weird, she manages to be insanely hot and then insanely fugly from picture to picture, it’s all about the angles with her lol

>> No.13084028

I listen to chapo and can't tell the difference between the dudes other than Virgil. But anyway amber was good on red scare and was talking about them in a way that could be read as her distancing herself from them.

>> No.13084047

More unironic chapofags. No wonder /lit/ is so shit.
>boogie man

>> No.13084063

i am the top (You) there and can promise you she is not my waifu. she's fucking hideous and i've never listened to a single episode of their bullshit because it is simultaneously pretentious and inane.

>> No.13084071

Uh what?

I never listened to even a minute of Chapo but it's a fact that it has one of the top grossing Patreons. Take that fucking tinfoil off you terminal retard.

>> No.13084097

Would you be surprised to hear that she is deeply morally suspicious of people who take joy in maintaining a pleasant environment for themselves and others?

>> No.13084119
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They would freely admit to this. It wouldn’t work. You have to insult their intelligence, because they wank themselves over it. The only way you can do that is to read and understand. Read Facist/Communist literature and everything in between. Show them they’re wrong with your knowledge backing it. It’s the only way.

>> No.13084123

the meat of chapo has always been making fun of stupid center-left/center-right pseudointellectual columnists precisely for being dumb pseuds, which is something that /lit/ should stand for

>> No.13084164
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>> No.13084169

>nufascists really believe acting like a woman will show authority

>> No.13084173

Why is there only one girl?

>> No.13084176


>> No.13084181

the last man

>> No.13084202

>ywn frolic in the braap fountain

>> No.13084209

She's a male female which makes it more funny

>> No.13084223
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Communists may suck at ruling the world but they are pretty good at capitalism.

Does the CTH have much appeal among the intersectional left, or do they share the BernieBro pool of white progressives who'd rather attend to economic issues than "fuck whitey"?

>> No.13084229

Is this why modern women are such fucking slobs and cant cook for shit? Christ my gf and her roomates place is filthy. Cleaning and cooking doesnt make you domestic dumb whores

>> No.13084235

>check out her insta
>it's like
>what if a 14 year old runaway female napalm survivor jumped out of an iconic 60s photograph...
>got bogpill lip injections...
>and put on some Brooklyn arthoe clothes..
>would you do it?
Maybe in a "Myshkin pretending to love the outcast Swiss village girl" sort of way if I wanted to be holy and compassionate. But she's got plenty of orbiters like
so no thank you. Seems have decent boobs and ass though.
I don't know, she makes a good point. If you're going to LARP as a Bolshevik, go big or go home, don't be a fake Twitter wine aunt. If the rest of the left had some of her integrity, it might not actually be such a shit thing. If being truly accepting of weakness is what the left stands for then perhaps they're not so dishonest. For that, she appears to be a higher, charmingly self-aware creature. I don't find her insufferable I guess. But this whole thing is agitprop aimed at people like me.
>"You're a fat fucking turd. You're a useless piece of shit who isn't doing anything"
etc. etc.
Truly berating them would be very hurtful I would imagine. At the moment they're shielded thanks to people like those ITT waifu'ing them, donating to Patreon, etc. Just like the RAF or the actual Bolsheviks emanating from hip western cliques, they just psychologically collapse and turn on each other after it gets a little tough. So - briefly test their mental resilience and see how much resolve they really have. Make them feel not so cool.

Imagine how vicious the critics would be if they were alt-right Brookyln hipsters!

>> No.13084236

Grab your hog, chud.

>> No.13084241

They have a weird rhythm talking. With lots of 'like', and going up and down at each phrase.
Why do numale americans talk like that? Is it normal?

>> No.13084253

i don't have anything to add to the discussion about chapo trap house as a podcast, and this is not literature. i just wanted to say that all new yorkers look like they're malnourished and stinky

>> No.13084274

These are the same people that froth at the mouth over Memerson having the gall to charge money for his book.

