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/lit/ - Literature

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13063062 No.13063062 [Reply] [Original]

i have been a regular lurker in this board, and I would say there are quite a significant no. of talented people in terms of literature

I will be having a date with this girl next week, the thing is I proposed her, and she confirmed that my love is not one sided. She also has about the same taste as me in books. But I would like to read something before I meet her.

Good suggestions are always appreciated.

I have been actually trying to follow the
/lit/ top 100 of 2018, till now its pretty good.

This is my goodreads account, which I use sometimes.


>> No.13063085

What kind a fucking retarded thread is this
The worst part is a bunch of sophomore year marxist mother hens who shelter everyone from criticism no matter how fucking retarded they are will come suck your dick. Please drop dead you stupid fucking shitskin, before we decide to fix your countries population issue with horrible chemical weapons and bombs.

>> No.13063100

cum cum cum :(

>> No.13063175

well I never talked with ill intentions, but ok... if you find fault everywhere you will find something...but that's not my matter of concern. I don't think you will be replying again.

>> No.13063204

Ngl this thread is kinda weird. Would reccomend deleting

>> No.13063217

Learn to speak english you shit smelling shit colored retard. Go drown in the gangrene river and choke on goat dick you stupid fucking poo in loo shitposting crotch vomit retard.

>> No.13063236

>shit smelling shit colored retard
As if the vast majority of you white cheese-smelling snow niggers are any better. Why are you people so arrogant? Don't you read a lot of literature? Shouldn't that make you a bit more contemplative and humble?

>> No.13063256

well I can say my english is better than yours in some aspects.

>> No.13063257

>I hate you and you stink!
>p-pls let me live in your country
We're going to bomb and gas your subhuman people out of existence the second things get actually tough, and we're gonna rape all of your disgusting poo women and shoot you in the gut.

>> No.13063265

>fix your countries with horrible chemical weapons and bombs
>shit colored retard
>poo in loo
>shitposting crotch vomit retard
Go back to /pol/. You talk a lot of shit, and it seems to me you want to become a Tarrant kind of figure.

>> No.13063278

>p-pls let me live in your country

Well I think that' something you assumed.
I never have any intentions of visiting US.

>> No.13063279

>well I can say that I am obsessed with using proper english on fucking 4chan because I'm an irrelevant mud person who insists on connecting to a neo nazi website and also I literally can't understand it otherwise so pls use commas ;_;
just lol

>> No.13063286

>m-m-muh go back go another board on this website
>I sure anonymously showed you!
Shut the fuck up you reddit retard

>> No.13063290

Do you even read any literature? It seems like you have a strong murderous impulse? Why not act upon it already and spare us your juvenile bullshit? I doubt some retarded faggot like you could kill someone while looking them into the eyes. You can only do it behind a screen because of "muh PTSD".
>gas your subhuman people
>rape all of your women
>shoot you in the gut
I can't tell whether dealing with your shitty juvenile prose is worse or being slaughtered by savages like you.

>> No.13063301
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Very sophisticated argument. You are like a hateful zombie who lacks all self-awareness. It's not so much that we're communicating, but more like you're convulsing from a strong need for bloodlust. You act like a victim because you enjoy that feeling of vengeance in your vapid life, huh?

>> No.13063311

Here comes the marxist sophomore mother hen

>> No.13063317

>g-g-go somewhere else

>> No.13063329

Well, till now this thread is all about /pol/ things, I actually came for recommendations, do any of you read books?

>> No.13063330

Euripides' Alcestis.

>> No.13063334

So basic empathy is Marxist now? Not wanting to cause unnecessary bloodshed is Marxist?
Well, you have the addition of being a bit more bloodthirsty, which is interesting. You are both somewhat peasant-like, but I find you to be a more interesting specimen in regards to your bloodshed, like a kind of Maldoror of sorts. Have you ever felt what murder feels like? Do you really want to kill people and look them into the eyes as they die? Why do you speak of the value of life so casually? Is it because ultimately you see no value in your own life?

>> No.13063336

nobody owes you anything for your retarded thread about nothing you entitled moron

>> No.13063343

Thank you, I actually have never heard about it before.

>> No.13063344

>being this insecure
>projecting this hard
sad. You sure protected poor OP ;_;

>> No.13063345

Nope, I am genuinely interested in your murderous and psychopathic impulses and whether you've read literature of cruelty like Les Chants de Maldoror. I'm curious to see if you genuinely want to experience what murder is like because you speak so casually about it.

>> No.13063354

It's not about protecting OP. I just find your bloodlust fascinating. I want to be able to tell if it's genuine or just edgelord nonsense. I find it fascinating for reasons you probably couldn't comprehend. Do you feel like the main character from Lars von Trier's The House that Jack Built to any extent?

