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13068189 No.13068189 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13068196

They're both idiots.
Zizek irritates me the most. So rehearsed. You might have been able to get away with that bullshit before the internet but now everyone knows you're saying verbatim, the same things you said tin the past. Just like an NPC executing it's dialogue options.

>> No.13068202

imagine being such a troglodyte that you are still stuck on the level of "philosophy" in the current Yuga.

>> No.13068242
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>Zizek's opening statement was just his philosophical beliefs regarding the topic at hand, what an NPC

>> No.13068253

Word for word as he said it before?
Yes, that does make him an NPC.
Makes him a pathetic, rehearsed charlatan no different from an actor memorizing a script.

>> No.13068264

That's why Cupid has arrows

>> No.13068272

He was reading a prepared speech anon. Even though Zizek tells jokes, he's not a comedian, a philosopher doesn't come up with new material for a big show

>> No.13068286 [DELETED] 


>> No.13068294

Peterson really came across as a dumbfuck.
How can you be in the humanities and not have a decent, non meme, understanding of marx is beyond me (given that half your shtick is denigrating Marxists).
I felt embarrassed for him

>> No.13068313


>> No.13068324
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>> No.13068342
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>> No.13068347

He's back

>> No.13068350

i'm a great admirer of your work, this might be one of your best

>> No.13068351

le epic win!

>> No.13068353 [DELETED] 


>> No.13068360


>> No.13068362

Imagine thinking either one of these brainlets know what they're talking about

>> No.13068365


that was amazing

>> No.13068372


>> No.13068376
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>> No.13068383

This board is officially worse than reddit

>> No.13068388

that's what makes it great.

>> No.13068392

formerly better then reddit

>> No.13068402

Peterson is worse about this.
I laughed. OP didn't make the image though.

>> No.13068403

High IQ post

>> No.13068406


>> No.13068412

The Marxism/postmodernism thing isn't coherent on the surface sure, but there is a deeper relationship on which it makes sense. Much like how sections of the left act as apologists for radical Islam. The hypocrisy of their beliefs and behaviours is what people like Peterson are critiquing. Saying 'yeah well our views are incoherent therefore cannot be what we actually believe' is not a valid defence.

>> No.13068436


>> No.13068450

What a ridiculous picture. Zizek didn't say that because he knows better. Deleuze was a fucking materialist.

>> No.13068455

we /tv/ level now

>> No.13068461

Deleuze wasn't much of a postmodernist if we are being honest though

>> No.13068471

Detective retard here, just wanted to say that you are based.

>> No.13068476

>implying being a troglodyte isn't the appropiate mindset during Kali Yuga

>> No.13068481

Neither was Foucault then. If anything he was even less so for his emphasis on the irreducible nature of the transcendental.

>> No.13068504

I would wholeheartedly agree, Foucault himself hated the term

>> No.13068521
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A prepared speech that he used before, verbatim, that people have heard before. Pseuds and posers do that. What killed my interest in e-celebs is hearing them speak in person; they have their rehearsed speeches they give, word for word. It doesn't matter of it's Zizek or some pop-scientist, they are like the quacks who used to go town to town selling medicines, and they'd have their same rehearsed speech they'd say over and over again. This is the same thing with their "philosophy". Same exact things. Same bullshit. Same intonations. Same pauses. Just memorize and wheel you around from point A to point B. It might impress brainlets and get you a small following but if an intelligent person heres you saying the same shit over and over again, they know you're full of crap and are just a worthless ventriloquist without anything novel or insightful to offer. A stageman, not a thinker.

>> No.13068538

Lol try and come up with new philosophical material every year

>> No.13068552

That's not where my grievance lies, brainlet.
If they had the slightest clue of what they were talking about, they wouldn't need to memorize their lines. Intelligent people can speak ad lib.

>> No.13068566
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this is literally the opposite of how academic philosophy works, a stageman comes up with interesting and new ideas to captivate the normies with handwaving; Schopenhauer invented his philosophical position in his twenties and defended it his whole life.

>> No.13068581

Defended it with the same exact lines and words he used before? Time and again? Exactly? No, he didn't.
If speeches were books, they would have written the same book hundreds of times. It's not a new book. It's not even worth going to their events if they are going to repeat a speech I just watched on Youtube.

>> No.13068601

>they wouldn't need to memorize their lines.
>Intelligent people can speak ad lib.

Looks like somebody has never spoken in public multiple times. Lol, who would even want to hear you speak?
Nobody memorizes the lines, simply once you say something once it's very easy to say it again in a similar fashion. A few more times you say the same thing, and you fall into a pattern.

But why the fuck would you spend so much time watching those "hacks" that you know everything they say? Autism? NEET? All of the above?