>> No.13084289

More chapofaggots.
>boogie man

>> No.13084292

The ace in their sleeve is their institutional control, and the propagation of these guys and bread tube is only evidence of that.

>> No.13084314

i'm smarter than you so on this board that makes you the faggot

>> No.13084347

hey that's the "3rd world masses must rise up and destroy us because I don't like my relatives" guy, i thought he looked familiar

>> No.13084360

>not even denying being a chapofaggot
The state of this board.

>> No.13084370

/lit/ is about not reading shit and being pissed at stuff I don't understand

>> No.13084406

What I find most pathetic about them is their claim of being the 'edgy leftists', when all they can muster as offense devices are basic non-insults like "dirtbag" and "chud". Like a boomer getting progressively angrier as to scream "oh, for all heck!", for they just saw their children watch Bart Simpson say 'damn'.
But even if they could build up the grit to utter such outlandish naughty words as 'retard' or 'cunt', they would inevitably get pushed back by their own audience, and spend their remaining runtime apologizing for their disgusting and prejudicial behaviour.

>> No.13084416

I like Cumtown.

>> No.13084423
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I'm sure you do... (cough)faggot(cough)

>> No.13084425

Probably a good take on what's in their stuff.
But nonetheless, isn't it true that Joseph Goebbels watched and admired Eisenstein's films? What if this is the cutting edge of left satire? Shouldn't we be focused on an intelligent, witty enemy not a dull, stupid one?
They were kind enough to educate themselves by reading 4chan shitposts it would seem. These are somewhat hip AOC leftists it would seem.

>> No.13084429

>being a commie
>Charging for your podcasts
Capitalism won, we lost, they're hypocrites.

>> No.13084438

the show would be 1000x more vicious if Hillary had won like everyone expected. Everyone in Trump's orbit is mostly just a loveable clown, their real enmity is for the neoliberal realpolitik sharks who were in Clinton's camp

>> No.13084448

Same way you get rid of Peterstein. Get rid of neoliberalism

>> No.13084458
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it's the only /lit/ podcast honestly

>> No.13084463

What's that? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of me having sex with another man.

>> No.13084522

Wow, that was honestly one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. What a cunt.

>> No.13084530

Physiognomy is real.

>> No.13084542

Imagine unironically being a shitlicking GRIDs having faggot. Knowing your family wishes you would just kill yourself, seeing the harely restrained disgust in the eyes of strangers as you assure yourself "I'm accepted now" lmao

>> No.13084569

Nah. You're looking at decisions, psychology and socio-political interests as resulting from of a place at the bottom of the sexual hierarchy.

>> No.13084576

As informed by their physiognomy?

>> No.13084579

They have institutional support, pretty much in bed with the NYT. Bravo "fighting the power" leftoids, the left truly has been assimilated by liberalism.

>> No.13084590

>leftoids assimilated to neoliberalism
>real leftists get called fascists
Unironically Dugin was right

>> No.13084612

Well in part but this happens in a socio-biological context. If a small man would move to a country where he was of average height he would lose the physiognomical penalty. The chapo guys to reverse their misfortune could move into a leper colony for example. And in itself as a science it wouldn't work because physical appearance is only one variable determining your place in the hierarchy.

>> No.13084616

he was making a cumtown joke you pathetic faggot

seething autists like you are the same people complaining about the 'dreadful state of the board' even though you directly participate in it's degradation you absolute caricature

>> No.13084621

>real leftists
The only real leftists left are nazbol. "Leftists" dont like hearing this but it's true

>> No.13084624

You won't, /lit/ and the humanities in general are strongly left-wing.

>> No.13084631

Well, only in that the capitalism-communism dispute has largely been resolved and the two poles are now fascism and neoliberalism. Real leftists still exist but they're caught in the middle.

