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13081353 No.13081353 [Reply] [Original]

Worst book you've ever read.

>> No.13081394
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My mind will never recover from how garbage this book is.

>> No.13081400

What's wrong with it

>> No.13081434

It's incredibly gimmicky, has an obnoxious child narrator, and tries to use the 9/11 attacks for some cheap pathos.

>> No.13081450

so Bush's presidential term?

>> No.13081507

Okay, this is epic

>> No.13081523

lol, have my upvote :)

>> No.13081525

Go back

>> No.13081530

What when

>> No.13081538

Hating this book is a meme
It’s not that bad
Niggas rather stare at words they barely understand and feel esteemed by an estranged Chinese dogsoup enthusiasts forum than actually read something comfy and entertaining

>> No.13081555
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The book that made me more careful about what I read.

>> No.13081563

But thats the whole part of art anon

To communicate that which is otherwise incommunicable, so of course its hard to understand

Otherwise whats the point? Just read a summary

>> No.13081574

>reading Japanese pulp made me wary
You might be an idiot for not understanding exactly what you were getting into going in

>> No.13081582
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>> No.13081592

no, no,no ... you misunderstand
I mean people literally don't know what the words mean but continue to press on because they derive more abstract satisfaction from finishing a highly-valued and esoteric text, rather than enjoying reading itself, which should come first imo. I don't read things I don't understand, until I have the base of knowledge necessary to read them. Many such cases.

>> No.13081601

fuck commas btw

>> No.13081604
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>> No.13081633
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Some fuckwad was handing these out on my campus and I made the mistake of reading it

>> No.13081646

Have you seen the movie? Is it similar?

>> No.13081661

What if I enjoy reading for the difficulty, and overcoming the challenge to broaden my view?
I believe your view is that books should be read only if they are immediately understood and enjoyed thereby. If that were the case, then nobody would know how to read, since every person begins his reading life at a deficit.
There is enjoyment in the deficit and the overcoming.

>> No.13081667
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>> No.13081681

In the book.

>> No.13081704

There's some similarities, but the movie is an improvement. It is largely saved by cutting out a lot of pointless crap (gimmicky writing...things, a bizarre description of the protsgonist's grandparents' relationship) and have a really good cast. The movie successfully rescues what goodness was contained in the book from a truly wretched mire of shit.

>> No.13081709

yeah ur probably right that my view is stupid.
but I still think that people should not chain themselves to a book until the final page is turned just to prove something. I quit and return to books all the time.

>> No.13081729

I think you're right that some people brute force their way through a book simply for pride.
I can say that was true in my case.
But in the searching, sometimes an opening is reached, and a breakthrough. A radical change of heart, or perhaps a transvaluation of one's entire moral outlook. Suddenly the effort was not so futile. I read hundreds of books blindly, for nothing more than the stimulation of pride. But eventually there was a breakthrough.

>> No.13081770

Upvoted for epic win and republiturd butthurt. Vote democrats, right wingers are racist nazis who oppress people

>> No.13081797

I enjoyed it when i was 14. Looking back it seems pretty lame compared to other fantasy series. The main character is just good at everything and faces no challenges. Definitely not the worst book ive ever read. That would have to be hunger games or some other tweenie girl or young adult fiction book

>> No.13081941

the only people that like Bush nowadays are liberals.
Trump supporters/right wingers don't.

i.e. liberals are the nazis that oppress people

>> No.13081959

I am extremely annoyed by this and name of the wind.
It's written in such an enjoyable way that I can't help liking it, but Kvothe is such a fucking mary sue and everyone else just revolve around him.

How does one who otherwise write so good do this so bad?

>> No.13081972

Wise Man's Fear is even worse. Kvothe is such a cuck it is cringy.

>> No.13081996


More of a Lattimore guy (or Pope!?) or just trollin'?

>> No.13081998

Is he now? I mean he impresses a 1000 year old sex godess with his virgin fumbling.

>> No.13082143
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>> No.13082333


Based and redpilled. Obama was just eight more years of Bush.

>> No.13082341


You take that back, you take it back!

>> No.13082350
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This or Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk.

>> No.13082358

Was just about to post this. What absolute trash!

>> No.13082374

World War Z

>> No.13082411

unironically based

>> No.13082434

There's a crazy story behind that book, the author was apparently some rich cunt who literally self-published millions of copies and paid people to distribute them, even make fake "protests" against the book - there's a copy in every thrift shop in America, I swear.

>> No.13082542
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literally what the fuck was this?
based. the Iliad made me consider suicide, and Ender in Exile almost made me stop reading the series completely. neither are as brain-numbingly irritating as H*ngry, but still

>> No.13082931

Indeed. Although I'm not sure that its fair to call them liberals now, they want to limit liberty 95% of the time. The new right / populist Relubs are the true "liberals". Trump certainly isn't a conservative.

>> No.13082958
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>unironically based

>> No.13082964

>being so reliant on left-right political divisions that even as you try to break from it you just end up inverting it

>> No.13082978

I'm not reliant on them, they are just convient labels to quickly get your point across. We can sit here and talk about the redundancy of labels all day.

But yes, Trump resembles a 90s era business Democrat more than he resembles a Republican, so things have been inverted in a way.

