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/lit/ - Literature

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13066912 No.13066912 [Reply] [Original]

All these white male authors. If you don't think this is a problem, you should. A diverse society demands diverse fiction. Try reading some Toni Morrison, you just might like it.

>> No.13066918

It’s because niggers can’t read and they sure as hell cant write lmao

>> No.13066938
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Too lazy for better bait?

>> No.13066939

Spinoza was Jewish
Whitehead was a britbong
Neechee was kraut
Guenon was a frog
That other nog looks like a bong too

>> No.13066955

I dont' live in a diverse society and I don't read books written by people from my country. Fuck you, I read whatever I want. Why are American so egocentric and obsessed by race ?

>> No.13066962

There is Machado de Assis, but he hated the fact that he was a nigger and LARPed as a white all his life.

I guess the secret for good black literature is self-deprecation.

>> No.13066964

imagine being such a fucking namelet that your name is a knockoff of tony, an already shit name LMAO

>> No.13066966


still white

>> No.13066988
File: 40 KB, 880x480, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the nation with 53% whites, 15% blacks, 7% asians and 24% hispanics produce the most homogeneous thought with hardly any artistic merit. Diversity shouldn't just be in name.

>> No.13066991

>diversity for diversity's sake
The Western canon is not yout average Hollywood flick, you dishonest goat.

>> No.13067019

The only white person pictured is Whitehead (name unrelated)

>> No.13067025

Retard, save for Stendhal, none of these are writers of fiction....

>> No.13067065

Maybe try reading something not in a Western language