>> No.13084634

>know someone who refers to herself as a "rabid socialist"
>she rants against feminism, gays, and "Jewish lobbies"

It is a shame because she is pretty hot and would be prime gf material if she were not an idiot

>> No.13084637

>be tragic idealist delusional utopian leftists
>Dunning-Kruger effect incarnate
>useful idiots for wolves in sheep's clothing among the left
>fall from grace when you finally do something naughty
>get eliminated when it becomes time to consolidate power
>masses don't care because all they hear are the slogans you sold to them and the sounds of their stomachs growling
>not even a medal on your corpse or an upboat/reshare of your commiegram funeral photo
>only people who pray for your wretched, hateful brainlet soul are the Christians you spent your life shitting on

>> No.13084640

She sounds like wife material.

>> No.13084645

She thinks she is a leftist but spews right wing hate rhetoric

>> No.13084652

You’re a faggot.

>> No.13084654

That's cool so she gets how swastikas are kind of bad optics and we're really not quite there yet.

>> No.13084656

You mean she's a fascist and that's why she's wife material.

>> No.13084664

She doesn't consider himself as a fascist at all, she advocates revolution and says socialism alone can free the people from the tyranny of bankers and capitalists.

>> No.13084672

I'm a fascist and I agree with her on that 100%.

>> No.13084675

>tfw no national socialist gf

>> No.13084677

She loves kids and is very kind when not talking about politics, definitately not a Nazi

>> No.13084686

Do you think Nazis are like, demons

>> No.13084687

when leftists do that they stamp out every last beautiful thing in the country and create a backwards shitole (Soviets, China, North Korea, contrary to popular belief among leftists Cuba and other Latin American attempts).

when evil fascists do that they mostly crackdown on degeneracy, Jews, and crime and things are much better as a result.

>> No.13084700
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>She loves kids and is very kind
literally hitler

>> No.13084703

who? get the fuck off my board children, anglos, low iqs and youtube-watching bugmen

if you watch youtube for intellectual content you are worthless trash. pleb. don't bother replying you know it, you know you're domesticated swine, unintellectual infra-humans

>> No.13084706

You’ve unironically been brainwashed by the Jewish media.

>> No.13084716

If you don't want her, give me her number.

>> No.13084717

You actually enact communism, these fags wouldnt last a day

>> No.13084720

bro idc about your waifu. It's awesome you think she's perfect. Enjoy your batshit gf and when she leaves she'll talk about how dumb she thinks you were and take on a new set of political beliefs to cozy up to someone else. Women are phony.
>inb4 "have sex"

>> No.13084729

She wants a lot of kids, Hitler had none

>> No.13084740

I don't think she is perfect, she buys into right wing propaganda despite being a socislist

>> No.13084749

reminder that Stalin unironically let his own son die.
reminder that Hitler was a vegetarian who loved his dog, painting pictures, and watching movies with his girlfriend.

>> No.13084753

Read the /fit/ sticky and start going to the gym. It’s the only way to cure your faggotry.

>> No.13084754

can't believe mulldog used to put his dick in this

>> No.13084760

this kills the chapotard

>> No.13084761

He really was /our guy/.

>> No.13084771

fuck off!

>> No.13084772
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>> No.13084782

based 99 insight Egyptian TV pundit guy

>> No.13084783

Has there ever been a time an actual anti-idpol leftist actually told some rabid idpol minority to fuck off? It never seems to be the case desu

>> No.13084790

>this will surely get the working class to come over to our way of thinking

>> No.13084796

Nothing she said here is wrong (except maybe about the Thai soup I've never tried it). You are just meaninglessly reductive

>> No.13084800

Lmao please tell me this isnt real. Sounds so patronizing

>> No.13084805
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I unironically go on the subreddit for the luls and to see the left eat each other.

>> No.13084806

If by leftist you mean actual communist regimes throughout history, then yes.
If by leftist you mean redditors/liberals like Chapo then no. Virtue signaling with blacks and trannies and such takes precedence over economics for them.

