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/lit/ - Literature

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13071572 No.13071572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the reason why I'll never read a book written by a woman

>> No.13071579
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>thinks that all those men aren‘t just horny for her cunt
>thinks that physical intimacy is the same as emotional intimacy
>thinks that physical intimacy can quench the thirst for human connection to sooth the feeling of solitude

I take it, you‘re inbred

>> No.13071586

I'm lonely too

>> No.13071588


>> No.13071601

You're just as retarded as OP. Implying you femcels or normie women could ever offer emotional intimacy. Go make some more shitty feet posts you dumb, fedora wearing butterfly.

>> No.13071614

I'm not a female I'm just weird and standoffish.

>> No.13071617
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Would take this seriously if it werent written by some poly lesbian in her 40s.
Truth is, you cant separate physical intimacy from emotional intimacy as the bodies release the same "emotional intimacy" hormones when having sex that makes you attached to the other person.
Believing that sex can grow separated from emotional invesment and attachment is pure capitalist brainwhash. That's why hoes have a harder time staying in a relationship.

>> No.13071623

>women could ever offer emotional intimacy
What makes you think we are not just unable to do so to the degree our male vis a vis is unable to establish emotional intimacy? It takes two for this.

>> No.13071625

Nice try trannie.

>> No.13071647

>poly lesbian in her 40s
I‘m sorry to disappoint you but i‘m just an impostor to soften her impact

I agree with you that you can not completely separate emotional and physical intimacy, but it‘s not a „either/or“ situation. It‘s more a question of intensity. Meaning that on the lower end of the slide, emotional intimacy might be almost non existent.
This is inherently one of two male breeding systems at work. One is triggered by very old instincts. It‘s the one porn caters to. The „hey, i need your COCK! RIGHT NOW! IMPREGNATE MY YOUTHFUL CUNT!“
This is like a male brain bypass. It‘s the opportunity to spread your semen without any obligations tied to it. It‘s a jackpot for your genes. It‘s very hard for a man to not fall prey to this because it would be so rewarding. That‘s why many men try to get women to do just that: breed with them with no ties.
The second breeding system is less urgent and more developed. It‘s also one prone to be shaped by social norms. It‘s when a man consciously decides that this is the woman he wants to carry and raise his sons, his legacy. He sees value in her character that he can safely impose on his inheritors, even wants to impose it on them.
What females like the op pic are doing is keep the hordes of males at bay that are stuck in the first breeding system. Those are females with dignity, that don‘t see themselves as mere incubators.
Ofc that‘s not applicable to all those situations. A lot of those girls are also still caught in the first breeding system. Those are the thost/sluts/whores/yadda yadda. Those are the ones on tinder, screeching over manlets and how they need a big cock. They are caught in the lower end of sex. The one where emotional intimacy plays almost no role. If you want to feel like those are all women are, go ahead. But don‘t blame a whole gender when the issue is that you haven‘t been able to see the whole picture.
And yes, it is possible that in those masses, some guys with good intentions get drowned out. But is that really a reason to blame the female for it? Do you expect her to go on a date with every single one of those cum flinging gigachads just to separate the weed from the chaffe? Maybe it‘s better for her to just ignore it completely, close her door and concentrate on other important things. Like reading books for example.

>> No.13071649


Thanks for the info I guess. Being stalked by people doesn't equal to not being lonely btw.

>> No.13071671

>Yes, one day you'll know what it is, you'll be like me, except that you won't have anyone with you, because you won't have had pity on anyone and because there won't be anyone left to have pity on you.

>> No.13071680
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>implying romantic love cures loneliness and doesn't sometimes make it even worse

>> No.13071693


>> No.13071721
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True loneliness isn't being alone; it's when someone loves you and you don't have it in you to love them back.

>> No.13071728

Just a reminder to anyone who wants to reply to this thread: you don't have to do it. You're stronger than that. Resist the temptation.

>b-but you replied too, heh
Suck my dick, faggot.