>> No.13068638
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if Peterson was able to present any sort of comprehension of the subject matter it might have developed into a very interesting conversation, instead Peterson pretty much asked for a live Zizek meme compilation and he ended up loving it.

>> No.13068674

autistic but still hilarious, have another (You)

>> No.13068684


>> No.13068688

he said shit i never heard him say and i've seen a lof of his bs. stop being so sad&mad and read a book

>> No.13068692

OP absolutely devastated

>> No.13068697


>> No.13068701
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>> No.13068712
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Please say sneedposting isn't leaking out of /tv/. For the love of God, please, no.

>> No.13068728

formerly chuck's

>> No.13068736

Oh boy. The irony.
Schopenhauer called Hegel a charlatan for doing the same shit.

>> No.13068760

This. "But Marxism is a grand narrative!" When Lyotard himself said he pulled most of that book out of his ass and admitted it was terrible. Pomo was largely a prank that went too far when angloids took it seriously.

>> No.13068763

Peterson himself points out this discrepancy all the time. The worst thing about the debate is the utter brainletism demonstrated by those commenting on it, there's not a trace of the principle of charity in argument which would help commenters tremendously in not looking retarded.

>> No.13068768

marxism is literally "everything has been building up to the grand battle between the rich and the poor!!!! the poor will win said battle!!!!!!!!! eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" how is that not a grand narrative?

>> No.13068771

Welcome to popularity contest known as democracy; where poor collective memory serves cancerous behavior.

>> No.13068790


>> No.13068791
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>> No.13068797

fucking based

>> No.13068800

You should have made it a collage of past vs present, now it's boring and lame.

>> No.13068801


>> No.13068803

You saying Deleuze wasn't a materialist? Where's your proof pomo is rebranded Idealism?
I'm saying Lyotard's formulation is not definitive and it's even pretty much self-contradictory.

>> No.13068811

>be incapable of judgingo the substance of someone's position
>find a superficial nitpick X
>"pfft i don't listen to people who X, they're just not intelligent enough for me"
very good anon, i bet you're great at tricking normies into thinking you're clever. but you picked the wrong X this time because some people here might have seen the inside of a university and therefore know what a lecture is.

>> No.13068815

I don't think you understand what an NPC is

>> No.13068859
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>> No.13068933

You are without a doubt the most collosal retard ive ever come across in this board, its shocking. Slavoj has dozens of books about a range of topics, all based on his own phiosophical system. In public he is trying to give people an introduction of this so they can understand his books, this is how academic philosophy works in the 1 in a million chance it gets popular. What next, are all proffesors npcs because they give 10 identical lectures every week? Beyond a fucking moron.

>> No.13069121
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t. seething Zizek.
Probably really is. I don't see why you would be this upset unless you had a stake in this. Either that or you're profoundly mentally ill. But those aren't mutually exclusive. That's a given if you're Zizek in the first place. Zizek has motor tics, grimaces, disturbed manner of speech, all indicating SEVERE mental illness. I look at him, I don't see a cocaine fiend or drug user as people think with le sniff; I see someone who is sick in the head, and would have been better off medicated and put to manual labor than entertaining his delusions on the stage. He doesn't offer anything valuable. He surrounds himself around obtuse philosophies that's easy to pseud your way around, Hegel to Schelling to Lacan (the biggest hack of them all). The net result is a Frankenstein bastardization of all of them.
Next time, try being more original instead of memorizing your lines like a puppet. Sorry you can't hold your own here. Maybe if you weren't an quirky EEOC nutjob case, you would have fallen into obscurity where you belong. This whole thread has clearly irritated you, Slavoj. Most professors are midwits but I'll give them credit for not memorizing their lines word-for-word like parrots. But then again who am I? I'm a colossal moron compared to Monsieur Professor Slavoj Zizek, esteemed author of "dozens of books", 'all based on his own philosophical system'. If this really is you Zizek, I give you ten years before you're institutionalized at a psychiatric facility where you belong. Really great minds see through your pseudery, and you cannot handle it when they do. You'll get no pats on the back from midwit undergrad pseuds here.

>> No.13069331
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Serious question: is Peterson a postmodernist philosopher?

>> No.13069374

I think he technically has a grand narrative and I've heard postmodernism rejects that sort of thing but I'm no expert. Arguably he's not even a philosopher

>> No.13069594

he is the example of a postmodern philosopher (NOT a postmodernist). he is concerned with creating a particular appearance and spectacle rather than an engagement with philosophy

>> No.13069650

he's a self-help author who maybe did something vaguely academic 20 years ago.

He's famous for not wanting to call a bunch of hermies "it" instead of "he/she" and attained internet notoriety.
he makes lots of money on patreon.

>> No.13069812


>> No.13069925

actually, steamed hams