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/lit/ - Literature

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13051278 No.13051278 [Reply] [Original]

Literature with this feel?

>> No.13051280
File: 86 KB, 752x1063, misato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Misato feet.

>> No.13051303

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.13051310

Milton’s Paradise Lost

>> No.13051314

Can you explain the context of the image to help us give you a more useful recommendation? This is a non-virgin board.

>> No.13051317

This pussy is placed improperly for that pose.

>> No.13051319

Book of the New Sun has similar theological undertones (or overtones depending on which passage you reference) but actually does something with them

>> No.13051325

> a non-virgin board
As real as the unicorns, but please proceed.

>> No.13051333

Evangelion isn't the least bit religious.

>> No.13051337


Pietra statue.

So, Dante's Inferno and Paradise Lost.

>> No.13051339

Then it has a dumb name.

>> No.13051342
File: 226 KB, 1702x740, demian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of saying this every Evangelion thread but here it is, what you are looking for.

>> No.13051347

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13051349

It's an anime, what do you expect?

>> No.13051358

thank you for your service, your efforts are appreciated

>> No.13051677

Malazan is basically just a brutal anime written by a Canadian turbo geek

>> No.13052404

Aliens sending themselves, or other aliens to earth, which humanity battles by building androids of said dead aliens, piloted by children to only find out that humanity are aliens too.
Also the MC wants to fuck an underage clone of his mom.

>> No.13052446

>Evangelion isn't the least bit religious.
>those giant crucifixes,"angels" and the symbolism

>> No.13052471

that doesn't make it religious you imbecile

>> No.13053003

Yeah but Hesse is a fucking hack
Why do i have to keep saying this obvious shit

>> No.13053007

the fact they put all that shit still says a lot about why they used that title

>> No.13053183

so is Hideaki Anno

>> No.13054056

It is spiritual and borrows christian symbology for the spiritualism and some of the plot window dressing. You're the plen for ascribing so much potential to it just from familiarity alone

>> No.13054059
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>> No.13054107

It's literally a Christ allegory dressed up as Power Rangers but with more crying.

>> No.13054120

posting "what is the evangelion of literature" threads should be a jailable offense

>> No.13054127
File: 634 KB, 1584x1660, Pietà, Michaelangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian symbolism

>> No.13054128

Nah, the creators have given interviews where they know basically nothing about Christianity, just put some images/words from there in the show to seem exotic to Japanese audiences (they didn't think it would be viewed outside of Japland).

If you have watched the show, you know that it makes no sense if you try to analyze it from a Christian perspective, everything they borrowed from the Bible, the show puts into it its own specific meaning.

>> No.13054148
File: 681 KB, 960x544, tree of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to analyze it from a Judeo-Kabbalistic perspective

>> No.13054151
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>> No.13054181

Like I said, the show imbues the Christian imagery with it's own, new meaning.

You can analyze it from whatever perspective you want, but it wont be the actual artistic message of the creators.

>> No.13054198

The imagery might have its own meaning in the show, but it matches up surprisingly with its meaning in the Bible. The point is that Evangelion uses its symbolism smartly, they didn't just add crosses and angels to be "exotic" or "cool".

>> No.13054220

Well between your word and those of the creators, I take theirs.

Not for any other reason, but just because when I tried watching the show through a Christian perspective (not knowing any better at first), I thought it was the worst pseudo intellectual crap I had ever seen.

>> No.13054241

>wtf this christian/kabbalah apocrypha is nothing like what i learned at sunday school!!!


>> No.13055096

Anno said he did it because it was cool. No hidden meaning behind it.
Also, ultraman references.

>> No.13055339

this is a misconception based on one off-hand remark from a gainax employee. There are other interviews with other employees that claim that Anno was extremely cagey about the religious symbolism, that he didn't communicate his intentions with the team, and they speculated that he probably read some book about it and got interested.

>> No.13055346

Yeah, GR

>> No.13055588

Anno never said that, the people that worked with him said that Anno never told anyone the meaning of the symbolism

>> No.13055694

Evangelion is one of the few good things that get recommended on /a/.

The religious symbolism is just there to add some depth and a second layer, it is completely irrelevant to the actual themes of the show.

You have Shinji, the contemporary japanese dweeb who wants a better relationship with his emotionally distant and authoritative father figure but does not know how to do this. He has difficulties adjusting to the stress and responsibility of adult life, and he is unable to communicate properly with the opposite gender. You have the mother figure Misato who is a closet alcoholic and who yearns for masculine contact. You have Rei which is idealized as the perfect girl but never speaks and Shinji doesn't really dare to speak to her either. And you have that Asuka and the hand that showcases Shinji having sexual urges but being unable to be upfront and develop mature relationships. Instead of accepting her advances he is scared and spineless, but faps to her unconscious body when the opportunity arises. It is literally a show about the issues of contemporary Japan; the lack of drive, hope and future prospects for those entering the adult world, the defunct family unit, and an inability to connect with the opposite gender.

>> No.13055829

Anno quite literally said it was put in because it looked cool.