>> No.13071733
File: 80 KB, 750x643, D1312DDF-46F3-4C64-8F0F-F121DDC7AFEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today‘s my cheat day so you can suck your own dick

>> No.13071869

>implying that your implications arent implications of another man implying that somebody implied a third postulate he couldnt not deliberatively speaking elaborate upon without resorting to petty strawmen instigations

>> No.13071899

What a dumb belief. Literature , cinema, and real life have tons of examples where sexual intimacy is a hollow physical experience disconnected from any meaning.

>> No.13071918


It isn‘t. Sex is never completely void of emotional intimacy. Some people just do everything to try to disconnect or make themselves and others believe they are able to do so just to avoid emotional intimacy.

>> No.13071950

I don't know about you, but I've always felt emotionally attached to the people I find myself attracted to the most. Maybe that's just because I'm a beta bitchboy.

>> No.13072032



>> No.13072042 [DELETED] 

Women who only get the first kind of male might have to settle for it if they're not that attractive, though

>> No.13072149

I am agree with you

>> No.13072167

Why do so many people not know the difference between a name and a tripcode? That’s the bigger question.

I feel as if these people are actually fucking retarded. Makes sense. I mean, I don’t like it when you say she’s in her 40s either, because she is most likely not, but this is rather amusing.

I like seeing the hordes of absolute morons thinking they are communicating with her. :3

>> No.13072262

to everyone in this thread:

have sex

>> No.13072315
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Don't have sex.

>> No.13072401
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>> No.13072507

kek, i absolutely love this new butterfly posting

>> No.13072570

Butterfly, this is the most sensible thing you've ever said.

>> No.13072576
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this is why i'll never read a book written by a man

>> No.13072584


>> No.13072585

You wouldn't be "emotionally lonely" if you didn't give up your cunt so easily. Marriage was for the benefit of women, and you goofy bitches ruined it. Live with the consequences.

>> No.13072590

teenage dreck

>> No.13072597

you are not a woman tranny freak

>> No.13072605

Nice opinion.

>> No.13072615

Yes it is, thanks.

>> No.13072622

for me to POOP on!!! lol

>> No.13072633
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fuck off tripfag

>> No.13072705
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To imply all the men jusy want her cunt is to assume the worst of all suitors, and thus the woman is lonely through her own reckoning rather than any other's.
I do not suggest sifting diligently through every potential suitor, by any means, but there are usually far more opportunities for a woman to find a loving and caring male with work ethic and even a burgeoning fortune, which tends to be the only thing a woman cares about, an estate, a good job, a big bank account. many a woman exists who foregoes any pretense of love or emotional union for the sake of a leechlike subsistence on a male.
Regardless, the real problem here is that women and men should be able to find emotional support and unconditional love from their social structures before their mate comes along. if you have no friends or close family, it's doubtful you're going to be able to keep a real relationship going. loneliness is often not eased by the presence of one's beloved, but the full knowledge and satisfaction that they are known, liked, and have someone patient and caring to listen to their every word with rapt attention.
women who are lonely need therapists, because they are ill suited to find feminine companionship that is not supremely toxic. masculine friendships are the bane of women, one notices, as a result of their constantly trying to dismantle the prospect. gauge for yourself if what i say rings true.

>> No.13072709

have sex

>> No.13072743

i have, and do. funny how the weapon of the fairer sex is the inadequacy of the opposite's ability to jizz in a woman. it's as though there's some strange sly hypocrisy there. "all men think about is sex"; adjoining the thought "my i bet that's a sexless loser", a real mental schism. and if you're a man, you should be ashamed for casting me into such a fire and using the tactics of a whore to guide your treatment of those you disagree with.

>> No.13072758

mom doesn't count ;)

>> No.13072772
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>> No.13072781

>Do you expect her to go on a date with every single one of those cum flinging gigachads just to separate the weed from the chaffe?
This is pretty much what a lot of women are trying to do until they realize that yes, gender relations are indeed transactional, and the only real form LTR that exists is codependence. Unfortunately a lot of em realize this only when it's too late.