>> No.13084818

Havent listened to them in a while. Does nick still not have health care?

>> No.13084829

It was hard for Hitler to have kids, seeing as how he was male.

>> No.13084831

And they'd respond by setting the horde on you. These people are corporate footsoldiers, nothing more.

>> No.13084845

It's called irony

>> No.13084852

>we were just pretending to be retarded

>> No.13084865

There's some core notions I agree with, like valuing genuine craft and effort over Buzzfeed consumerism and resisting the commodification of comfiness, but it's all wrapped up in layers upon layers of classic leftist hysterical resentment.

>> No.13084866

reminder that Eva Braun was kept secret from the German public

>> No.13084878

How the fuck do they have any institutional support. Only their most milquetoast centrist positions are occasionally espoused by some no-name opinion column

>> No.13084881

Ah yes, unlike this board, which consists solely of well thought out, original, sincere posts

>> No.13084924

Yes, that’s right, dumb chapofaggot. You can call /lit/ and 4chan in general a lot of things but unoriginal and insincere aren’t among them. As to being well thought out posts, they come and go, but it’s definitely more than the chapo subreddit. Also what’s that word you redditers love so much? Whataboutism?

>> No.13084939

some anon claimed to have all of felix fyad posts but never delivered

>> No.13084963

>this will surely get the working class to come over to our way of thinking

>> No.13085006

>You can call /lit/ and 4chan in general a lot of things but unoriginal and insincere aren’t among them.

>> No.13085038

>all of the internet including your precious reddit just reposts 4chan green memes and 4chan posts
>not original
>pure unfiltered thoughts and rants and everything else daily for over a decade with the least amount of moderation on the internet
>not sincere
Edit: Spelling.
Edit 2: Wow, thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Edit 3: Wow, two gold! Thank you so much kind stranger!

>> No.13085056
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friendly reminder even the cohosts hate chapotards

>> No.13085062

4chan is a graveyard of facebook memes, /lit/ is larp board for lying about having read books

>> No.13085069

Edit 4: Three gold! This is amazing, I don’t deserve this. Thank you so much for the gold, kind stranger.

>> No.13085070

>the insult is being compared to incels

>> No.13085078

what an original and sincere post

>> No.13085101

Thank you, kind stranger!

>> No.13085127

why so eager to prove my point? quick, imitate reddit again, show me the kind of quality content that 4chan is capable of!

>> No.13085148


>> No.13085151

Why do you even come here if youre so cynical of the site anyway? Its like women who keep returning to the man that beats them

>> No.13085182

>all the chapofags ignore this post

>> No.13085194

because the content here is generally (marginally) better than other places. but pretending it's not still mostly shit won't somehow make it better.

>> No.13085207
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the Correct answer

>> No.13085210
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Biting the G(AE[b8])

>> No.13085216

They’re allowed to exist on major platforms without even the slightest obstruction, their book is sold by major retailers, and they’ve received endorsements by mainstream media outlets. All of these things either require or are instructional support of some sort.

>> No.13085253


Dont forget youre here forever. Got it

>> No.13085281

seems unlikely that nothing better will ever come around, considering how low the bar is right now

>> No.13085307

Take this garbage back to /pol/ please

>> No.13085329

>no, no you don't get it it was a le JOKE about how I'm a poop munching cum burping retard
what is wrong with the modern left

>> No.13085340

Ah, a fellow member of the 'shart left'!

We're not like these liberal chuds on MSNBC, let me tell ya. We say the f-word (as in "fuck," not "faggot," which is deeply offensive and upsetting) and know which movies came out in 2003. So don't think you're in our club just because you're a woke dipshit also, kiddo. Have you even smoked weed out of a soda can? Also, here are my thoughts on the Turkish economy. Did I impress you with my effortless blend of highbrow and lowbrow? Bet you didn't think a man who owns a gaming chair could pretend to know about the complexities of the Middle East, did you? Heh.

