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13062195 No.13062195 [Reply] [Original]

Take the neoreaction pill. Finish the Fight.

>> No.13062220

Just read Fanged Noumena, what's next? Mark Fisher seems interesting.
I should add: I am not a Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze scholar. I'm reading the dialogues now, because I SHOULD'VE YEARS AGO!
So, what's my next step? I'm waiting for Empire of the Senseless to come in. Kathy Acker just seems like the style of writing I like.
Am I on the verge of deterritorializing? FEELS LIKE IT! I think theory-fiction is what I was meant to do, but I'm not an academic. I'm a sperg scholar, so what can you do for me, doc? K-nova euthanasia?

>> No.13062224

i already have

>> No.13062227

just chop off your balls now and start wearing tranny leggings, it'll save you some time

>> No.13062540

i already took the Hegel pill,neoreactionary are just the antithesis of progressive and their dialectic wil only get stronger after facing reactionarirs
you can't stop the geist anon

>> No.13062557

go for mark fisher then, he is interesting.

>> No.13062568
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>> No.13062581
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i want someone to reconcile Land and Catherine of Siena. who do i read for this feel

>> No.13062586

The reemergence of monarchy is inevitable, the Age of Kings is coming back, baby.

>> No.13062589

>Mark Fisher seems interesting.
He isn't

>> No.13062629


“We must recognise Burckhardt and Nietzsche as receivers of mnemonic waves [. . .] Both are very sensitive seismographs, which shake in their foundations when they receive and have to retransmit the waves.”- Aby Warburg

Burckhardt kept an ironic distance from the mnemonic spectres and wavemotions of pagan antiquity, Nietszche became the wave. Land claimed the wave actually came from the future. maybe there is no distinction between future and past. Would you rather be God or a professor at Basel?

>> No.13062635
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>> No.13062667

i'm thinking in terms of cybernetics, the homogenous world-state (globohomo) vs its enemies(k-guerilla), its not a question of progress vs reaction but one of heterotopia vs homotopia. flow vs stasis. nietzche vs hegel

>> No.13062680


>> No.13062923

how will this happen though?

>> No.13062935

I like to mix my neoreaction with more pragmatic sensibilities and less optimism.

I like land I just feel the current corporate elite will further unify with the state which will only tighten its grip on the majority. Capitalism will perpetually dissolve everything while authoritarian culture to support the richest will coagulate things in a perpetual cycle.

>> No.13062948

>Age of Kings
not Kings but of Ceasar
and this is nothing new, Spengler said this in the 1920s already; kinda getting bored of all the "the x is nigh" sayers

>> No.13062962
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It will happen because the concentration of wealth and power is inevitable during sustained periods of social cohesion. All the "leveling" periods of history, when there was more social mobility and where a greater percentage of the population had access to wealth and power, all came as a result of calamity: war, pestilence, and social disruption. When things settle down, concentration inevitably emerges, until you're left with both a new aristocracy and a new class of monarchs. It's happened, for example, in both China and Russia.

Meanwhile, democratic political systems inevitably decay into rule by a small few. This is what's happening right now in the United States. It's especially pointed because the US government was particularly designed to avoid concentration of power, yet it's happened anyway. The legislature has weakened while the executive has strengthened, and I don't think Congress could take back power from the Presidency if it tried. The inevitable result will be the emergence of a new authoritarian leader of the United States that maintains the trappings of republican government, as happened in Rome.

>> No.13062974

We realize that the American attempt at democracy ultimately failed, and if it can't work there it'll be even worse elsewhere.

>> No.13062980

The Presidency isn't really that powerful, it only has power when coordinating with the informal government. Compare Donald Trump trying to order the military to the border vs. the military being ordered to desegregate schools by force.

>> No.13063945


>> No.13065242


>> No.13065282

Are ccru writings worth it?

>> No.13065367


>> No.13065374
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>its a 'wealthy class has enough money, time for monarchy' chapter
A monarchy requires a strong church to provide a priest-class that is able to legitimize a ruler into a monarch
Without that, its just aristocracy and despotism

>> No.13065398

Idiot, just follow n1x, xenogothic, Justin Murphy. Remember Justin is really proud that there are a lot of trangender catholics in his discord server.


>> No.13065431
File: 25 KB, 400x400, chop_your_balls_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the ballsacks. All of them

>> No.13065433
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>no priest-class

Pic related, a church

Psychiatry/therapy says take your meds and remember your mindfulness exercises

>> No.13065434

Give me a quick rundown on this man. I see him posted in acc circles but know very little about him.

>> No.13065444

Runs a discord tranny server
In contact with Nick Land
Is a Fed
Crypto-humanist subverter

>> No.13065644