>> No.13072795

idk man don't you want to go through a slut phase too?

>> No.13072856

I approve this message

You’re retarded for jumping to the conclusion I (or that anon) don’t know it goes both ways

>> No.13072948

The point is when men are lonely they usually have no options what so ever while lonely women have several options and some of them may even be genuine affection that could end with a long term relationship.

>> No.13072991

I'd love to, but lacking the looks and social skill, I had to make do with codependent relationship instead. On the plus side, it makes me value intimacy more, because on the rare occasion woman shown some interest, it was always a package deal - relationship or nothing.

Chads and women who were finding themselves for a decade will almost never develop respect for the package deal, as there was almost no environmental pressure for them to get that imprint.

>> No.13072998

-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise asexual Chads
-women fear of being asexual

>> No.13073004

>slut talking about intimacy

>> No.13073008

every great mind in history was a “misogynist”

>> No.13073034

I’m in a similar situation. I value intimacy and meaningful connections, but I’m starting to wonder if the reason many people settle for sleeping around is because it’s more convenient for everyone. Everyone is so busy these days, it seems like long term relationships don’t develop unless you’re forced into co-habitation.

At this point I’m just hoping I wind up in a situation where I end up being forced to spend a lot of time with a girl I get along with, and seeing what blossoms from there.

>> No.13073071

>At this point I’m just hoping I wind up in a situation where I end up being forced to spend a lot of time with a girl I get along with, and seeing what blossoms from there.
I think there still needs to be some baseline of mutual affection at first. But for anything to last beyond the initial few months infuriation, indeed circumstances must force you into it.

>Everyone is so busy these days
I consider "busy" a lazy excuse. People are unwilling to invest into relationships - romantic or otherwise - when there is no shared experience. This is by no means new to modernity and hookup culture - urban centers were always population sinks, meaning the cause runs much deeper. Cities are catalysts of atomized, independent living. And city dwellers for better or worse, largely do just that.

>> No.13073098

have gender

>> No.13073158

I have a disdain for cities personally. And yes, that’s the observation I made. I attend university in a city and I’ve always got hit with the “busy” excuse for everything. It’s even worse since I commute so I’ve been able to form cliques in halls like everyone else. It’s just so different from what I’m used to. I live in a small town nearer the countryside, and at home it seems like all the neighbors know eachother, whereas in the city the only interaction I get is from someone I sit next to in lecture or occasionally to give a homeless guy change.

>> No.13073168

have sex

>> No.13073203

With who ?

>> No.13073219

Awwwe awesome. You enjoy being a qtpie all the time? :3

>> No.13073223

Have. Sex.

>> No.13073232

Burn that tripfag for the love of good
Its a decent post,but tbe tripfag ruins it all
Always ruins it all

>> No.13073250

Sure you're not the only country bumpkin. I dare say that you're not missing all that much with cliques. I saw your kind when I was attending uni. I suspect you bring the typical "country warmness". This scares us city folk a lot, as it comes across as needy. We yearn this closeness, yet at the same time are not used to/capable of it, and are scared shitless when it's directed at us. It feels like a neighbor who borrows your tools every sunday without getting his own.

Some of us may open more on individual level, as we tend to shed "face" normally worn in clique which stands in the way of intimacy. The notion of BFF comes from there.

>> No.13073253

With . Who ?

>> No.13073262

Wrong. Post.

>> No.13073269

I can feel you anon. I used to think I was shy and autistic, but moving to a city to study made me realize I'm pretty normal overall.

>> No.13073276

Sorry dude ahah

>> No.13073382

>Literature , cinema, and real life have tons of examples where sexual intimacy is a hollow physical experience disconnected from any meaning.
>Fictional works written based on the opinions of other people are the reality and the fact.
What about reading a biology book for once eh?

He's right.