Well, shart ya later!

>> No.13085349

>he posted for the 10th time that day
>like he does every day
who don't you blow it out your retarded ass you stupid fucking faggot. "HEY GUYS I DONT LIKE IT HER!" no on fucking cares shut the fuck up you masochistic retard >>>/r/eddit

>> No.13085354

lol cope :)

>> No.13085373

seething xD

>> No.13085382

you are yeah :)

>> No.13085395

imagine having to be this dipshit every day of your life lmao how are you such a pointless faggot

>> No.13085401

Damn dude, your sense of humor is fucking twisted. I hope I never cross your path!

>> No.13085412

Pretty funny how you implied people who watch cumtown don't say faggot, really shows you have a pulse on the "cool" podcast scene so you can shit on people.

>> No.13085473

I occasionally listen to Chapo so I know it is an objective fact that the hosts are too scared to say the word "faggot." Somebody was quoting Richard Nixon's hilarious statement about Bohemian grove being the faggiest goddamn thing he ever seen in his life, and they said instead "the f--- iest" thing like an 11 year-old reading aloud To Kill A Mockingbird to his sixth grade class. I was honestly shocked by I heard "the f---iest." What cowards! They stepped all over the line because it would offend their delicate sensibilities, totally neutering it of humor in the most adolescent and awkward way possible.

Chapo tries very hard to associate themselves with Cum Town because Cum Town is funnier and edgier than they are, and I think semiconsciously they realize they aren't much better than schoolmarm church lady scolds. This is deeply embarrassing to their 'shart left' image, as is the fact that the podcast was created by a Jewish aristocrat and owes its large profile to Jewish aristocratic backslaps from media organs they claim to be an alternative to, particularly The New Yorker

>> No.13085497

I'm assuming that the podcast will end after Bernie Sanders gets elected

>> No.13085545

>they actually stole Nick Mullen’s tracksuit bit
I fucking hate chapofags

>> No.13085547

>ouch! you're hurting me with your conversation!
wow sucks to suck

>> No.13085554

Mein Gott ...

>> No.13085566
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>> No.13085580

I dislike Chapo too, so I'll let you off the hook this time.

>> No.13085589

You cant ever be edgy or counter cultural if you defend all of society's sacred cows.

>> No.13085605

Do they talk about cumtown on their podcast? I only listen to cumtown and they dont seem to mention chapo anymore

>> No.13085611

>Karl Marx was the first leftist
ok retard

>> No.13085730

What a miserable shell of a human being. Seizing the Whole Foods hot bar. The modern world is depressing with bleak efficiency but don't you dare think of something else. And always viewing every misery as one that must, of course, disproportionately damage women.

>> No.13085737

She's and the Red Scare girls are textbook contrarians.

>> No.13085738

/pol/fags are the REAL problem

don't @ me

>> No.13085776

>don't @ me


>> No.13085784

>all these seething chuds

>> No.13085790

yeah new yorker columnists are frequent guests to a podcast but that's because it's just popular you know

>> No.13085807
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> I want the Brown Hordes to come and wash over me
So what exactly did he mean by this?

>> No.13085816

Chud is the forced lefty version of cuck except its not an effective insult at all.

>> No.13085821

fuck chapofags and fuck redditors

>> No.13085825
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That's it! Hiro! Get this hothead outta here!!!

>> No.13085831

this post is just rebranded autism

>> No.13085919

I have a much better system than socialism. Just keep markets private property and power relations but abolish inheritance for shit like real estate equities and and gold leave it for personal items only like a sword or some jewelry or someshit private schools and private universities make all the schools provide the same basic level of education universities quality would vary by location the University of New York for example would be able to afford better facilities than the University of Mississipi but everything would mostly be a level playing field meritocracy

>> No.13085925

Another side benefit is that under this system socialists commies and chapofags would lose since they rely mostly on their parents income and access to elite institutions in a meritocracy they wouldnt get anywhere

>> No.13085930

The wealthy then just funnel money to their kids while they're alive.