>> No.13056437

Is it just me or does NGE kind of line up with Joyce’s bibliography? Both start off subdued, relatively normal and far more subtly great, then before long you’ve got 25/26/EoE on one side and Ulysses on the other which are by far the most famous, where the work is purely the creator’s autism and brainlets seethe and call them pretentious. Then I guess the Rebuilds go with Finnegans Wake lol

>> No.13056504

I just watched this for the first time

>> No.13056630

He's got an interview where he says it. Someone posted it on /m/.

>> No.13057558

I mean, he was literally talking to a 10 year old at the time, and creators constantly downplay and backchat their own works, and Japan is an incredibly humble culture, so that doesn't say as much as people think it does.

He was there to get kids into animation and teach them to express themselves, and was out of the depression that inspired the show in the first place. If you're no longer depressed, and you're trying to get kids in a repressive culture to express their feelings, you don't pelt them with the meaning of occult symbolism in your weeb depression diary that incidentally got aired on Japanese TV.

>> No.13057576


>> No.13057591
File: 147 KB, 580x767, uoftx3i79rcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, if we're going to compare it to anything in the West, it should probably be Twin Peaks.

>Popular postmodern shows made by slightly out-there directors of their respective cultures
>Designed as a reflection of and commentary on the culture they were made in, but people just liked the genre aspect (mecha fights/detective mystery)
>The creators become disillusioned with the response their work receive, and after unexpected financial/executive decisions out of the creators control the last two episodes have to be even more surreal and experimental than originally planned
>Each released a movie to wrap things up a couple years later, which was generally panned at launch due to its unapologetic focus on the darker themes of the shows they came from
>Twin Peaks The Return and Evanglion 3.0 both come decades later and criticise nostalgia for the past, and show their heroes destroying their lives by trying to reclaim the past by saving a girl who they should not have tried to save
>Twin Peaks The Return and Evangelion 3.0 both end with the protag stuck in a desolate wasteland, miles from home, with someone who is an empty husk of the person they were trying to save
>Both end on cliffhangers that will never be resolved/will take years to be followed up

>> No.13057592
File: 282 KB, 1080x1080, AR_helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are to the extend that you are in peoples minds, and in particular in yours

Also hedgehogs dilemma

Also Judaic symbolism, but only because the Japanese animators thought that's cool.

Also deconstructing the Mecha genre, but I suppose that's not what OP meant when he asks
>Literature with this feel?

>> No.13057658

Because you're wrong

>> No.13057701

>Evangelion is one of the few good things that get recommended on /a/.
a good half of /a/ shits on evangelion.
Putting aside how shit it is, there's no loli in evangelion, no way /a/ would actually recommend it.

>> No.13059121

I was thinking exactly this for the past couple of weeks myself since finishing the og anime & End of Eva. Eva=the anime Twin Peaks, or TP=the soap opera Eva tho?

>> No.13059322

The german philosopher Schopenhauer created the "Hedgehog dilemma" as seen in the show

>> No.13059476

Sorry anon, but that's reaching too far.
Also Christian imagery has been prominent in mecha anime and tokusatsu since the 70's; Mazinger, ultraman and even Cutey Honey had it.
It just looked cool.

>> No.13059625

Anon, claiming you know what Anno intended based on how he talked to ten year olds, especially when it's almost universal that creators are loathed to explain their works (especially in a place like Japan), is a reach.

I'm not saying he definitely had some 200 IQ reason for every explosion cross, I'm just saying it's as possible that it adds another layer to the show as it is that it doesn't.

>> No.13059728

oh hey! this thread again! good job op.

Search the archive you lazy twunk:

>> No.13059773

NGE and EoE give off a certain emotional high,at least for me
EoE makes me feel a lot of things,i wouldnt be suprised that look for liteature equvivalents for this

>> No.13060204

>non-virgin board.

>> No.13060221

Basically he wants a book with
>Christian symbolism
>Deep dives into characters' minds and psychological horror
>Biological horror and an unnatural feeling
>A civilization too advanced for its own good
>Humans being stupid and shitty and overly bureaucratic
>End of the world scenario caused by the humans playing God

>> No.13060240
File: 60 KB, 540x532, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget best girl

>> No.13060248

Also another theme of Eva but pretty specific to the anime audience so probably not seen much in literature
>Relatable main character that's actually a piece of garbage so get your life together faggot

>> No.13060646

I respect your opinion, but I don't share it. Sorry anon.

>> No.13060737

Blessed and accurate post

>> No.13061015
File: 362 KB, 500x680, asuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you selected the wrong picture. here :^)

>> No.13061112

Asuka's only good for gentle femdom

>> No.13061118

Yes pls

>> No.13061199

He didn't, though. Stop spreading this piece of misinformation.

>> No.13061239

Ccru Collected Writings

>> No.13061249

Eva is an indisputable masterpiece if aren't autistic and can actually get behind the puerile philosophy, the hyperbole and the occasional heavy-handed reference.

>> No.13061285
File: 97 KB, 1023x576, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still watch animu

>> No.13061309


>> No.13061370