>> No.13073530
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>> No.13073584


>> No.13073585

Based and redpilled

>> No.13073587


>> No.13073592

-Butterfly is a virgin
-She is happily a virgin
-I know other virgins irl
-they are happily virgins
-butterfly bought a collar for me
-I own her

You may post in this thread butterfly. :3

>> No.13073624
File: 75 KB, 502x729, hjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

odysseus on calypso's island is what you pseudobutters are describing

>> No.13073632


>> No.13073781

Very based and very redpilled

>> No.13073812

Incels on suicide watch

>> No.13073936


Because they call you on your bullshit?

>> No.13074015

There are women on /lit/?

>> No.13074033

Who cares?

>> No.13074039

Yeah there are a few at any given time you moron.

Also Butterfly, you should be posting regularly (when I give you permission) thank you very much. Lol when she posts her butterfly will be low :3

>> No.13074048

[1] If by "women" you mean trannies
[2] And guys larping as girls to trigger the "incels"
[3] And at least 2 or 3 actual girls who think they're cool for hanging out with the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.13074089

these are always great
you can post more if you want

>> No.13074125

>dicks go in/ dicks go out
>-b-but muh intimacy!
>and an insult for good measure
jesus crhsit, the inborn ineptitude of women incapsulated

>> No.13074141

For once I like a post you made.
I'll add, picture is inaccurate. Men come not with roses in their hands but with dicks and vape pens. Men have lost all sense of romance. All men are interested in is to get their dick wet quickly, they don't even care with who, or if the woman enjoys it. by the end you leave feeling more empty than when you came.

>> No.13074163

>Men have lost all sense of romance.
women simply refuse to be pleased.
if you were to get the romance you were after some new problem would arise
what women really want is an excuse to justify their need for attention with more attention i.e.: Im dmaged/lonely/different/not like all the other girls/etc.

>> No.13074169

What do you base this opinion on?

>> No.13074171

you're saying that to someone who posts anonymously online. yet you won't even realize that what you say is nonsensical.

>> No.13074202

real nigga facts
no you

>> No.13074239

>what women really want is

“Wommen desiren to have sovereyntee
As wel over hir housbond as hir love,
And for to been in maistrie hym above.”

>> No.13074332

This is the kind of the dumb "research" you find on r*ddit. Finding that some oxytocin or whatever is secreted during orgasm doesn't equate intimacy.
I've been with some girls but I've never felt anything after being physically intimate with them. They felt like commidities. Maybe I'm too dissociated, but I've heard many others describe similar experiences. Only one time I felt some degree of intimacy and it had nothing to do with sex

>> No.13074342
File: 744 KB, 1000x563, 7B1D88F7-7EC0-43BA-80AE-0E4C841C2455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the reason I won’t read non males

>> No.13074364

OP is obviously baiting yet everyone just loves coming in and giving their hot take on things. they should just rename /lit/ to woman studies

>> No.13074422

I'm a lonely fuck who has only ever had a single date that I could describe as something other than "buying a meal for someone" and there are still women out there that I've rejected because I'd sooner spend the rest of my life alone than date them. My lack of romantic companionship leaves my life feeling like a joke and makes it seem as though everything I do is some pathetic attempt to cope with this, and I still won't date these women. So I don't think I can reasonably fault these women.

>> No.13074439

>Finding that some oxytocin or whatever is secreted during orgasm doesn't equate intimacy.
It does as it is linked with many other demmed intimate acts and is what even makes mothers so attached to their sons or makes men more reckless when killing someone. There are many other hormones that do this aswell. Thinking that your choices and consciousness are some kind of singularity that is independent of chemicals and their affects is also a pretty narrow point of view.
So i completly disagree with your statement. It is true that intimacy can be felt at diferent levels but that doesnt mean you dont feel it during a sexual act with another person. Buzz wording the affects of those hormones as "reddit dumb research" is pretty bad imo.

>I've been with some girls but I've never felt anything after being physically intimate with them.
>"I've been there and i didnt feel it, other said it aswell"
This doesnt work as a counter arguement anon.

>> No.13074555

save hex