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13083038 No.13083038 [Reply] [Original]

Are Europeans more widely read than Americans?

>> No.13083088


>> No.13083207

why would they be?

>> No.13083361

in general, yes

europeans are more steeped in literature and the arts simply by historical proximity

>> No.13083451


T. yuro

>> No.13083460


Yes, definitely.

T. Non-European living in Europe.

>> No.13083485

what part of Europe though?
point being, if you take 1 random American from all 50 states, put them in a room, chances are they will have a bit in common.

Do this for each major province in Europe and it would be a clusterfuck.

>metropolitan Geneva coffee hipster =/= Romanian dairy farmer =/= middle class Scottish guy

>> No.13083564

western, no
eastern, maybe

>> No.13083625

>San Franciscan hippie =/= New Jersey Italian father =/= deep Southern farmer

>> No.13083631

Americans read negative amounts of books.

>> No.13083682

In my experience all three of those hypothetical people you mentioned would still have much more in common, and get along with each way more easily, than the three Europeans I mentioned.

t. was born in Europe, lived there some years, grew up in an American city where neighborhoods regularly featured all three types of people, has lived still in American "ethnic enclaves" (Hawaii, white southern towns, ghettoes), has closely befriended still people of all those backgrounds (Italian-American NYCers, Californians, etc.), has experienced first hand social experiments where people from all over America from different socioeconomic backgrounds are forced to live together and work as one (boot camp), and then still have since visited enough metropoles and villages in Europe to know that I don't know wtf I'm getting into travelling from one province to the next needless to say one country to the next.

>> No.13083716

What about Jamaicans vs Taiwanese people. This stuff is really important to my perception of those people

>> No.13083745

You’re just mentioning cartoon characters anon. A modern agribusinessman, a guido familyman, and a Silicon Valley programmer taking LSD to “think different” could all wear the same suits and drink the same coffee in the same office building and be barely indistinguishable. I come across people like these everyday.

>> No.13083752


In italy they literally learn latin and greek in public high-schools

>> No.13083759


Statistically speaking, if you google the average of how many books a year each country reads, US and Europe are not that far. France reads more than the US, but for instance UK and Italy read less than the US, so it's difficult to draw a neat line.
In my experience, though, people who read in Europe are well-read, while people who read in the US are not necessarily.

>> No.13083783

They should teach them better English instead.

>> No.13083830

>UK and Italy read less than the US


>> No.13083839

That's out of despise

>> No.13083850


Well at least they and other europeans can learn other languages, contrarily to native anglophones who have no understanding of basic grammar whatsoever

>> No.13083855

ESL or satire?

>> No.13083872

On a general level no. Only difference I'd think would come from the literature read. Americans would have most likely read only anglo lit whereas Europeans, thanks to cultural dominance of English, would be familiar with anglo lit in addition to the local literature. In this way European could be said to be more widely read.

>> No.13083913

Euros also translate more literature (including non-English books) than anglos. I've read multiple books which have been translated into Finnish but not into English. You can get EU bux for translation work and studying languages is overall more common (and useful), I guess.

>> No.13083919

>antifa beta cuck=/=isis dweeb=/=chad IRA

>> No.13083985
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>They should teach them better English instead.
No they should not.

>> No.13084016

I'm American, live in the UK and have a yuro gf. Stupid people exist everywhere, but your home country's particular brand of stupid will always make you cringe more

>> No.13084027


At least learning Latin for an Italian is kinda useful.

Native English speakers should just learn French and German to really appreciate the English language.

>> No.13084059

There are countries in Europe where no one reads

>> No.13084077

Ah the YUROP cope thread. Nobody fucking reads anymore anywhere.

>> No.13084101
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Probably since here in American most republicans and all Trumplidites think reading in a socialist construct. I mean books are kept in those communist buildings called "Library"

>> No.13084121

owning the republitards

epic win

>> No.13084155

>widely read
Probably but contemporary fiction is trash anyway.

>> No.13084186

They dont even read their bibles they claim to love so much!!!! Dang righttards!

>> No.13084204

>Are Europeans more widely read than Americans?
I suppose so, but neither are very well-read generally.