>> No.13083012
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Yes, I actually gave this a go because I expected the movie was a hack job of a "sci-fi classic," not to mention curiosity as to whether it would tie into the whole scientology backstory.

I forced myself to read about 100 pages before giving up. The movie was actually a pretty good match for the horrible quality of the book.

>> No.13083018

90s era business Democrats understood what foreign relations and public opinion meant, so I hesitate to compare him to them either

>> No.13083083
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Kiss the Girls by James Patterson

Some parts were actually pretty funny tho, "He made a noise. It sounded like 'yaaaaaaagh.'"

>> No.13083180

>foreign relations
Trump is great on foreign relations apart from Western Europe and Canada.

Public opinion is sort of irrelevant since 95% of the corporate media have been running a smear campaign against him nonstop since 2015.

>> No.13083216

>great on foreign relations apart from Europe and Canada
he almost caused war with N Korea over Twitter, and I hesitate to call our situation with Russia a friendly one, even if it's ever so slightly better than before
>smear campaign
the interesting thing is that if this were true, it would be unnecessary. it seems he smears himself by simply existing minute to minute; his Twitter is actually embarrassing, and he regularly accuses critics from all sides as literally making shit up, no matter how well documented his past statements are. when you've already devoted your existence to being a walking joke, "smear campaigns" literally just reflect reality without the need for exaggeration

>> No.13083320

Fucking morons. He's obnoxious as fuck and if its too annoying to read that's fair, but you think he's a Mary sue you are top tier brainlet who needs to re read or else become smarter in your brain

>> No.13083338
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>> No.13083356

>he almost caused war with N Korea over Twitter
No he didn't. He has instigated peace talks in NK when every other president said it was impossible. The south korean govt officials openly stated this. He's great with Eastern relations in general. He has lots of experience from decades of business. When he goes to China they have parades for him, the chinese left obama on the tarmac. Obama shouldve turned around and flown home but he doesn't understand them like trump does.
>the interesting thing is that if this were true
Of course it's true. You have CNN reduced to tabloid gossip, rambling about pornstars fucking him and maybe he skimmed on his taxes. Then you have the russia conspiracy theory which is the biggest of them all. Nonstop coverage for 3 years, resulting in an exoneration by Mueller and Senate intel. There are univeristu studies proving he is the most vilified president by the press ever.

You really put a lot of stock into his twitter shitposts. You're also really low info and sound like a girl. I'm sorry but I know a lot more about this than you and you're really out of touch. I'm hesitant to call you stupid because you're a lady and are probably just misguided by propaganda.

>> No.13083360

No, he's good at everything. It was written by a gamma male. Pretty pathetic honestly.

>> No.13083363


>> No.13083377

After dark by Haruki Murakami
It holds a special place in my heart tho since thats the book that teached me that a book could be as bad as a bad movie.

>> No.13083379

I'm actually a faggot. male, but a faggot. that may explain why I sound like a bitch

>> No.13083386

lol are u Berk? I remember this

>> No.13083425

Ya, I could tell.

>> No.13083444

Yeah I don't understand how you can repeat tabloid-tier shit in regards to Trump. I'm not American and was tired of hearing about him in the news even before the election. Like half the world's media has spammed smear articles since 2015, most of them are misinformation, intentional misinterpretation, or gossip. I have seen articles where they take a sentence out of context or an idiom and stretch their misinterpretation to extreme lengths to smear him. It's pathetic and shows how unreputable and lowquality all news outlets are. I don't see how you can engage with that. It's extremely absurd. The same people that lap it up would probably complain about muh capitalism muh elites, yet they still gobble up their droppings and little games. They've only done this because Trump being elected (and reelected) goes against the order of things. It's pretty fucked that even though he's part of the elite he's not in their circles and doesn't do what they want 100%, so they've enacted a global smear campaign. Imagine if the average man tried to get anywhere near that position. It's beyond impossible.

>> No.13083453
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>> No.13083456

I'm not saying everything people say about him is true, just that very little of it is an outright lie, since the news is so busy reporting on the actual shit that he's done to stir up much gossip (CNN and HP seem to find time for both, though). ironically, I've seen more misinformation, misinterpretation, and gossip from his supporters than his detractors

>> No.13083461

this book is shit, but it's actually one of his better books. Haunted, Lullaby, are far worse than this book. At least Rant has the cool idea that in an overpopulated world some people will be forced to live at night.
TLDR: this book sucks, but he's written far worse

>> No.13083466
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>> No.13083478

No, he is presented as a bumbling idiot but he's no more that than most other politicians, less so than the last couple of presidents. You are looking through layers of information control, selective reporting, smearing, and presentation (the most important of all). I despise all politicians, businessman, and journalists. Trump is no exception, but if you gobble that shit up you are a retard actively supporting all that is wrong with the world. Don't stave off this bullshit aggressive worldwide smear campaign and control of your mind as something minor.

>> No.13083480
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this is the worst book I've ever read and finished. there are many that were so bad I never actually read the whole thing. so that does say something about this book. though I read it when I was stuck living in China, and the internet was basically nothing, and I'm American and don't speak your Zhong Wen
though I could write a decent sized treatise about why this book is so bad

>> No.13083491

I literally don't even read the news that much, and when I do it's through multiple sources. my interpretation is straight from the horse's mouth: Trump's tweets and speeches. tell me where in there I can find the filters