>> No.13085989

There would probably be some loopholes but they wouldn't be able to funnel nearly as much as before granted if they are rich they would get more books more food more training more education on the side with their parents resources if the parents invest their resources into their kids while they are alive if the parents do the opposite and just buy them toys games and hookers then they will fail in the broader system it wont have just a guy inheriting a business and stocks and go on to do nothing all the companies will either be publicly traded or run by some kind of buinsess co-op you can run a non franchise private business but the state will take it when you die if you dont make it public or do some other shit with it

>> No.13086053
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>> No.13086069

not /pol/

>> No.13086282

But they wrote a book

>> No.13086305

and you're still SEETHING over it

>> No.13086318

not that anon, but why is it a sign of something bad to not like something?
what if it's trash? people with taste and a concern for the quality of work should rightly be upset
why does your need to encompass all things regardless of quality not work on encompassing the criticisms of others?
who's fragile worldview are you trying to protect?

>> No.13086345

>people with taste and a concern for the quality of work should rightly be upset

lol have sex

>> No.13086374
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As a leftist I just thought chapo was an unfunny boring podcast I'm glad to see it make the right seethe like nothing I've seen before

>> No.13086381

based and redpilled? Is that even possible???

>> No.13086383

lol I'm engaged, petty cunt

>> No.13086390

Homophobia is not a sacred cow
Homosexuality is a sacred cow

>> No.13086393

>As a leftist I

>> No.13086396


>> No.13086397

>4chan is one person
>this person mean to me >:(

>> No.13086527

average attention span of a polfag, ya

>> No.13086546

The same way you got rid of r/t_d

>> No.13086575

They're just a podcast, anon. Neither them or The Right Stuff aren't a threat. Unless you consider giving them your shekels a threat, then they are very threatening.

>> No.13086586

If it can piss off conservatives this much they must be doing something right

>> No.13086594

*collecting shekels.

>> No.13086611

Is she Chinese, or just fat?

>> No.13086629

Is he deliberately dressed like that toddler behind him, or was it a mistake? Does he even realize that he's basically that kid's overweight, middle-aged doppelganger?

>> No.13086667

Who said anything about TRS?

>> No.13086668

>that slack jaw
I can practically hear his labored breathing.

>> No.13086698

>"Hey kid, this is you in 40 years."
>kills self

>> No.13086739

No one, but they're the far right larp equivalent. Chapo pretends to be communists, but are neo liberals. Meanwhile TRS act like they're unironic Nazis,when they knew about Mike Enoch being Jewish and his wife being a jew as well. It's kind of brilliant really. Pretend to be edgy and radical so that useful idiots will shower you with money.

>> No.13086749

Some claim they did it on purpose to be funny.

>> No.13086752

except even suburban new york jews and their brainlet friends get attacked demonetized and fired from their jobs and taken to court just for larping as neo-nazis

>> No.13086760

>Chapo pretends to be communists, but are neo liberals
they barely even pretend to be demsocs, but in what way do you consider them neoliberals? because they have a lot of patreon subscribers? because they wrote a book and it's not free?

>> No.13086786

Imagine listening to any of these podcasts. I'm just here to fling shit at our resident assblasted marxists and the very obvious newfags insinuated among them. Do you guys actually do this? Listen to retarded political podcasts and then also listen to the other guys' podcast you don't even like? Jesus christ.

>> No.13086815

anything's better than being a polfag

>> No.13086819

anything is socially better for me among my undergrad peers than being a polfag*

It's not like you guys have any arguments against race differences or whatever other subject

>> No.13086822

I listen to chapo like I listen to the FT news brief podcasts, to keep abreast of what crazy retard pundits are writing without having to aggregate everything myself

>> No.13086831

lol seething

>> No.13086833

stop shitposting dumb newfag

>> No.13086834

Rather be a /pol/tard than a tranny desu

>> No.13086836

> Argument against race differences
What's a an argument in favor of race differences? Let's say you conclusively prove that blacks are inferior to whites what will you acomplish?

