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13076262 No.13076262 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will help me become a better Catholic?

>> No.13076268

inb4 Bible

>> No.13076273

Confessions of Saint Augustine

>> No.13076275

The Qur'an

>> No.13076277

Catholics will go out of their way to read everything but the Bible.

>> No.13076292
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Perhaps the Bible contains far too much extraneous material and interpolation and is written badly in many places with info dumps totally irrelevant today

>> No.13076300

Read the catechism if you haven't. Read it very carefully, and if you don't grasp all the terms go back to Aristotle. Keep in mind so much of Catholic theology was formed in the first millennium when the most powerful tool philosophers had was Aristotle's syllogism.

>> No.13076419
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>> No.13076425

It's literally read at every mass, which we have multiple times a day, every day.

>> No.13076432

I second this. Good luck reading the part where it is literally just a list of laws. Kings is the best book.

>> No.13076455

Reading excerpts that make you feel happy isn't reading it.

>> No.13076465
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Unironically this one

>> No.13076500

read in latin?

>> No.13076520

not that anon but no. how about you attend mass guy and figure out which way you're going. readings in the ordinary form are given in the local language.

>> No.13076527

Is this book a meme or is it good?

>> No.13076535

say thanks to martin luther for that one, cathocuck.

>> No.13076546
File: 28 KB, 220x340, Lord_of_the_World_book_cover_1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second these

>> No.13076549

More like Huss

>> No.13076551

Could you elaborate? I'm thinking about reading it one of these days.

>> No.13076563

It's a meme. Not to say Dawkins is a meme. But the fact that a evolutionary scientist got this mad at people not believing his work, that he now goes out to make people stop believing in their faith/community is a meme.

>> No.13076588

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.13076605

it's kind of an existential approach to faith, ellaborating ideas from Spinoza and Kierkegaard, and kind of postulates the existence of god stems from the individual need of a god rather than from a rational universal cause that sustains the universe. The author very warmly walks you through a lot of classical and modern theology and philosophy, and he shits a lot on Nietzsche and protestantism. It's good fun. (sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense, english is not my first language)

>> No.13076623

Abrahamic faiths are retarded, anon.

>> No.13076628

No that made sense. I'll probably read it now cuz of the Kierkegaard, thanks.

>> No.13076827
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based and semitepilled

>> No.13076931

nah the ones about hell get read too
no but some of the responsorials and hymns are

>> No.13076950

thomas aquinas!

>> No.13076962
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read the guy who btfo Aquinas

>> No.13077067

The bible or the Catechist

>> No.13077085

Lost in the Cosmos
>easily Walker Percy's strangest book. On its surface a darkly humorous parody of the literature of self-help, this late work ... runs the reader down a gauntlet of multiple-choice questions ... whose cumulative effect is to leave her more bereft of answers than when she began. Along the way it conjures up dialogues between talk show hosts and long-dead theologians, inveigles its readers into seriously contemplating suicide, shoulders in on the debates of academic semioticians, presents an overview of world history that predicts World War III erupting as a consequence of Western anomie, and arrives at its denouement by way of … science fiction stories of nuclear war and alien encounters.

>> No.13077088
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good read

>> No.13077089


>> No.13077134

Perhaps you are a dumb frogposter

>> No.13077335
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Genesis is the best imo

But isn't this why most Catholics who love reading would rather read something besides the Bible never reqd it all? Even the occassional thumper who does read the whole thing seldom reads much of it, he just reads and rereads the same 20% or so

>> No.13077695


Perhaps Catholic doctrine is contrary to the word of Jesus and he never calls Mary "mother".

>> No.13077728


I unironically agree because Catholics are essentially and practically Atheists.