>> No.13084345
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doesnt dare to have his own opinion. only likes books that others also like

>> No.13084413

Yes I do think this century so far has been a wash for literature. NPC out.

>> No.13084708

You're kinda wrong though, you haven't look hard enough, that's all. It's so easy to look at the past and say it was better, all the shit stuff sank and was forgotten a long time ago.

desu you could make the same claim for music for example, but you couldn't be further away from the truth. In my experience, people that say that literature/music/cinema/art in general is bad nowadays are people who have no clue of what's actually happening atm.

>> No.13084764

I can at least be thankful that we're more well read than Asian countries

>> No.13084859

europeans don't have massive entertainment industries that churn out shit for brainlets to waste every minute of their free time, for instance french movies are awful so of course people read books instead, Wellbeck is more appealing than the newest romcom about a somalian migrant and a wealthy noble woman or another shit police tv show.

>> No.13085419

No, not even remotely. The only people saying otherwise are Europeans who still don't realize they are Americans and future victims of Paris syndrome

Europe is totally 200% Americanized. Romantic mutts in the Western hemisphere like to imagine that when they get to Europe they'll be greeted by dairymaids and stained glass windows, and Europeans like to imagine that their brains aren't the personal property of Starbucks and Google, but in actuality both worlds have long since melded into the same crappy reality we find ourselves in, and guess what, Starbucks won.

The horrifying truth is that America is simply an exaggeration of Europe's worst tendencies, Europe feeds on American exaggerations since it has none of its own, and both regions are trapped in a self-reinforcing cultural feedback loop that will only end when Europe has nothing European left

Europe is a European-themed economic zone within the United States of America. Europe has no real remaining cultural distinctions from America, Europe is America and at best a subculture of the wider American Empire.

>> No.13085445

i'm confused, is that coffee or alcohol?

>> No.13085844


>> No.13085853


>> No.13085878

Europeans are more well-read than Americans, but this isn't because Europeans have such a well-structured, respectable school system, rather it's because the American school system is so bad that any random sub-Saharan African is probably more well-read.

>> No.13085892

Like the other anon said, you're just taking fictional characters.
If you took a middle class parent from three different European countries, and three middle class parents from three different American states, the differences between the Europeans would be huge in comparation with their American counterparts.

>> No.13086634


>> No.13086636

America doesn't have a middle class

>> No.13086737

Yeah, and from my definition of “european” I also exclude anglos. Anglo-saxon pupils receive very few intellectual stimuli from a scholastic system oriented only towards concrete achievements, and have less pressure in learning a foreign language because the English language they naturally spoke is lingua franca for achieving the concrete, material aims they’re encouraged to pursue. You can’t even conceive how useful for the mind is learning a foreign or dead language.

>> No.13086744

>>13083783The same could be said for anglos.

>> No.13086764

Those lazy Europeans don’t wanna learn muh language hurr durr

>> No.13086826

Well, we need to it to be easy enough for Blacks to complete it...

>> No.13087253

Be quiet AOC

>> No.13089042

>You're kinda wrong though, you haven't look hard enough, that's all.
19th century had better literature mate, I doubt I'm the only one here who holds a similar opinion.

>> No.13090006


>> No.13090011
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Hmmm yessssss Europeans...

>> No.13090420

I used to think so. I'm American and when I moved to France I naively thought I'd finally get to meet many like-minded people whose lives are devoted to literature. Turns out they all consume the same American music, movies, and TV shows as Americans, and very few read outside of school.

>> No.13090425


T. Living in Italy.

>> No.13090429

This. Everyone likes to pick on America because its an easy target but shit is the same everywhere.

>> No.13090430

Oh lord — you’re a two week tourist from the US with keen insights, aren’t you?

>> No.13090450

You are giving America too much credit. Capitalism isnt just an American phenomenon

>> No.13090478

Latin is mandatory for the first two years of high-school in francophone Belgium. Not that it benefits most people, but it awakens interest in some and they can choose to have Latin plus Greek for the rest of high-school.

>> No.13090543
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This guy gets it.

>> No.13091609

Because they are faggots.