>> No.13063360

When I woke up this morning, I never expected to watch someone have a racial meltdown on a wacky ass book dating advice thread. But now that it's happened, I can't say that I regret being a witness to the retarded mess.

>> No.13063361
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The planet will deal with Indians and Africans whether or not the west falls

>> No.13063372

Your meme images and insinuation that I am trying to entrap you is nonsense. Rather, I am interested in whether you sincerely have bloodlust or not. Does the idea of murder appeal to you? Let us say it were socially permissible to kill Indians, Africans, or whomever else you dislike. Would you take glee in doing so?

I am interested for literary reasons. What is it that goes on in your mind? Do you salivate when thinking of slaughtering others?

>> No.13063377

>Anime avi
It all makes sense now

>> No.13063384

Tbh, I am genuinely interested for literary reasons in what prompts his bloodlust and whether it's genuine or not, so I am coopting this thread.

>> No.13063385

It doesn't matter if its neo nazis or the chinese. OP himself will probably die horribly for his cursed phenotype in the next few decades. Cry about it.

>> No.13063388

lol OP. What did you expect? The whole idea of this thread makes no sense. Why bring in the story about your new girl and then ask for a normal book recommendation? It looks like you came here only to brag. And post your goodreads for whatever reason; no one asked.

>> No.13063395

It's really at the very beginning of the production of plays that combine both comic and tragic elements, i.e. romances.
Perhaps my favorite play by him.
Good luck, anon.

>> No.13063397

>if someone posts an anime meme on 4chan they watch anime
The absolute state of astroturfers

>> No.13063402

Do you take glee in thinking of the manner of his death and the feelings of agony that he'd experience while dying? Do you fantasize about his corpse decomposing? If it were socially permissible, would you personally kill him yourself?

>> No.13063415

That makes you even gayer you fag lmao

>> No.13063421

I made this thread because I want to talk about a book with her that I read recently, but the most recent book I read was Lolita, and I am sure you understand why I cannot talk about that.

>> No.13063427

The forest is made out of trees retard. Do you lie awake at night fantasizing about swatting mosquitos? Imagine being as hysterical as you and not even being a woman lmao

>> No.13063431
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based retard

>> No.13063440

Tonguecat - Peter Verhelst

>> No.13063441

You're not answering my questions. I am interested in the phenomenology of your bloodlust. I want to see if that rage is real or not. For example, if it were socially permissible, would you personally torture a mosquito and take glee from it? Watch them squirm? What if you were paid a lot of money to do gouge out their eyes, rip them open, and such? When you think of "subhuman savages" and mockingly speak of their deaths, is there a part of you that would take joy in mutilating them or so?

>> No.13063448

>if that rage is real or not
if that rage and sadism are real or not*

>> No.13063457

learn to read you assumptive faggot

>> No.13063458

lurk moar. it'll save people a lot of time.

>> No.13063465


>> No.13063472
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Goodreads thread?

>> No.13063489 [DELETED] 

Hmm, so far what I am inferring from your responses is you have no real self-awareness or depth of consciousness. I am simply inquiring into your thought-processes, genuine feelings, and more, but you simply dismiss such inquiry, even insinuating I am some kind of member of an intelligence agency. It is almost as if you respond to things on a face-value without reflecting or contemplating on your overall values. It is very knee-jerk and mechanistic for you, perhaps a form of conditioning from being involved in this subculture for so long. Therefore, I could only interpret your bloodlust as more of a transitory impulse that comes and goes without having any deeper meaning or significance even to yourself, and I doubt you would act upon it outside of the context of peer-pressure, since I feel that mob mentality is what makes the rabble act upon bloodlust most of the time. You are in other words like an insect, only dangerous when in a group.

I do question though, why I should be a compassionate to an insect in a world without discernible moral standards? However, I remain hopeful moral standards exist, but I grow doubtful by the day. I am the kind of man who has a beast within him, and the only way to reign that beast is through telling myself, "Yes, yes, there must be some moral standards." I question that deeply everyday when walking past people like you. My murderous impulses LURKS in me, like a demon that gnaws at me, and I have frequently confronted it, questioned it, and more. Perhaps, it is I, who is the monster? After all, my horror fiction has been published, and it does kind of... reflect my true self, my true hatred.

Heh, I am the last person you want to fuck with. Carry on.

>> No.13063490

>wow this guy who is telling OP's retarded egostistical demand to fuck off is telling -MY- retarded egotistical demand to fuck off
lol how can you stand being this stupid every waking moment

>> No.13063496

imagine believing anyone is going to read this

>> No.13063501

That's Satya, I don't know about him and his prolonged use of thesaurus.

>> No.13063512

Thanks, I will have a look at it.

>> No.13063530
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>> No.13063544
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wowie but why do you want to murdle people???

>> No.13063592

For mother gaia now fuck off

>> No.13063611

But what if mother gaia was tied to a tree and I gave you a tire iron and $4.50.