>> No.13086842

listen, you got BTFO so go back to your hideout

>> No.13086845

reminder that every black country, every black city, and every black population in every nonblack city, universally, without one single exception, are trash

reminder that you have not even one shred of evidence that blacks are capable of acting in a civilized manner, let alone some sort of preponderance that would make racism an absurd position

>> No.13086846


>> No.13086850

>to keep abreast of what crazy retard pundits are writing
weird hobby but okay. I listen to schizophrenics and creepypasta channels myself.

>> No.13086852

This dude looks like a fucking Sims character

>> No.13086854

reminder that you are incapable of having sex :-)

>> No.13086856

imagine being this defensive over a podcast

>> No.13086861

Botswana and Ghana seem alright.

>> No.13086862

> hurr let's hate niggers and prove that they are shit and then maybe genocide them
that's not a political program tho

>> No.13086866

Whites are the only race without a single third world country to their name.

>> No.13086871

reminder these people post these same comments dozens of times every day

>> No.13086872

Imagine being this defensive over an anti-semitic, racist, nazi sympathizing image forum

>> No.13086873


>> No.13086876

in any case, it's definitely cuck shit to consume media that other people produce

>> No.13086875

imagine being this threatened by a podcast

>> No.13086883

Probably because you are shitposting outside of your containment board.

>> No.13086884
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in response to the same polshit being posted every day ;)

>> No.13086885

Moldova, Montenegro, and Russia are more or less third world.

>> No.13086889

Thank you based chapowarrior

>> No.13086892

You stupid fucking moron, that’s all one poster!

He got you that time :3

>> No.13086893

Botswana, which has diamonds and is run by debeers, has a per capita gdp of 7.5k, a 22% adult HIV rate, and a homicide rate of 15 per 100k

Ghana has gold and oil and a per capita gdp of 2k

>> No.13086894

So how do leftists explain the fact that those countries are shit and third world? It's either Communism which leftists support shitty genetics which leftists don't acknowledge as real or a combination of both

>> No.13086895

I've listened to maybe 5 minutes of cum town at most.

>> No.13086896
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Keep fighting the good fight. Don't let racism and hate fester on /lit/

>> No.13086900

It's funny
He's the guy who "lifts" but he just looks like a chubby retard

>> No.13086903

have to report because you know it's true lol

>> No.13086905

Capitalistic exploitation, hun.

>> No.13086906

You're mentally ill dude. This response isnt even coherent to what is taking place. You're just on repeat.
yeah man I called people who watch political ecelebs retards I'm fucking shook. Its shocking you guys are so delusional. The constant projection of emotional states and whatever embarrassing accusation is just sad honestly. You have literally nothing else.

>> No.13086907

Based cumboi

>> No.13086914

>yeah man I called people who watch political ecelebs retards I'm fucking shook.
You made an entire thread around it because you couldn't cope ;)

>> No.13086918

>just spams nonsense when he gets upset
>anyone else is the problem
based retard

>> No.13086920

They look so oily and greasy

Is anybody else seeing this? They shimmer like slugs

>> No.13086923

>The constant projection
I don't even listen to these retards. What I do see is countless threads of redd*t migrants whining about this thing or the other that's not alt-right enough for them and rallying to the other retards on here for emotional support. It's cultish!

>> No.13086926
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Do you really believe this? I haven't made a thread that isn't about thomas pynchon in 5 years.

>> No.13086929

garbage in garbage out

>> No.13086931

Most leftists are willing to admit that the USSR was poorly run. They probably chalk the rest up to the failures of liberalization. Most of Eastern Europe outside of major cities is third world when it comes down to it.

>> No.13086932

based reddit astroturfer

>> No.13086933

Pinecone is a socialist tho